Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 972 First Negotiation

Cao Cao made the decision to negotiate peace and authorized Shi Cao Pi to take full responsibility for the negotiation. In fact, this was a decent defeat for Cao Jun. Cao Jun could not compete with the Han Army in terms of national strength and had to seek peace.

Cao Cao also knew very well that losing Hefei was inevitable, but if he could keep Shouchun, he could still keep a foundation south of the Huaihe River. More importantly, the people in Hefei had all moved to Shouchun, making Shouchun a city with 20 A city of thousands of people.

Shouchun is not comparable to Hefei in terms of status or strength. Giving up Hefei and keeping Shouchun enables Cao Jun to still have a certain influence in the southeast. Although Shouchun's strategic position in Jiangdong is not as good as that of Hefei, it is backed by the Huaihe River , as long as Shouchun is not lost, it is not so easy for the Han army to cross the upper plains of the Huaihe River. At this level, Shouchun also has a certain strategic value.

This is Cao Cao's wishful thinking, to give up Hefei and keep Shouchun, so that the Han army had to make an alliance under the city in Shouchun when the national power was almost exhausted, and accept the influence of Cao's army to continue to the south of the Huaihe River.

Although Cao Cao had a wonderful idea, Liu Jing may not accept it. The reason why the Han army spent a year and exhausted its national strength to launch the Hefei Campaign was not simply to seize the dominance of Jiangdong.

The deeper significance of the Battle of Hefei lies in the competition for the Jianghuai River. Once Hefei is captured, the Han and Cao armies will no longer divide the boundary with the Yangtze River, but push the dividing line of power northward to the Huaihe River, which echoes the capture of Nanyang County.

Therefore, the Battle of Hefei not only included the city of Hefei, but also Shouchun, and even Guangling City in the east, including the ownership of the entire Jianghuai area. The battlefield was only in Hefei City. If Cao Cao wanted to admit defeat in the Battle of Hefei, Then Shouchun must be given up at the same time, this is Liu Jing's bottom line.

Both sides have their own concerns, so they can only compete in front of and behind the negotiating table.

This morning, a troop of Cao cavalry escorted Wang Lang, who joined the army to sacrifice wine, to the camp of the Han army outside Hefei. Wang Lang was about ten years old. He used to be the prefect of Kuaiji County. In the imperial court, he served as an admonishing doctor, participated in the air force, and later served as the prefect of Wei County. This time he followed Cao Pi to the south and was awarded the title of joining the army to sacrifice wine.

Wang Lang is one of Cao Pi's confidantes. He served as a sacrificial wine in the army. In fact, he obtained the power of Cao Jun's government affairs, which laid the foundation for Cao Pi to fully control the military power. This time he came to negotiate an armistice with the Han army under Cao Pi's order .

In front of the Han army camp, Fa Zheng, the military advisor, had been waiting for a long time. Seeing Wang Lang's arrival, Fa Zheng greeted him with a smile, "Your Majesty, you have worked hard all the way."

Wang Lang hurriedly got off his horse, bowed back, and said very politely: "Let the French army wait for a long time."

Wang Lang himself had no prejudice against the Han army, and the Han army's capture of Kuaiji County caused the Jiangdong Army to return in defeat, which to some extent also expressed Wang Lang's anger that had been suppressed for many years.

"May I ask if His Highness the King of Han is in the barracks?" Wang Lang asked again with a smile.

"His Royal Highness is in the Chaohu water army camp, and he is not in the military camp today."

Fazheng's answer made Wang Lang understand that today is not a formal negotiation between the Han army, both sides are trying to test, so Wang Lang said with a smile: "Shi hopes to meet with His Highness the King of Han as soon as possible."

"This is our expectation too, please, Your Majesty!"


Fazheng invited Wang Lang and his deputy Chen Jiao into the camp of the Han army and came to the side tent. The two sides divided the guests into seats. Moreover, they are all heavyweight figures, and they all show that both parties attach importance to negotiations.

Some soldiers served hot tea, and Fazheng smiled and said, "I heard that the second snowfall has fallen in Hebei, so winter seems to be coming a bit late this year!"

"Compared with last year, this year is indeed much later. There were only two light snowfalls this year, and there were three blizzards at this time last year. In contrast, the impact of light snowfall on traffic this year is really not a concern."

Wang Lang tried his best to downplay the adverse effects of the weather on Cao Jun, but both sides knew very well that once the second snow came, the third snow would come soon, and it was not as simple as a light snow. would be a huge hindrance.

Of course, Liu Jing didn't know the fact that Cao Jun's food was exhausted, but that was Cao Jun's top secret information. If Liu Jing knew this information, he would definitely refuse to negotiate with Cao Jun, but would continue to besiege Hefei?, forcing Cao Jun to make full concessions.

In fact, the Han army’s food storage in Hefei can only last until the beginning of February. If the grain and grass from Chaisang are not delivered in early February, the Han army in Hefei will also run out of food. This is also the top secret information of the Han army, and Cao Jun does not know it. .

The two sides exchanged a few words and then began to get to the point. Wang Lang sighed and said: "This battle of Feifei has lasted for a year, and it has a great impact on the people's livelihood in the world. Duke Wei can't bear the suffering of the people, so he proposes that the two sides stop the battle of Hefei. Hope to get a response from the Han army."

Fazheng smiled slightly, "Spring plowing is imminent, and my Hanwang is also willing to end the battle of Hefei as soon as possible, and is willing to respond to Duke Wei's proposal."

Both sides expressed their willingness to end the war in Hefei, but it was Cao Fang who proposed to end the battle, that is, Cao Jun's request for peace, so Cao Jun must make concessions. Both sides are well aware of this and cannot be ambiguous.

Wang Lang pondered for a while and said: "In order to show the sincerity of Cao Jun, Wei Gong is willing to give up Hefei and withdraw his troops back to Shouchun. Wei Gong proposed to use Chengde County as the boundary, and the south of Chengde County should belong to the Han army, including Chengde County. The area to the north belongs to the State of Wei, but I wonder if the Han army will accept Duke Wei's sincerity?"

Wang Lang's implication was to tell Fazheng that at most Cao Jun would give up Chengde County to the Han Army, which was Cao Jun's potential concession condition.

Fazheng shook his head, "We don't think this is Duke Wei's sincerity. If Duke Wei is sincere, it should be bounded by the Huaihe River. The Han army can guarantee that they will not cross the Huaihe River within two years."

Wang Lang's face suddenly changed, the other party really wanted Shouchun, how could it be possible!He quickly gave Chen Jiao a wink, Chen Jiao understood, and immediately said solemnly: "Hefei is the first strategic location in the Jianghuai River. In order to defend Hefei, Cao's army has exhausted its national strength and paid a heavy price of tens of thousands of deaths and injuries. Now Hefei is still there." At the hands of Cao Jun, we are willing to voluntarily give up Hefei for the sake of the people's livelihood. This is the greatest sincerity, why is the Han army so greedy and so greedy for Shu?"

Qin Mi, the deputy envoy of the Han army, also confronted each other unceremoniously: "Chen Changshi was surprised by this remark. Hefei is just an empty city. What's the use of having an empty city? If we just want an empty city, we can build another one." Is it necessary to spend so much manpower and material resources to fight for an empty city in the new Hefei city? Hefei is just the main battlefield of Jianghuai, if Cao Jun wants to end the battle of Hefei, he must withdraw from Jianghuai."

The disagreement was too great, and both sides froze for a moment. After a long while, Wang Lang sighed and said: "The Han army captured Hefei, but Cao's army has no power to interfere with Jiangdong. If there is a war in Jiangdong, Cao's army will not participate again. Your Highness can take care of the overall situation and save some face for the court."

Just now he was talking about Cao Wei, but at this time he threw out the imperial court again, trying to use the imperial court to suppress Han, Fazheng couldn't help but secretly sneered, of course he understood what Wang Lang meant, Wang Lang actually made a concession that Cao Jun would no longer interfere in Jiangdong, but this is nothing Concession, but the inevitable result of the battle of Hefei.

"But as far as I know, Yu Jin also led [-] Cao troops to station in Piling County. Is this called non-interference in Jiangdong?" Fazheng asked sarcastically.

Although there are no large warships in Jiangdong, there are still some civilian cargo ships. If Cao Jun wants to evacuate Jiangdong, it is actually not difficult. Cao Jun can be transported directly across the river by cargo ship. Cao Jun can return to Guangling County or even Xuzhou from Jiangbei, but Cao Jun is always there. Jiangdong does not move, which shows that Cao Cao still wants to use this army to stabilize Jiangdong and prevent the Han army from fully occupying Wujun.

Wang Lang nodded and said with a smile: "I understand the confusion of the French army division. In fact, I also said just now that if the Han army can accept Wei Gong's sincerity, then we will definitely withdraw from Jiangdong. This is Wei Gong's promise."

But Fazheng said indifferently: "His Royal Highness just asked to use the Huaihe River as the boundary. As for Cao Jun's willingness to withdraw from Jiangdong, that is Cao Jun's own business. It should have nothing to do with this peace talk. We don't need to drag the topic too far, otherwise We will also go to Bingzhou, then it is meaningless, what does the prince think?"

The two sides could not talk any more, the disagreement was too great, so Wang Lang left on the pretext of going back to ask the world for advice. Fazheng sent Wang Lang away, and immediately went to the military tent to report the negotiation situation to Han Wang Liu Jing.

Liu Jing stood in front of the sand table with his hands behind his back, quietly listening to Fazheng's report. He believed that Wang Lang's attitude was not Cao Pi's intention, but Cao Cao's own decision. It should be said that Cao Cao's attitude was beyond Liu Jing's expectations. He wanted to give up Hefei to keep Shouchun, but Cao Cao became more and more confused as he got older. He really thought he was only satisfied with the city of Hefei?

After pondering for a moment, Liu Jing asked, "What about Xiaozhi's thoughts?"

Fazheng hesitated for a moment and said, "I have thought about it over and over again, Cao Jun's refusal to give up Shouchun may not be Cao Pi's intention, it should be Cao Cao's insistence."

"Xiaozhi means that Cao's father's opinions are not unified?" Liu Jing smiled and said.

"Yes, as far as Cao Pi is concerned, giving up Shouchun certainly makes him sad, but compared to his control of military power, Shouchun is still nothing."

Liu Jing understood the meaning of Fazheng. For Cao Pi, the most important thing was to preserve Cao Ren's army, not Shouchun. They could use this to put pressure on Cao Pi to negotiate with Cao Cao.

Thinking of this, Liu Jing immediately ordered: "Let General Huang come to see me!"

After a while, Huang Zhong rushed over, clasped his fists and saluted, "Your Highness, please give me an order!"

Liu Jing put his hands behind his back and said coldly: "From now on, increase the attack on Hefei, don't care about the gains and losses of the city, and focus on killing the vital forces of Cao's army!"

"Humble post obeys orders!"

Huang Zhong left in a hurry. At this time, Liu Jing walked to the table and picked up a kit on the table. This was a kit that Jia Xu left him before returning to Chang'an last year. Let him open it after the New Year. Liu Jing Jing has already seen it, but he has been waiting for the time to implement the trick, and now, the time is finally ripe.

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