Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 581 Inspecting Jingnan

Xun Yu secretly sighed in his heart. The Holy Majesty obviously lived in the deep palace for a long time. He didn't know anything about what happened outside, the changes in the situation outside, let alone how influential Liu Jing was. He took it for granted that he would order severe punishment. It's going to be a big deal.

It’s just that Xun Yu didn’t know that he couldn’t persuade him directly. After all, the Holy Majesty was wary of himself. Publicly recruiting scholars?"

Liu Xie was stunned, he didn't know about this, he shook his head, "I haven't heard of it!"

Xun Yu sighed, "Jingzhou's selection of scholars has a great influence. It is known to all the civil and military courts and even the world. I am afraid that only the sage does not know."

Liu Xie lost his composure, and quickly said, "Can you tell me, servant?"

"Jingzhou's public selection of scholars is aimed at Jingzhou in name, but in fact it is open to the world. It is not for filial piety, but for public examinations. It is based on the merits of the poor and poor. According to accurate information, more than 35 scholars from all over the world went to Jingzhou to participate. Examinations, from Liaodong in the north and Longyou in the west, all the sons and daughters of scholars and concubines rushed to Xiangyang. The momentum was huge, and [-] noble families in the world also sent their children to take the exam, and more than a hundred people were finally admitted. "

Liu Xie was extremely shocked. He didn't know about it at all, and he couldn't imagine that there would be [-] scholars rushing to Xiangyang to take the exam. After a while, Liu Xie said with envy, "Is Xiangyang so attractive?"

"Your Majesty still doesn't understand?"

Xun Yu said anxiously: "Liu Jing is famous all over the world. When Liu Jing conquered Yizhou, how many people asked the prime minister to recognize him as the shepherd of Yizhou? This time Liu Jing went to Guanzhong in the north, all the big families in the world kept silent, and one person criticized him. , the subtlety in the middle, can your Majesty imagine it?" [

Liu Xie's face became more and more ugly, he is not a fool, how could he not understand Xun Yu's meaning, that is to say, Liu Jing has gradually gained the support of the gentry, "huh!" Liu Xie snorted coldly : "The Xun family should also send their children to participate in the so-called public selection!"

Xun Yu answered after a long time: "Your Majesty, what I want to say today is related to the Xun family. I just want to say that even the prime minister dare not cut Liu Jing's title. Why did your majesty do this? I hope your majesty can learn from your loyalty." I understand your painstaking efforts."

Liu Xie said coldly: "I understand, is there anything else?"

"There is nothing else, I will leave without disturbing His Majesty!"

Xun Yu bowed and retreated slowly, Liu Xie didn't keep him, and watched him retreat coldly. Xun Yu was once one of Cao Cao's four counselors, how could he believe that Xun Yu was thinking of himself, It was not under the instigation of Cao Cao that he came to test his own details.

Xun Yu walked out of the imperial study room, raised his head and heaved a sigh of relief. The emperor really disappointed him. Even if he didn't accept his kindness, he should at least understand the situation. I can't keep it anymore.

Xun Yu shook his head, and left the palace in low spirits...

The time is gradually coming to May. According to the original plan, before the beginning of summer, the General’s Mansion needs to move back to Xiangyang and spend the summer and autumn in Xiangyang. However, the plan is not as good as changing. The preparations for the expedition were carried out in Yizhou, so the plan has been adjusted. This year, the general will not move back to Xiangyang for the time being, and will move back to Xiangyang after the Northern Expedition is successful.

Although the General’s Mansion will not be moved back to Xiangyang, Liu Jing must appear in Jingzhou. This is actually a kind of balance. Of course, it is necessary to strengthen the control of Yizhou, but Jingzhou cannot be left out. Liu Jing inspected the counties in southern Jingzhou in April At the beginning of May, he arrived in Lingling County under the escort of thousands of soldiers.

Lingling County can be said to be the second largest county in Jingnan after Changsha County. Buji, Jiang Wan and others are all from Lingling County.

The prefect of Lingling County was originally Liu Du. Liu Du went to settle in Yedu last autumn as a representative of the Jingzhou royal family. Liu Jing appointed his son Liu Xian as the prefect of Lingling County, and made Jiang Wan's uncle Jiang Jing the prefect of Lingling County.

But Liu Jing's visit to Lingling County was not just to listen to the reports from the prefect and the magistrate, his more important purpose in coming to Lingling County was to go to Lingling County.

Liu Jing took hundreds of five-hundred-stone official boats and headed south along the Xiangjiang River. The prefect Liu Xian accompanied him all the way. In the distance, there were green mountains and dense forests, but there were large rice fields on both sides of the Xiangshui River. waterwheel.

Liu Xian pointed to the large paddy fields on both sides and smiled at Liu Jing: "More than ten years ago, the area around Lingling was sparsely populated and the land was abundant. One mu of real estate is only about [-] catties of grain. My father and I have been improving the farming methods of the local people over the years. We have accumulated manure and deep cultivation since ten years ago, and the grain production has increased year by year. Now one mu of land can also produce five to six hundred catties of grain. With the increase in production, the lives of the local people have also begun to become more prosperous.”

Liu Jing looked at the busy farmers in the rice fields and nodded with relief, "The food problem is always a big issue, it is the foundation of a strong country, and it is also the guarantee for the struggle for the world. The root cause of the failure of the Northern Expedition this time is the lack of food. It is not a lack of food, but a problem with food transportation. However, the next northern expedition may be a problem of food supply. Therefore, during my inspection of Jingnan this time, I said to the county officials: "Let the people have enough to eat, let the A soldier who does not have to worry about food shortages is a good official. It is really gratifying that Lingling County has always attached importance to agriculture. "[

Speaking of this, Liu Jing and Liu Xian looked at each other and smiled. Needless to say a lot, Liu Jing has already expressed enough meaning that food comes first. As long as Lingling can become a major grain-producing county, Liu Xian's promotion will be just around the corner.

At this time, Liu Xian asked again with a smile: "Zhou Mu specially went to Lingling County because of Lingqu!"

Although Lingling County has the same name as the county, it is actually just a small county, and it is located in a relatively remote south. It has no status in Lingling County, but its territory is the origin of Lingqu, another One end is located in Shixing County in the south. The Lingqu connects the Xiangshui River and the Lishui River, and is the main waterway for Jingzhou to pass through Jiaozhou.

At this time, a fleet of more than twenty cargo ships came head-on, with the flag of Jiangling Wu's Trading Company planted on the bow. The waterline was deep and fully loaded with goods. Liu Jing watched the fleet sail across from him. After that, he said to Liu Xian: "I have reached an agreement with Liu Bei to release the trade between Jingzhou and Jiaozhou in the future. Although the Xiangshui River mainly flows through Changsha County, part of it also flows through Lingling County. I hope Lingling can seize this opportunity. opportunity to develop trade.”

"Weichen will seize the opportunity. It's just that the state pastor said last time that strategic materials such as pig iron, armor, copperware, and grain should be strictly prohibited from being transported into Jiaozhou. However, there are many roads from Lingling to Jiaozhou. I'm worried that I won't be able to control it."

Liu Jing laughed, "It is impossible to completely control this kind of smuggling of materials. It can only be said that the government will strictly prohibit it. Major commercial banks are not allowed to transport it. Strengthen waterway inspections. Then there will be no large-scale southward transportation of strategic materials."

Liu Xian nodded, "I understand!"

. . . . . . .

The fleet went all the way south and arrived at Lingling County at noon the next day. Lingling County is indeed a small county with a small and dilapidated county seat, twelve miles in circumference and a population of only a thousand households.

The people here make their living from agriculture, fishing and hunting, but since Liu Jing agreed to lend [-] shi of grain to Jiaozhou last fall, Lingling County has become lively.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of grain transportation, several major commercial firms in Jingzhou bought land to set up shop in Lingling County one after another, and built warehouses and wharves, so that the trade industry in Lingling County developed almost overnight.

With the development of trade, shops, taverns, hostels, brothels and other industries have sprung up rapidly. Eight taverns in the county opened within a month. Not only almost half of the local people in Lingling are employed, but businessmen from other places There are thousands of people and husbands, and the business is prosperous, and the reputation of Lingling County has also begun to spread.

Like Lingling County, Shi'an County at the other end of the Lingqu Canal also experienced the same prosperity. Shi'an County, later known as Guilin, once belonged to Lingling County and was later assigned to Cangwu County. It is the trading port of Jiaozhou. , Merchant ships coming from Jingzhou sailed into Lishui through Lingqu, arrived at Cangwu, and then arrived at Panyu, Nanhai County along Yushui, so Lingqu became the throat of trade between Jingzhou and Jiaozhou.

When Liu Jing's boat was slowly approaching the dock of Lingling County, a group of officials led by the county magistrate had been waiting on the pier for a long time. , see the prefect!"

Liu Jing quickly helped him up, smiled and comforted him: "Magistrate Zhou has worked hard these past few months. It is not easy to build a new dock and warehouse in such a short period of time!"

There are dozens of huge warehouses not far away, which are official warehouses, and they were built in just two months. No wonder Liu Jing wanted to appreciate County Magistrate Zhou. It is not easy to complete the construction within two months. In addition, in addition to the official warehouse and the official wharf, several major commercial firms have also built their own wharves and warehouses, making the two sides of the Xiangshui River, which is more than ten miles long, full of people. The huge warehouse group is magnificent.

Liu Jing followed the county magistrate into the county office. He sat down and asked the county magistrate some more information. Finally, he changed the subject and asked with a smile, "I want to know the latest situation of Liu Bei. Can the county magistrate introduce it?"

In fact, Liu Jing also knew about Liu Bei's development in Jiaozhou, but due to the long distance and inconvenient information, the news was delayed. The information he got about Liu Bei was something that happened at the beginning of the year. Now that four or five months have passed, the situation is certain. Something has changed, and this is one of the main purposes of his coming to Lingling County.

Magistrate Zhou hesitated for a moment. He has been busy building docks and warehouses for the past few months. He didn't pay attention to Liu Bei's recent situation. He didn't know, but someone knew. A merchant fleet has just returned from Jiaozhou, and I invite them to introduce the situation."

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