Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 901 Raid on Juyan

"Ma Dudu said that it is much easier for us to go to Juyanhai. He means that the snowfall in the north of Zhangye is relatively small. Can we go on snow?" Zhao Yun asked puzzled.

"No! The snowfall in the north of Zhangye is much greater than here, just like Lingzhou."

Ma Chao smiled slightly, and pointed to the Zhangye River with a wooden pole, "The key is the Zhangye River. At night, the wind on the river is very strong, and the snow is blown to both sides, so that there is only a shallow snow on the river. We will go north along the river. After marching for [-] li, we reached Juyanhai."

Zhao Yun also grew up in the north. He knew that there was a thick layer of ice on the river in the north. It was possible to walk on the river, but it was fine for a short distance, but not for a long distance. The main reason was that the cold air on the river was too heavy. I couldn't bear it, and I had to walk five hundred miles, which made Zhao Yun silent.

Ma Chao understood his worry, and said with a smile: "Zilong don't worry, we use the Huns' method to wrap our body tightly with old sheepskin, so that the cold air on the river can't hurt people and horses. Then you can reach Juyanhai, I have a lot of old sheepskins here, and I have prepared them for the soldiers of the Han army."

Zhao Yun let go of his heart and asked again: "I don't know how many Hun troops are still there?"

"There should be about 1 people left, but Zilong doesn't need to worry, these 1 people are old and weak troops with low combat effectiveness, so there won't be much resistance."

Zhao Yun was taken aback, "How could Dudu Ma know?"

Ma Chao smiled, "Before the heavy snowfall, the Qiang tribe in Juyanhai had a fight with the Xiongnu army in order to compete for the pasture. As a result, the Hun army was defeated and withdrew from the pasture to the west. The Qiang people found an opportunity to take advantage of it and prepared The armies of various tribes were united to plunder the 30-strong Huns tribe, but there was a snowstorm, which made them have no time to take care of the Huns. However, I got news that the Qiangs were planning to launch an offensive before the New Year, so we are running out of time. "

Zhao Yun frowned, "If this is the case, if we escort the Huns back, will the Qiang people take the opportunity to attack?"

"Zilong, don't worry, with me here, the Qiang people dare not do anything. I will personally lead the army to escort Zilong's army out of Hexi."

For some reason, Ma Chao's words made Zhao Yun feel a little uncomfortable. Ma Chao could obviously prevent the Qiang people from uniting, so why didn't he stop it?This made Zhao Yun feel that it was not the best plan for Liu Jing to let Ma Chao sit in Hexi.

At this time, Ma Chao pointed to the south bank of Juyan Sea again and said: "There is a military city here, called Juyan City. We have a garrison in Juyan City, about 500 people. Zilong can contact them first."

Zhao Yun nodded, "Thank you, Governor Ma, for the arrangement. Tomorrow morning, the army will go directly to Zhangye River!"

Zhangye River, also known as Ruoshui, originated from Qilian Mountain in the south of Zhangye County, crossed Zhangye County in the northwest direction, and merged into countless tributaries all the way. You can reach Juyanhai within a hundred miles.

In the third year of the early Western Han Dynasty, Lu Bode, a strong crossbow general, built a residence in Yansai on the south bank of Juyanze, which was called "Zhelu Barrier". Juyan County is the administrative office under the jurisdiction of the captain of Zhangye County.

However, after the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the imperial court gradually lost its military jurisdiction over Hexi, and the Juyan Military City was abandoned. The Great Wall was also damaged by wind and snow, and most of it collapsed.

After Liu Jing led the army to pacify the Qiang people in Hexi and resumed the jurisdiction over Hexi, Ma Chao recruited civilians to restore Juyan City, and sent troops to garrison again, so that Juyanhai returned to the territory of the Han Dynasty, and at the same time restored Juyan County. The government governs.

At present, there are not many residents in Juyanhai, mainly a few small Qiang tribes. At the same time, there are many northern Hu merchants going south through Juyanhai and entering the Hexi Corridor. But just three months ago, Liu Qubei’s Nearly 30 people of the tribe migrated from Hetao to the north of Juyan Sea, occupying a large expanse of pasture, which also triggered a war between the local Qiang tribe and the Huns.

But the result was unexpected. The 1 army composed of several small Qiang tribes actually defeated the Hun army of more than [-] old and weak. In order to avoid disaster, the Hun tribe was forced to retreat to the East China Sea of ​​Juyan and gave up the west pasture. .

However, this victory also inspired the ambitions of the Juyan Qiang people, but they were not strong enough to annex 30 Huns. They began to contact the rest of the Qiang tribes, preparing to do a big job and slaughter this big fat sheep of the Huns. At that time, a blizzard came, which hindered their plan, and they had to wait until the right time.

Zhao Yun's army marched all the way north, and after seven days, they arrived at Juyan Army City. Although the soldiers were protected from the glacial cold by the old sheepskin, the soldiers were really exhausted, so Zhao Yun immediately ordered the army to enter the city to rest.

The guard of Juyan City is a tooth general named Sun Li. He was originally a tooth general of the Cao army in Longxi. He made meritorious service in the battle, and resumed his post as Yajiang, leading five hundred soldiers to guard Juyanhai.

In addition to the garrison soldiers, there is another government office in Juyan City, the Juyan County Yamen. There are only two officials, the county magistrate and the county magistrate. According to the agreement when the Qiang people in Hexi surrendered to Liu Jing, the Qiang people are also citizens of the Han Kingdom and need to pay taxes to the Han Kingdom.

In addition to the county government, there is also an inn and a tavern in Juyan City, which mainly supply the businessmen passing through here. Of course, the proprietors of the inn and tavern are both Yajiang Sunli, and he will not give this kind of opportunity to make money. other people.

The arrival of Zhao Yun led the army, which immediately made Juyan City, which had always been deserted, lively. General Sun Li and County Magistrate Li Wen came to meet Zhao Yun. Your life must be very lonely, General Sun and County Magistrate Li have worked hard."

Ma Chao also came to inspect Juyan City, but they were not qualified to sit down and stood up to answer questions, but when they came to Zhao Yun, Zhao Yun asked them to sit down and served tea to the soldiers, and more importantly, he actually cared about their loneliness. This moved Sun Li and Li Wen very much, and Sun Li sighed and said, "General Qi, spring and summer are better, but in winter, life is too difficult, and most of the soldiers are young and have no families, so they are really lonely. "

Zhao Yun smiled and said: "This time I am ordered by the King of Han to attack the Xiongnu in the north. After the Xiongnu tribe is surrounded and wiped out, I will pick hundreds of Xiongnu women to stay and form families with the soldiers so that they can guard the border with peace of mind."

Sun Li was overjoyed. Although he already had a family, but he was not around, he also wanted to marry a concubine. With this opportunity, he could just choose a young and beautiful Hun woman as his concubine.

Although he thought so, he didn't dare to say it out. At this time, Li Wen, the county magistrate, cupped his hands and said, "I have one more thing to ask General Zhao to tell His Highness the King of Han, which is about emigrating to Yanhai."

Before he could finish speaking, Zhao Yun waved his hand and interrupted him, smiled and said, "You'd better write a letter in your personal capacity, and I will forward it to His Highness King Han for you, does County Magistrate Li understand what I mean?" ?”

Li Wen nodded silently, he understood Zhao Yun's meaning, he is the county magistrate, official documents can only be reported level by level, and private messages can be conveyed, he got up and thanked: "Thank you, General, I know what to do now. "

Zhao Yun smiled, and then turned the topic to serious matters, "Do you know where the Huns are hiding?"

Sun Li and Li Wen looked at each other, and Sun Li got up and said, "The humble official knows where they are hiding, and also knows that there is a way to get there without being affected by the snow."

. . . . . . . .

Juyanhai, also known as Juyanze, is a huge lake shaped like a crescent moon. The narrowest part broke off decades ago, dividing Juyanhai into two lakes in the east and west. The surrounding land is fertile and the pasture is rich. Quality ranch.

Juyanhai has always been occupied by the Qiang people in Hexi, but the arrival of the Liu Qubei tribe changed the ownership of Juyanhai. After a war, the Juyanhai pasture was divided into two. The east was occupied by the Huns.

If it was not winter, the tribes of the Huns would be distributed on the vast grasslands with a radius of hundreds of miles, but in winter, especially in the face of the threat of snowstorms, it would be extremely dangerous to live scattered. Hungry wolf attack.

Therefore, most of the Huns in winter live together. Nearly 30 people and millions of cattle and sheep are concentrated in a leeward area with a radius of only ten miles, waiting for the long winter to pass.

Due to the heavy snow blocking the road and blocking the news, the Huns in Juyanhai did not know the news that Liu Qubei's entire army was wiped out at this time. Since most of the young and strong men of the Huns tribe were taken away by Liu Qubei and his son, the remaining population was 278 million. Most of them are women, children, old people, and some slaves. Although Liu Qubei also left more than 1 troops, this army is mainly old and weak, with poor equipment, and was severely beaten in the battle with the Qiang people. Lose, lose more than half.

Even if the Huns mobilized all the men to fight, they did not have any weapons or armor. Facing the threat of extermination from the Qiang people, the Huns, women, children, old and weak lived in extreme fear every day, waiting for Liu Qubei to lead the army back to rescue.

This morning, the 30 troops led by Zhao Yun, under the leadership of Sun Li, the guard of Juyan City, found the hiding place of the Huns. In less than two miles, due to the strong wind resistance of the forest, nearly [-] Huns lived in the leeward area surrounded by the forest.

Tens of thousands of large and small dome tents are next to each other, forming a very spectacular ocean of tents. Nearly 30 Huns and millions of cattle and sheep live in this ocean.

Zhao Yun immediately stood on a high hill, watching the Huns camp with a radius of nearly [-] li in the distance. He turned his head and said to Pang De, Ma Dai and a dozen other generals: "First we will deploy the encirclement through the woods. No. All-out attack, no arson, except for women, children and the elderly, any Hun men who dare to resist will be shot to death!"

"Follow the order!"

More than a dozen generals bowed and saluted, and left one after another. Zhao Yun couldn't help sneering at the Huns who still didn't know the danger was coming. This attack will completely bury Liu Qubei's tribe.

Twenty thousand cavalry entered the Populus euphratica forest from the south, and teams of cavalry quickly interspersed in the Populus euphratica forest, gradually weaving a large net, ready to pounce on the big tent of the Huns at any time.

Ma Dai led [-] cavalry to deploy in the west. His task was to intercept the fleeing Huns and seize the sheep and horse pens located in the west. Ma Dai was especially eager to try. They won a complete victory, but there is also a great regret, that is, they killed millions of cattle and sheep, but they could not turn them into trophies. As a long-term living in Xiliang, he really felt distressed.

But this time, he will not repeat the same mistakes again, and will bring millions of cattle, sheep and war horses back to Guanzhong as trophies. At the gap in the front, try to let the Huns escape from the gap in the west, and then surround them in one fell swoop, this time is different from last time, don't kill indiscriminately."

"Follow the order!" The two generals led the troops away, and Ma Dai said to another vice captain: "General Song can lead two thousand brothers to protect the sheep and horse pens, especially not to allow the Huns to open the horse pens and release their horses. Anyone who dares to open the stables will be killed immediately!"

The deputy captain was ordered to leave, Ma Dai turned his head and saw that all the soldiers behind him were eager to try, so he couldn't help but tighten his grip on the blade.

But at this moment, the Huns discovered the cavalry of the Han army in the woods, and immediately shouted, as if the whole camp had exploded. Shouts and cries resounded through the camp.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Zhao Yun resolutely issued an order: "Beat the drums to deliver the order!"

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