
Since Zang Ba succeeded in raiding Liyang, thousands of stone cargo ships appeared on the Caohe River from Hefei to Shouchun. Greatly enhanced Hefei's defense capabilities.

In order to prevent Han army scouts from sneaking into Hefei, Cao Cao made a major decision a month ago to move tens of thousands of Hefei people to Shouchun, making Hefei a real military city.

In fact, in several Hefei wars, a large number of Hefei people had moved out to escape the war, and the remaining people in the city were less than 3. This time, Cao Cao simply ordered them all to move out, leaving only [-] people in Hefei. The army was stationed, and another [-] troops were stationed in Shouchun.

Of course, Cao's army was spreading outward at this time. Zhang Liao led 5 troops into Wujun to help in the battle, Zhang He was stationed at Ruxukou, Zang Ba was stationed at Wuhu, and Hefei and Shouchun had only [-] troops.

But at this moment, a bad news spread to Shouchun. Cao Hong, the main general of Nanyang, was killed in battle, and Nanyang County had been occupied by the Han army. It hurt him so much.

Cao Cao locked himself in the room, and he didn't take any water or rice for a whole day, and he didn't see anyone. The guards came to persuade him several times, but he ignored him. It wasn't until evening that Cheng Yu, the military adviser, rushed over from Hefei.

Cao Cao's bodyguards welcomed Cheng Yu to Cao Cao's study as if they were welcoming a savior. Xu Chu told Cheng Yu in a low voice, "If Duke Wei sees the military advisor, the military advisor must never mention Cao Hong again. Duke Wei is old and can't stand it any longer. Such a blow."

Cheng Yu smiled and nodded, "Don't worry! I know it in my heart."

A guard went forward to report, and after a while, Cao Cao's weary voice came from the room, "Please come in, military division!"

Cheng Yu walked into the room and went all the way to the inner room, only to see Cao Cao who was sitting behind the table. Cheng Yu was startled. He hadn't seen him for a few days. Cao Cao seemed to be ten years old with wrinkles on his face. His complexion was dim, his energy and spirit almost disappeared, and he looked at the desk case blankly.

"Why is Duke Wei like this?"

Cheng Yu gasped in amazement, only Cao Hong was killed in battle, Duke Wei was hit so hard, even worse than Xia Houyuan's death.

Cao Cao sighed, "Although Zi Lian's death made me sad, judging from Jia Kui's report, he also took the blame for sending the leader of the Han army. He was beaten to death by the people of Wancheng. I believe this fact. The loss of Nanyang County, which made me sad, made me lose an important strategic fulcrum on the western front, and it also meant that I changed from a strategic offense to a strategic defense. I hate myself for being stupid. Guanzhong and Nanxiang are united as one, and now I realize that it's too late to regret!"

Cheng Yu was also secretly ashamed. As a military adviser, he did not remind the lord in time, which is also his negligence. Without Nanyang as the fulcrum of attack, they would not be able to exert pressure on Jingzhou from the east and west lines at the same time. The entire battlefield moved eastward to Hefei, and the Han army could Go all out to prepare for Hefei. From this perspective, the Battle of Nanxiang is also part of the Battle of Hefei, so that the Han army has no worries.

Thinking of this, Cheng Yu slowly persuaded: "Duke Wei, please be at ease, I believe that the defeat of Nanyang is only due to the difference in strategic deployment between the Han and Wei. However, our strategy is placed in Jiangdong, so we can help Sun Quan reunify Jiangdong and make the Cao-Sun alliance stronger. This will help us gain the upper hand in the southeast. Why lose your composure over the gains and losses of a city or corner?"

Cao Cao nodded, "Zhongde is right. When Liu Jing was attacking Nanyang with all his strength, we were helping Sun Quan regain Jiangdong. The focus is indeed different. A few days ago, Chen Qun advised me to take the opportunity to destroy Jiangdong and unify Yangzhou. Zhongde What do you think?"

Cheng Yu shook his head, and said earnestly to Cao Cao: "To be honest with Duke Wei, I have repeatedly considered this possibility, but I have come to the conclusion that although we can temporarily expand the territory by destroying Sun Quan, we ended up making wedding dresses for Liu Jing." , so that Liu Jing had an excuse to send troops to Jiangdong, on the contrary, staying in Jiangdong will have a force to contain Liu Jing, so that the southeast will form a confrontational situation, the two plans, which one is better, Duke Wei will consider for himself."

Cao Cao said with a smile: "Zhongde's words are in line with my wishes. Not only can we not weaken Jiangdong, but also strengthen Jiangdong's strength. I have ordered Zhang Liao to give Sun Quan [-] barrels of kerosene, and gave him the formula for refining kerosene. , Sun Quan will soon have the ability to attack fire, which is very important to the navy. As Zhong De said, as long as Jiangdong can restrain Liu Jing's troops on the east front, we can put our troops on the front lines of Luoyang and Xudu , who will win the deer, is yet to be known!"

Cheng Yu got up and gave a deep salute, "Since this is the case, why is Duke Wei so depressed and makes the army panic, the big battle is coming, I hope Duke Wei can cheer up the spirit, inspire the army's morale, and let the ministers see the hope of victory."

Cao Cao nodded silently, "That's what Zhong De said!"

Cao Cao accepted Cheng Yu's persuasion and began to revive his spirits. He ordered General Jin to garrison Shu County with [-] troops. , only seventy miles away from Shu County, the two armies faced each other far away.

The area around Feichao is called "Wu Head and Chu Tai". During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the main battlefield where Wu and Chu fought, among the countless city strongholds, three cities were the most important.

A Shu County, also known as Lujiang County in later generations, is high in the west and low in the east, facing Chaohu Lake in the northeast and the Yangtze River in the southeast. Two official roads in the territory meet, the main thoroughfares, and the land of fish and rice with a large population. Its strategic position is extremely important.

Next is Wan County, which has a large population and a developed economy. It is the largest grain-producing county on the Lujiang River, which can provide sufficient supplies for the army. Moreover, the Wanshui River is wide and flat, and a thousand-stone warship can be used. It can directly enter the Yangtze River through the Wanshui River. Historically, This is the bridgehead for Chu State to attack Wu State, and it is also a battleground for military strategists. At present, the main force of the Han army is stationed in Wan County.

The last strategic location is Lu'an County. Lu'an County is located in the eastern section of the Dabie Mountains, just in the transition zone from the mountains to the plains. The county seat is condescending and easy to defend but difficult to attack.

More importantly, Lu'an County is located between Hefei and Shouchun. Occupying Lu'an County can not only directly cut off the connection between Shouchun and Hefei with cavalry, but also enter Shaopi Lake by water, destroying the waterway transportation between Shouchun and Hefei. An important strategic location.

Cao Cao also knew that Lu'an County was important, so the special general Xu Huang led [-] troops to garrison Lu'an. Cao Cao occupied two of the three strategic locations east of Hefei.

In this way, the entire Hefei defense line with Hefei as the center, Ruxukou, Shuxian, and Lu'an counties as the peripheral defense, Shouchun as the rear defense, and Xuzhou and Jiangdong as the strategic support, is like a giant shield. The important town of Hefei is guarded from all directions in the west.

The Han army is like two sharp spears, attacking the giant shield of Dahefei from the water and land lines, first choose the breakthrough point, either break through Ruxukou from the water and land, or find a breakthrough by land.

Judging from the current deployment of the Han army, there is no sign of breaking through the waterway for the time being, and there is no sign of the Han army's warships moving eastward, but there is movement on the land. In Juchao County, which is about [-] miles away, the Han army seems to be preparing to break through from Shu County.

In the early morning of this day, a team of Cao Jun scout cavalry consisting of 20 people galloped in the hilly area south of Lu'an County. The chief general Xu Huang attached great importance to intelligence and sent [-] scout teams to patrol within a radius of a hundred miles. Xu Huang was in charge of military discipline. It is extremely strict, and soldiers are not allowed to disturb the people. Once Xu Huang found out that a soldier stole a fisherman's boat, regardless of the pleas of the generals, he beheaded the soldier and displayed it to the public.

This scout cavalry was seventy miles away from Lu'an City, and they also began to be vigilant. This area would be ambushed by Han army scouts at any time, and once ambushed, it was very likely to be fatal.

The cavalry team slowed down and walked slowly in a valley. At this moment, someone shouted from above: "You can't go ahead."

The scouts were taken aback, and they pointed their crossbows at the top of their heads. There was a big tree on the top of their heads. A woodcutter about 50 years old slowly came down from the tree, cupped his hands and said, "Several military lords, there will be a big tree ahead." It's dangerous, don't go any further."

The head of the station Cao Jun hurried forward and asked: "Old man, what is the threat in front of you?"

"There are Han troops stationed ahead!"

The scouts were startled, and asked again: "Are you also patrolling like us?"

"No, there are at least tens of thousands of people who just arrived last night."

Several scouts of Cao Jun immediately realized the danger. They climbed up the mountain and looked down from the top of the mountain. Sure enough, on the other side of the valley, there was a military camp about ten miles away. Judging by the scale, there were at least nearly [-] people, and sentries were set up around it. The security is strict, and patrols are constantly patrolling nearby. Their mountain road is relatively hidden and has not been discovered by the Han army.

Cao Jun's scouts panicked, hurried down the mountain, and rushed back to Lu'an County to report to the general Xu Huang.

In the big tent, Xu Huang stood in front of the map and pondered for a long time. He had already received the report from the scouts. He never thought that the Han army would appear in Lu'an County, and there were more than [-] troops. It seems that the Han army's forward attack on Shu County was only one Under the guise, his real target is Lu'an County.

Mao Jie, the counselor who came to Lu'an to release food and grass next to him, smiled and said: "It seems that the general's measures to protect the people have paid off, and even the woodcutter has helped the general. How could the general not seize the opportunity given to him by heaven?"

Xu Huang pondered for a moment and said: "The Han army is full of tricks. Maybe they deliberately exposed it and lured my army to ambush. Another Han army took the opportunity to capture Lu'an County. At that time, we will be in danger."

"The general is right to be worried. I wonder how the general is going to deal with it?"

Xu Huang said with a smile: "I focus on righteousness, supplemented by strangeness. If righteousness and strangeness are combined, our army will surely win this battle."

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