Soldiers come to the world

Chapter 997 Guishuang Cavalry

Nan Gongjing fled all the way north to Guzang County, counting the retreating soldiers and horses, and there were only more than [-] soldiers left. He couldn't help but feel very depressed and had no fighting spirit. There will be such a large number of casualties. I guess many people fled home halfway, like the capital, and basically no one saw it. Could it be that they were all killed? Impossible, it can only prove that they fled back to the tribe .(The update is the fastest and most stable)”

Only then did Nan Gongjing feel relieved, but he thought that there were only [-] people left in the [-]-strong army. No matter what, it was difficult for him to accept it, and it was also difficult for him to explain to Ma Chao. Zang County, I rushed back to Zhangye for help, within three to five days at most, I will lead the reinforcements to arrive."

Xiu Tuhun's son is a hostage in Zhangye. Even if he wants to escape, he still has to consider his son's safety. He has no choice but to nod his head and say, "General, hurry back, I will try my best to defend Guzang County."

After Nangong Jing explained a few words, he led hundreds of cavalry and rushed towards Zhangye...

The Han army did not go north immediately to hunt down the Qiang army, but rested in Cangsong County for two days. Two days later, Zhao Yun led [-] main forces to Cangsong County and set up a camp outside the county seat.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Liu Hu and Wang Ping visited Zhao Yun together and reported the situation of the battle to Zhao Yun. Zhao Yun then asked, "How many casualties did we have?"

"Reporting to the governor, we have more than [-] casualties, basically useless flying troops, and more than [-] heavy infantry casualties."

Zhao Yun nodded, more than 4000 casualties, but more than [-] and [-] enemies were wiped out. This victory can be described as brilliant, but Zhao Yun was more concerned about the situation of the casualties, and he asked again: "Have their bones been packed properly? "

Wang Ping bowed and said: "The corpses of the fallen soldiers have been burned, and the bones have been put into clay pots. They have been sent back to Chang'an."

"Although they are barbarians, they died in battle for the Han country, and we will treat them with the same compensation. I will write to His Highness the King of Han."

"Thank you, Commander!" Wang Ping was grateful in his heart, and quickly saluted deeply.

Zhao Yun waved his hand, walked to the sand table and smiled at the military adviser Pang Tong: "What does the military adviser Pang Tong think?"

Pang Tong pointed at Guzang County with a wooden pole, "This is the city of the Four Wars. If Guzang County is taken, Wuwei County will be recovered, but Guzang is also the gate of Zhangye. If Guzang is lost, the Han army can drive straight into Zhangye, so Ma Chao will not wait for it to be captured by us, he will definitely send reinforcements."

Speaking of this, Pang Tong said with a smile to everyone: "My idea is to besiege the city and fight for reinforcements, and use thunderbolts to defeat the reinforcements who came to rescue, and the defenders in Guzang County will surrender without a fight."

Wang Ping next to him said: "The defenders of Guzang County must be the retreating Qiang army. If we press forward with [-] troops, I am afraid that the reinforcements will be afraid and will not come."

Pang Tong smiled slightly, "We can hide our strength and let the enemy scouts think that we only have [-] troops."

Pang Tong pointed to Xiutu County in the northwest of Guzang with a wooden pole, and said to the crowd: "You can hide [-] troops in Xiutu County, waiting for the opportunity to fight!"

Zhao Yun looked at the generals in the tent again, and seeing that no one had any objection, he resolutely ordered: "I will implement it according to the advice of the military advisor."


Outside the city of Zhangye, there is a large camp covering an area of ​​nearly a thousand hectares, with tens of thousands of tents stretching for more than ten miles, and the momentum is magnificent. Among them is a large sheepskin tent covering an area of ​​five mu. The tent, which was captured by the Han army and kept in Zhangye City, has now become Ma Chao's king's tent.

The king's tent is resplendent and magnificent, the floor is covered with thick Persian carpets inlaid with gold and silver threads, and the walls of the tent are covered with tens of thousands of various precious stones. All kinds of gold and silver utensils and expensive Central Plains porcelain, this is a staggeringly extravagant camp.

In the middle of the big tent, more than a dozen young girls are dancing lightly, with the sound of silk and bamboo on both sides, and the sound of drums. On the first wide and low table, dozens of golden and silver plates inlaid with precious stones are filled with various delicious fruits. , as well as a large piece of fragrant barbecue and old wine.

Behind the low table are around twenty young and beautiful women, their dresses are half-faded, revealing a large area of ​​snowy skin, while Ma Chao is half lying in the arms of these beautiful concubines, enjoying the wine and food, half-closed his eyes, Appreciating the graceful dancing postures of the girls, he fought for half his life, until then he finally learned to enjoy, this is the treatment that the governor of Hexi cannot get, only when he becomes the king of a place, he can enjoy the luxury of the king.

At this moment, there was a slight commotion outside the tent, and his own soldiers seemed to be yelling at him, which made Ma Chao startled slightly, and saw Nangong Jing striding forward with the curtain raised, a long sword on his waist, and a helmet on his armor. Walking in, he said angrily, "Your Highness, the soldiers ahead are fighting bloody battles, and now is not the time to enjoy it."

Ma Chao's face suddenly darkened, he waved his hands, the musicians and dancers all retreated, and he turned back to Concubine Ji: "You also retreat!"

More than [-] concubines got up one after another and went out from both sides, only Ma Chao and Nan Gongjing were left in the big tent, Ma Chao held the sword hilt beside him, and said coldly: "This is your servant's gift? "

Only then did Nan Gongjing bow and salute, "The humble job is too excited, and the words are inappropriate, please forgive me, Your Highness!"

"Forget it, let's not talk about etiquette now, how is the battle ahead?"

"His Royal Highness, we were intercepted by the heavy armored infantry and cavalry of the Han army. The enemy army numbered at least [-] to [-]. The humble officer led the army to fight fiercely with the enemy, but the damn Du Yebu fled the battlefield without authorization, causing all tribes to follow suit. We had to lead the army to retreat northward to Guzang County."

Although Nangong Jing didn't say it clearly, Ma Chao still understood. Nangong Jing failed, and Ma Chao was furious. He slapped the table and asked, "Then how many troops do you have left?"

Nangong Jing said bitterly: "Once the battle is lost, all the tribes will only care about their own interests and flee one after another. There are less than [-] soldiers following me back to Guzang County. At present, the chieftain Xiutu is in command, and the humble special came to ask His Highness for help. "

"There are only 3 of the [-] people left, you are very good at leading troops!"

Ma Chao gritted his teeth with hatred, his eyes were about to burst into flames, "You still have the face to see me?"

"After defeating the Han army, I will take the blame from His Highness, but now Guzang County is in critical condition, and I hope His Highness will go to the rescue."

Ma Chao paced back and forth in the big tent with his hands behind his back. Now that the situation of the enemy army was unknown, he didn't want to rush to the rescue, but Guzang County was extremely important. It was the east gate of Zhangye. Guzang was occupied by the enemy, and Zhangye would have no danger to defend. The Han army could then drive straight in and kill Zhangye City. This was another dilemma that Ma Chao didn't want to face, which made him in a dilemma.

At this moment, a soldier reported at the door of the big tent: "Your Highness, Guzang has a letter from an eagle!"

Ma Chao was overjoyed immediately, he came at the right time, and immediately ordered: "Give me the letter!"

A soldier came into the account and presented a roll of eagle letters. Ma Chao took the eagle letter and opened it. The eagle letter said that about [-] Han troops had arrived in Guzang County and besieged the four gates of the county. Come for help.

Ma Chao pondered for a moment and said: "The Han army is besieging the city but not attacking. They must be waiting for reinforcements from Jincheng County. There is no time to wait. We must rush to Guzang before the main force of the Han army arrives and defeat the besieging Han army. We must seize this opportunity."

Nangong Jing was overjoyed, and immediately bowed and said: "Humble job is willing to be the pioneer!"

Ma Chao thought for a while and said, "Forget it, I will hand over the Guishuang Army to you. You can lead [-] Guishuang troops to Guzang for rescue, but don't act rashly. Wait for me to lead the main force to arrive."

Nangong Jing was originally the leader of the Five Thousand Guishuang Army, but he temporarily handed over the Guishuang cavalry to Ma Chao because he wanted to seize the position of chief of the Nangong tribe. Now Ma Chao returned the army to him, which made him confident Increase, he immediately said: "Let's go immediately!"


Guishuang is a large country to the west of Congling, with a territory of thousands of miles. It is as famous as the Han Dynasty, Anxi, Rome and other empires. It is an empire established by the Dayuezhi people. The sub-region was divided into five parts, among which the Guishuang part gradually rose, it continuously annexed various small tribes, and finally established an empire spanning thousands of miles.

After being defeated by the Han Dynasty, the Northern Xiongnu moved westward to Central Asia, where they were defeated by the Guishuang Empire, and finally had to flee to Europe, where they set off turbulent waves and completely changed the history of Europe.

Despite the chaos at the end of the Han Dynasty, Guishuang Kingdom did not have the idea of ​​going east. This time Ma Chao sent people to Guishuang Kingdom to recruit warriors, which aroused King Dulin's nostalgia for the Hexi Corridor, the hometown of the Yuezhi people, and sent [-] troops to assist Ma Chao's resistance to the Han Dynasty is certainly a plot of the Yuezhi people's homeland, but it also hides the Guishuang people's ambitions for Hexi.

The 20 Guishuang cavalry is directly under the Guishuang King Dulin. They are the elite soldiers of the [-] Guishuang army. With a sharp sword and a sharp spear in his hand, there are all Dawan horses under his crotch.

Each soldier also has a spear pouch, which contains ten short spears made of fine steel. Since the Guishuang people do not have stirrups, it is very difficult to shoot on horseback. The short steel spear was thrown with the strength of the arm at a distance of thirty steps from the enemy, and its lethality was astonishing.

The Han army also learned this kind of fine steel short spear from the Guishuang people, which is equipped with some cavalry and has great lethality.

Although there are only 5000 Guishuang cavalry, their combat effectiveness is very strong. It is precisely because of this elite cavalry that Nangong Jing is full of confidence in rescuing Guzang.

As long as he does not encounter the heavy armored infantry of the Han army, he can defeat any other Han army troops in one battle.

Nan Gongjing led [-] Guishuang cavalry to gallop all the way. Two days later, he gradually arrived in Guzang County. When he was still more than ten miles away from the county seat, he reined in his horses, ordered the soldiers to rest on the spot, and sent scouts to inquire about the news. .

Guzang County is surrounded by endless grasslands. To the west is the snow-capped Guzang Mountain, which is also a part of Qilian Mountain. 'Holy Mountain'.

Just as the soldiers were resting by a small river, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes in the distance. Nan Gongjing stood up hastily, and saw the scouts he sent rushing past. Ling said, "Everyone get on their horses!"

Five thousand Guishuang cavalry got on their horses one after another, Nangong Jing urged his horses to meet them, and asked loudly, "What happened?"

"General Qi, we have discovered the enemy's situation, it is ten miles away."

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