The reason why Cao Cao and Liu Jing are very concerned about each other's healthy lifespan is that they have a bet between them to see who will die first. Of course, it does not refer to the natural life span, but actually implies who will kill the other.

In fact, this is not very interesting, but when people reach a certain age, they will be as serious as a child, especially Cao Cao. He knows that he does not have many years to live, so he pays special attention to the bet between him and Liu Jing.

"Nephew, you are in two prefectures of Jing and Yi, with thousands of miles of fertile land and a population of millions. You have already established an imperial foundation. If you wish, I can ask the Holy One to make you King of Chu or King of Shu, or even King of Han. The imperial court does not need taxes, you can appoint officials yourself, and the imperial court recognizes them all. This is actually breaking the ground and becoming self-reliant. As long as you don’t threaten the imperial court and invade Guanzhong again, I will treat you sincerely and hope that my nephew will consider my suggestion.”

Cao Cao felt that he had shown the greatest sincerity. Almost no one could resist this kind of temptation. He looked at Liu Jing full of expectations, hoping to see the color of temptation in Liu Jing's eyes.

Unexpectedly, Liu Jing just smiled lightly, showing no signs of fascination, "Thank you, Prime Minister, for your kindness. Liu Jing is a descendant of Emperor Gao of the Han Dynasty. How can he not yearn for Chang'an? Chang'an is definitely for me. I would like to persuade the Prime Minister to understand current affairs and withdraw troops from Guanzhong , to save the lives of the soldiers, as for Wang Jue, I still want to persuade the prime minister, the prime minister is already the Duke of Wei, with nine tins on his body. The prime minister has to think about his reputation after death, and for his descendants."

Cao Cao’s face changed drastically. Liu Jing was warning him not to become king again. Cao Cao said that Duke Wei was only the first step. His ultimate goal was to be king of Wei. After that, as long as the descendants are strong, they can completely replace the emperor. This is the reason why kings with different surnames have been taboo in dynasties since ancient times.

At the beginning of the Han Dynasty, Han Xin, Peng Yue and others were kings, and they were eventually killed. Later, Lu's children were also named kings with different surnames, and they were killed again. How could Cao Cao not know these reasons? He suddenly understood why Liu Jing called himself the Han army, not for The imperial court is already preventing him from replacing the Han Dynasty.

Cao Cao's face turned red and then pale. Liu Jing had already seen through his thoughts and told him to speak out, and it took him a long time to say "Huh! With a sound, he turned around and went down the military fort, ignoring Liu Jing.

Liu Jing couldn't help but sneered, he understood Cao Cao's thoughts, he tried his best to make himself the Duke of Wei, he didn't hesitate to make himself the Duke of Chu first, and even added nine tins to himself, but it was for himself to add nine tins, if Cao Cao won the battle of Guanzhong, so it is inevitable for him to be named King of Wei. [

Seeing that Cao Cao had left, Liu Jing rode his horse back to the team, and immediately ordered: "Turn around and return to Hanzhong!"

More than a thousand people transferred their teams and headed for Hanzhong in mighty strength...

Cao Cao was exposed by Liu Jing, and left angrily. After walking for more than ten miles, he gradually calmed down, and couldn't help laughing at everyone: "Liu Jing is my enemy in the first place, and I expect him to speak well of me. Isn't that very strange?" Strange? If so, why should I be angry!"

After finishing speaking, Cao Cao looked up to the sky and laughed.

Zhong Yao brushed his beard aside and said with a smile: "The prime minister is right. In the face of a big enemy, one should remain calm and rational. Liu Jing uses the method of provoking generals. If he is provoked by his words, he may make an irrational decision. , just as he wanted."

Cao Cao nodded, then turned back to Xun You and said, "I don't seem to have finished what Shicai Gongda said. What else is there?"

Xun You smiled slightly, "I want to say that if Liu Jing decides to use troops from Qishan, I have a series of strategies to defeat the Han army."

At this time, Cao Cao couldn't care less about Xun You calling Liu Jing's army the Han Army, so he asked quickly, "What good strategy does Gongda have?"

"This series of tricks, one is called the lure strategy, and the other is called the surprise strategy. We can take advantage of the weakness of the Han army and set a trap."

Xun You whispered a few words in Cao Cao's ear, and Cao Cao's eyes narrowed with a smile, "Gongda is indeed a wonderful plan in the world, and this plan is really clever."

He smiled at Zhong Yao again: "I know that Yuan Chang has a lot of contacts in Guanzhong and Longyou, so I will leave this matter to you."

Zhong Yao hurriedly saluted, "I am willing to serve the prime minister!"

Time gradually came to the end of February. With the end of the spring plowing, the Hussar General's Mansion finally issued an order. County, a total of 15 people and 30 livestock gathered in Hanzhong to assist the army in transporting 30 shi of grain and various military supplies to Xiabian County, Wudu County.

At the same time, Liu Jing ordered Wu Yi to be the general of Hanzhong County, and led an army of [-] to guard the dangerous roads in Hanzhong. Liu Jing personally led an army of [-] to station in Wudu County. prologue. [

The prefecture of Wudu County is Xiabian County, which is located in today's Chengxian area. It is also a wide valley between the Qinling Mountains in the north and the Daba Mountains in the south. It is one of the three major basins in Hanzhong. It was called Chenghui Basin in later generations. At the end of the day, it was called Wudu Valley, a plateau basin about a hundred miles long and tens of miles wide. The land here is fertile and the water source is abundant. It is also the three major grain-producing areas in Hanzhong, with tens of thousands of people living there.

There are two main roads from Bashu to Longxi in the north. One is the Yinping Road in the west. It takes Yinping County and crosses Minshan Mountain to enter the Lintao area.

The other road is Qishan Road. From Wudu County to Tianshui County in the north, it can go directly to the Weihe River. The road is wide and flat, and even cavalry can walk. Although there are many passes in the Qishan area, compared with the six roads in Guanzhong, it is easy to walk. many.

Moreover, in the area of ​​Jixian County, Tianshui County, there are many roads to enter Guanzhong to choose from. After careful consideration, Liu Jing finally decided to set the route to attack Guanzhong as Qishan Road.

In mid-March, Liu Jing led tens of thousands of main troops to Xiabian County, Wudu County. Tens of thousands of barrels of kerosene came.

To the west of the county seat is a large camp that stretches for more than [-] miles. There are nearly [-] large tents, which can't be seen at a glance. This is the garrison of more than [-] civilians and nearly [-] troops, but all supplies and food are stored in the city. .

A large-scale war requires the mobilization of hundreds of thousands of civilians. These civilians are mainly used to transport food and military supplies. Especially in the Hanzhong area where the mountains are stretched, it is more difficult to transport food than the Central Plains and the South, and a large number of civilians need to be mobilized and animal power.

For Hanzhong, transporting food and grass from the central city to the logistics base during the war was mainly to transport food and materials from Nanzheng City to Xiabian County, a journey of hundreds of miles, at least half a month.

However, peasants and livestock also need to consume a lot of food and grass, and even [-]% of the grain and grass transported will be consumed by peasants and livestock on the road, as well as pensions and livestock compensation for peasants who die on the road, etc., so the expropriation of peasants and livestock is generally not Can't last.

This is not to cherish the people, but the consumption of food and grass is too great to maintain. When the general supplies and food are transported to the destination, the people will be sent back home, leaving only [-] to [-] hardcover people to continue to deliver food and grass.

So that’s what it means to say that the war is about national strength. A large number of civilians and livestock must be requisitioned. The requisitioned civilians must be in charge of food, and the requisitioned livestock must be subsidized with money and food. A logistical preparation should be at least two months. If the road is closer, it will take one and a half months. , Money and food were spent like flowing water, and more than 30 shi of grain were transported from Nanzheng, but in the end, only 10,000 shi of grain was used by the army, and the remaining [-]+ shi of grain and a large amount of forage were consumed by peasants and livestock.

This is also the reason why it was difficult for Cao Jun to recover after the Chibi War. The failure of the Jiangdong Army’s westward expedition and the use of internal forces for several years was also the same reason. In history, the Shu Han’s destruction of the country was also caused by the failure of Zhuge Liang’s several northern expeditions. The poverty of the people and the deprivation of the country have a lot to do with it.

The large-scale northern expedition of the Han army this time was based on the savings of Zhang Lu in Hanzhong for more than ten years.

That afternoon, under the escort of more than a hundred cavalry, Liu Jing drove his horse into the county seat. Although most of the peasants and soldiers were stationed outside the city, the county seat was already full of grain, grass and supplies. There are nearly [-] households in the city. Due to the needs of the war, most of the ordinary people were relocated to Nanzheng City, turning this county into a military city.

There are no civilians in the city, only teams of patrolling soldiers, patrolling the safety of food and supplies day and night, and the war is about to start. This is the logistics base of the Han army, and all the food and supplies needed for combat are transported to the battlefield from here.

Li Yan and Huo Jun were responsible for the logistics of Wudu County. Li Yan and Huo Jun were punished for losing Zigui County. Sima of Biebu became the general of Zhao Yun's department and led [-] troops to garrison Wudu County.

This time they attacked Guanzhong, by coincidence, they got another chance. Li Yan was appointed as the rear army lieutenant, in charge of the collection, storage and distribution of grain, grass and military equipment, while Huo Jun was appointed as the rear army deputy lieutenant, in charge of the security of the logistics center.

Li Yan accompanied Liu Jing to inspect the progress of supplies and war preparations. He pointed to a piece of private houses not far away and said, "There are shops along the street, each with warehouses behind them, and spacious private houses. There are hundreds of them. We can save [-] warehouses by using these warehouses and houses to store food and supplies.”

Liu Jing nodded and asked again: "Then how do you prevent Cao Jun's spies from sneaking in and setting fire to destroy it?"

"Reporting to the state herdsman is mainly to establish a joint defense. First of all, there are no ordinary people in the city. Cao's army can only pretend to be our army when entering the city, but all soldiers in the city must form a team of more than ten people. They are not allowed to act alone. Anyone who acts alone should immediately Arrest and interrogation, and soldiers must have a special pass and a password to enter the city. In this way, it is basically possible to prevent Cao Jun's spies from entering the city to destroy. In addition, no fire can be seen in the city, and all ignition objects are confiscated. Even the soldiers in the city eat It was also brought in from outside the city.”

Li Yan's various plans were indeed very rigorous. Liu Jing also found that the soldiers in the city were in teams of more than ten people, and none of them acted alone. He couldn't help but praise Li Yan, and walked into a large warehouse.

This is a huge grain depot. The grain inside is six or seven feet high. A bag of grain weighs one stone. The grain bags are neatly stacked. It looks quite spectacular. Liu Jing patted the grain bag and asked with a smile: "How much food is in here?"

"Reporting to Zhou Mu, this is our largest grain depot, which stores 1 shi of grain."

"Then how much food and supplies have been shipped in?" Liu Jing asked again.

Li Yan thought for a while and replied: "The military supplies are almost over, and the grain and grass should be close to [-]%. If each of the more than [-] civilians makes another trip, it should be almost the same."

"Since this is the case, there is no need for so many civilian husbands. We can start to send them back to their hometowns, and send the livestock back to the counties and counties to save food and grass as much as possible."

Li Yan quickly clasped his fists and said, "I understand, I will start repatriation this afternoon."

At this moment, a soldier hurried up to Liu Jing's ear and whispered something to him, Liu Jing was startled, his eyes showed surprise, why did they come? (to be continued)

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