Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 725 Harsh Conditions


Liu Jing received three Qiang elders in the tent of the Chinese army. They were representatives of several Qiang tribes living in the south of Zhangye County, near the Dadouba Valley. They did not expect that the leader of this cavalry was the King of Han. I, and the King of Han received them warmly, which moved them very much.

All three of them can speak Chinese, and one of them, an old man with white beard and hair, said with emotion: "We have lived in Zhangye County for hundreds of years, and we have raised horses for the imperial court for generations, and the imperial court has not treated us badly. With the food subsidy from the imperial court, several of our tribes multiplied and increased from the initial few hundred to several thousand, and our life was relatively rich, but at least Nangong Suo occupied Zhangye, and our life was completely changed. Not only did we need three Every household takes a dime to fight for him, and every year more than half of the new horses, cattle and sheep have to be handed over. Our three tribes used to have 50 head = sheep, but now there are only 20 left. The same is true for cattle and horses. All of a sudden, we became extremely poor, and we dreamed of getting rid of Nangong Suo's control."

The old man’s words strongly empathized with the other two. When it came to the pain, the three couldn’t help but burst into tears. Liu Jing hurriedly comforted the three of them and said: “The Han army came to the Hexi Corridor this time to restore the original order. Duli, the fate of each tribe should be decided by each tribe itself, and they will be under the unified management of the government. They will never tolerate the existence of the so-called "Qiang King" like Nangong Suo who cruelly exploits other tribes, so everyone can rest assured that this time the Han army will definitely eradicate this The cancerous tumor of the Qiang people will give freedom to the vast number of kind Qiang people.”

The three old men only considered the interests of their own people, and would never consider what it means for a powerful and unified Qiang regime to appear, but Liu Jing knew very well that once a powerful Hu people form a powerful Hu People's regime, it means that the Han Dynasty will probably lose Hexi or Longxi, which he will never tolerate.

For Qiang and Hu heroes like Nangong Suo, we can only attack them mercilessly when they are still weak, and completely restore the Qiang and Di people to their former state of scattered sand. It is beneficial for the government to divide them.

Of course, Liu Jing also knew why Nangong Suo cruelly exploited the tribes of the Qiang people. He was not entirely for personal enjoyment, but to build a full-time army and break the former tribal army. Base.

The three old men were all very grateful, and expressed their willingness to collect [-] sheep to reward the cavalry of the Han army. The Han army also happened to be short of food. He accepted the dedication of the Qiang people without politeness.

"Of course I don't want your sheep in vain. After the Zhangye government is restored, I will ask the government to take care of you in terms of pasture area as compensation for supporting the Han army today."

The three old men were overjoyed, and immediately expressed their willingness to increase the number of rewarded sheep to [-]. Liu Jing also accepted them one by one with a smile. Although the average soldier had six sheep, which seemed a little too much, but the army rations!Liu Jing never has too much, and he can come to fetch sheep when needed

Just as Fazheng expected, the failure of Wuwei County brought great trouble to Nangongsuo. Not only did he lose [-] cavalry directly under his command, but his limited force was severely damaged, and more importantly, his prestige was damaged. Follow his orders again.

First of all, the twenty or so tribes close to Wuwei County took the lead in rejecting Nangong Suo's request for conscription, and they also made it clear that they would no longer submit sheep to Nangong Suo. Secondly, several tribes in the Dadouba Valley also refused to send troops. The reason is to protect the safety of women and children of the ethnic group.

As [-] Han troops entered Zhangye County from Wuwei County, the rebellion spread from south to north. More and more tribes stood still and watched the changes. In previous years, more than [-] troops could be recruited within ten days, but this time Only the tribes near Zhangye City sent troops to participate in the battle, and the number was only in the early [-]s. Adding the [-] directly subordinate troops, the current army in Nangong Suo's hands is only more than [-].

In the king's tent in Zhangye City, Nangong Suo paced back and forth in the big tent with his hands behind his back, looking very annoyed. He just got the news that five thousand Qiang soldiers from Liqian County and Fanhe County near Wuwei County surrendered to the Han army. It was the first incident of Qiang soldiers surrendering, but Nangong Suo knew that this was by no means the last, as long as it started, there would be more Qiang soldiers surrendering to the Han army.

What disturbed Nangong Suo even more was that there was an army in the Han army that specialized in restraining cavalry, called the heavy armored infantry, and they used the all-defining horse-cutting sword. In fact, Nangong Suo was no stranger to the horse-cutting sword. I kept one in my collection, and it was given to him by Liu Jing himself when he sold his war horse to Jiangxia.

Nangong Suo was shocked by the firmness and sharpness of this long knife. For so many years, he has been longing to forge such a knife. Jing iron, but Liu Jing did not satisfy him.

He could only buy iron from the West from Sogdian merchants at an extremely expensive price. He already had tens of thousands of catties of high-quality iron in his hands, but he lacked famous craftsmen who could make swords. For this reason, he sent people to Kuaiji County, Jiangdong. He hired a famous swordsmith at a high price, but unfortunately the famous craftsman has not come yet, but the Han army has already killed it.

"Why does father have to fight the Han army? Why can't he get along with Liu Jing like before?"

The speaker is Nangong Boyu, the only son of Nangong Suo. He is only 13 years old this year, but he is born intelligent. He can not only speak Chinese fluently, but also write poems and fu. He especially likes the literature of the Han Dynasty. His greatest wish is to go to Ye Nangong Boyu worshiped the seven sons of Jian'an as his teacher, but since Ma Dai rescued him from Chang'an, Nangong Boyu's dream of being a teacher was shattered.

At this time, seeing his father was worried, he couldn't help persuading him: "Father should make peace with the Han army unconditionally and admit the mistake of attacking Wuwei County. I think the King of Han will not embarrass us."

Nangong Suo sighed and said, "The Han army's westward expedition to Hexi is obviously premeditated. Liu Jing will not tolerate my occupation of Zhangye and Jiuquan. It must be for this reason. How could he make peace with me so easily."

Speaking of this, Nangong Suo said bitterly again: "The most hateful thing is that these traitorous tribes usually express their loyalty to me, but whenever there is a disturbance, they immediately turn their faces, faster than the weather in Qilian Mountain."

"This may be because my father usually asks too much from them. I have also persuaded my father."

"You know shit!"

Before his son finished speaking, Nangong Suo scolded fiercely: "If you don't exploit them, how can I get the money and food to build an army? If you don't exploit them, how can I afford expensive iron? When I make ten thousand fine steel swords , I can go north to Heshuo, conquer the Qiang people in Helan Mountain, and establish the Qiang Empire. At that time, I have more than [-] armored soldiers, so why should I be afraid of the Han army?"

"But now that the Han army has arrived, what should we do?"

Nangong Boyu's words were like a sharp dagger, piercing through Nangong Suo's lofty ambition, and he immediately sat down discouraged, yes!He only has [-] troops in his hands, can he defeat the Han army?If he can't beat them, the Qiang people in Hexi will definitely fall apart, and his rule will come to an end. What should he do now?

At this moment, a guard reported in front of the big tent: "Report to Your Majesty, King Liu Jing of Han has sent an envoy to see His Majesty, and they are already waiting outside the city."

Nangong Suo was stunned, Liu Jing sent an envoy, what is the meaning of this?Nangong Boyu hurriedly said, "This should be because Liu Jing wants to resolve the dispute peacefully. Father should see him."

Nangong Suo thought for a while before nodding his head and said: "Since the envoy is here, please invite him to the city to meet you."

Soon, several Qiang soldiers led a civil servant of the Han army into the big tent. The person who came was the head of Cangcao under Liu Jing's tent, named Lin Jin, who was the one who killed Qi Shandao's wife by Di Renhu. Hunter, he was favored by Liu Jing because of his talent in counting, and appointed him to work in Cangcao. Last year, he was promoted to the head of Cangcao, in charge of the money and grain of the Han army. He is very smart and capable, and Liu Jing highly values ​​him. Come to negotiate with the Qiang people.

Lin Jin made a salute and said, "Lin Jin, an aide of the King of Han, has a meeting with the King of Qiang."

Nangong Suo immediately greeted him with a smile, "I'm rude! I'm rude! I didn't go outside the city to meet Mr. Lin."

He introduced his son to Lin Jin, "This is Boyu the dog."

Nangong Boyu hastily saluted deeply, "The younger generation has met you sir."

"The prince is polite."

The three of them exchanged pleasantries, Nangong asked Lin Jin to sit down, and he asked with concern, "I don't know where His Royal Highness is now?"

Lin Jin smiled slightly, "His Royal Highness is currently in Biaoshi County."

Nangong Suo's eyes widened. Biaoshi County is also the county closest to Zhangye in Jiuquan County, and he was in a mess. Not to mention that Liu Jing's presence in Jiuquan County has a strong implication, but more importantly, how could Liu Jing In Jiuquan County, I didn't know anything about it. Did he fly there with wings?

At this moment, Nangong Boyu asked, "Did His Highness the King of Han come from Dadou Bagu?"

One sentence reminded Nangong Suo that it is only possible to bypass Zhangye City and go to Jiuquan County without his knowledge, only by taking the big fight to pull the valley. Lin Jin smiled and gave a thumbs up, "The prince is really smart."

He cabled to Nangong again: "Hanwang Highness went down to inspect the West Sea, and then entered the Hexi Corridor via Dadouba Valley, and inspected Jiuquan County and Zhangye County. Your Majesty should know that Liangzhou is now also under the Han Kingdom, and we will send it soon. The officials took over the five counties of Liangzhou."

Lin Jin never mentioned the fact that Jiuquan County and Zhangye County had been occupied by the Qiang Hu, and still regarded it as the territory of the Han Kingdom. Nangong Suo was silent. He was not stupid. Of course he understood the meaning of what Lin Jin said. Liu Jing couldn’t possibly He didn't know that Jiuquan County and Zhangye County had already been occupied by him, and he didn't recognize this, that is to say, these two counties were not within the scope of negotiations.

After a long while, Nangong Suo sighed and said, "Boss Lin, we are all sensible people, so we don't need to go around in circles, just say it clearly! What conditions did His Royal Highness offer?"

Lin Jin laughed, "King Qiang of Nangong is indeed a straightforward person, so I will make it clear that His Highness the King of Han is willing to reach a settlement with King Qiang, as long as King Qiang can meet the three requirements."

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