In order to avoid risks, the head of the family, Lu Jun, also separated the family into two places. One is the Lu Mansion in Wu County, and the other is the Taihu Manor of the Lu family. Currently, there are not many people living in the Lu Mansion, only some older people. People from the Lu clan.

Lu Jun had already fallen asleep, but was woken up by the housekeeper. Lu Xun actually sent his confidants to find him. Lu Jun quickly put on his clothes, and hurried to the inner hall with the housekeeper.

In the inner hall sat the man in black who climbed over the wall and entered the mansion. He was resting and drinking tea when footsteps came from the yard. Seeing Lu Jun coming in, the man in black quickly got up and saluted, "Join the Patriarch!"

He took out Lu Xun's letter from his bosom, and handed it to Lu Jun with both hands. The man in black was one of Lu Xun's former soldiers, named Zhang Qing. Lu Jun had also met him and knew that he was Lu Xun's confidant. Lu Jun took the letter, Nodded, "Sit down first!"

Lu Jun sat down and opened the letter to read it. Lu Xun said in the letter that he had captured Kuaiji County, had [-] troops in his hand, and planned to attack Wu County on a large scale. He hoped that the family could help him.

After reading the letter, Lu Jun asked Zhang Qing calmly, "Does Mr. Xun have any other messages?"

"Governor Lu said that the Lu family only needs to do their best, and don't take too many risks. In the end, they can contact Gu and Zhang to participate together."

"I see!"

Lu Jun immediately ordered the housekeeper to take Zhang Qing down to rest. He pondered for a moment, and then told the maid: "Go and find the third master."

After a while, Lu Ming hurried over. He is also the manager of the Lu family, very smart and capable, "What's the big brother, just tell me?"

"Sit down first!"

After Lu Ming sat down, Lu Jun handed Lu Xun's letter to him, "Look at this first."

After reading the letter, Lu Ming was surprised and delighted and said, "It turns out that the rumors are true, and Saburo really occupied Kuaiji."

Lu Jun also knows about these rumors, but what he cares about now is how to help Lu Xun. Of course, he is very clear about Lu Xun's purpose, to capture Kuaiji and Wu County. important influence.

Even just capturing Kuaiji had little effect on Sun Quan. After all, Kuaiji County had always been in the hands of the He brothers, but once Wu County fell, it would be a fatal blow to Sun Quan. Lu Jun knew the importance of helping Lu Xun. The future of the Lu family is at least 100 years.

"I want to contact the Gu family and the Zhang family, and the three families will help Saburo together, but it's hard for me to come forward, so I will leave this matter to you, and try to keep it as secret as possible."

Lu Ming got up quickly and said, "Brother, don't worry, I happen to be going to the manor tomorrow morning, and I will make a detour to Gu's when I come back."

Two days later, a rumor began to circulate in Wu County that with the support of Lu Xun, Sun Shao rose again. Not only did he take down Kuaiji County, but the next step was to regain Wu County. Kuaiji County has been exempted from taxes for three years. Sun Shao's young and strong men will be rewarded with a hectare of land and three years of tax exemption.

Although people with a little brain know that Sun Shao cannot be exempted from taxes, otherwise what would the army eat, but the vast majority of people are simple-minded. They all believe that the son of Sun Ce will not lie. The news of Wu Jundu spread, and triggered a wave of fleeing young and strong men in Wu Jun.

In just three days, thousands of men from Wu County escaped from the city and headed for Kuaiji County, and tens of thousands of men from all over Wu County were tempted by huge profits and ran to Kuaiji County.

Huang Gai didn't care about these rumors at first. When he realized the seriousness of the problem and ordered the gates to be closed, more than half of the young and strong men in the county had fled. In just ten days, more than [-] people fled to Kuaiji.

Huang Gai also became very vigilant in his heart. This is a typical disorder before attacking. The purpose is to disrupt stability and disturb the morale of the army. I have to say that this is a very clever move. Many of Huang Gai's soldiers are locals. It turned out that Sun Yu's surrendered troops. Once Wu County was unstable, the soldiers' morale would also be shaken. This had a great impact when the two armies were fighting fiercely.

At this time, Lu Xun had ordered the school lieutenant Zhao Zhong to lead [-] troops to the north to attack Wucheng County. Once Wucheng County fell, the Han army could directly enter Taihu Lake, which was a great threat to Wu County. The Jiangdong Army also knew this and deployed in Wucheng County. A thousand troops, but a thousand troops obviously won't work,

Huang Gai stood at the top of the city and watched the direction of Wucheng County. He had received news from the scouts that a 3000-strong Han army vanguard had conquered Wucheng County, and the Wucheng defenders surrendered without a fight. Materials, ready to turn Wucheng County into a logistics center for the Han army.

Huang Gai's mood at this time was very complicated. He originally planned not to rush to send troops, because he knew Lu Xun's strategy very well. He wanted to take Wu County as soon as possible, so that Jiangdong Army had to give up the battle of Hefei. This should also be Liu Jing's intention.

Then there are two ways to defeat the strategy of the Han army. One is to defeat the Han army. Huang Gai is not sure about this method. It can be transferred to attack Kuaiji.

Strictly guarding Wu County without fighting is the best delaying tactic, and it is also the tactic Huang Gai decided to adopt. However, Lu Xun provoked the civil chaos in Wu County, which made Wu County's people's hearts unstable, and eventually it would affect the army's instability.

But more importantly, Wucheng County was lost. The Han army is turning Wucheng County into a logistics base. Once the Han army succeeds, a large number of Han army warships can sail from Wuhu to Taihu Lake, and the Han army may also go to Taihu Lake to bypass Wu County. Attacking Piling County, which was empty of troops, made Huang Gai a little restless. In any case, he wanted to take back Wucheng County.

When Huang Gai was contemplating, the deputy general Jiang Qin stepped forward and said: "Old general, a fleet came from Xushui, and Marquis Wu sent us [-] barrels of kerosene."

Huang Gai was overjoyed at this news. With [-] barrels of kerosene, he would have the confidence to win this war. Huang Gai was so excited that he couldn't help but patted his forehead. Marquis Wu sent [-] barrels at this critical moment. Huoyou simply gave this victory directly to himself.

"Where is the fleet now?" Huang Gai asked anxiously.

"Already under the west city, ask the general whether to go directly to the city."

"of course!"

Huang Gai immediately rushed to the west city, and at the same time said loudly to Jiang Qin: "Strengthen your guard, don't allow anyone to approach the fleet, let alone see the fire."

Huang Gai was extremely cautious. He knew that with so much kerosene gathered together, there would be absolutely no sparks. He knew that if the kerosene was accidentally ignited, the [-] barrels of kerosene might not be able to keep.

A convoy of hundreds of five-hundred-stone cargo ships sailed slowly into Xicheng. This is when the Jiangdong Army left Jianye to Qinshui, then entered Lishui from a small river, and arrived at Wuxian County through Taihu Lake and Xushui. It was Cao Cao's military assistance to Jiangdong in accordance with the agreement between the two parties.

However, this batch of kerosene has passed the hands of the Han army, and neither Cao Cao nor Sun Quan knew about it. Of course, the hundred cargo ships did not return in the end. Cao Cao would have guessed that they were captured by the Han army, but Cao Cao did not expect that the batch of kerosene had arrived. In the hands of Sun Quan.

At this time, Jiang Qin said to Huang Gai from the side: "Now that we have fire oil, we can use it to defeat Lu Xun's arrogance and improve the morale of our army. I am willing to lead a fleet to the south to burn the Han army's transport fleet. , and take back Wucheng County."

Huang Gai nodded, "I'll give you [-] troops, [-] ships, and [-] barrels of kerosene. You can march along Taihu Lake by land and water. Be sure to retake Wucheng County for me."

Wucheng County is also today’s Huzhou, Zhejiang Province. It is located on the south bank of Taihu Lake. The Wucheng River runs through the whole area. It is an important entrance to Taihu Lake from the south. Huang Gai is also very aware of the importance of Wucheng County, so he stationed 1000 troops in Wucheng County. , but a thousand troops could not stop the attack of the Han army. When the Han army killed them in a large scale, the main general offered the city and surrendered.

The loss of Wucheng County means that the gate of South Taihu Lake is opened. Once the warships of the Han army enter Taihu Lake from the Yangtze River, Wucheng County will become the logistics center of the Han army in Wujun. It doesn't matter anymore.

It is also true that Huang Gai must retake Wucheng County. Two days later, two hundred Jiangdong Army cargo ships loaded with [-] barrels of kerosene and siege ladders entered the Wucheng River Estuary from Taihu Lake. Led by Qin, they rushed to the mouth of the river and joined the fleet.

There are still more than ten miles away from the mouth of the Wucheng River to the county seat. It is noon at this time, and the Jiangdong soldiers are busy burying pots and cooking, while Jiang Qin is sitting next to a big rock, thinking about the strategy of attacking the city.

Not far away, several military lords walked quickly to Jiang Qin, bowed and said, "General Qi, there seems to be a problem with the fuel."

Jiang Qin was taken aback, "What's the problem?"

"Because it just rained and the firewood was relatively damp, some brothers used kerosene to light the fire for cooking, but found that the kerosene wouldn't ignite. Not just one person, but many people couldn't ignite."

Jiang Qin was stunned, how could it be possible?He walked quickly towards a stone stove, surrounded by a large group of soldiers, seeing the master approaching, all the people stepped aside.

There was a clay basin in front of the stone stove, which was filled with clear kerosene. Jiang Qin took a torch and stretched it towards the clay basin. According to his experience, the kerosene should be burning with a bang, but there was none at all. movement.

Jiang Qin was suspicious, so he simply picked up the clay pot and walked towards a pile of fire, "Wow! With a sound, he poured the fire oil in the clay pot on the fire, and the fire went out.

Jiang Qin was completely stunned, this is not kerosene!He turned around and immediately ordered: "Go and open another hundred barrels of kerosene!"

Soon, some soldiers shouted, "General, the oil barrel is water, not kerosene!"

"Open them all!" Jiang Qin was in a hurry. Could it be that Marquis Wu would deceive them?

Soldiers rushed onto the boat one after another and pried open the oil barrels with knives, but the result left everyone dumbfounded. The kerosene they had hoped for was mostly water, but a layer of water floated on the surface. tung oil.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, what is going on?Marquis Wu actually deceived them.

At this moment, a sentry galloped up on horseback and shouted: "General, there is an enemy situation!"

Jiang Qin was taken aback. He didn't have any fire oil, so he ordered in a hurry: "Form up immediately and prepare to fight!"

Thousands of Jiangdong soldiers got up one after another. They didn't care about cooking, they picked up their weapons and quickly started to line up. At this time, Jiang Qin saw a dark army appearing in the distance, at least nearly ten thousand people, which made Jiang Qin gasp. Their information was wrong. The Han army in Wucheng County was not the vanguard going north, but the main force of the Han army had arrived.

Jiang Qin was filled with resentment and anxiety. He originally planned to rely on kerosene to win the battle, but the kerosene Wu Hou gave them was all fake, which made Jiangdong Army lose the most important weapon What he was anxious about was that the intelligence was wrong. It was not the vanguard of the three thousand Han army, but the main force of the Han army.

Seeing that the Han army had been killed, Jiang Qin could no longer avoid it, so he had to bite the bullet and shout: "The crossbowmen are ready!"

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