Zhang Liao was very anxious at this time, he had already seen the intention of the Han army, but he was helpless. The position of the Han army's catapults was far away, and their catapults did not have enough range.

At this time, Zang Ba rushed forward and said, "Yuan, let me lead the army to fight out and destroy their catapults."


Zhang Liao immediately rejected Zang Ba's request. He knew that destroying a few trebuchets was meaningless, and new trebuchets would come, but once the city gates were opened, it would bring opportunities to the Han army. You must know all the city gates They were all sealed with boulders, and even the most powerful battering ram was difficult to break through.

Zhang Liao looked at the angry Zang Ba, and sighed, "Xuan Gao, calm down first!"

After all, Zang Ba is also an experienced general. He was only angered by the unscrupulous siege of the Han army. Under Zhang Liao's persuasion, he gradually calmed down.

After pondering for a moment, Zang Ba said: "The purpose of the Han army is to collapse the city wall. This move is really powerful. It is estimated that the outer wall of the northern city will collapse, just like when they attacked Lu Bu back then. The city wall of Xuzhou was also knocked down by the battering ram, but Although they were defeated, Cao Jun still failed to break through the city."

Zhang Liao's eyes flashed brightly, and he asked anxiously, "How did you defend the city at that time?"

"At that time, Lv Bu followed Chen Gong's advice and demolished the houses and temporarily built an inner city with huge foundation stones. He fought back and repaired the city at the same time. Three thousand soldiers repaired the city wall in just one night."

As soon as Zang Ba finished speaking, he heard a series of muffled noises from the north, and Zhang Liao's face changed drastically. At this time, the Han army attacked the city with huge stones.

He ordered without hesitation: "Xuan Gao, go quickly to the warehouse to get the foundation stone, and prepare to build the inner city. I'll go to the city to have a look."

Zang Ba got on his horse, whipped his horse fast, and rushed to the warehouse, while Zhang Liao turned around and ran towards the west city.

At this time, the northern city wall was alternately stimulated by fire and ice water, and a series of bursts burst. Many bricks and stones fell to the ground, and the wall bricks turned into stone powder. A long section of the city wall collapsed suddenly, and the yellow sand and mud that filled the city wall poured down.

In the distance, thousands of Han soldiers operating trebuchets cheered together. At this time, general Wei Yanzong galloped up a hill. Liu Jing and dozens of generals were watching the battle on the hill.

Wei Yan got off his horse, stepped forward quickly, knelt down on one knee and saluted: "His Royal Highness, the northern city of Hefei has collapsed, and I am humbled to ask for orders, and I am willing to lead [-] troops to enter the city!"

Liu Jing smiled, "There are [-] Cao troops in the city, so what's the point if you only lead [-] troops to enter?"

"Humble posts can open the city gates and allow the main force of the Han army to enter the city."

Liu Jing shook his head, "Cao Jun's morale is high, so it's not easy to be defeated, but if you are willing to attack the city, I can give you an order. You can lead [-] troops to attack the collapsed city wall."

Wei Yan was overjoyed, clasped his fists and said: "I obey the order!"

He turned around on his horse and ran towards the military camp not far away. At this moment, Fazheng said to Liu Jing in a low voice: "Didn't Your Highness plan to use the Battle of Hefei to drag down Cao Wei's economy? If General Wei invades the city, what is His Highness' plan?" no......"

Before Fazheng finished speaking, Liu Jing shook his head, "The collapse of a section of the outer city wall does not mean that Hefei City will fall, but it is to put pressure on Zhang Liao so that he does not look down on me."

Speaking of this, Liu Jing said to Gan Ning: "Under pressure, Zhang Liao will definitely ask Cao Cao for help. You can lead an army of [-] to go north to intercept Shouchun's reinforcements."

"The end will obey orders!"

Gan Ning left in a hurry, and Liu Jing ordered Wang Ping to lead [-] troops as Wei Yan's backup. With the collapse of the northern city wall, a fierce battle was about to break out.

'Boom!Boom!Boom! ’ The battle drums were beating fiercely in the night, and [-] soldiers of the Han army, led by Wei Yan, rushed towards the northern city in a murderous spirit. The impact of weapons was harsh and shocking.

The battle started almost at the same time on the two earth hills inside and outside the northern city. Huge boulders and fireballs rained down on each other, and the red flames lit up the night sky. ,

The boulder shot by Cao Jun's trebuchet smashed into the running soldiers of the Han army. The boulder rolled, blood and flesh flew everywhere, and screams rang out.

The trebuchets on the earth hill of the Han army did not show any weakness, and smashed the fire oil tanks and huge boulders onto the top of the city. The gravel splashed and the flames flew into the air. The huge boulders whizzing down from the sky, Cao Jun's soldiers were constantly hit by the boulders, their flesh and blood were mutilated, and they were smashed into meatloaf.

However, neither the Cao army nor the Han army's trebuchets could stop the Cao army's defense and the Han army's attack. The soldiers of the Cao army opened their bows and set up arrows, waiting for the Han army to rush into the range.

Wei Yan took the lead and rushed to the river bed first. At this time, he caught a glimpse of Cao Jun's sentry officer on the top of the city. He immediately drew his bow and set an arrow. He fell heavily from the forty-foot-high wall.

The scream was like a death knell in the dark night, waking up all the soldiers of the Cao army at the top of the city. The soldiers on the city stood up and fired their bows one after another. For a while, the arrows were like heavy rain. Hundreds of cavalrymen of the Han army shot arrows one after another, and the horses neighed and rowed. Break the sky.

At this time, thousands of soldiers of Cao's army suddenly poured out from the collapsed gap. They shouted loudly, ran out of the gap, brandished spears and swords, and killed the oncoming Han army.

This is Cao Jun trying to buy time, and the city is nervously building a stone-walled urn city. They need time, and these thousands of Cao Jun took on the task of delaying the Han army's attack.

The [-] Han troops led by Wei Yan are elite troops from Yizhou. All of them have high morale and are brave and good at fighting. Many soldiers have experienced hundreds of battles. Wave after wave of attacks.

In contrast, Zhang Liao sent thousands of death-death troops, most of them were old and weak soldiers. Zhang Liao kept the elite soldiers in the city. After Cao Jun attacked the city, it was difficult for them to return. They all died in the Han army's attack. under.

There were not many people attacking Cao's army, only 3000. They could only rely on a slightly favorable terrain to fight fiercely with the Han army, but after all, the number was too small, and they were old and weak soldiers. , Under the tide-like attack of [-] Han troops, most of the [-] Cao troops were killed.

The remaining thousands of Cao troops could no longer resist the attack of the Han army and began to flee in all directions, but the Han army ignored them and did not pursue them. The key now is to fight for the collapsed gap.

The Cao army on the top of the city had already built dense wooden piles on both sides of the collapsed city wall, and built five layers of boulders to completely isolate the intact city wall from the collapsed place, so that the Han army could not attack the top of the city, but could only cross the gap. Attack the city.

At this time, the Han army dug up the gap and razed the two-foot-high gap to the ground. Thousands of Han troops invaded the city like a tide. The army started a bloody fight to enter the city.

As the gap fell, Cao Jun was about to complete the stone wall. They first laid a wooden fence. The thick fence was made of girders from the houses. It was thick and strong, and the gap between the wooden fences could only allow a punch to pass through. , very dense.

Behind the wooden fence, Cao Jun used tens of thousands of flat foundation stones to build a urn city covering an area of ​​more than ten mu around the gap in the city. The stone wall is four feet high, flush with the city wall, and about one foot thick. It can withstand the impact of the battering ram, and thousands of Cao soldiers are lying on the wall, with their bows and arrows, waiting for the Han army to enter.

Once Cao Jun filled the city wall from the inside, the gap actually lost the meaning of breaking the city, but time was running out, and there was still a section of the wall about three feet wide that was not closed.

Thousands of Han soldiers rushed into the city, and arrows shot like a storm from all directions at the Han soldiers below the city. They raised their shields high and rushed towards the three-foot-wide gap in the wall without hesitation.

The core of the contention between the two sides is this gap of three feet wide. This is the only way to enter the city. Both sides have no choice but to fight to the death.

More than 2000 Han troops and more than [-] Cao troops fought fiercely at this gap, which was no more than three feet wide.

More than [-] Han troops rushed in like a tide. Before they had time to form a formation, they brandished long knives, held shields in their hands, wound their bows and arrows, and rushed forward against the rain of arrows. Devouring blood, dozens of Cao Jun soldiers who were driving wooden stakes in the urn city were unable to escape, and were hacked to death by the killing Han soldiers.

The bloody smell in the air made the Han army extremely fearless. Even though the people rushing in front had been killed, the soldiers behind still rushed forward frantically, bearing the flesh shields of the corpses. Dozens of cavalry cavalrymen from the Cao army were overthrown to the ground, and the cavalrymen on horseback fell to the ground one after another, and were hacked into flesh by the Han army's chaotic blades.

Zang Ba yelled and directed hundreds of Cao troops to block the tunnel. They were crowded together with the attacking Han army. They couldn't lift their knives, so they bit their teeth, punched them with their fists, and stabbed them with their daggers. They didn't retreat a step. , Only the cracking of bones, the rattling of throats before death, the dead and the living squeezed together, suffocating.

More and more Han troops poured into the urn city, and under the leadership of Wei Yan, they launched a fierce offensive towards the gap. In the urn city, the dead soldiers of the Han army were scattered all over the field, and the archers of the Cao army on the stone wall shot down arrows. tragic death.

At this time, Wei Yan ordered to build a meat ladder with dead people and dead horses. Although the height was not enough to go up the wall, dozens of strong Han soldiers had climbed up the stone wall, and fought fiercely with Cao Jun's archers on the stone wall, killing Cao Jun. The soldiers retreated one after another, causing countless casualties.

Seeing that the situation was critical, Zang Ba yelled, grabbed the broadsword from his own soldiers, jumped onto the stone wall, and faced several Han soldiers rushing to kill them. Three spears stabbed Zang Ba, but Zang Ba dodged. Swinging the broadsword violently, blood burst out, and the two Han soldiers were cut into four by him, and rolled down from the stone wall.

Zang Ba's ferocity seemed to be transmitted to every Cao soldier, and nearly a hundred Cao soldiers rushed up the stone wall. They fought back vigorously and drove dozens of Han soldiers off the stone wall.

Wei Yan was furious, he hid secretly in the dark, drew his bow and set an arrow, aiming at General Cao Jun, a cold arrow 'whoosh! He shot at Zang Ba, Zang Ba couldn't dodge it in time, the arrow hit his shoulder, the strength in his hand disappeared, and the sword flew away.

Dozens of Han soldiers killed the stone wall again, lowered the long ladder to the wall, and tried to climb over the stone wall and enter the city. Hundreds of Cao soldiers rushed up on the stone wall and fought fiercely with the Han soldiers to prevent them from climbing over the wall.

Liu Jing stood behind the mound and watched the fierce battle below. Although it was night, many Cao soldiers held torches, so Liu Jing could vaguely see the fierce battle inside the wall.

At this moment, Fazheng realized something was wrong, and immediately said to Liu Jing, "Your Highness, did you see that the soldiers of Cao Jun on the city wall didn't seem to be shooting arrows. If they seal and collapse a gap and set fire to the city, our army may be wiped out."

Liu Jing suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, and he also realized Cao Jun's plan. As long as they cut off the retreat of the Han army and burned the city with fire oil, thousands of Han soldiers would all be burned to death.

Liu Jing immediately ordered: "Ming Jin...No! Immediately notify General Wei Yan to retreat."

Liu Jing didn't dare to order Ming Jin to retreat, otherwise it would give Cao Jun a signal to attack. He took out the gold medal and handed it to a guard, "If he doesn't obey the order, he will be executed immediately!"

The guard took the gold medal and galloped away. After a while, he rushed into the gap and shouted loudly: "General Wei, Your Highness orders you to retreat immediately!"

Wei Yan was so jealous that he would not listen, he shouted: "Tell Your Highness, I am about to break into the city!"

Seeing that he refused to withdraw, the guards held up the gold medal and shouted: "General Wei Yan, if you don't obey the order of the King of Han, you will be executed without pardon!"

Wei Yan recognized the gold medal of the King of Han, and he was secretly startled. The King of Han actually used the gold medal to order him to retreat. He didn't dare to disobey the order again, and immediately shouted loudly: "Order to withdraw the troops!"

The Han army retreated to the outside of the city like a tide, and Cao Jun soldiers immediately reported to Zhang Liao. Zhang Liao was on the city wall. He was indeed planning to cut off the retreat of the Han army and burn the Han army in the city with kerosene, but the reason why he did not give the order He did it because he felt that there were not enough enemy troops inside the wall, and there were still thousands of Han troops outside who hadn't entered.

At this time, he received a report from the soldiers that the soldiers of the Han army had retreated. Zhang Liao was shocked and rushed forward, only to see that thousands of Han soldiers had quickly withdrawn from the collapsed gap, and there were less than a hundred people in the besieged city.

After a long while, Zhang Liao sighed. The Han army suddenly retreated when they gained the upper hand. It was obvious that they had seen through their plot, which made him fall short.

In desperation, Zhang Liao had no choice but to order: "Send me an order to mobilize 5000 people to repair the wall, and it must be completed before dawn."

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