
The sky is getting brighter, and when the sun shines through the heavy clouds and casts a golden light on the top of Chencang City, the warning bell is ringing at the top of the city!when! '' sounded, and eight thousand Cao Jun soldiers rushed to the top of the city, holding bows and hard crossbows, and waited for them.

Outside the city, the main force of the overwhelming Han army has come forward. They are divided into four large phalanxes, rushing towards Chencang City from four directions. With the sound of horns and thunderous drums, spearmen, sword and shield soldiers , heavy armored infantry, and barbarians, the [-] army gradually stopped like waves, about three miles away from the city.

Soldiers of the Han army wore pockets on their heads and double-layered leather armor with fish scales and iron sheets. Their weapons were giant shields, swords and spears, as well as a large number of crossbows. Although they were southern soldiers, they came from the creation The brilliant civilizations of Jingchu and Bashu were left behind, and the Chushu civilization was left to their descendants. Their weapons are advanced and sharp, their siege weapons are complete, their formations are neat, and their morale is high.

The [-] army had hundreds of siege ladders. Instead of using cloud ladders, they used dozens of giant trebuchets, thirty nest carts, and even five huge battering rams.

Obviously, the Han army had long realized the problem of attacking the city in Guanzhong. A hundred siege ladders were not enough to capture Chencang City when attacking the west city. Liu Jing dispatched tens of thousands of people from Bashu to attack the city Weapons, they need the sharpest siege to break open the gate of Chencang City.

Xu Huang looked anxiously at Sanguan in the distance. The army of Sanguan should have arrived long ago, but now there is no news, so he has to worry about something going wrong. There is only one explanation. Liu Jing sent troops to stop Hao Zhao's army. As for Hao Zhao He has no way of knowing what will happen to the army.

At least one thing he knew in his heart was that Hao Zhao's army would not come to support him again. He could only rely on [-] defenders to defend Chen Cang, but in the face of a large-scale Han army attacking the city, could Chen Cang hold it?

Xu Huang had no idea, but fortunately, the defense of Chen Cangcheng was quite well prepared, and it might be able to reach the large-scale attack of the Han army.

The top of the city was covered with banners and densely packed with soldiers of Cao Jun. Behind them were dozens of huge trebuchets standing high on the city wall.

Xu Huang had participated in the Battle of Guandu and knew the power of the catapult. At that time, Cao Jun's thunderbolt catapult brought heavy losses to Yuan Shao's army. was eventually captured.

It's a pity that he didn't expect that the Han army would attack Chencang in a big way, let alone that the Han army would carry so many siege weapons, so Xu Huang didn't make too many preparations to strengthen the city wall, and the opponent had a huge monster-like nest Car, the siege power of the Han army filled Xu Huang with worries.


The horns under the city were wailing, and morale was high. The main force of the [-] Han army had surrounded Chen Cang from four directions, and would launch an attack on the city at the same time.

Liu Jing watched Chen Cang from a distance outside the West City. Chen Cang City was obviously not as tall and strong as Ji City. The city was only two feet five feet high.

But for the Han army who are good at attacking the city, this moat is no threat, it is only three feet wide, and it can be paved with wooden planks.

"Report to Zhou Mu, the catapult and nest cart are ready!" An officer rushed to report.

Liu Jing looked back and saw dozens of huge catapults and nest carts dragged by hundreds of cattle. The catapults were three feet high and the throwing pole was five feet long. It took hundreds of people to move this huge catapult. machine.

Although Liu Jing still had doubts about Cao Jun's trebuchet, he also wanted to see how powerful Cao Jun's trebuchet was.

"Order the army in Beicheng to attack first!"

The [-] troops in Beicheng were prisoners of war who surrendered to the Han army in the Battle of Longxi. Liu Jing didn't pay much attention to their life and death. Now it was the first siege battle to attack Guanzhong, and it was their duty to test Cao's defense.

"Boom! Boom!" The attack drum sounded, and the Han army located outside the northern city launched the first round of offensive. Ten thousand Han troops rushed towards the city like a tide, carrying dozens of stairs, waving With swords and spears, shields and crossbows in hand, they rushed towards the gate of the city shouting.

The Cao army at the top of the city was very nervous, and before Xu Huang's order, the Han army was still a few hundred steps away and they shot. The arrows rained like dense rain, but it had no effect.

Behind the tide-like army followed five huge nest carts, slowly moving forward under the pull of a hundred strong bulls.

On the top of the city, Cao Jun's ten trebuchets began to creak and pull away. Since they were attacking from top to bottom, Cao Jun's craftsmen adjusted the arm distance and set up a clever lever to make the trebuchet no longer It needs 200 people to pull it, but only 50 people can start it.

The stones the size of a millstone were put into the throwing pocket. Xu Huang gave an order, and ten trebuchets were fired at the same time. The ten boulders were thrown high, rolled in the air, drew an arc, and slammed into the dense crowd. smashed into the crowd.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise and screams, and the soldiers of the Han army couldn't avoid it. They were smashed into meatloaf by huge boulders. The huge inertia caused the stones to roll over in the crowd, and they rolled over twenty steps in a row. , the siege soldiers desperately dodged to both sides, but still more than a dozen people died under the impact of the boulder, and dozens more were injured, their bones were broken and their tendons were broken, and there was a sound of wailing.

Immediately after the second, third, and fourth rounds of catapults were launched, accompanied by Cao Jun's crossbows, arrows rained down on the city, causing heavy casualties. , it is simply a massacre machine, which brought heavy losses to the siege army.

The role of trebuchets in defending the city is unparalleled. The most famous example is the Taiyuan defense battle during the Anshi Rebellion in history. Li Guangbi, who was poor in troops, killed nearly [-] rebels with dozens of giant trebuchets, and achieved great success. A brilliant victory in the defense of Taiyuan.

The same is true in Chencang. Cao Jun used trebuchets no less than the Han army, causing huge damage to the attacking Han army. The battlefield was already full of corpses, smashed bodies, smashed heads, Brain was smeared on the ground, blood flowed like a river, dyeing the fallen boulders red.

At this time, the attacking Han army had gradually approached the city wall. Under the cover of bows and arrows, more than a thousand soldiers of the Han army laid wooden planks on the moat, nailed the giant nails at both ends of the plank into the soil, and made the moat lose its defensive function.

Thousands of Han soldiers carried siege ladders and rushed across the moat. The ladders reached the top of the city, and the rolling logs and stones on the city fell like hailstones.

The five nest cars continued to move forward, and gradually drove up the moat. At this moment, Xu Huang sneered and ordered: "Change the fuel and throw the sh*t!"

Cao Jun quickly mobilized dozens of small trebuchets, threw out their poles, and threw dozens of barrels full of kerosene into the moat below the city.

What worried the Han army most finally happened. Cao Jun used kerosene when the Han army killed the moat. As dozens of flaming fireballs rolled down from the top of the city and smashed into the crowd, a cloud of fire was formed inside and outside the moat. In the sea of ​​flames, countless people were ignited by the kerosene and became Burning Men. They opened their arms, howled and ran around, and before running a few steps, they fell to the ground, and the fire burned them curled up.

Cao Jun's kerosene dealt a fatal blow to the nest carts. As the fire spread, the huge nest carts were also ignited. A large number of bullocks pulling the nest carts ran away frantically, and the five nest carts overturned in the flames. Engulfed by raging fire.

'when!when!when! The bell for the withdrawal of the troops rang. After nearly [-]% of the soldiers were killed or injured, the Han army that attacked for the first time retreated like a tide. The huge nest car did not play any role and was burned by the fire.

Liu Jing looked at the top of the city coldly. Although he knew the power of Cao Jun's trebuchet, he didn't expect it to be so sharp, and the terrifying kerosene weapon, but these were all in his expectation .

At this time, he glanced back at the trebuchet of the Han army, and slowly ordered: "Pass my order, attack from all directions, and the first one to attack the top of the city will be rewarded with a thousand taels."


After the failure of the first tentative attack, the Han army launched a full-scale attack again. Eighty giant catapults slowly approached the top of Chencang City from four directions, which was twice as many as the number of catapults on the top of the city. The distance is just over [-] paces, and a boulder weighing a hundred catties is enough to destroy everything on the top of the city.

On the top of the city wall, Xu Huang's expression was extremely serious. He knew in his heart that Chen Cang could not hold on. He had only [-] troops defending the city, and the Han army attacked from four directions at the same time. He could only deploy more than [-] troops on each wall. How could he have defended the city in the face of an enemy force four times larger than himself when he killed half of the soldiers just by pulling the catapult?

At this moment, there was a strange noise in the sky, and dozens of black spots roared towards the top of the city. The soldiers panicked and scattered to hide. With the loud noise, the first round of 80 yuan boulder hit the top of the city. .

"The general flashes!"

The soldiers yelled, and several soldiers threw Xu Huang to the ground, only to see a huge boulder flying towards the battlements, which shattered and smashed into pieces. Several soldiers were unable to dodge and were crushed When the stone hit, blood flowed profusely immediately, and he fell to the ground screaming.

The boulder the size of a millstone bounced up and rolled past Xu Huang's head, 'Bang! With a loud noise, it hit the bottom of a trebuchet, and the thick wood broke. With a harsh creaking sound, the huge trebuchet leaned back, and finally rolled down the top of the city, crashed to the ground, and fell to the ground. smash.

The first round of boulder attacks caused nearly [-] soldiers of Cao's army to be killed or injured. Five trebuchets were destroyed. There was a big crack in it.

Xu Huang's face was pale. On the one hand, he ordered the trebuchet at the top of the city to fight back. On the other hand, he found another soldier, gave him a command arrow, and said in a low voice: "Go down to the city immediately and find Liu Jing. Just say that I am willing to lead the army to evacuate Chencang, and ask him to remove the siege of Dongcheng."

When the city was in danger, Xu Huang could only choose to keep the soldiers' safety to the maximum extent.


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