Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 720 Jiang Wei Arrives


In the big tent, Liu Jing stood in front of the map and planted a few small flags. These are the three military cities he plans to set up on the Xihai Plateau. The military points basically strangled the various strategic points of the Xihai Plateau.

Fazheng pointed to the Hequ and said with a smile: "I heard in Hanzhong that the Hequ area of ​​the Yellow River is a very good and rich place. The climate is mild and the land is fertile, which is very suitable for farming. There are also some Qiang people and Shu Han people scattered there. They are engaged in farming, so there is a saying in Guanzhong people, which is called "Supporting Hequ wheat to death, starving Guanzhong grain to death."

"What does this sentence mean?" Liu Jing asked curiously.

"The meaning of this sentence is that although the land in Guanzhong is fertile and the grain yield per mu is high, the tax is also very high. After a year of hard work in growing grain, it is not enough to make ends meet after paying the tax, and there is no government in Hequ. management, and the output is not low, the key is to grow as much grain as you can, and you don’t have to pay taxes, so it’s called dead Hequ wheat.”

Liu Jing nodded, "For the Han people in the Central Plains, it is indeed a treasure land to avoid taxes, but I hope that there will not be too many Han people fleeing there."

"It's really not many. There are only a few thousand people. They are mainly refugees from the Li Cui Rebellion. There were originally tens of thousands of people. Later, most of them went to Hanzhong and Bashu. Now it is estimated that there are only 5000 to [-] people there."

Liu Jing gave Fazheng a strange look, how did Fazheng know so clearly?Fazheng understood Liu Jing's question, and said with a faint smile, "It's very simple, because I have been there before, and then I went to Bashu."

"So that's the case, why don't you stay in Hequ, why can't you keep people there?"

Fazheng sighed softly, "Those who don't live there can't understand that kind of feeling, the kind of loneliness that leaves the Central Plains without the customs of the Central Plains, and is far away in a foreign land is unbearable. The government collects taxes, but there are also some unexpected disasters and losses.”

"For example, what disaster?" Liu Jing asked again.

"For example, conflicts with the local Qiang people, some tyrannical blackmail, but the more serious ones are bandits. When the autumn harvest season comes, some bandits come in groups, steal openly and secretly, and even enter the house to kill jianyin, so everyone Gradually they couldn’t stay any longer, and they returned to the Central Plains one after another, mainly to Hanzhong and Bashu. Although there were taxes there, life was much more stable.”

Liu Jing walked a few steps inside the big tent with his hands behind his back, and said to himself, "I'm talking about it, but I want to go and see for myself."

At this time, a guard reported at the door: "His Royal Highness, a young man has come from outside the barracks, said to be the son of Jiang Shaochang, and there is also a medical craftsman with him. I have something to see Your Highness."

Liu Jing was startled, who is Jiang Shaochang?But Fazheng smiled and said, "Jiang Shaochang is Jiang Jiong."

Only then did Liu Jing realize that this young man is Jiang Wei, and he hurriedly said, "Please come in!"

Liu Jing smiled at Fazheng and said, "I heard from Ma Dai that this young man is extraordinary. If he is well trained, he can become a great talent. Xiaozhi might as well take a look at him." , but when passing by the Dadou Bagu Army Stronghold, he heard that Liu Jing was training troops in the south of the West Sea, so he went around the West Sea. Wang Chun was worried that Jiang Wei was alone. He was very familiar with this area, so he led Jiang Wei south. , and soon found the Han army station.

Jiang Wei knelt down and saluted, "Jiang Wei, the younger generation, pays homage to His Highness the King of Han!"

Liu Jing quickly helped him up, and asked with a smile, "Where's your father, why did you come here alone?"

Jiang Wei wept and said: "We escaped from Zhangye. I don't know whether my father is alive or dead. I escaped from Dadouba Valley. I heard that His Highness is in the south of the West Sea, so I rushed here." , who is not tall, but has a somewhat fairy-like attitude, so he asked, "Who is this gentleman?" Accompany him, thank you Your Highness for your attention. "< smiled slightly, "That happened more than [-] years ago, and it's rare for anyone to know. If I'm not wrong, you are Fa Xiaozhi, who was known as the Sansuke prodigy back then!" "

"I am Fazheng!"

Fazheng was very excited, and quickly introduced to Liu Jing: "This elder is the younger brother of Wang Yun, who was then Taichang Cheng. After Li Cui captured Chang'an, he disappeared. Now I know that the original king of Man Hehuang The miraculous doctor is the Wang Taichang back then." <, so it is Your Excellency, I have admired him for a long time. "<Seeing that Liu Jing is not interested in his past, but pays more attention to his present reputation, he is quite happy in his heart. This is exactly what he expected, so he hastily said modestly: "Caoshu is just a local doctor, I dare not call it a miracle doctor." "<You are welcome, and sat down directly. He has been famous for Liu Jing for a long time, and he also wanted to see this legendary figure with his own eyes. At this time, Liu Jing also pulled Jiang Wei to sit down and asked him: "Tell me , what happened? "

Jiang Wei then told what happened in Zhangye again, Liu Jing couldn't help but sneered secretly, does this Nangong Suo really dare to attack Longxi under false pretenses?

He did not show any emotion on his face, and comforted Jiang Wei: "Don't worry! If your father is captured, I will order Nangong Suo to hand him over."

"Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. This junior also wants to remind His Highness that Nangong Suonai is an ungrateful person. No matter how kind His Highness treats him, he will only take it for granted. As long as he doesn't do what he wants, he will hold grudges in his heart, and cruelly exploit the tribe. People's hearts, His Highness, don't indulge him too much."

Liu Jing saw that he was only twelve or thirteen years old and could say these words, so he nodded with a smile and said: "I see, I just plan to go to Hequ, and my nephew will go with me!"

"But" Jiang Wei said anxiously: "Nangong Suo intends to attack Longxi, His Highness should hurry back."

Liu Jing smiled slightly, "To tell you the truth, I am looking forward to Nangong Suo attacking my Longxi, so I will create an opportunity for him." His Highness the King of Han does not dislike it, I am willing to be your guide." <So he volunteered, and he immediately bowed his hands and said, "That's it, thank you, Mr. Wang!"

The Hequ area is also the first turning point of the Yellow River. Today’s Qinghai Guide area has a mild climate, fertile land, sufficient irrigation, and large plains. It has been a rare agricultural song on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau since ancient times. During the Tang Dynasty, Tubo aggressively invaded the Central Plains, and the Hequ area was an important food logistics supply area for the Tubo army.

During the period of the Three Kingdoms, a small number of Qiang people lived in the Hequ area. They belonged to the Shaodang Qiang branch and engaged in farming operations in the Hequ area. The area opened up wasteland and cultivated, and lived a self-sufficient life. At the same time, they brought advanced farming technology to promote the agricultural development of the Hequ area.

As the war in the Central Plains gradually subsided, the Han people in the Hequ area also returned to their hometowns one after another, which made the already prosperous Hequ become deserted. It was May, and this morning, a mighty Han army cavalry took advantage of The raft crossed the Yellow River and entered the Hequ area.

This army is the [-] Han cavalry led by Liu Jing. More than a month of plateau training has greatly strengthened the stamina of this cavalry. Liu Jing greatly appreciated the effect of this training. A training camp was built on the plateau, and other troops were brought in for training one after another, which would help make up for the lack of combat patience of the southern army.

"Your Highness, the French military division seems to like Jiang Wei very much!" Ma Dai said to Liu Jing with a smile

This time Ma Chao did not come to the plateau to participate in the training, but stayed in Longxi to consolidate the Han army's occupation of Longxi. This is why Liu Jing was not worried about Nangong Suo's massive attack on Longxi. Longxi had Ma Chao and Pang Tong leading [-] troops. Jing can sit back and relax.

Ma Dai, as the actual leader of the Xiliang cavalry at the time, was even better than his elder brother Ma Chao in training cavalry, so Ma Dai was solely responsible for the plateau training.

Liu Jing also smiled slightly and said: "Although Jiang Wei is young, sometimes he feels mature in thinking, like an adult, with delicate thinking and watertightness. If this child is cultivated well, he will be like Deng Ai in the future. He is a general who can stand alone, if the French army is interested, I would like him to be Jiang Wei's teacher."

Ma Dai also nodded and said with a smile: "Jiang Wei is also a general who can practice martial arts. My brother has always wanted to find an apprentice. The Ma family and the Jiang family have a deep relationship. Why don't you let my brother teach him martial arts? What do you think, Your Highness? "

"As long as both of them are willing, I have no problem."

At this time, Fazheng slowed down his horse and gradually drove alongside Liu Jing. Liu Jing asked with a smile, "Is Xiaozhi satisfied with this apprentice?"

Fazheng stroked his beard and said with a smile: "This son is Heshi's Puye. Fazheng was afraid of lack of talent and learning, but missed it. I think it is better to let him go to Xiangyang to study. There are professors such as Pang Degong and Xun Lingjun. Let him do it well first." The basics, I will teach him after five years."

"Xiaozhi has put in so much painstaking efforts, which is admirable!"

Although Liu Jing is very concerned about Jiang Wei's development, he will not show it easily. As the King of Han, if he shows too much concern for someone, it will have a great impact. He handed Jiang Wei over to Fazheng and Ma. Dai is enough.

Liu Jing smiled and turned the topic to the Hequ area. He pointed at the large fertile field in the distance with his horsewhip and said with emotion: "It's such a pity that such a fertile land, with such abundant water and sunshine, is barren here. , we must make full use of it.” <Also urged him to come forward and said: “Your Highness, this area is not the best, and if you walk two hundred miles to the northeast, there is a place where the population gathers, and that area is the real one. The yield of wheat per mu is [-]% higher than that in the Hehuang area, and the Yellow River is gentle, so bridges can be built on the river, and the east can go to Hehuang, and the north can directly reach the West Sea, so the transportation is convenient.”< Liu Jing was fascinated by what he said, and said with a smile: "I can't wait, order to speed up!"

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