
Tao Sheng is no longer the profit-seeking businessman of the past. He has deeply understood the teachings of his father before his death. If the Tao family wants to transform from a merchant to an aristocratic family, they must make huge sacrifices. develop towards the land.

For this reason, the Tao family auctioned off thousands of boats of all sizes in Jingzhou and hundreds of warehouses along the Yangtze River at low prices. The Tao family boat company disappeared and dozens of small boat companies sprang up. In [-], it was deeply rooted and powerful. Although the shipping company disappeared, there were still more than [-] commercial firms and hundreds of warehouses in various places. More importantly, there were thousands of loyal guys and their families, which involved the survival of nearly ten thousand people. Eating, so I can't rush for a while, the Tao family still needs time to change careers slowly.

However, the change of the Tao family's identity could not be delayed any longer. Tao Sheng moved the family temple from Xiangyang to Chang'an at the beginning of the year, which meant that the Tao family was no longer a big family in Jingzhou, but one of the noble families in Chang'an.

In order to gain a foothold in Chang'an, Tao Sheng made two major decisions. One was that the Tao family paid a lot of money to establish the Tao Academy, hired famous Confucian professors in Guanzhong at high prices, and selected hundreds of bright and outstanding young students from poor people in Guanzhong. , not only do not receive any points, free board and lodging, but also subsidize the money and food of the students' families every month, and all the children of the Tao family are also included.

The second major decision was to buy the Xifeng Mountain Villa in Fufeng County, covering an area of ​​hundreds of hectares. As the ancestral manor of the Tao family, it has been passed down from generation to generation, so that the Tao family has a foundation in Guanzhong.

In addition, Tao Sheng also made many decisions that were beneficial to the Tao family's foothold in Guanzhong, such as marrying the famous Du family in Chang'an, Tao Yong, the eldest son of Tao Li, marrying Du's daughter as his wife, and buying real estate in Chang'an.

This is also where Tao Sheng's vision is sharp. He is optimistic about Liu Jing's prospect of seizing Guanzhong, and he also infers that Liu Jing will move the capital to Chang'an. Therefore, when people in Chang'an were panicked and sold land at low prices, he bought a lot and bought more than 1 yuan. Mu, and now the land price in Chang'an has risen to 20 taels of gold per mu, and it is still hard to find a piece of land. Tao Sheng made more than ten times the profit by changing hands.

But Tao Sheng also knew in his heart that Chang'an was different from other cities, and would be the capital of the great Han. It might not be a good thing for him to occupy such a large amount of land. Even if Liu Jing didn't care, it would be bad for the reputation of the Tao family. Half of the land was donated to the government as land for official residences.

Even so, he still has six or seven thousand acres of land in his hands, which makes him really uneasy. You know, Liu Jing has been attacking the land tycoons. When he was in Chengdu, he forced hundreds of big families to sell half of their good land. Buying hundreds of hectares of manor in Fufeng County and hoarding land in Chang'an, what does Liu Jing think of the Tao family?

Tao Sheng has always been worried about this matter, but unexpectedly Liu Jing came here today, straight to the point and pointed out the matter of the Tao family hoarding land in Chang'an, which made Tao Sheng's heart beat wildly, the thing he was most worried about finally came.

Tao Sheng was nervous, and said cautiously: "His Royal Highness, the Tao family didn't actually buy the land to make money, the Tao family already has enough wealth."

Liu Jing felt the tension in Tao Sheng's heart, so he smiled lightly: "The Tao family has made outstanding contributions to the development of the Han army, including now, the shops and restaurants of the Tao family in various places are still contributing to the Han army, I will never forget these , so I also hope that the Tao family can develop itself, realize the long-cherished wish of the old man during his lifetime, and become a famous noble family in the world. I will fully support it. However, the Tao family has a special status and is the natal family of the princess, so I also hope that the Tao family can be strict in self-discipline. "

Tao Sheng nodded, "The princess also requires the same. We are very strict with our children. In the academy, we are the same as other children from poor families. They have simple food and poor food, and there is nothing special about it."

"I know all of these, and I did a good job, but these are just small details, the key is some big aspects, does father-in-law understand what I mean?"

Tao Sheng smiled wryly, how could he not understand that the big aspect refers to the land, but Xifeng Manor has become the ancestral property of the Tao family, so how can he hand it over again.

Liu Jing laughed again: "With the Tao family's financial strength and status, and their contribution to the Han army, I think it is not a big problem to own a villa, and everyone can understand it, but the skyrocketing land price in Chang'an has made it difficult for the poor to gain a foothold. I have trouble sleeping and eating!"

Sure enough, it was about the land in Chang'an. Since Liu Jing agreed to Xifeng Villa, he had to give in on the land in Chang'an. Tao Sheng pondered for a while and said, "I told Your Highness just now that the Tao family bought the land in Chang'an. In fact, it was not for making money, so I decided to set aside [-] mu of land to build an academy, and donate the rest of the land to the government for free as land for official residences.”

Liu Jing shook his head, "The Tao family spent a lot of money and food to buy these lands. The 1 mu of land is worth at least more than two hundred thousand taels of gold. The Tao family lost too much, so! I will compensate you ten times, and use one piece of land from Lingzhou Thousand hectares of fertile land will be compensated to the Tao family."

After finishing speaking, Liu Jing looked at Tao Sheng with a smile. Tao Sheng was speechless for a while. One thousand hectares of land is one hundred thousand mu. It sounds very tempting, but he paid a high price to recruit a large number of farmers to Lingzhou to plant To be honest, at least for ten years, this will be a loss-making business.

Tao Sheng had no choice but to nod his head and said, "Thank you for your kindness, Your Highness!"

Liu Jing stopped mentioning this matter, and turned the topic back, and said with a smile to Tao Sheng: "I also want to ask my father-in-law, the skyrocketing land price in Chang'an has aroused people's resentment, is there any way to suppress the land price without damaging the land price?" The interests of the people of Chang'an."

Only then did Tao Sheng understand that Liu Jing wanted to suppress land prices in Chang'an, so he let his own land be sold first, so that he could devote himself to making suggestions. interests, it sounds difficult, but I have a way to take care of both ends."

Liu Jing was overjoyed, "Father-in-law, please tell me!"

"The reason for the skyrocketing land price in Chang'an is that Chang'an will be the capital of the Han Dynasty, and Chang'an will become the capital of the world, so countless wealthy families from all over the world have come to Chang'an to buy land and houses. Everyone hopes that their family can have a place in the capital city, but There is not much land in Chang'an, so land prices have skyrocketed, and it is even hard to find a place now. To break this situation, there is only one way to expand Chang'an City, so that Chang'an has enough land supply, and land prices will naturally come down."

"But in this way, the interests of Chang'an people have been harmed. The land that was originally worth 60 taels of gold has now become 20 taels of gold. Everyone will point at Liu Jing's spine and scold me."

Tao Sheng's eyes narrowed into a smile, "This is the way of business. Similarly, goods must be expensive or cheap, and the land price is the same. When I say expanding Chang'an's land, I don't mean simply expanding the city. Your Highness can expand the land in the east, west, Build a medium-sized city on each of the three south sides. The distance between them should not be too far. Within a quarter of an hour, the road connecting Chang'an should be built spacious and flat. The land is controlled by the government and can be sold cheaply to the poor in Chang'an. I believe those noble families would rather spend more money. Buy the land in Chang'an City, and don't want to live with the poor, so that the land will be divided into high and low, and the poor will have a foothold in Chang'an."

Liu Jing nodded, and praised sincerely, "As expected of being the head of the Tao family, I really didn't let me down."

Seeing that it was getting late, Liu Jing got up and said with a smile: "The Tao family is one of the best businessmen in the world, with extraordinary business acumen, so it's a pity to give up like this. And to do business in the farther west, I hope that not only the barbarians from the Western Regions, but also the big merchants in the Central Plains on the Silk Road, just as the Han army captured a thousand camels on the battlefield, I will reward them all to the Tao family."


Tao Sheng returned to his mansion with many worries. He met Liu Jing today, but he was not happy because of the land issue. With the Tao family's strong financial resources, he didn't pay much attention to that bit of land. The key is Liu Jing gave him [-] mu of good land in Lingzhou, and finally Liu Jing proposed to let the Tao family do business in the West. These two things made Tao Sheng difficult.

Back in the study, Tao Sheng immediately ordered someone to find his brother Tao Li and his eldest son Tao Zheng. Not long after, the two came to Tao Sheng's study one after another. Tao Sheng first asked Tao Li, "How are the two houses decorated?"

"We are rushing to work. The house in Longwang Lane will be completed the day after tomorrow. The Guhuai Mansion needs to be decorated a little bit more. It will take at least five days."

Tao Sheng suddenly remembered something. His brother invested a lot of money in the Guhuai Mansion, but the building in Longwang Lane didn't take it very seriously. He just repaired it casually. This made Tao Sheng feel a little strange. What is the difference between the two mansions? so big?

He was about to ask, but Tao Li gave him a wink. Tao Sheng was taken aback, then looked at the eldest son who was sitting beside him, and stopped asking. He sighed, and told about Liu Jing's meeting with him today. After reading it again, I finally said helplessly: "These two things make me really distressed. What is the use of the [-] mu of land in Lingzhou? Also, I want us to do business in the Western Regions. To be honest, I just don't want to let the Tao family business."

At this moment, Tao Zheng looked at his father strangely, "Don't father know?"

"what do you know?"

Tao Sheng was stunned, "What are you hiding from me?"

"Father, I'm afraid my son will be appointed as the envoy of Lingzhou's economic strategy."

"and many more!"

Tao Sheng was in a mess in his heart, and he said anxiously: "Aren't you the prefect of Jingzhao? What wrong did you do, how could you be demoted to Lingzhou? Also, what is Lingzhou Jinglue envoy?"

"Father, the boy didn't do anything inappropriate, and he was not demoted, but promoted. The Lingzhou economic envoy is one level higher than the governor. Even Ma Liang, the prefect of Chengdu, was appointed as the Shangjun economic envoy. Restore the production and population in the pass."

Only then did Tao Sheng understand. No wonder Liu Jing wanted to give the Tao family 20 mu of land in Lingzhou. It turned out that his son would be appointed as the economic envoy of Lingzhou. It will take at least 20 years for Lingzhou's economy to recover, so will you be allowed to stay in Lingzhou for these [-] years?"

"No! No! It doesn't need 20 years, just stay for one term, that is, five years. Hanwang gave me a promise. After five years, I will take up an important position in Pingzhangtai."

"Has the king of Han promised to let you... be in the picture?"

Tao Sheng was so excited that his voice trembled. If he took up an important position in Pingzhangtai, wouldn't that mean he would be the prime minister?God!The Tao family is going out of the country.

Tao Zheng smiled wryly and said, "Maybe he took the position of minister of ministers first. According to the convention, to become a prime minister, one must hold an important position in the imperial court for at least three years, but I don't meet this requirement, so I think King of Han refers to the position of minister of ministers. .”

"That's not bad. At least eight years later, you will be able to enter the phase. At that time, you will only be 43 years old. It is the time when you are in the prime of life. The Tao family is hopeful."

Tao Sheng was so excited that he paced back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back, then turned around and said, "I understand what the King of Han meant. The King of Han wanted our Tao family to participate in the development of Lingzhou. We need to lease another 100 million mu of fertile land, and our Tao family will pay to recruit farmers, even if we lose money.”

At this moment, Tao Li laughed and said, "I'm afraid the King of Han also knows that we will spend a lot of money to develop Lingzhou, and he is worried that we will not have enough financial resources, so let us do business in the West, use the Silk Road to make huge profits, and use the profits obtained from the West to subsidize Lingzhou. That's why the King of Han gave us a thousand camels from the Tao family."

Tao Sheng was stunned for a moment, then slapped himself heavily on the forehead, "Why didn't I think of that!"

Tao Sheng pondered for a long time, and said to Tao Li: "The Pisces order is issued, ordering the deacons of all local commercial firms to arrive in Chang'an within 20 days."

. . . . . . . . . .

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