Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 1018: Turning faces is faster than turning pages

At the same moment, outside Xiaowu Fort

"Trash! They're all a bunch of trash! Ogus?! Come and tell this king! What's going on with these weak trash?! The battle hasn't even started yet, and they can't even stand up?!"

"Your Majesty! I don't even know about this little one! I didn't find any abnormality all night last night! But when I woke up early in the morning, many people became weak, and many people even developed a high fever! The little one has already ordered people to take those patients Those who were sick stayed in Wubao, and the others who were not sick have all evacuated from this small Wubao!"

Liu Lang, King of Yingchuan, frowned even more when he heard these words, and even swept his eyes viciously at Ogus!

Ogus was so frightened that all his souls froze immediately. He had followed Liu Lang for so many years, how could he fail to see that Liu Lang was on the verge of fury at this moment? !

Once Liu Lang couldn't suppress his anger, the big knife in his hand would kill him immediately!

"Your Majesty! You dare to swear to God! The little one didn't close his eyes all night last night! The inspection was also done by the little one himself, because he was afraid that other people's work would be unreliable! Especially the safety of this water source, the little one dared not There is a slight negligence!"

"Hmph! Then how did these thousands of patients who have no combat effectiveness come here?! You must never tell this king that they are like this because of exhaustion!"

"My lord! I have never seen such a strange thing before! If they were really poisoned, then they should have died of poison last night! It doesn't make sense, just make people feel weak and have a fever!?"

"A bunch of trash! Don't worry about them! You have to send people to the surrounding woods to chop wood for ladders. The more the better!"

"Your Majesty intends to attack Chicheng today?!"

"Let's see the situation... At least we have to wait until the snow stops... This damn heavy snow! Look at how much snow has accumulated on the ground?! The king's cavalry is almost unable to use its maneuvering speed!"

"My lord... I always feel a little puzzled in my heart, I don't know if I should say it or not?!"

"Fuck away!"

"Yes yes yes! The little one just feels a little strange..."

"You mean that the king went around Chicheng all night and didn't find any other ambushes?!"

"Your Majesty is indeed wise and mighty! That's what you mean! And those enemies who invaded are really stupid! They dared to use hundreds of people to attack tens of thousands of us at night..."

"Huh! You kid is learning to be smart now?! You know how to be persuasive when you speak?!"

"The little one just thinks that they should roughly know the size of our army. How could they send heads here for nothing?! Even if they didn't meet the king's cavalry, just a few hundred people want to come here to steal chickens and dogs?! That's basically looking for death! "

Liu Lang, King of Yingchuan, couldn't help but took a deep look at Ogus. He didn't expect this kid's mind to be quite good. Fortunately, he wasn't killed just now. Can talk? !

"Well, this king also finds it very strange. They dared to use the method of "sweeping the snow to greet each other" to make us go so many wrong ways, but how come they don't even have any clever tricks?!"

"Your Majesty, don't you think that after so many of us arrived in Wubao, there were so many patients... Could it be..."

"You mean they lured us here on purpose?! But you didn't say anything and didn't find out?! Could it be that they have already poisoned the water source?!"

"My lord... the place where the water is fetched is really weird! There are many festering corpses piled up there, and many of the dead corpses are soaked in it directly... But it's not like we haven't drunk this kind of water soaked in corpses before, but Nothing major happened... Could it be that they directly poisoned the corpse?!"

"There is such a possibility! You go and order everyone not to drink any water near this castle! If you are really thirsty, you can melt the snow yourself to quench your thirst!"

Ugus promised and made arrangements.

But when Ogus came back and saw Yingchuan King Liu Lang again, he found that Liu Lang's expression was a little more serious than before...

"Your Majesty..."

"Ogus, when will the snow stop?!"

"It should be soon..."

"Pass on the order of the king! Immediately send troops to Chicheng! This king wants to see what tricks they can play in front of this king's army!"

"Then... what about those patients?!"

"Hmph! A bunch of trash, throw them here and let them fend for themselves!"

"Then what if they follow?!"


Just at this time, the walls of Chicheng

"Ah Lang?! Why did you come to the city wall alone again?!"

"Sun Sheng, don't you think this snow scene is beautiful?!"

"I just don't understand why you only let a few people patrol the city wall?! Don't you understand that the Huns will attack at any time?!"

"I guess they will only come to some scouts to investigate during the day at most, and the army will come, at least it will be in the evening..."

"So, those "poisonous corpses" worked?!"

A Lang did not immediately, but instead smiled teasingly at Sun Sheng: "That kid Xie Ai came to let you inquire about the military situation?!"

"It's not all, everyone is a little nervous, so I volunteered to find out the reality of you, a dog-headed military division!"

"Woof, woof, woof!" Dahei seemed to like Sun Sheng's name very much, and actually yelled at Sun Sheng a few times as if encouraging him!

And A Lang even showed a rare smile, even squatted down, and touched Dahei's dog's head...

"The dog-headed military commander?! Hehe, I didn't expect that besides Pu Hong, even you guys would start calling me that... Hey, I don't know where Brother Pu is now?!"

Sun Sheng couldn't help laughing, especially when he saw Alang staying with the big yellow dog, he felt that Xie Ai's name of Alang's dog-headed military commander was indeed very interesting!

"Sun Sheng, don't you think this snowflakes are particularly beautiful!? If the bright moon can dance in such snow, how great would it be?!"

After half an hour, Huashan

"Hou Tian! Hou Ye! You two turned to Kang Qiang?!"

"General Shi, since Her Royal Highness Princess Mingyue has been found, we only need to hand Her Royal Highness back to King Ping Jin, and the mission is considered complete! Why doesn't General Shi understand this truth?!"

"That's right! General Shi! That's the truth! Both Hou Ye and I can understand, how could General Shi not understand?! Could it be that General Shi wanted to betray King Pingjin?!"

"Hmph! It really is a group of Jie people! Turning faces is faster than turning pages!"

"General Shi's words are so strange! Hou Ye and I didn't do anything to offend you, Shi Zhan, did we?! On the contrary, you, time and time again, inexplicably brought so many of us to the point of doom! How many times have you escaped from death?! You still have the nerve to accuse our brothers?!"

(The only group number in this book: [-])

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