Half an hour later, Zhao Yun received an urgent report that a Cao army of tens of thousands of people was found on the host road more than [-] miles away. This news scared Zhao Yun into a cold sweat. Invite Pang Tong.

It was also in the afternoon that Pang Tong returned to the camp of the Han army outside the west city with a batch of grain. He was already exhausted after bumping all the way, and fell asleep as soon as he returned to the camp.

Pang Tong had just been woken up by the soldiers. He heard that there was an emergency situation, so he followed the soldiers quickly to the front battalion regardless of his sleepiness.

At this time, Zhao Yun was not in the big tent, but was deploying crossbowmen with Zhang Ren for defense. Three thousand bowmen and three thousand crossbowmen were densely deployed on the outskirts of the barracks, twenty of which were useless in the siege battle. Heavy trebuchets were also deployed at heights.

Thousands of soldiers dug deep and widened defensive trenches in front of the camp. In the dark night, there were pairs of soldiers running everywhere, carrying all kinds of combat supplies, and the atmosphere in the entire barracks was extremely tense.

"General Zhao!"

When Pang Tong saw Zhao Yun, he hurried up and asked out of breath, "What happened?"

Zhao Yun said with a solemn expression: "Our scouts found a large number of Cao troops on the official road east of the west city, about 5 to [-] people, and we are still more than [-] miles away from us, and they should be arriving soon."

Pang Tong was taken aback, "What's going on here?"

Zhang Ren added: "This should be a surprise army deployed by Cao Cao. It came from Guangwei County. The purpose is to attack us while the main force of the state herdsmen is heading north. If we are defeated, the main force of the state herdsmen will lose food and logistics. Supplies will be defeated within three days."

Pang Tong's thoughts gradually came to his senses from the confusion. He pondered for a long time and asked, "Did you send someone to report this to the State Shepherd?"

"Already dispatched!"

Zhao Yun sighed softly and said, "Even if it is 4 people, plus the 2 troops in the west city, we will face [-] Cao troops, but we only have [-] people. The situation is grim!"

"But no matter how serious it is, we must face it. We must not withdraw our troops. If we withdraw our troops, the main force of the state pastor will be threatened by the enemy."

Zhao Yun nodded, "That's for sure, we must not retreat, but I heard from the scouts that this army from the east is not strict in military discipline, and even gathered people to gamble during a short break. The main general seems to be Xu Huang."

Pang Tong sneered and said, "Xu Huang has always been known for his strict military discipline. What does it mean that his army gathers people to gamble when they are resting? Don't the two generals think it's funny?"

Zhang Ren also disdainfully said: "I heard that Cao Cao put down the rebellion of Suyin and Tianbo in Hebei last year. With 20 troops, he wiped out 10,000 rebellious troops and captured 10,000+ surrendered troops. It is estimated that these tens of thousands of people are just a few The soldiers captured just a month ago were reorganized temporarily and sent to Guanzhong, but [-]+ were defeated by [-] Cao troops, it can be seen that they are a gang of mobs, and it is reasonable for Xu Huang not to be able to control them."

Zhao Yun is calmer than Zhang Ren. It doesn't matter whether the tens of thousands of Cao Jun in the East Road are mobs or not. The important thing is how he should deal with this crisis. The safety of the main force of the entire Northern Expedition.

Zhao Yun was well aware that his strategy was insufficient, and he was afraid that he would not be able to handle such a complicated situation, so he pinned his hopes on Pang Tong, hoping that Pang Tong could come up with a proper plan. Zhao Yun couldn't help looking at Pang Tong full of expectations.

At this time, Pang Tong had completely calmed down. He sorted out various thoughts in his mind like an electric current. After thinking for a while, he said to Zhao Yun, "I need to watch the sand table!"

Zhao Yun immediately brought Pang Tong back to the big tent. Pang Tong walked to the sand table and watched the road between Xicheng and Jicheng. Although the road was relatively wide in general, the road more than [-] miles away seemed rugged and narrow. .

Seeing this, Pang Tong said to Zhao Yun: "Now the key to the whole battle situation is not us, but the state herdsmen. If I am not mistaken, some Cao troops from the west city will go north and attack the state herdsmen's army from behind, causing an attack from the front and back. We must stop this northward army.”

Zhao Yun nodded, "The military adviser thinks, how many troops should I send north?"

Pang Tong pondered for a moment and said: "The army is not about the number, but the quality. 3000 people are enough, but it must be the most elite army. The leading general must have enough courage." [

Zhao Yun changed his mind, and immediately said to Zhang Ren: "I will personally intercept the army going north from Xicheng, and I will only bring [-] troops north, and I will entrust General Zhang and Army Division Pang to the camp."

Zhang Ren nodded silently, and with 3000 men to stop Cao Jun's at least [-] men going northward, this kind of courage is indeed none other than Zhao Yun, "General Zhao, don't worry, Zhang Ren is here, and the camp will be safe!"

At this time, Pang Tong pointed to a long valley and said: "This valley is called Shenyuan Valley. It is about ten miles long, and the narrowest point is only a few feet. The mountains are high and dense, and it is easy to hide. General Zhao can hide here and kill Cao Jun. One caught off guard."

Zhao Yun nodded, turned his head and said: "Order the Spear and Crossbow Army to assemble immediately!"

At the head of the west city, Xia Houyuan stared at the east with gloomy eyes. Now it is almost two o'clock, and the agreed time has passed, but Xu Huang's army has not shown up for a long time, which made Xia Houyuan feel a little angry. Snorting, he turned to Chen Qun and said, "Xu Gongming actually missed the military plane and wanted to ruin the prime minister's affairs!"

Chen Qun was also very confused. With Xu Huang's prudence and ability to lead troops, such a mistake should not have occurred. Moreover, Zhang Xi is also a very capable general. There must be a reason for missing the appointed time. He thought for a while and said : "I guess it's because his [-] troops are uneven and hard to control, which caused the delay. The general will wait for a while."

"I can't wait. If I wait any longer, I will also delay the military plane. How can I explain to the prime minister?"

Xia Houyuan immediately said to Hao Zhao: "General Hao must strictly guard the city, and cannot fight unless it is critical!"

Hao Zhao bowed and saluted, "I obey the order!"

Xia Houyuan strode into the city and shouted: "Let's go to Kaicheng!"

The [-] soldiers of the Cao army in the west city are already lined up, their armor is bright, their swords and guns are full of murderous aura, and they will go north with Xiahouyuan's army to attack the back of the main force of the Han army. At this time, the north city gate slowly opens, and the night In the middle of the war, [-] Cao soldiers lined up and marched along the North Qishan Road under the leadership of General Xia Houyuan.

Xu Huang did encounter trouble when urging the troops to leave. He originally ordered the soldiers to rest on the spot for half an hour to recover their strength, but he did not expect that most of the soldiers were exhausted. Regardless of the short time, they wrapped themselves in blankets and went to sleep. When they ordered the departure, Nearly half of the soldiers who were sleeping soundly could not be woken up, or it was very slow to wake up, unable to enter the state for a long time.

Seeing the time passed, the army was still in great chaos. Tens of thousands of soldiers were still sleeping and did not obey the military orders. Xu Huang suddenly became enraged. Those who get up will be killed with the stick.

It was only under Xu Huang's iron and blood methods that the army was deterred. The soldiers stood up and lined up one after another. No one dared to resist and make trouble. After half an hour of tossing, the tens of thousands of troops were rectified. Xu Huang immediately ordered the whole army to set off. At this time, the agreed first watch time had passed, but they were still twenty miles away from the west city. Xu Huang couldn't help being anxious, and ordered the soldiers to march faster.However, the rugged mountain road made the march very difficult, and it was impossible to maintain a high-speed march.

When Xu Huang and his army finally arrived in Xicheng, it was already two o'clock in the night, and Xia Houyuan had already led his army northward.

It was very quiet outside the west city. Xu Huang immediately looked at the Han army camp in the distance from a high place. He could faintly see the lights of the Han army camp. The Han army camp was stationed on a low and gentle hillside. About twenty feet, the lowest point is on the ground.

The entire camp of the Han army is distributed in a long strip along the north-south direction. The camp facing the west city is about three miles wide, but two of them are built on the hillside, and only one is distributed on the flat ground. For them, the best attack point It is this Yili camp distributed on the flat land.

At this time, the deputy general Zhang He urged him to come forward and said: "Gongming, General Xiahou led his army northward before we arrived. There are only 1 soldiers in the west city, and Hao Zhao is the commander."

Xu Huang nodded and asked, "Then what is Hao Zhao's attitude?"

"He said that General Xiahou gave him the order to stick to the city. He said that he could not send troops to assist us, and at most he could only provide material and food support."

Xu Huang didn't say a word for a long time. The prime minister ordered the two armies to fight together to conquer the Han army's Dazhai. Unexpectedly, Xia Houyuan refused to send troops at a critical moment. Xu Huang knew that it involved a question of who is the master and who is the deputy. , it was obvious that Xia Houyuan did not want his army to assist.

Nai, Xu Huang had no choice but to say to Zhang Yun: "Start deploying the army! Launch an attack in half an hour."

In the Han army camp, Zhang Ren urged his horse to patrol around and command the army to deploy defenses. He was very active and meticulous. This was also the first opportunity for him to gain independent command of operations since he surrendered to Liu Jing. This opportunity was his dream. Knowing that Zhao Yun specially gave him this opportunity, Zhang Ren was full of gratitude to Zhao Yun.

Zhang Ren stood in front of a huge trebuchet, staring at Cao Jun in the distance. The moonlight was clear tonight, and the silver light sprinkled on the ground, giving people a wide field of vision. You could clearly see the dark Cao Jun in the distance deploying in formation. Thousands of people hold torches, forming a sea of ​​fire, and they are making final preparations before attacking.

At this time, Pang Tong hurriedly found him, "General Zhang!"

Zhang Ren clasped his fists and saluted immediately, "Is there anything the military advisor can do?"

Pang Tong pointed to a forest in the east, and suggested: "We should deploy a flexible army on the periphery. Two to three thousand people are enough. Harassing Cao's army on the periphery may have unexpected effects."

Zhang Ren pondered for a moment and smiled, "The military adviser is right. We really need such an army to be deployed on the periphery."

Lei Tong on the side clasped his fists and said: "General, I am willing to lead the peripheral troops."

Zhang Ren patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "If the enemy breaks through the camp, how can it be done without strong generals like General Lei to resist? The periphery is just harassment. You don't need too many brave generals, ordinary generals will do."

Lei Tong was satisfied with Zhang Ren's praise in his heart, he chuckled and said, "I will obey the general's arrangement!"

Zhang Ren nodded, and immediately ordered: "Bring me Wang Ping!"

After a while, Wang Ping rushed over, clasped his fists and said, "See General."

Zhang Ren smiled slightly: "I want to send an army to harass and attack Cao's army on the periphery, but the army will not be many, only 1000 people. Will General Wang be willing to take orders?"

Since Wang Ping surrendered to Liu Jing, he has not had the chance to play. Of course, this is because he has just surrendered and needs a period of time to adapt.But at this time, the Han army encountered a serious crisis, and Wang Ping couldn't sit still. Zhang Ren gave him a task, and Wang Ping bowed without hesitation: "I obey!"

Zhang Ren quickly glanced at Lei Tong who was standing not far away, and whispered to Wang Ping: "Your task is extremely important, and all actions are up to you. I hope you don't disappoint me."

"Please rest assured, the general, the humble position will never let the general down."

Wang Ping hurried away with a salute. He will lead a thousand elite soldiers to go out from the back door of the camp, bypass the mountain ridge, and go straight to the flank of Cao Jun.

At this moment, Cao Jun's offensive drums rang rumblingly, and the shouts of killing shook the sky. The [-] Cao Jun launched the first wave of attack on the Han Army camp. Crossbowmen in place, trebuchets ready to fire!"

In a slice 'creak! ’Amid the sound, twenty heavy catapults were pulled back, and huge fireballs were put into the iron pockets, and they were launched immediately.

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