Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 923 Cavalry Ambush


Ye County is located in the northeast of Wancheng, and the distance between the two places is about 180 miles. Because Ye County is known as "the throat of Wan, the belly of Xu", its geographical location is extremely important, and it is responsible for the important task of defending Xuchang. Cao Cao also deployed [-] soldiers here. heavily armed.

Li Dian, Cao Hong's lieutenant general, will be the head of County Ye. Just two hours ago, Li Dian received Cao Hong's urgent message from the pigeons that the Han army in Chang'an was coming. He ordered him to rush to Wancheng immediately to assemble.

Li Dian was really surprised by this news. Cao Hong's deputy general was obliged to reinforce Wancheng. He led [-] troops to defend Ye County, while he personally led [-] troops to Wancheng to gather.

Time has gradually come to the middle of the night, five thousand Cao troops lined up on the official road and marched quickly. Li Dian rode in front of the team. He had fought with the Han army for many years, and he had a good understanding of the fighting methods of the Han army. The Han army was especially good at fighting. Surprise soldiers, ambushes, steal cities, and win at the lowest cost.

This Liu Jing's idea of ​​the world is to preserve the young and strong population as much as possible in the war. Although Li Dian himself is quite in favor of this idea, the relationship between the two opposing sides is life and death. It became Li Dian's unshirkable responsibility.

Li Dian was very cautious and kept sending out scouts to scout the road ahead. There had been several ambushes on the official road from Ye County to Wancheng, including the one where tiger and leopard cavalry were ambushed, which Li Dian still remembers deeply.

Despite Cao Hong's urgent order, Li Dian ordered the whole army to slow down the marching speed after the team had traveled more than [-] miles. The edge of the Nanyang Basin in this area has rolling hills, dense forests, and many valleys on both sides, so it is very easy to encounter ambushes. After walking for more than twenty li and entering the plains, the speed can be increased.

At this moment, a scout rushed over and shouted from afar: "The army slow down!"

Li Dian suddenly felt something was wrong, and immediately ordered: "Stop marching!"

The scouts rushed over and immediately reported with fists folded: "General Qi, an abnormality has been found five miles ahead, and there are a large number of ambushes in the woods."

Li Dian's heart sank. Sure enough, he encountered ambushes. He tried his best to calm himself down and asked, "How many ambushes and what type of army are there?"

"I don't know the exact number. Of the dozen or so brothers who went to investigate, only one escaped. He was wearing three arrows. He was seriously injured and died. He was a crossbow soldier before he died."

Li Dian looked around at the terrain. They happened to enter a wide valley not long ago. The valley road was about half a mile wide and seven or eight miles long. Useful for cavalry strikes. (Update is the fastest and most stable)

Li Dian knew that after the Han army captured Guanlong, the strength of the cavalry increased greatly. The southern army with few cavalry had gradually evolved into a northern army with strong cavalry and infantry. If the Han army cavalry attacked, he would be in big trouble.

But the cavalry only guessed, and the ambush in front had already happened. Li Dian immediately ordered: "Order the whole army to gather to the rear immediately."

This is an effective strategy to deal with ambushes. Since the team is stretched long during the march, once it encounters an ambush, it will be cut into several sections, thus forming an unfavorable situation where each is in formation, and ultimately cannot escape the fate of being wiped out.

Therefore, if an ambush is discovered in advance, the best response strategy is to gather quickly and re-arrange the elongated team into an array. Even if the ambush comes out, there is no fear at all.

Li Dian was determined to get out of this valley road, so he ordered to gather backwards. As soon as he finished speaking, there was a rumbling sound of war drums in front of him, followed by shouts of killing. , Out of the jungle.

Li Dian shouted: "Quickly retreat and assemble!"

Without his order, thousands of Cao soldiers turned around and rushed out of the valley. Amidst the noise and chaos, Li Dian suddenly heard a strange sound, as dense as drums, and was killed by the drums and shouts of the ambush soldiers. The sound was covered.

Li Dian listened intently, his face gradually became tense, and he suddenly yelled, "Not good!"

He could already hear the strange sound of the hooves of the galloping horses. Perhaps the hooves of the horses were wrapped in thick cloth, and the running sound was very low, but there were so many of them that they could still be heard when they approached.

Li Dian suddenly realized that he had fallen into the trap of the Han army. The so-called ambush was just a bait. Under assault, the army often fails to gather, but it happens to be beneficial for the cavalry to carry out concentrated assault killings.

Li Dian shouted anxiously: "Stop withdrawing troops, line up your bows and crossbows!"

But it was already too late, fifty steps away suddenly appeared a densely galloping cavalry team, they were well-trained, galloping in the dark night like a storm, only this powerful cavalry could do it, concentrated assault in the dark night, Only the tiger and leopard cavalry of the Cao army have this ability, but now the Han army can also do it.

Li Dian was so anxious that he could only sacrifice the front army, hoping that the front army could hinder the high-speed assault of the Han cavalry as much as possible and buy the rear army precious time to assemble.

Li Dian turned his horse's head and ran towards the rear army. He only ran a few dozen paces when he heard a shrill scream from behind. More than a thousand soldiers from the front army had been sucked under the iron hooves of the Han army. The spear pierced the enemy's chest like lightning, the sword smashed the enemy's head like lightning, and the horse's hoof pierced the enemy's chest and gallbladder like iron. Shouts and screams resounded through the valley.

Although Li Dian is skilled in martial arts, it is difficult for him to stand alone against the intensive cavalry attack. He could only quickly retreat to the rear and organize the rear to resist. His strength disappeared, he almost fell off his horse, and a cold arrow shot him in the shoulder in the dark night.

A hundred paces away, Pound put away his bow and arrow, and shook his head regretfully. The arrow missed by two inches and missed the enemy general's vest. "General, the enemy's rear has assembled!" A cavalry shouted loudly. reports.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Pang De's mouth, and he immediately ordered, "Ring the mountain drum!"


The earth-shattering big drum sounded, and this was the order for the Han army to attack in an all-round way. Pang De led three thousand cavalry and one thousand soldiers pretending to be ambushes to attack Cao Jun from the front, and at this moment, the rear of Cao Jun who had just assembled There was a great chaos, and the deputy general Leng Bao led [-] cavalry to attack from behind, and launched a fierce attack on the rear of the [-] Cao troops who had just completed their formation.

At this time, Li Dian had already rushed to the rear. Although he was hit by an arrow in the shoulder and could no longer fight single-handedly with the enemy general, his command of the battle was not affected. He shouted: "Back to back, form a spear formation!"

The Cao army stationed in Ye County was also an elite army. Although they were attacked by the cavalry of the Han army, they responded quickly. Except for the more than 500 people in the front army who were too late to retreat, the [-] people in the rear army successfully assembled. The strength of the troops is only convenient for the cavalry to massacre, but for the elite army, the massing of troops can form an effective resistance to the cavalry.

At this point, Pound slightly underestimated the enemy. He should have cavalry assaulted Cao Jun while the opponent was stretching his ranks during the march, cutting and surrounding the opponent, so that he could defeat the opponent more easily. Massively killed enemy troops.

Pound gave up this cutting tactic, and adopted the concentrated annihilation tactic, deliberately exposing the ambushes and allowing the enemy to gather quickly. Although this is conducive to the concentrated destruction of the enemy, once the enemy is successfully assembled, it will also pose a threat to the cavalry.

In the balance of pros and cons, it is necessary for the general to have a good understanding of the enemy's combat capabilities. It is precisely on this point that Pound underestimates the enemy. This is related to his long-term command of the cavalry, and he always has a deep-seated contempt for the infantry.

Although the front of the Cao Army was brutally massacred by the Han cavalry, they also hindered the rapid advance of the Han cavalry and gave the Cao army time to gather at the rear. After the assembly has been completed, they quickly lined up the spear phalanx and fought fiercely with the Han cavalry back to back.

In this fierce battle, the cavalry of the Han army had the absolute upper hand in terms of numbers and force. They attacked fiercely, killed ruthlessly, and advanced step by step on the accumulated flesh and blood. The dense array of spears counterattacked the assault of the Han cavalry, and the spears fell from the horses constantly, and the cavalry were stabbed to death by random spears after falling off their horses.

On the short half-mile-long front line, dead men and dead horses were mixed with flesh and blood, forming a wall of flesh and blood. Although the Han army had the upper hand, they had to pay a heavy price for every step forward. It was originally planned to end the battle in half an hour. Time passed, Cao Jun still had [-] troops, but the Han Army's cavalry lost more than a thousand.

Pound also became a little impatient. Cao Jun's tenacious resistance caught him by surprise. If the fight continued like this, even if they wiped out the opponent, they would have to pay at least two thousand cavalry. This price was too much for him to bear. Pound began to regret, I shouldn't underestimate the enemy, I should follow Leng Bao's suggestion and carry out a surprise attack when the enemy is marching, so that I only need to pay a loss of 300 people at most.

At this moment, one of Leng Bao's personal soldiers galloped up on horseback and shouted loudly: "General, General Leng suggests using thorns to attack!"

One sentence reminded Pound. He slapped his forehead fiercely. He was so confused that he even forgot the sharpest weapon used by cavalry to deal with groups. He yelled sharply: "Quickly order the prickly cavalry to step forward!"

The so-called prickly cavalry is a small cavalry team formed by the Han army imitating the Guishuang cavalry. The biggest feature of this cavalry team is that each person is equipped with ten short thorns made of fine steel. The short thorns are five feet long and weigh ten. Jin, the shape is streamlined, from thick to thin, in one go, the front part is extremely sharp, and the shape is very similar to thorns, so it is called thorn cavalry.

Because this fine steel short thorn is not easy to build and costs a lot, only more than 120 thorns have been built so far, and a small cavalry team of [-] people has been formed. Throw the short thorn more than thirty steps away.

Although the bee crossbow can also penetrate the shield and kill the enemy in large numbers, it is easy to accidentally injure the enemy when the enemy and the enemy are too close, while the thorns thrown by manpower are relatively accurate, dense and extremely lethal.

In addition, you can also use fire attack, throw fire oil into the enemy's formation, and let the fire disrupt the enemy's formation, but it is not good for the horse, it is easy to frighten the horse, but make the cavalry into chaos. In this case, use thorns Just the best tactic.

Following Pound's order, a group of cavalry rushed forward. They rushed to the front line of the cavalry, pulled out short steel thorns from their spear sheaths, and threw them at Cao Jun's spear array.

More than a hundred thorns drew out black and dark lights, and shot into Cao Jun's spear formation densely.

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