Chang'an in March is undoubtedly the same intoxicating season as March. The autumn is crisp and the grain harvest is in sight. The prosperity of the Han Empire.

The first is the rapid growth of the population. Rich households from all over the world moved to Chang’an in succession. Within a year, nearly 20 large families moved to Chang’an from all over the world. Calculated as a household with 17 people, this is an increase of [-] people. There are officials and their families who moved from Chengdu.

In just one year, Chang'an's population soared from 10 to 30. Although it brought about many security problems, it also greatly promoted the development of Chang'an and the dramatic changes in the city's appearance.

In fact, together with the craftsmen and businessmen from all over the world who came to Chang'an looking for work, as well as the troops stationed in Chang'an, the actual population of Chang'an has exceeded 40.

The entire Chang'an city is full of mansions and shops under construction, making Chang'an city a bustling construction site.

This morning, a team of Xiongnu envoys from Monan slowly entered Chang'an City. The team consisted of a hundred people, but they brought thousands of camels with them. The furs and medicinal materials, as well as many platinum and precious stones from the Yinshan Mountains, were gifts from the Xiongnu Shanyu Daman to Liu Jing, the king of Han.

Daman’s special envoy is called Hulan Shizhuliuduo, who is Daman’s elder brother and King Youguli of the Huns. Chinese, and gave himself the Chinese name Liu Duo, which is also a transliteration of his name in the Huns. In the Huns, everyone generally called him King Liuduo.

Liuduo is about forty years old, looks very old, with gray hair and wrinkled face, he looks like he is over sixty years old. This is Liuduo's second visit to Chang'an. Daman was commissioned to negotiate with Han, demanding the redemption of some captured soldiers, Hun women and children.

Han Guo also agreed to their request, and offered fifty sheep to redeem one person. This price was within the tolerance of the Huns. Liu Duo agreed, but both parties had to report to their respective lords. The urgent express letter from Pingzhangtai was also sent to Hefei.

And this time Liu Duo came to finalize the final agreement and negotiate some details. The Huns are very eager to return the captured tribesmen. To be precise, they are the Huns soldiers who are eager to return the captured Huns. a cover up.

Just two months ago, a fierce battle broke out between them and the Xianbei people in Mobei for the pasture. They used to provoke the Xianbei people, but this time it was the Xianbei people who came to seize their pasture. killed the Xianbei, but they themselves suffered heavy casualties.

More importantly, this is a warning. Nomads are very sensitive to warnings. The upper class of the Huns has already felt the threat from the Xianbei, so it is very urgent for the Huns to redeem the captured Huns soldiers.

Chang'an Avenue is very lively with people coming and going. Most of the passers-by are well-dressed and radiant. There are shouts from various shops on both sides of the road. Husbands from the Western Regions can be seen everywhere, including Hexi Qiang people in short coats and boots; Wusun people in narrow-sleeved white robes and hats; there are also Guishuang people with deep eyes and high noses and fair skin, and Sogdians with neck-cut hair and pointed hats.

These barbarians from the Western Regions are almost all businessmen, leading a large group of camels, their eyes are full of expectations of getting rich, and they seem to be no different from the Xiongnu envoy team. It is for this reason that Chang'an pedestrians also regard the Hun envoy team as a A barbarian caravan that came from afar, nodded and saluted them, quite politely.

Liu Duo let out a long sigh, and said to Ali, the deputy envoy beside him, "I came to Chang'an 20 years ago. It seemed to be the second year after the Li Cui Rebellion. I was also in this position. What I saw was a large area of ​​ruins. , Rats and foxes are nests, groups of beggars are everywhere, women are naked, and prostitution can be seen everywhere, which makes people feel very desolate, but when I look at Chang'an today, I have a feeling of reappearing the Han Empire. Only then did I understand why Shan Yu intended to surrender to Han, Liu Jing is truly a hero!"

Ali also nodded, "Your Majesty is right. The feeling today is indeed different from that of two months ago. The change is too fast."

Just as he was talking, a dozen or so officials rode across the road. The head official was about [-] years old, of average stature, and his bright eyes were full of shrewdness. Liu Duo recognized this person at a glance. It was the last time he received them Liu Min, the Honglu minister of the Han Dynasty, was overjoyed, and waved his hands and shouted: "Liu Shijun!"

Liu Min also saw him, and hurried forward to give a salute and said with a smile: "I was going out of the city to meet you, but I didn't expect you to have already entered the city."

Liu Duo chuckled, "The Huns are fast-acting. We didn't rest outside the city, so we went directly into the city."

Liu Min looked at their luggage and said with a smile, "Why did your lord bring so many things?"

Liu Duo pointed at the more than 1000 camels full of goods behind him and said with a smile: "I brought a lot of grassland specialties, which are gifts from my family Shanyu to His Highness the King of Han."

Liu Min smiled happily: "My lord has worked really hard, please follow me to the post house to rest first."

Liu Duo was anxious, and hurriedly pulled Liu Min and said in a low voice: "It's still early, my subordinates can go to the post house to rest, but I want to meet the ministers first, is it convenient?"

"My lord is too impatient."

Liu Min looked at the sky, it was still early in the afternoon, and said with a smile: "Okay! I'll take the prince to see Sima Shangshu, and now it's his turn to be in charge."

Liu Duo was overjoyed, "Then I will bother you."

. . . . . . . .

Although Han Wang Liu Jing was not in Chang'an, the multi-phase balance system he established still enabled the smooth and stable operation of Han's government affairs. Only major military and state affairs must be decided by Liu Jing.

Whether it is a major military and state affairs is determined by the servant Yin Mo, who is the supervision of the ministers, which prevents the ministers from expanding their power without authorization.

In Pingzhangtai, the ministers are gathering in Sima Yi's official room to discuss the matter of sending troops and merging the state. Today is Sima Yi's fifth day in office. Trivial affairs are decided by the main prime minister.

The governing affairs pen was originally rotated every ten days, but starting last year, Liu Jing considered that ten days would not be conducive to a satisfactory solution to a matter, so he changed the governing affairs pen to a monthly rotation, so that when the monthly report is published, it will be easier Judging the pros and cons is also a kind of pressure on the minister who is in charge of writing.

Sima Yi served as Minister of the Ministry of War and was in charge of the daily affairs of the Ministry of War. This was also the reform at the beginning of this year. The system of five ministers was established, and five departments of officials, households, soldiers, criminals, and workers were established. Minister, Sima Yi served as minister of the Ministry of War, Dong He served as minister of the Ministry of Punishment, Fei Guan served as minister of the Ministry of Industry, and each of the subordinates appointed two ministers as deputies. full supervision.

So this month, Sima Yi, who was in charge of the administrative affairs, was in charge of the overall situation. Sima Yi handed over the express letter sent by Liu Jing to everyone, and said with a smile: "This is a letter from His Highness, everyone, please take a look! Your Highness seems to want to The war situation has expanded, not only to fight Hefei, but also to fight the county, to push Xuchang, and now it is preparing to send troops to Luoyang and Bingzhou, it is very lively!"

Everyone took the letter and read it again, Xu Shu smiled and said: "These should be His Highness's bluff to put pressure on Cao Cao and force them to strengthen their armaments in order to weaken Cao Cao's strength. I heard that Bingzhou's grain production will decrease this year, and Cao Cao will be under great pressure." Big, I'm afraid I won't be able to support it."

Dong He next to him asked puzzledly, "How could Bingzhou's grain production decrease even though Guan Qiu's grain harvest is bumper?"

Xu Shu pointed at Jiang Wan and smiled, "Ask our God of Wealth! He knows better than anyone else."

Jiang Wan was in charge of the household department and was in charge of the finance, taxation and civil affairs of the Han Kingdom, so everyone in the Han Kingdom called him Jiang the God of Wealth. The transfer of the capital to the west has left nearly [-]% of the fertile land in Hedong County without anyone to grow grain. I have calculated that this year the autumn grain production in Hedong County will be reduced by at least [-]%, Shangdang County will be reduced by [-]%, and Taiyuan County will be reduced by almost [-]%. Even if Cao Cao ordered It is too late to make up for the relocation of refugees, and it will continue to affect next year's summer grain harvest."

Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help being moved. You must know that the three counties in the south of Bingzhou have always been Cao Cao's granary, especially Hedong County. Nearly half of Cao Jun's military rations come from the farmland in Hedong County, and the output has been reduced by [-]%. This will of course cause a huge financial impact on Wei. pressure.

Jiang Wan continued: "In fact, after many years of war, the population of various places has dropped sharply. There are only so many farmers in the land. We use the method of dividing the land and reducing the tax to attract a large number of farmers from Bingzhou. Naturally, there will be fewer farmers in Bingzhou, unless Cao Cao can also implement the 'dividing land and reducing taxes', otherwise the farmers in Bingzhou and Yuan will be wiped out sooner or later."

Sima Yi nodded, "I heard that Cao Pi sent people to measure the land in Bingzhou and Hebei. I guess he was planning to follow our example in dividing up the land. But the water is far away and the thirst is not quenched. What about the military rations for the Hefei war? Your Highness started a war in Yuanhe and Bingzhou again." , Where does Wei Guo still have money and food to prepare for the war? Your Highness is using national power to decide the battle against Hefei, it is indeed a big deal!"

Xu Shu pondered for a moment, then asked Jiang Wan, "Then can our taxes, money and food afford it?"

Jiang Wan pondered for a while and said: "Actually, we are under a lot of pressure. The grain storage in Jingzhou is empty, and [-]% of the grain storage in Yizhou has gone. We have even mobilized all the grain storage in the military city on Qishan Road. Fortunately, there are still many We can support the loss of last year's cattle and sheep, and frankly speaking, even if this year's autumn harvest is bumper, we can only last for half a year at most, and I hope the battle of Hefei will end as soon as possible more than anyone else."

As soon as the words finished, Sima Yi laughed and said, "Shangshu Jiang, don't worry, we have a big deal already at our door."

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