Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 1021: The Story of Three Kingdoms

Ogus was really scared by the tricks one after another. He always felt that he was being calculated everywhere, and even every step he took seemed to be led by the nose under the careful arrangement of others. ...

From the previous "sweeping the snow to greet each other", to the fact that Xiao Wubao cost them thousands of combat power overnight, even Chicheng, which is clearly within easy reach, seems to have become frightening...

Is it really like what his master Yingchuan Wang Liu Lang said? !

What other plots do they have? !

"What does your Majesty mean?! Is this little girl fake?! She is not some kind of Princess Mingyue?!"

"Hmph! Whether it's true or not! This king must first catch her before talking about it!"

"My lord! I suspect that the city has already ambushed heavy soldiers! They may even have placed a large number of flammable objects in the city! They are deliberately using such a small force to create an illusion, so that we think they don't have many people. ...and then use this "Princess Mingyue" as a bait to lure us in underestimating the enemy..."

"Hmph! They really thought they could fool us with such a clumsy trick?!"

"Your Majesty is brilliant and mighty! How can the small skills of these Jin dogs fool your Majesty?!"

"Hahaha! Didn't you just say, Ogus, that you have a sore throat?! Why are you speaking so sharply now?! You can even guess what schemes those Jin people have?!"

"Hey... the king doesn't know about this little one?! The little one just wants to talk to the king when the king feels bored..."

"Hahaha! Your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter! I heard that when you were in Pingyang, you specially used the money I rewarded you to buy a storyteller to tell you the story of the Three Kingdoms?!"

"The little one serves by the king's side every day, but the king's words are always so profound! The little one has a stupid brain... and was afraid that after being rejected by the king, he would no longer want Ogus to serve by the king's side, so I came up with this idea." It's a bad idea, I want to learn more about their ability to promote people..."

"Bah! You're the only one who can flatter! Hahaha! But this king loves to hear it! Hahaha!"

"My lord... then, should we launch another attack now?! How about we send [-] soldiers directly this time?! In this way, even if they really have an ambush in the city, or plan to burn Chicheng, we can calmly deal with it..."

"The king is thinking, what is the purpose of these people from Jin to plot against the king so deliberately?!"

"It may be because they have no way to fight against our iron cavalry in the wilderness! And this Chicheng is too small to withstand the full attack of our army, so they made such a bad move..."

"If it's what you think, this is not a "bad move"..."

"What does the king mean?!"

"Ogus! Order the front army to become the rear army and the rear! The rear army becomes the front army, and retreat for half a mile! The cavalry remains mobile and meets the enemy at any time! Set up camp after half a mile!"

"Your Majesty wants to surround and not fight, and wait for them to surrender?!"

"Hmph! Since their Highness Princess is still in the city, why should we worry?!"

"That's right! Swords have no eyes, if that little princess is real! It's not worth the loss..."

At the same time, the walls of Chicheng

"Look, everyone! The Huns are retreating! The Huns have been repulsed by us!"

There was a sound of cheers and shouts on the city wall, and even the originally extremely suppressed atmosphere was relaxed!

When everyone thought they were going to die, the Huns retreated because of a little girl's words. This is simply a miracle!

I don't know who was the first to yell "Long live Princess Mingyue", similar cheers came from the entire city wall!

But such cheers, in Xiao Xuyuan's ears, immediately blushed with embarrassment!

"Yuan'er! You did a great job!"

"Yuan'er! You are our little princess!"

"Hahaha! Thanks to you! The Huns retreat temporarily!"

Xiao Xuyuan was naturally very happy when she heard these words!

Because Xiao Xuyuan really felt that she had done what she should do on behalf of sister Mingyue!

"Mr. Fu, it's very windy here, please take Yuan'er down to avoid the wind..."

Fu Xuan didn't speak, just took a deep look at A Lang, and left with little Xu Yuan...

As for the bald-haired father and son and Xie Ai, Sun Sheng was already surrounded by A Lang, waiting for his next order!

Seeing that these people value A Lang's opinion so much now, Pu Hou is really happy for A Lang in his heart. Thinking about how a day ago these people were still at war with them, wishing to kill them immediately and then hurry up!

But now? !

All of them showed faint signs of taking A Lang as the leader...

The comparison between these two situations really made Pu Hou feel a little embarrassed...

"Ah Lang! What should we do now?! The Huns don't seem to plan to really retreat! Although our father and son are still capable of fighting, you have also seen that after such a tough battle, we have lost more than 400 people. Force! If they come to fight again, we will definitely not be able to defend this Chicheng!"

Alang naturally knew that the bald-haired Tuijin was telling the truth, but he still didn't say a word...

And Xie Ai was obviously a little impatient, and he blurted out: "The bald general is right! Our battle losses are too great. If it weren't for this city wall, we might not even be able to withstand the first attack. Ah Lang, if you have any other plans, just tell us!"

"Ah Lang! You just say it! I'm bald and think about it again, and I'm all up to you!"

"The Huns really didn't plan to evacuate... You can take a closer look. Their retreat was orderly. In my opinion, the Huns just wanted to leave a certain safe distance, and then set up camp and slowly followed us. consume..."

Although A Lang's voice was not loud, it made everyone around him look solemn...

"Ah Lang, you forced little Xu Yuan to stay here from Mr. Xu Tong, just to make her pretend to be Princess Mingyue to make the Huns stalk them, and use this to delay time?!"

"Xie Ai! You have to understand! All of us standing here were sacrificed by Zu Ti! Mr. Xu You also understands this! And now that little Xu Yuan is pretending to be Princess Mingyue, then even if we all After dying in battle, she might still be able to live because of this fake identity!"


"Besides, the reason why the Huns temporarily gave up their attack is not entirely because of Xiao Xuyuan. The main reason is that they are wondering why we have only such a small force, but we still want to let Xiao Xuyuan, a fake princess, show up?! They are afraid We have other ambushes in the city!"

"Then what should we do next?!"

Facing the expectant eyes of everyone, A Lang showed a wry smile, and slowly raised his head, looking at the heavy snowflakes still flying in the sky...

"Wait for the snow to fall a bit more... and for a little longer..."

(The only group number in this book: [-])

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