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At this time, the city of Taiyuan was full of turmoil, and the sudden arrival of the Han army plunged the city into panic. Shops were closed, taverns were closed, and every house was closed. The streets were deserted, and only occasionally a group of soldiers ran by. .

Not only are the ordinary people panicked, but the army is also extremely tense. Except for 500 people from the [-] troops to maintain order, the rest of the troops all go to the city to defend. Even so, they still have a lot of money, which is far from meeting the needs of defending the city. From top to bottom, The officers and soldiers defending the city had little confidence.

In Taiyuan Governor's Office, Governor Wang Yan, Governor of Bingzhou Qianzhao, and Chief Shi Xinping are urgently discussing countermeasures. The three of them are in a very heavy mood. They never thought that the Han army would suddenly kill them, which made them extremely passive.

Qianzhao sighed and said: "I heard that the prime minister was confronting the Han army in Runan, and the war in Guanzhong has not yet subsided. Now the Han army suddenly came to Taiyuan. Cao Jun ignored this and was led by the nose by Liu Jing. It was simply too passive. gone."

"Take the governor!"

Inspector Wang Yan dragged his voice somewhat dissatisfied, "Now is not the time to say such things. Now we are discussing countermeasures. How should we deal with the sudden attack of the Han army?"

"Countermeasures?" Qianzhao said with a sneer: "The Battle of Guanzhong dispatched most of Bingzhou's troops. There were only 1 troops in Bingzhou, 5000 in Yanmen County, 3 in Hedong County, and [-] in Taiyuan City. And the opponent has at least [-] people, how to fight this battle, I don't understand!"

Qianzhao’s tone was full of complaints. At the beginning, he strongly opposed the transfer of the Bingzhou army to Guanzhong, but Wang Yan told the prime minister that Bingzhou’s problem was not serious. Now that the consequences came out, he had to rely on his [-] troops to deal with it. Even if he has a talent beyond the sky, he can't fight against [-] troops.

At this moment, Xin Ping cautiously said, "I'll propose a plan!"

Wang Yan glanced at Qianzhao coldly, and asked Xin Ping, "Tell me, what's the plan?"

Xin Ping thought for a while and said, "We can mobilize the people to participate in the defense of the city, and ask for help from Yedu urgently. I guess the Han army has traveled a long distance and does not have any siege weapons. Even making temporary siege weapons will take a few days. , let's hold on for another two or three days, maybe Yedu's reinforcements will arrive, what do you two think?"

"This is the best solution!"

Wang Yan praised: "In this way, we will have time to defend the city, and there is no shortage of money and food in the city, which can be used to recruit civilian husbands."

Speaking of this, his face sank, and he asked Qianzhao again, "What does General Qian think?"

Although Qianzhao was full of resentment in his heart, he also knew that now was not the time to complain, and he had to deal with the crisis with all his strength. He thought of the hundred-man caravan he saw three days ago, and pondered for a while: "I also support Xin Changshi's Suggestion, I am also worried that there are already spies of the Han army in the city, and the defenders are most afraid of cooperating with the outside, especially since we have not many troops, once there are more than a hundred people in the city, the city will be in danger."

"In that case, search the city!"

Wang Yan immediately said: "All hostels, taverns, brothels, shops, and all rented mansions must be searched, no one is allowed to be spared, lead the general, I will let the government cooperate with the army, and start searching the city from now on."

Although the military and administration are independent, Qianzhao is far inferior to Wang Yan in terms of seniority and official position, and he has no choice but to carry out Wang Yan's orders. He immediately got up and said, "I'll make arrangements now!"

Wang Yan commented to Xin again: "It's too late to send pigeon letters, first use the beacon fire to warn, and then send pigeon letters for help!"

As soon as it was dark, the beacons in the north of Taiyuan City were lit, thick smoke mixed with raging fire rose into the sky, and a warning was issued in the direction of Yedu, and heading east, beacons were lit one after another, and the beacons on Taihang Mountain were also lit for warning. war.

At the same time, they mobilized [-] troops, and with the cooperation of [-] yamen servants, they began to search from house to house in Taiyuan City. The city of Taiyuan suddenly became chaotic.

Zhang Qu, the shopkeeper of the Nan'an Hostel, hurried back to his hostel, and when he entered the gate, he ordered: "Close the store, stop business!"

He came to the backyard with a lot of worries, and happened to meet Wu Ban head-on. Wu Ban saw that his expression was different, so he asked, "Mr. Zhang, what happened?"

Zhang Qu said nervously: "The army has started to search the city, and the streets are full of soldiers. Just now, the poppy leader Niu Er told me that this time the city search is very strict, and it is useless to lead the team by leading the team himself. It is useless to spend more than ten people together. All the foreigners will be taken away, and they will be searched for us soon.”

Zhang Qu was very worried. There were three hundred Eagle Strikers in his hostel, and they were easily found. What should we do?He thought for a while and then said: "Why don't you let the brothers hide in the secret room first, squeeze together, feel wronged for half an hour, and then everything will be fine."

Wu Ban pondered for a moment and asked, "A house-to-house search? Do we also search private houses?"

"Land-rented mansions must be searched, but ordinary houses are not searched."

Wu Ban looked at Ye Se, then smiled and said: "This is not a big problem, I have a way to deal with it, so you just need to remove the traces of our past, and then face it calmly."

Zhang Qu was suspicious, what is he going to do? "

Half an hour later, hundreds of Cao Jun soldiers finally searched the slums in the southwest corner. Countless torches illuminated the street like daylight. He felt that he hadn't found the real spy of the Han army, especially when he saw a caravan of hundreds of people three days ago, but he hasn't found it yet, and there is no record of them leaving the city.

His intuition told him that there must be something wrong with those people, and they are in the city, "Search carefully, the cellar must also be searched!" Zhao Zhao shouted.

At this time, more than a dozen soldiers smashed down the Nan'an Hostel, and the soldiers didn't explain, and more than a hundred people rushed in like wolves, searched the hostel, and walked into the hostel with their hands. He looked at the hostel It occupies a large area and has a lot of houses, so it is obvious that many people can be hidden. He became suspicious, so he ordered the general who searched: "This hotel should be searched carefully for me, especially to see if there are any people. There are no cellars, secret rooms, and the like."

"Follow the order!"

General Ya led the soldiers to search carefully and walked around the hotel. He found that there were no guests in the hotel, which made him even more suspicious. At this moment, a soldier rushed to report: "General, we found a room Chamber of Secrets."

Pulling his spirits up, he quickly followed the soldiers to the backyard. At this time, hundreds of soldiers were gathered inside and outside the study room, their swords drawn and their swords drawn. Explained: "This secret room was used by the original owner to take refuge. It has nothing to do with me. It is full of sundries."

At this time, Qianzhao strode into the study room, and the soldiers stepped aside one after another. Qianzhao glanced at the door of the secret room, and said coldly: "Break it open!"

Three soldiers stepped forward and kicked at the small door forcefully, 'Bang! With a loud bang, the door of the secret room was kicked open, and there was a dark hole inside. Dozens of soldiers shot arrows into the secret room at the same time. Big, filled with all kinds of tattered boxes and beds, without any prohibited items, and no one hid them inside.

Zhang Qu explained: "I've said it before, it's really all debris, you don't believe it."

Qian Zhao turned around and grabbed his skirt, and said viciously: "Let me ask you, why is there no guest in your hostel?"

Zhang Qu pretended to be terrified and said: "There were a few original customers from the store. When they heard that the Han army had killed them, they all ran away in fright. The small shop is small and the profits are small. It turns out that it is a cemetery. How can any customer want to live here?" here."

At this time, the soldiers had searched everywhere and came back to report: "General Qi, no suspicious person was found."

Only then did Qianzhao let go of his skirt, and said bitterly: "Forgive you first, if there is any situation, report to the army immediately!"


With a wave of hands, "Go to the next one!"

Hundreds of soldiers left the hostel and smashed open the door of a low-level restaurant not far away. Zhang Qu heaved a long sigh of relief. Fortunately, Wu Ban refused to hide in the secret room, or it would be over. In fact, he didn't know, even if he was found, three The soldiers of the Hundred Eagles Strike Army are more than enough to deal with these Cao troops, but Wu Ban doesn't want to startle the snake.

In the private house next door, Wu Ban and dozens of soldiers hid in the room. The owner of the private house was squatting in the corner, trembling with fear. Seeing that Cao Jun had left, Wu Ban said to the master: "I won't kill you guys." , but you dare to report, I will kill your whole family!"

The male host trembled in fright and said, "We dare not say anything, so we just pretend nothing happened."

"now it's right!"

He opened the door and led the soldiers back to the hostel, but Wu Ban was more cautious, leaving a few soldiers to guard the family. They started at the second watch and arrived in two hours.

The frantic search lasted until one o'clock. At this time, there was a sudden military report outside the city, and the Han army was found outside the east city filling the moat with sandbags.

The sudden situation forced Qianzhao to stop the army to search the city, and led the army to the east city. On the top of the city, more than a thousand Cao troops were shooting arrows down densely, but the night was so dark that they couldn't see the situation below clearly. Can shoot arrows at will with almost no effect.

At this moment, five thousand crossbowmen of the Han army arrived and lined up to shoot arrows at the top of the city. The dense arrows were shot all over the sky, making the top of the city rattle and suppressing the soldiers of Cao Jun.

Zhao Zhao quickly walked up to the top of the city, and under the cover of a dozen soldiers holding shields, he carefully looked down with his head. In the darkness, he saw countless black shadows rushing towards the moat.

The moat itself has been frozen, but because the water surface is too shallow and there is a certain drop from the two banks, it is not convenient for large siege equipment such as nest vehicles and battering rams to move. Therefore, sandbags must be used to fill the river surface, at least a flat one. Way to come.

Qianzhao was very worried, did the Han army bring a large siege weapon?It is very likely that when attacking Chencang, the Han army was temporarily assembled heavy siege vehicles such as nest vehicles. Perhaps the Han army would assemble overnight, otherwise they would not be so anxious to fill up the river.

what to do?Tomorrow the Han army will attack the city.

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