Lu Xun was stunned, what did Sun Quan mean by this?He actually let himself retreat, he hurried down from the wooden platform, took the command arrow and asked, "Why did Marquis Wu ask me to withdraw?"

The guard bowed and said: "Marquis Wu just sent the order to the humble official, the specific reason is unknown to the humble official."

Lu Xun's face showed embarrassment, how could he withdraw his troops now?I have lost 8000 troops, and I have gradually turned from a disadvantaged position to an even match. The morale of the army has also begun to recover. As long as I accumulate two or three days of offensives, I will be able to break through the new Wucheng. Withdrawing the army now will undoubtedly fall short of success.

He pondered for a moment and then asked: "Did Marquis Wu tell me to withdraw immediately?"

The guards sensed Lu Xun's reluctance, so they said coldly: "The military order should be executed immediately when it arrives. Does Governor Lu still need to confirm it?"

This made Lu Xun embarrassed, what should we do?His heart was in a mess, and right here, Ding Feng came galloping on horseback and shouted excitedly: "Captain, I have discovered the weakness of the enemy army. Their defense is getting weaker and weaker. It seems that there are not many arrows left." , today’s archery is [-]% less than yesterday’s.”

Lu Xun gritted his teeth and said to the messenger guard: "The general is away, and the emperor's order is not accepted. Please go back and report to Marquis Wu. I will be able to break through the new Wu city and defeat the Jiaozhou army in two days. Then I will come to plead guilty to him!"

The guard's expression changed drastically, he stared at Lu Xun and asked, "Captain Lu, are you really going to disobey?"

Lu Xun nodded slowly, "It's about the outcome of the battle, please tell Marquis Wu, I am willing to bear all the consequences."

The guard snorted heavily, got on his horse, and galloped away with a few entourages. Lu Xun watched the guards go away, and couldn't help but heaved a long sigh. The root cause of Jiangdong's many failures was that Marquis Wu's personal conquests always weakened him at critical moments. The general's power and combat strategy cannot be consistently implemented, so how can he be undefeated?

This time, he did it again. After all, it was still a question of trust!Lu Xun resolutely made up his mind, no matter what, this time he would resist orders to the end and win the siege.

At this time, a soldier came to report that more than a hundred siege ladders had been exhausted and could no longer attack the city. Lu Xun nodded. Attacking brings them closer and closer to victory, and the accumulation of countless experiences will surely enable them to finally break through the city.

Lu Xun immediately ordered, "Send the order, the troops withdraw!"

'when!when!when! The bell for the withdrawal of troops rang, and the [-] Jiangdong Army retreated like a tide, leaving behind more than a thousand corpses, and the Jiaozhou Army also lost more than [-] people.

On the top of the wall, Zhuge Liang's expression was a bit dignified. Lu Xun played very patiently and rhythmically. He was able to attack and retreat freely. The loss is getting smaller and smaller, and the casualty ratio of the two armies is starting to approach. This is by no means a good sign. After the five-day war, the Jiaozhou Army also lost nearly 4000 people. More importantly, the lack of arrows and morale began to decline.

Zhuge Liang began to worry. If they fight for another three days, the entire Jiangdong army will attack and double the number of siege ladders. Will they still be able to hold the county?

"Military Master, the situation doesn't seem to be very good?" Guan Yu walked to Zhuge Liang and said.

Zhuge Liang forced a smile and said: "The problem is not very serious. The opponent is running out of food and grass. We only need to persist for another four or five days. When the opponent's food is exhausted, we will win."

Guan Yu also sighed slightly in his heart, and he would last for four or five days. Judging from the situation of the siege today, it seemed a bit impossible.

But Zhuge Liang didn't expect that Liu Jing, who had been watching with cold eyes, finally made a move to help him. Liu Jing's casual blow hit the vital point of Jiangdong's army: Jiangdong's monarchs and ministers began to have a different heart

In the big tent, Lu Xun was discussing with dozens of major generals how to break the city. The arrival of Sun Quan's military order made Lu Xun realize that his time was running out. He had to break the city within two days, and then went to plead guilty to Sun Quan. While discussing, there was a commotion outside the tent, and a soldier shouted: "General Zhou, please wait a moment, we will report to Governor Lu!"

"No need, I'll pay directly!"

Lu Xun was startled, he recognized Zhou Tai's voice, lifted the curtain, and saw dozens of soldiers rushing in, the leader with a gloomy face was Zhou Tai.

"General Zhou, what's the matter with you?"

Although Lu Xun felt that Zhou Tai's arrival was not kind, and it must have something to do with ordering him to withdraw the army, but Zhou Tai's forcible entry made Lu Xun extremely unhappy.

Zhou Tai stepped forward, held up Sun Quan's gold medal, and shouted, "Here is the gold medal of Marquis Wu!"

Sun Quan's gold medal is the second most powerful military order in Jiangdong, second only to Sun Quan himself, and even higher than the military talisman. There has always been a saying that seeing the gold medal is like seeing Marquis Wu himself. I had to kneel down to obey the order.

Zhou Tai glanced at him, and said coldly: "According to the order of Marquis Wu, it is hereby announced that Lu Xun will be abolished from all military powers immediately, and Zhou Tai will be in charge of Marquis Wu for the time being."

Lu Xun raised his head suddenly, his eyes were full of shock, he couldn't believe his ears, he was actually dismissed from all military posts and deprived of all military powers, this is not handing over power, but seizing power, obviously this is not his morning The result of refusing Lingjian was not so fast. This should be Sun Quan's second order following Lingjian. This would only happen if there was a rebellion or a fiasco. Why?

Filled with righteous indignation, Lu Xun stood up and glared at Zhou Tai, saying, "I don't understand what happened? General Zhou, please give me an explanation."

Everyone was also shocked, and it took a while for them to discuss loudly. They didn't expect that Governor Lu was seized and dismissed for no reason. Zhou Tai secretly sighed in his heart, but his face was still very stern, and he said coldly: "Could it be that General Lu doesn't want to Hand over power, do you want to rebel?"

The word 'rebellion' hit Lu Xun's heart hard, and he suddenly understood that it must be because of Sun Shao's affairs. Their Lu family's secret support for Sun Shao was uncovered, which aroused Wu Hou's anger and suspicion, and wanted to deprive him of His own military power, when he went to Peng Ze to meet Wu Hou a few days ago, he was a little worried that this matter was a hidden danger. At that time, Wu Hou didn't mention it, and he was secretly glad that it finally broke out at the most critical moment of his siege.

Lu Xun felt a sense of sadness in his heart. To fight against the outside world, we should first settle down inside. If the inside is unstable, how can we fight against the outside world?The internal power struggle will surely become the root of Jiangdong's downfall. He lowered his head dejectedly, untied the commander's sword from his waist, knelt down on one knee, and presented it to Zhou Tai together with the commander's seal, and said in a deep voice: "Lu Boyan is loyal! As for Marquis Wu, I have no intention of treason, and in heaven, I can learn from my heart!"

Zhou Tai took over the sword and seal, his heart was full of sympathy for Lu Xun, and his voice softened, "Bo Yan doesn't need to be too depressed, explain the situation to Marquis Wu clearly, I believe Marquis Wu will give Bo Yan justice."

Lu Xun smiled wryly in his heart. The Lu family was indeed involved in the case of Sun Shao. It was related to the position of the monarch of Jiangdong. How could Sun Quan give himself the so-called justice? Don't let anyone go, Sun Quan would be lucky if he didn't kill him. Thinking of this, Lu Xun couldn't help but regret secretly. If he knew the situation was so serious, he should have received the order to withdraw the army in the morning.

However, Lu Xun was more concerned about the situation of the battle now, so he asked Zhou Tai again, "Major Zhou, is Wu Hou's order to continue the attack, or to withdraw immediately?"

Zhou Tai shook his head and said, "It's neither an attack nor a withdrawal, it's just standing still and waiting for the next order from Marquis Wu, but I personally think it's a retreat, and Marquis Wu has no intention of continuing to fight."

"Then what should I do?" Lu Xun asked again.

"General Lu, please go to see Marquis Wu immediately, but General Lu will be wronged."

Lu Xun never imagined that what Zhou Tai said about wronging him was to throw him into a prison car, put him in shackles, and drive to Nanchang County overnight. Lu Xun sat in the prison car with infinite sorrow. When the prison car started, he looked up to the sky and sighed. With one sound, the Jiangdong Army was completely defeated in this battle.

The prison cart traveled eastward, followed by hundreds of Sun Quan's guards on horseback. They were very vigilant and looked around the official road from time to time. The guards were not worried that the enemy would attack, but that Lu Xun's personal soldiers would intercept the prison cart. After walking for thirty miles, a shallow river appeared in front of me, which was Yushui. county.

At this moment, there was a loud drumming in the woods, and flames ignited all around, and an army came out from each side, led by two young generals, it was Guan Xing and Zhang Bao who were active on the outskirts, and the Jiaozhou army surrounded them , more than a hundred guards were stunned

In the middle of the night, Zhang Bao led dozens of cavalrymen from the Jiaozhou Army to bring Lu Xun, who was blindfolded and had his hands tied behind his back, to the west gate of Xinwu County. Quickly open the door!"

After a while, the suspension bridge was lowered, the city gate opened, and Zhang Bao led his men into the city gate

The hall of the county government office was brightly lit. Zhuge Liang got the information and immediately went to the hall to meet Zhang Bao. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei also came after hearing the news. Lu Xun had his hands tied behind his back and turned his head to the other side. Confession, I was overjoyed immediately, the Jiangdong army had internal strife, this is a god-given opportunity for them.

He handed the confession to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, and then smiled at Lu Xun: "Bo Yan didn't expect things to change so much! He finally came to New Wucheng."

Lu Xun snorted coldly, without saying a word, Zhuge Liang smiled and said, "Don't worry, Boyan, I won't ask you for any information. I know the situation in your army well. You actually only have two days of rations left." , you want to break the boat and take over Xinwu County to get supplies from us, but it’s a pity that you can’t escape Sun Quan’s suspicion. If I’m not wrong, it should be your Lu family who changed their position and finally got you involved gone."

Zhuge Liang also heard about what happened in Jiangdong, but he didn't know much, half of it was to test Lu Xun, and Lu Xun said coldly: "What are you doing with so much nonsense, if you want to kill or cut, just listen!"

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