Huang Zhong was also startled suddenly, he reacted very quickly, roared, and slashed out with a knife, the speed of the knife was extremely sharp, "Dang lang! 'There was a harsh bang, and the sharp blade was splitting on the barrel of the gun.

The tip of the spear was knocked away when it was half a foot away from Huang Zhong's throat. At this time, strength became the key to the victory. If Liu Jing practiced hard for another year or two, when he could use a When a big iron spear weighed eighty catties, Huang Zhong's knife might not be able to split his iron spear.

The huge shock force from the blade hitting the gun shaft made Liu Jing's arms numb, his left hand was shaken open, and he became a single-handed gun. He lost his balance and almost fell off the horse.

In this round, although Huang Zhong clearly had the upper hand, he was also in a cold sweat. He didn't expect Liu Jing's marksmanship to be so weird. It seemed slow and heavy like an old cow pulling a wrecked cart, but there was a murderous intent hidden in the slowness. , the tip of the gun seemed to be missing a track, and it reached the throat in the blink of an eye.

He suddenly realized that this was Zhao Yun's Hundred Birds Chaofeng Spear. Zhao Yun could be famous all over the world, and his marksmanship must be superior. Huang Zhong couldn't help but secretly praised him.

However, Liu Jing's weakness is also obvious, that is, his strength is too weak, he still can't withstand his own sword, he only fights with him for one round by relying on his horse speed and marksmanship, if he fights again, he is sure Chop Liu Jing off the horse within two rounds.

"Master Jing, do you want to fight again?" Huang Zhong asked loudly from afar.

At this time, Liu Jing was not depressed. Huang Zhong's powerful sword was as strong as he expected. negligible.

But on the other hand, he was able to resist Huang Zhong for one round, and he couldn't reach Zhao Yun for one round. To use his horse speed and gun speed to kill the enemy by surprise, didn't he almost succeed just now?

However, there was really no need to continue the fight. Liu Jing threw down his gun, got off his horse, knelt down on one knee and cupped his fists and said, "Junior Liu Jing, sincerely admit defeat!"

Huang Zhong chuckled, got off his horse, stepped forward to support Liu Jing and said, "Actually, you are not bad, but your strength is a little weaker. If your strength can match mine, then we can fight for fifty rounds without any problem."

After a pause, Huang Zhong asked again: "The state pastor should have talked to you about learning martial arts!"

Liu Jing already had an idea, knelt down on one knee without hesitation, cupped his fists and said, "I would like to learn archery from General Huang!"

Huang Zhong couldn't help laughing, this kid, his reaction was very clever, he actually wanted to learn archery from himself, which is not bad, he nodded, stared at Liu Jing and said: "It's fine to learn archery from me, but I have two conditions. You listen."

Liu Jing didn't say a word, but listened intently, Huang Zhong said slowly: "A gentleman doesn't take what others like, so the first condition is that I'm just teaching you how to shoot arrows, but I'm not your master."

Liu Jing smiled wryly, Zhao Yun was not his master, and Master Yu thought he was not compassionate enough, so he was unwilling to accept him as an apprentice. Now that Huang Zhong said that a gentleman does not take favors from others, he still refused to accept him as an apprentice.

Liu Jing nodded silently, Huang Zhong saw that he agreed, and said solemnly: "Then let me say the second condition, learning archery with me is also a long-term and hard practice process, since you have learned archery with Huang Hansheng, Then you must persevere, and you must practice to become a magic arrow.

If you want to give up halfway, you can, but you must promise me that you will never use arrows for life. If I find that you use inferior arrows to damage my reputation, I will cripple your arm with one arrow and make you unable to use arrows for life. promise! "

Liu Jing pondered for a moment, and finally nodded solemnly, "I agree!"

As soon as the words came to an end, Huang Zhong's heart was like a mirror, he nodded slowly, "Okay, come with me!"

. . . . . . . . .

Liu Jing followed Huang Zhong into the back tent, which was Huang Zhong's private tent. There were all kinds of weapons on display inside Huang Zhong's collection, and they walked to the bow stand, where at least two Ten pairs of bows and arrows.

"Learning archery is first of all to choose a good bow. Some people say that you should start with ordinary bows and arrows. I don't think so. Once the habit of using bad bows is formed, it will be difficult to change in the future. So I always advocate choosing a bow. It is the first priority for archery practitioners."

As Huang Zhong said, he took a bow from the bow stand and handed it to Liu Jing, "Try this carved bow. It was made by the Yue people. It took three years and the strength is only eight Dou. It is just right for you."

Liu Jing took the bow, opened the bow and shot it in vain, only to hear 'Crash! ’ As soon as the strings sounded, there was a buzzing sound in the big tent. Huang Zhong smiled and handed him a horn trigger, "Wear this on your thumb, otherwise the bowstring will easily cut your hands."

Liu Jing knew about this thing. It was a finger puller, usually made of horn or jade. Seeing that Huang Zhong wore finger pullers on both his left and right thumbs, he couldn't help but wondered, "Can the old general draw bows left and right?"

"Of course, most generals can shoot both left and right bows, and a master of archery like Lu Bu can not only shoot left and right bows, but also shoot four arrows with one bow."

"Can the old general shoot four arrows with one bow?" Liu Jing asked curiously.

Huang Zhong shook his head, "I can shoot three arrows with one bow at most, but I can only open two stone bows. I heard that Lu Bu can open three stone bows, and his strength is the best in the world."

In fact, Liu Jing had nothing to do in the barracks for the past three months. He also practiced archery with his bow and learned a lot of basic archery knowledge. However, what the archery instructor in the army said and what Huang Zhong said seemed to be somewhat different.

"I've heard people say that to practice bowing, you must practice step bow first, and then practice riding bow after you are proficient in step bow. They all say that step bow is the foundation."

Huang Zhong frowned, "Who said that?"

Liu Jing looked a little embarrassed, "The archers in the army say so."

"Riding bows have the shooting methods of riding bows, and walking bows have shooting methods of walking bows. They are completely different. Of course, training archers must first practice walking bows. As I said just now, some habits are hard to change. Are you General, it is better to change the habit of riding a bow than it is difficult to change the habit of walking and bowing, so you have to start training from riding a bow, and your current bow is a riding bow."

After finishing speaking, Huang Zhong picked up a pot of arrows and walked outside the tent, "Let's go outside the tent to test arrows!"

. . . . . . .

Liu Jing got on the horse, holding the bow and arrow, and the quiver was behind his back, and he could draw the arrow directly from behind his shoulder. This was the first time he shot an arrow on a horse.

Soon, Liu Jing discovered the difficulty of riding and shooting. Usually, when riding a horse, he holds the rein in his hand to stabilize his body, but in archery, he holds the bow with both hands and controls the horse entirely with his legs.

If there were stirrups and Takahashi saddles, it might be better. Now the horses are completely clamped by their legs. Especially when the horses run, they fluctuate. When shooting arrows while galloping, if they are negligent, they will fall off the horse.

It wasn't until this time that Liu Jing realized the difficulty of training a cavalryman. No wonder Cao Jun wanted to drive civilians to serve as cannon fodder. This was to protect the cavalry. If he were Cao Cao, he might do the same. After all, a well-trained cavalryman is really So precious.


Huang Zhong followed him on horseback, roaring loudly. At this moment, Huang Zhong's generous and benevolent image disappeared, and he became extremely severe. Shoot your arrows..."

Liu Jing's heart was awe-inspiring, he tried his best to control the balance of his body, he drew his bow suddenly, his eyes were like lightning, and he swept forward, almost without stopping, when the arrow touched his finger, a carved feather arrow shot out like lightning, and shot at three people. There was a straw man ten steps away, and the arrow flew over the straw man, missing by a foot.

Liu Jing practiced the step bow in the Fancheng military camp, which is completely different from the current riding bow. The riding bow is smaller, but the potential energy is greater. Generally, the strength of the two arms cannot be sustained, and the bow must be shot, so it requires very good eyesight and archery skills. high.

On the contrary, step bows are soft. In order to ensure strength, they are generally large bows, which can be slowly opened and aimed. Moreover, large arrows are used to shoot at an elevation angle, unlike riding bows that shoot straight lines. Therefore, in the Three Kingdoms era, the number of cavalry Very few, generally mainly infantry.

Before Liu Jing could react, Huang Zhong whipped him hard on the back, "Bastard! This is only thirty steps. It depends on where you shot. I'll give you two more chances. If you still can't shoot In the middle, you don't learn."

Liu Jing bit his lip tightly and galloped on the horse. This time, he was no longer panicked, and stabilized his emotions. His eyes were on the straw man. When he practiced step bow in Fancheng, he could shoot the grass man accurately from eighty steps away. Now only Thirty paces, even riding a horse, he should be able to hit it.

He waited for the opportunity, drew his bow and set an arrow, shot it out, and the arrow passed by the top of the straw man's head. This time, the distance was a foot away. Huang Zhong nodded secretly, "That's right, this kid understands very quickly!"It's a bit reliable. "

But Huang Zhong was still very strict, and he whipped away again, "You still missed the shot, you only have one chance, if you don't hit it, go back!"

Huang Zhong ruled the army very strictly, he would be rewarded heavily if he won, and punished heavily if he lost.

Liu Jing galloped on the horse and drew out the third arrow. He had gradually found some archery skills. The few archery tricks Huang Zhong taught him flowed through his mind like quicksilver. His heart became extremely calm, and his arms were as steady as a mountain. In one go, the bow opens like an autumn moon, and the arrow goes like a shooting star.

The arrow shot smoothly, Huang Zhong secretly called out "Hello", his eyes followed the arrow, the arrow hit the straw man steadily, and the soldiers around applauded and cheered, the third arrow really hit the target.

Of course, Huang Zhong didn't expect him to hit the third arrow. For ordinary people, it is not easy for them to practice horseback archery for the first time, and it is not easy to stabilize their body on horseback. This kind of encouragement, but he didn't expect that he would actually do it.

Huang Zhong couldn't help admiring secretly in his heart, "The aptitude is really extraordinary, and he is really good and beautiful!" '

Liu Jing's war horse stopped slowly, and he didn't expect that his third arrow hit the target. He was extremely happy in his heart. Apart from the joy, he was inevitably a little proud.

Huang Zhong saw his pride and couldn't help sneering. He rode his horse to 120 steps away and galloped. While running at a high speed, he drew out two arrows and hit the string. The two arrows were shot together. The arrows were so powerful that the two arrows shot at the same time Shoot the straw man's left and right eyes.

Huang Zhong ran to the other side again, changed to hold the bow with his right hand, and drew the string with his left hand, and shot two more arrows at the same time, hitting the left and right wrists of the straw man.

Seeing the superb arrow technique, everyone was silent, and then there was thunderous applause. Liu Jing was ashamed and lowered his head.

Huang Zhong didn't say anything anymore, he urged his horse forward slowly, stared at Liu Jing and said, "Starting today, shoot two hundred arrows every day, after ten days, I will ask you to hit the target with one arrow from fifty paces away, if you can't, I will I will beat you with two hundred army sticks myself!"


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