Not only Yu Jin, but even Sun Quan could not have imagined that Jiangdong's thousands of shi of grain stored in Gaoyou County would become the bait for the Han army's eastward advance. fell into the trap of the Han army.

On the day after the Gaoyou incident, Liu Jing publicly accused the [-] Cao troops of breaking the armistice agreement at Ruxukou, intercepted and killed the Han army's grain ship in Gaoyou, killed the Han army guarding the ship, and robbed thousands of shi of grain. The army will never sit idly by, and must make Cao Jun pay a heavy price for intercepting the Han army's grain ship.

The [-] Han army immediately divided into two groups. Huang Zhong led an army of [-] troops to enter Huaiyin County first, cutting off the way of Cao Jun's return to the north, while Gan Ning led an army of [-] sailors to land in Guangling County. The army blocked Guangling County. Immediately, Gan Ning led an army of [-] to go northward, occupied Gaoyou County, and cut off the way for Cao Jun to go south.

Yu Jin's [-] Cao troops were trapped between Gaoyou County and Huaiyin County. There were no county towns or villages in this area, and hundreds of miles were deserted. Yu Tian, ​​once the food is exhausted, they will not get any supplies, and the [-] troops will soon be in a desperate situation.

The Gaoyou incident seems to be a conspiracy of the Han army. In fact, it is inevitable for the Han army to advance eastward. From the beginning when the Cao army entered Jiangdong, it was doomed that the Cao army in Jiangdong would never leave safely. Liu Jing must warn Cao Cao and send troops to interfere in Jiangdong. There must be a heavy price to pay.

The story of the [-] Han troops marching into Guangling and encircling Cao's army has already spread throughout Jiangdong, shaking the Jiangdong government and the public, and becoming a major event that every household is talking about. Of course, most people don't know the truth, and they don't want to bother to think carefully about the strangeness. , They only cared about superficial articles, and they all cursed Cao Jun's interception of the Han army's grain ship as asking for death. Many people gloated and concluded that Cao Jun would not be able to support it for ten days.

At noon that day, Zhugejin came to Zhangji Restaurant, the largest tavern in Moling City, to dine as usual. have status.

However, Zhuge Jin’s mood has been depressed. On the one hand, it is because he is in charge of the Jiangdong warships. The Han army burned all the Jiangdong warships. He has an unshirkable responsibility. Hard to return.

Zhuge Jin knew very well that if Jiangdong wanted to restore the prosperity of Jian'an nine years ago, it would be impossible to do it without 20 years of hard work, but the increasingly powerful Han State would no longer give them a chance. Thinking of Jiangdong's bleak future, thinking of his own future Unknown, Zhuge Jin felt really heavy in his heart.

As usual, Zhuge Jin went up to the second floor, sat down in his usual seat by the window, and said to the bartender, "Let's follow the old rules! One pot of wine, three dishes."

"Sit down, Mr. Zhuge, he'll be there soon!" The bartender saluted and left quickly.

Zhuge Jin looked at the lobby, only to hear the noise of people, the hall was full of guests, the first floor of the tavern was the lobby, where people could sit casually, there was no gap between the guests, and the food and drinks were relatively cheap.

The second floor is the middle hall, which is separated by a five-foot-high screen. The seats can be large or small, very casual, or two people sit opposite each other, or a group of people gather to drink. Due to the screen separation, there is naturally a little space between the guests. *, as for the third floor, there is a single elegant room.

Zhuge Jin could not see other guests, but could hear their conversations. At this time, there seemed to be a group of people having dinner in the southeast corner, and they were talking enthusiastically about the Gaoyou incident that happened in Jiangbei. Their voices were loud and clearly reached Zhuge Jin in the ear.

"I said this is a bit strange! Did you find out, why did the Han army transport grain from the water, and who did they transport grain to? Usually it is right to go to the Yangtze River, do you think so?"

"Brother Niu, I don't know. I heard that Zhou Bian, the prefect of Guangling, borrowed grain from the Han army privately. The grain ships of the Han army did not dare to go to the Yangtze River. They were afraid that the Marquis of Wu would find out, so they went to Zhongdushui, and happened to be met by Yu Jin. , Cao Jun is short of food, of course he will not be polite."

"Your statement is well known to young and old in Jianye. In fact, it is the most unreliable. Guangling is short of food. Why didn't Zhou Taishou ask Wuhou for food? It doesn't make sense at all! In my opinion, there must be something hidden in it, maybe it is the Han army The scouts pretended to be a caravan, and Cao Jun saw through it, which led to a fierce battle."

Zhuge Jin shook his head, he really didn't want to hear these absurd arguments. At this time, there was a cold snort from next door, and someone said to himself, "It's just Liu Jing's hypocrisy is just a plan to destroy Guo, a group of self-righteous fools dare to talk about military affairs, there is really no one in Jiangdong!"

Zhuge Jin was deeply surprised, got up and looked at the seat next door, and saw an alchemist sitting next door, his age could not be discerned, but he had a strange appearance, dressed in a white feather robe, holding a dust whisk in his hand, quite a bit A sense of immortality.

Zhuge Jin went around to the other side's seat, clasped his fists and bowed, "May I ask what is the name of this fairy?"

The alchemist smiled slightly, "Layman Zhuge doesn't go to relieve Wu Hou's worries, but comes here to drink, it's very leisurely!"

"The immortal knows me?"

"We met once 20 years ago."

Zhuge Jin frowned and thought about it, but he couldn't remember the past 20 years ago. He asked again: "I don't know where the immortal head is cultivating, and what is the name of the dharma?"

The alchemist flicked his whisk lightly, "It doesn't matter who I am, and I can't change the trend of the world. Layman Zhuge must know?"

Seeing his eloquence, Zhuge Jin moved her wine jug to the alchemist's table, sat down opposite him, and asked in a low voice: "Just now the immortal said that the matter of Gaoyou was nothing more than Liu Jing's false way of attacking Guo. how do I say this?"

The alchemist laughed, "I don't believe that Zhuge Dudu can't even see through such a trick. It's easy to ask the gods to send the gods away. The Han army has entered Guangling County. Can Jiangdong expect them to withdraw?"

Zhuge Jin was stunned for a while, the alchemist's words hit his mind, and he vaguely guessed that Liu Jing's intention was not with Cao Jun, but with Guangling, but he still couldn't figure it out, so he asked again: "If Liu Jing is For the sake of Guangling, in fact, there is no need to go through such troubles, and directly use the withdrawal of troops from Taihu Lake in exchange for stationing in Guangling, I believe Wuhou will also agree."

"The governor of Zhuge thought Liu Jing was too simple. The Shouchun Agreement has been signed, but Cao Cao has been reluctant to let Yu Jin withdraw from Jiangdong. If Liu Jing used Xuzhou to force him, Jiangdong Cao Jun would never retreat northward. It can be seen that Cao Cao has always If he refuses to give up Jiangdong, Liu Jing will of course beat Cao Cao, allowing [-] Cao troops to enter but not being able to return, isn't that the best way to beat? Moreover, Guangling County was clearly captured by the Han army from Yu Jin, so what does it have to do with Jiangdong? As for the withdrawal from Taihu Lake, it depends on Liu Jing's mood."

Zhuge Jin nodded silently. This alchemist really saw the problem thoroughly. No one in Jiangdong could match him. Zhuge Jin couldn't help feeling admiration in his heart, and couldn't help asking: "What do you think the future of Jiangdong is?"

The alchemist smiled lightly, "It's just a matter of days, why bother to ask?"

Zhuge Jin was silent for a moment, then said again: "Can the Immortal Elder follow me to Jianye Palace? I believe Marquis Wu will respect the Immortal Elder."

The alchemist raised his head and laughed, got up and walked away, listening to his singing from a distance, "I don't feel old when I live in the fairyland for a long time, and I can't tell the dawn when I wander around the world. History is all pig feces, not as good as the Wujiao guys in Lujiang."

Zhuge Jin was dumbfounded when he heard this, and suddenly he knew who this alchemist was.


Inside the Jianye Palace, Zhuge Jin told Sun Quan about what happened in the tavern today. Sun Quan looked dignified and said nothing, while Zhang Zhao next to him was full of sneer and disdain. .

"Does Zhuge Duhu actually believe in the nonsense of this charlatan? How many people did he deceive 20 years ago, even Cao Cao and Liu Biao were teased by him? , How can he know the details? He thinks that he can insult Jiangdong's officials because he thinks that he is a bystander. This kind of person should be arrested and beheaded to show the public, so as not to deceive the public with his false words."

Zhuge Jin sighed and said: "Although his words are not rude, they are also reasonable. I am afraid that the current situation is really what he said. Liu Jing attacked Cao Jun. It was Xiang Zhuang who danced his sword and aimed at Pei Gong. He wanted to take down Guangling County in Jiangbei. .”

There was silence in the hall, and after a long while, Sun Quan said slowly: "If Liu Jing is really for Guangling, then I have nothing to do, man is a sword and I am a fish, so I can only let him slaughter me, but I am more concerned about the Han army in Taihu Lake. Cao Jun has retreated northward as promised, when will the Han army in Taihu Lake retreat? I hope Liu Jing can give me a clear statement."

Speaking of this, Sun Quan glanced at the crowd again, and finally his eyes fell on Zhuge Jin, "Ziyu went to Ruxukou for me to negotiate with Liu Jing, I hope he can give Jiang Dong an explanation, Jiang Dong Although weak, he still has his own bottom line, if he doesn't care about Jiang Dong's dignity, then Jiang Dong will fight him to the death!"

Everyone sighed secretly in their hearts, how could Wu Hou have no confidence in what he said?

Zhuge Jin also nodded silently, and gave a long salute, "I will never let Marquis Wu down!"


At Niujiaogang, about [-] miles north of Gaoyou County, [-] Han troops surrounded [-] tired and thirsty Cao Juntuan. Yu Jin ordered to cut down all the pine trees on the hill, build a circle of camp fences, and deploy thousands of crossbowmen Confronted with the Han army, but the Han army only besieged but did not attack. Five days have passed.

Although Cao Jun's rations could last for more than ten days, Cao Jun's morale was low, and the soldiers were generally war-weary. After only three days of siege, patrol soldiers began to leave and surrender to the Han army.

Yu Jin was extremely annoyed, and ordered his generals to strictly control the soldiers, and kill all those who dared to surrender on the spot. On the other hand, he sent dozens of pigeon letters to ask Cao Zhen who was stationed in Huaibei for help.

On the seventh day of the siege, night once again shrouded the land of Jiangbei. At this time, ten giant catapults drove out from the camp of the Han army in the south without a sound. Slow down.

At this time, the defenders of Cao Ying discovered the giant trebuchet in the dark night, and they all panicked, and rushed back to the camp to report, which did not mean that the deployment of troops was forbidden. The army soldier put a huge black ball in the throwing pocket.

In the dark night, only 'Boom!Boom! With the sound of firing, ten black balls soared into the air and smashed towards Cao Jun's camp in the distance. Thousands of soldiers in Cao's camp screamed in fright and dodged one after another, but the ones thrown were not fire oil balls. Nor is it a boulder with great lethality.

The black ball burst open in the air, and countless pieces of paper were blown towards Cao Jun's camp by the southeast wind. Ten black balls floated out more than [-] pieces of paper, and Cao Jun's camp burst into exclamations. The soldiers scrambled for the paper, and although most of them were illiterate, they quietly hid the paper in their bosoms.

At this time, Yu Jin had already heard the news and came quickly, and a soldier handed him a piece of paper thrown by the Han army, "General, they are all the same piece of paper!"

Yu Jin looked at the words written on it, tore the piece of paper to shreds, ordered all the generals to confiscate the piece of paper, no one is allowed to keep it privately, and those who violate the order will be hit with a hundred army sticks!"


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