Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 970 Returning to Hefei

Pang De led [-] cavalry to catch up with Cao Jun's grain ships, galloping on the west bank and killing them northward. (Update is the fastest and most stable)

Two thousand soldiers guarding the grain ship on the west bank were shocked and paled, and they lined up to compete with the Han soldiers, who were in charge of escorting the grain.

In the panic, the fleet speeded up, and Cao Jun's soldiers on the east bank also rushed to the bank to draw their bows and arrows to support Cao Jun on the west bank.

At this moment, Cao Jun's soldiers on the east bank suddenly burst into chaos, and arrows shot from behind them. In the darkness, hundreds of warships appeared not far away by the concubine lake, and a new lake had just formed.

The warships were not big, only about [-] shi, but they were full of dense Han soldiers. Gan Ning led the water army to fight out.

Thousands of soldiers of the Han army jumped off the boat and brandished spears and knives one after another when the ship docked, shouting to kill the soldiers of the Cao army on the east bank.

Cao Jun's soldiers were caught off guard, and there was a sudden chaos in the dark night, Cao Jun's soldiers on the east bank were in chaos, and they rushed northward for their lives. Many people fell and were trampled, killed and injured.

But the Han army still chased and defeated the soldiers. The target was not the target. The soldiers aimed at the grain boats. The ten thousand Han troops all shot arrows at Cao Jun's grain fleet, and the arrows rained down on the boats in the canal. He screamed and fell into the water when he was shot by an arrow.

Some soldiers of the Cao army also shot arrows at the shore, but the number of Cao army soldiers was too small and too scattered. The soldiers of the Cao army suffered heavy casualties under the intensive shooting of the soldiers of the Han army. .

Soon, the fleet, which was more than ten miles long, stopped moving forward, and all of them were moored in the river, waiting for the Han army to deal with it. At this time, the cavalry of the Han army on the west bank rushed into the Cao army like a storm. The great fear of human heads flying into the sky made Cao Jun's soldiers no longer have the will to resist.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the two thousand Cao soldiers resisted and collapsed. Zang Ba fought a bloody road in the chaos and escaped, but the two thousand soldiers under him were lucky. The soldiers on the east bank were lucky. They knelt down and begged for mercy...

About half an hour later, Gan Ning led hundreds of fast boats of the Han army to control the Cao army's food fleet, and began to slowly turn around and sail towards the newly formed Concubine Lake. Soon it disappeared into the night. (Update is the fastest and most stable)

Cao Jun's grain ship was intercepted by the Han army at midnight. When Cao Ren got the news from Zang Ba, it was three o'clock. At this time, the Han army fleet and cavalry had already left.

Thousands of soldiers in the North City of Hefei held fire and illuminated the entire North City Gate as if it were daytime. Inside the North City Gate, Cao Ren rode on a horse with a helmet on his armor and a sword in his hand. Behind him were more than [-] Cao soldiers.

Cao Ren's food ship was intercepted by the Han army, which was undoubtedly a shame and a great humiliation to Cao Ren. Zhang Liao never lost food and grass when he was in Hefei.

Cao Ren ordered Zang Ba to be beaten with [-] army sticks and ordered [-] soldiers to go to recover the grain ship himself.

"General, please calm down and calm down!"

Sima Xin stood in front of Cao Ren's horse and tried hard to persuade: "The Han army has gone by water, the food and ships are far away, and there is no way to track them down. Besides, there are still [-] cavalry. Think twice!"

After Simpi's repeated persuasion, Cao Ren's anger subsided a little, and he was about to order the army to return to the camp. At this moment, a piercing alarm bell sounded from the top of the city wall, "Dang!"when!when! 'The bell rang very quickly.

Cao Ren was startled and urged his horse to run along the corridor to the top of the city. Standing on the top of the city, he was astonished to see a long fire dragon in the wilderness to the south, heading towards Hefei rapidly. The fire dragon could not see the end.

Three miles south of the city, the fire dragons have begun to gather more and more, like stars in the sky and an ocean of fire, which is extremely magnificent and vast.

On the city, the soldiers of the Cao army were trembling, their faces were all pale, and it had only been a month since they withdrew, the main force of the Han army came back again.

Cao Ren's heart also seemed to sink into the abyss, Liu Jing went and came back, obviously premeditated, it seems to be waiting for Hefei to change generals, will Cao Ren's famous name be planted in Hefei?

Cao Ren was filled with hatred and resolutely turned his head and shouted, "Order the troops below the city to immediately defend the city!"

Cao Ren changed his plan. Originally, he wanted to lead [-] troops out of the city, but instead of going out of the city, he turned to defend the city.

Cao Ren stared at the sea of ​​fire below the city from the top of the city, feeling a little strange in his heart, the Han army seldom attacked in such a large scale, and seemed to prefer to attack silently, he couldn't help thinking to himself: "Why did the Han army make such a big attack?"

Suddenly, Cao Ren seemed to have thought of something, and turned his head to look at the earthy mountain in the north of the city. The black mountain stood outside the city, and the moonlight cast its huge black shadow into the city, covering half of the city.


Since the Han army withdrew to the south, Cao Jun occupied the earth mountain outside the northern city. Zhang Liao built a wall on the earth mountain and stationed [-] soldiers. Cao Ren took over Hefei and withdrew the troops stationed on the earth mountain.

Both Zhang Liao and Cao Ren knew very well that this earth mountain was a great threat to the safety of Hefei. It was not realistic to remove it or cut it off, and it could only be controlled by Cao Jun.

Let's move the time forward by one hour and at two o'clock, the Han Army Fire Ocean still appeared in the south of the city. Hefei was surrounded by silence. More than [-] soldiers of the Eagle Strike Army, led by the chief and deputy commanders Liu Zheng and Ren Ping, were speeding towards the top of the mountain from east to west. climb.

Like an ape, Liu Zheng quickly climbed to the top of the mountain and hid under the wall on the top of the mountain. A Cao soldier was patrolling back and forth. Compared with Hefei City, the defense of the earth mountain is much weaker. It does not belong to the Hefei defense system.

On the other hand, the top of the mountain is not big enough to garrison a large number of troops. Cao Ren could only use this earth mountain as a watchtower and beacon in the North City to observe the enemy's situation and raise fire in time to warn Shouchun. You must know that this earth mountain just blocked the beacon in the North City. It is difficult to warn Shouchun.

But for the Han army, this earth mountain is of great significance. They can be condescending and suppress Cao Jun in the North City. Although there is also an earth mountain in the city, the Han army has found a way to deal with the earth mountain in the city.

Liu Zheng stood next to the wall and quickly put on his hand crossbow, aiming at Cao Jun's patrol on the wall, "Ka!" A poisonous crossbow arrow shot out of the throat of Cao Jun's soldiers like lightning. planted.

Liu Zhengyi waved his hand, and more than two hundred soldiers rushed to the top of the mountain. Liu Zhengyi jumped up to the top of the wall, but just in time saw Ren Ping on the other side, also on the top of the wall. The soldiers also climbed into the wall and rushed towards Cao Jun's tent.

It took only a moment for the Eagle Strike Army to settle the matter. Cao Jun's garrison and others at the foot of the mountain began to move heavy trebuchets to the mountain.

Ma Jun, Minister of the Ministry of Industry and General Worker of the Han Dynasty, also appeared on the top of the mountain. He rushed from Chang’an to Hefei half a month ago and brought the latest wheeled trebuchet. This wheeled trebuchet looks like a windmill and is a heavy trebuchet that can run continuously. Throw thirty kerosene pots.

At the same time, the shooting range can be adjusted according to the distance of the target. The nearest 350 steps away can be thrown to [-] steps away. Compared with the previous trebuchet, the efficiency has been improved by more than ten times.

Moreover, it is easy to disassemble and assemble. After moving the parts to the top of the mountain, it can be assembled quickly to seize the opportunity. It is very suitable for offensive and defensive battles on dirt hills.

This heavy-duty wheeled trebuchet was actually invented by Ma Jun a year ago, but it has been put into actual combat because of its fatal weakness, which is difficult to solve. The wooden shaft of the trebuchet is not very strong, and it will break after two or three consecutive uses. Break the entire trebuchet and it is useless.

In order to solve the weakness, Ma Jun replaced it with copper shaft and iron shaft successively, but due to manufacturing process problems, neither the copper shaft nor the iron shaft could replace the wooden shaft. Ma Jun had to look for stronger and wear-resistant wood.

At present, using iron wood as a shaft can last for more than ten times, but for the trebuchet itself, the cost of this kind of trebuchet is too large. A trebuchet will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, not ten times that of the trebuchet.

Although this trebuchet cost too much, Liu Jing ordered Ma Jun to manufacture [-] wheeled trebuchets and rushed to the Hefei battlefield regardless of the cost.

Just when the main force of the Han army appeared in the south of the city, the engineering soldiers of the Han army had already assembled ten heavy trebuchets under the guidance of Ma Jun and his apprentices. At this time, the alarm bell sounded in the north city, and countless soldiers were rushing towards the north city. Cao Ren had already realized. It is dangerous to go to the North City.

"General Wang's enemy army has spotted you!" A soldier hurriedly reported to the chief general Wang Ping.

Wang Ping immediately ordered: "Seize the opportunity and burn down the earth hills in the city!"

The ten heavy-duty wheeled trebuchets began to creak and spin faster and faster. At this moment, Ma Jun shouted, "It's done!"

Manipulating the trebuchets, the soldiers immediately cut the hanging ropes, and the ten wheeled trebuchets fired three hundred pottery pots filled with kerosene almost simultaneously, and shot them one after another toward the earthy hills in the city.

At this time, three huge fireballs also soared into the sky, drew three bright red flames with long tails of smoke, and shot towards the hills in the city.

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