At the same moment when Zhang Liao was watching the situation of the moat below the city, Han Wang Liu Jing, accompanied by hundreds of guards and generals, inspected the month-long water diversion project on a hill.

Fazheng was also very proud of his water diversion project, not only because he successfully used the terrain to divert the water from the moat, but also cut off the scouts of Cao Jun's scouts, so that Shouchun Cao Jun never found the Han army's attempt.

He pointed to the newly formed lake in the distance and said to Liu Jing: "It was a lake and swamp in the time of Emperor Guangwu. Later, the water source was cut off, and it gradually dried up. Now Weichen has restored it to a lake again. It is estimated that in a few months, it will be a lake. Finally, a new lake with a radius of one thousand hectares will be formed."

Liu Jing pointed at Xiaoyaojin with a whip and said, "Will the new lake be integrated with Xiaoyaojin again, so as to replenish water for the moat?"

"Impossible. The terrain of Xiaoyaojin and Hefei City is relatively high, and the lake water will only flow to Chaohu Lake, which is on a lower terrain, and not to Xiaoyaojin."

Liu Jing nodded and said with a smile to everyone: "The reason why Hefei City was built on a high place was to prevent the water from Chaohu Lake from flooding the city. Unexpected."

Gan Ning also laughed and said: "Your Highness is right, this means that what you gain must be lost. In fact, I hope that Hefei City will be built in a low-lying place, so that I can enter the city by boat."

Everyone laughed. Liu Jing saw that the morale of the people was high, and they were all gearing up to attack the city. Although he knew that Cao Jun also had a powerful bee crossbow, he had to attack the city anyway and find out how to defend the city. Cao Jun's falsehood.

Thinking of this, Liu Jing immediately ordered: "Masters, please be prepared to attack the city in three days!"

Everyone's morale was high, and they all agreed with a loud bang. Everyone was full of confidence in taking Hefei

Three days later, the water in the moat of Hefei had run out, and the river beds of the moats in the northern and western cities had gradually become dry and hard enough to run in the riverbed. There are forests of swords and spears, and the black army is paved into three huge phalanxes. In the army, you can see large siege weapons such as ladders, nest carts, and battering rams. The huge nest carts stand like giants.

Zhang Liao galloped on the top of the city on horseback and shouted: "Check the trebuchet, check the bow and crossbow, get ready to fight the enemy!"

He already felt the murderous intent of the Han army. He knew that the first large-scale siege of the Han army was coming soon. Zhang Liao rushed to the north city. Tens of thousands of defenders were busy preparing to move barrels of kerosene to the top of the city. Close to the inner female wall, the iron quiver used by the bee crossbow is also neatly stacked, dozens of huge trebuchets creaked open, and [-] Cao troops are already waiting on the four walls.

Liu Jing immediately stood on a high ground a few miles to the north, watching the Han army's upcoming attack on Hefei City. At this time, a flag officer stepped forward and reported: "His Royal Highness, it is three quarters in the afternoon!"

Three quarters in the afternoon is the time to kill people, and it is also the revelation of the siege battle. Liu Jing swung his sword and shouted sharply: "Attack!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The huge war drum finally sounded, and the low-pitched sound of the horn resounded across the earth. Wei Yan, the general of the Han army, led [-] Han troops to fight from the west city. The ladders, one by one bravely scrambling to be the first, shouting and killing loudly.

Tens of thousands of soldiers of the Han army ran forward bravely amidst the sound of fierce war drums, and more than a thousand law enforcement soldiers were behind them. The [-] troops were full of murderous spirits and rushed to the city to hide and kill.

Liu Qi then sent General Wang Ping to lead an army of [-] to attack the North City. The West City and the North City joined together to form an army of [-] to besiege Hefei City. Ant colonies, mighty and mighty, covered the wilderness outside the city of Hefei.

The moat has no defensive function, and the river bed is not deep, less than one zhang. Han soldiers put up thousands of planks so that soldiers and large siege weapons can go up and down the river bed smoothly.

The battle line advanced rapidly, and the vanguard was only [-] steps away from the city. At this time, the Cao army on the top of the city began to counterattack.

'boom! 'A nest cart was hit by a boulder, the nest cart bloomed in the air, giant trees flew randomly, corpses vacated, the nest cart fell apart, and another huge siege ladder was hit, the ladder broke, and the huge body of the ladder fell to the ground. Fell down, lying on the ground and could no longer move.

Boulders smashed into the crowd one after another, and screams kept coming. The great fear caused the morale of the Han army to drop. Some inexperienced soldiers of the Han army turned around and ran. Behind the formation, hundreds of Han soldiers who had escaped from the attacking formation were cut down to the ground.

Wei Yan waved his knife and shouted: "Life and death are up to God, attack the city!"

Inspired by the murderous aura of the battlefield, countless soldiers of the Han army shouted and charged forward. As the Han army in the west city advanced to the bottom of the city, a bow and arrow battle broke out between the two sides. Let the arrows go down. There are archery openings on the city wall of Hefei, and the battlements can be used as cover.

Under the city, the Han army shot upwards at an angle of elevation, while the Han army had the advantage due to the dense population. The arrows from both sides were like dense rain, weaving a black arrow net in the sky. The Han army suffered heavy casualties, and the Cao army soldiers also suffered heavy casualties. The arrow screamed and fell into the city.

In the dense arrow rain, the Han army rushed up the moat bed and approached the city wall. In front of the moat, there was a large trench two feet deep and two feet wide, but it was meaningless to the Han army. The wooden boards made the moat lose its defensive function.

Dozens of large siege ladders climbed up the top of the city, and the soldiers climbed up like ants, screaming and killing, and the fire oil poured down on the top of the city, and then the rockets shot down, and the flames flew into the air, countless Han troops The soldiers instantly became fire men, screaming and jumping down the ladder.

There were blazing flames and thick smoke billowing everywhere outside the west city, but the fire still couldn't break the will of the Han army to attack the city. The soldiers still climbed to the top of the city regardless of life and death, fighting with Cao's army.

The attack outside the northern city was equally fierce. More than a dozen nest carts arrived rumblingly. The nest carts of the Han army were temporarily made by hundreds of craftsmen. Dozens of oxen are used to drag each nest car.

The nest cart is four feet high and is level with the top of the city. When the nest cart reaches the city wall, it will put down the city board so that the soldiers on the nest cart can rush directly to the top of the city.

The first nest cart attacked the city wall step by step. It was fully loaded with 120 Han soldiers, each holding spears and shields, and more than [-] people followed, shooting arrows upwards.

The nest cart slowly approached the city wall, less than fifty steps away from the city wall, Zhang Liao stared at the nest cart approaching, turned around and shouted: "The stone cannon is ready!"

Cao Jun's ten stone cannons began to show their power. The stone cannons are actually a super-large bed crossbow. The stone cannons are one foot long, and the bow arms are one foot five. It was manned by ten soldiers and wound by winches.

The stone cannon fires a polished stone bullet, weighing about [-] to [-] jin, and has a range of up to [-] steps. Special soldiers are in charge of ranging and aiming, mainly to deal with nest vehicles.

"Here we come! We come!" The soldiers pointed at the approaching nest carts and shouted.

Eight soldiers pushed the long winch rod, and the huge bowstring was creakingly pulled away and hooked to the string hook. One soldier fed a stone bullet into the firing slot. At this time, Zhang Liao himself lay on the crossbow. Go up, stare at Wangshan, and shout: "Half a quarter to the east!"

There are scales drawn on the ground behind the stone cannon, and the soldiers raised the stone cannon and moved eastward for half a quarter.

"All right!"

Zhang Liao yelled, jumped off the stone cannon, stared at the nest car for a while, and shouted: "Fire!"

The two soldiers pulled out the string hook suddenly, only to hear a click! * There was a loud noise, and a stone bullet flew out of the firing slot powerfully, roaring and shooting towards the nest cart fifty steps away.

*boom! * With a loud noise, the Han army's nest cart was hit by a stone bullet, and a beam broke. The nest cart shook violently, but it did not fall apart, and continued to move forward.

"Come again!"

Zhang Liao yelled, and ten soldiers rewound the strings to feed the bombs again, but there was no need to adjust the direction. Another stone bullet was fired strongly, hitting the nest cart again, and was shot twice in a row. A belt tied to the main beam of the nest cart finally Breaking, the nest car tilted and collapsed in an instant, and a hundred soldiers screamed and fell down.

The soldiers of the Cao army at the head of the city immediately cheered, but Zhang Liao's face was solemn. The attack intensity of the Han army greatly exceeded his expectations. The siege still posed a huge threat to Hefei.

At this time, a Ya general rushed to Zhang Liao's side and said loudly, "General, use the bee crossbow! The enemy's attack is too fierce."

But Zhang Liao bit his lip and said nothing. The arrows of the bee crossbow were too expensive. They only equipped with a thousand arrow boxes and thirty thousand iron crossbow bolts. Once they were used up, they would not replenish them.

Although the Han army was attacking like a tide, Zhang Liao's intuition told Zhang Liao that it was not time to use the bee crossbow. He gritted his teeth and ordered, "No one is allowed to use the bee crossbow without my order."

On the top of the city, Cao Jun shot arrows like torrential rain, and shot at the Han soldiers densely. Although they were covered with shields, a large number of Han soldiers were shot down, but the Han army was too dense. The power is not great, but the siege ladder is very sharp.

Hundreds of siege ladders were mounted on the top of the northern city, and iron hooks hung on the wall. More than [-] vanguards of the Han army began to climb up and attack. , screaming and rolling from the air to the ground, but new soldiers continued to attack the city.

The Han army has experienced a simulated siege for more than a month, and the tactical cooperation has been very tacit. Under the city, another [-] Han soldiers began to counterattack with arrows, covering the ascent of the city. The defenders suffered heavy casualties, and more than [-] people were shot by arrows. Cao Jun's soldiers were pressed behind the city wall, unable to lift their heads, so they had to use shields to cover them and shoot arrows out from the shooting holes.

At this time, a dangerous situation appeared in the northern section of Xicheng. The first batch of Han soldiers rushed to the top of the city and began to fight fiercely with Cao soldiers. More and more Han soldiers rushed to the top of the city. The situation in Xicheng was extremely critical.

Zhang Liao led a thousand soldiers to help. With a loud roar, he rushed into the enemy group with a big iron spear. He swung a sixty-jin iron spear and struck left and right. The iron spear was like a storm. Zhang Liao was not only highly skilled in martial arts, but also powerful. Incomparably, the soldiers of the Han army were beaten to pieces and their brains burst. The Han army was shocked by his bravery and retreated one after another. The thousand Cao troops behind Zhang Liao rushed up and killed the enemy bravely. In the end, hundreds of Han soldiers rushed to the top of the city. kill them all.

Nearly two hours had passed, the siege battle was extremely fierce, arrows flew across, corpses piled up, both sides invested heavy troops, dense arrows streaked across the sky, and shot at the top of the city, the soldiers of the Han army attacked the top of the city, He was driven down again, and after several fierce battles, the city of Hefei stood still and was not broken by the Han army.

At this time, Liu Jing, who was watching the battle from a distance, saw that the Cao army was gradually gaining the upper hand, and the Han army was at a disadvantage. Most of the siege ladders and nest vehicles were lost. He couldn't help sighing, "Send the troops to withdraw!"

'when!when!when! *The bell finally rang, and tens of thousands of Han troops retreated like a tide. In the first battle of the siege, nearly 3000 Cao troops were killed or injured, but the Han army paid a heavy price of 5000 deaths.

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