Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 103: Confidence

Chapter [-]: Qingzhou Flying Leopard

Those who intercepted the secret agents of Zhang Binjunzi's camp were indeed Wang Mi's subordinates, and they were also the secret agents and intelligence system trained by Liu Tun not long after he took over. In the hands of Liu Tun, it has become a system with terrible potential, which makes Wang Mi very happy, especially this time successfully intercepting Shi Le's spies, it makes Wang Mi's ability to Liu Tun , looked a lot higher. <You must know that in Wang Mi's eyes, Liu Tun is a serious and honest person. I didn't expect Liu Tun to be able to advise himself, but also to be first-rate in training spies. This is really an eye-opening gift from God A big gift, hehe, Xiangdang Xiangdang, it is true. If I and Liu Tun are not fellow villagers, or if I don’t have so many years of entanglements, I really can’t make Liu Tun take refuge in me. Now I have Liu Tun , God help me too!

In a short period of time, there was a small victory in the intelligence war in front of him, and the target of the victory was the secret agents of the Shi Le army who had been suffering from secret losses. Although his men suffered heavy casualties, they could make these secret agents of Shi Le suffer. A big loss is still quite worth it!

Just based on this point, Zhang Song, who has been acting as a long history by Wang Mi's side, admired him.You must know that these spies of Shi Le are all under the command of Zhang Bin, Shi Le's military adviser, and I have really suffered a lot under these spies of Zhang Bin's Gentleman's Camp!

Before Liu Tun took over the spies under these lords, Zhang Song was really made a little nervous by the spies of Junziying. Sometimes Zhang Song even doubted which lover he was making out with and what clothes he was wearing today. They were all placed on Zhang Bin's desk, and Zhang Song could even imagine Zhang Bin's obscene smile!

It's all right now, since Liu Tun took over, this situation has really changed, and I don't have to live in such fear anymore!

Zhang Song heard from Wang Mi that Liu Tun had gone to Qingzhou with an important mission to join Cao Ni's troops. Looking at Wang Mi's complacent look, it must be an earth-shattering event. Zhang Song knew in his heart that if Liu Tun If things go well, then Liu Tun's position in Wang Mi's army will no longer be shaken. Although Zhang Song is a little jealous, there is nothing he can do about it. Besides, if one day, his lord Wang Mi can win the world, Zhang Song There are definitely many benefits. Thinking about it this way, Zhang Song is also very respectful to Liu Tun, and he dare not be negligent. Moreover, this Liu Tun is really easy to get along with, and he is kind to everyone. I really can't figure out how he trained his lord Zhang Song couldn't be more clear about the temperament of these scumbags under his command. Not only are they all outlaws, but they don't pay attention to anyone except Wang Mi, but Liu Tun has a way to make them obey. Tie, it’s really more popular than others. Now that Liu Tun is going to Qingzhou, Wang Mi has entrusted various affairs to himself, saying that this is an important task specially assigned by the military adviser Liu Tun. The trust of Liu Tun and Wang Mi lies in Now that this is the case, what else does Zhang Song have to worry about?

Today Zhang Song is concentrating on processing and analyzing all kinds of information reported by the intelligence department, and he will make a summary for Wang Mi to see.

When Wang Mi saw the summary of information sent by Zhang Song, he found that he and Shi Le's troops seemed to be very close, and he was very disturbed.You must know that Shi Le defeated Xun Xi in Mengcheng, but Shi Le suddenly sent troops northward to Chenliu, which is really weird!

Zhang Song looked at Wang Mi's deeply furrowed brows, and naturally knew why Wang Mi was troubled by something. Shi Le's troops suddenly went north. Such an abnormal behavior really made people restless...

Wang Mi was indeed thinking about the abnormal behavior of Shi Le's troops, but it wasn't just Shi Le's matter that bothered him. Although Shi Le's troops were close by, it didn't worry him very much. Dare to do something blatantly to yourself, not only are the two of them nominally kings and ministers of the Han Dynasty, but the most important thing is that each has heavy soldiers around each other, and no one can easily eat each other in one go.That's why I and Liu Tun made a "woodpecker plan", the so-called strike first to be strong and then suffer disaster... But if Shi Le has the same thoughts... Hey, it's really worrying, but although Shi Le has broken Xun Xi, but Facing himself, if Shi Le is not cruel and wants to take advantage of himself, it is really not that simple and easy. In a real fight, it is really hard to say who eats who, Wang Mi himself Really have this confidence!

Thinking of this, Wang Mi was really a little proud, and he was even imagining how Shi Le would look at his feet if his plan with Liu Tun succeeded, hahaha!However, Wang Mi hadn't been complacent for long, and he remembered some discordant voices in his army recently...

His generals Xu Miao and Gao Liang saw that Cao Ni was doing well in Qingzhou, and they were all fellow villagers, so they all had the idea of ​​going with Cao Ni, which made everyone in the army restless, and he managed to suppress it for the time being. The thoughts of the two of them, I don't want the two locust generals of the Han Dynasty: Anbei General Zhao Gu and North General Wang Sang did not know why they met with their own troops. The troops handed over the spoils for them to eat and drink. Because of Liu Tun's request not to turn against Han Guo for the time being, I kept swallowing my anger, but which of the people under my command is a vegetarian?Where have you ever endured this birdishness?Liu Tun had to communicate frequently with his generals to appease them, so that no unmanageable situation occurred. But now Liu Tun has also gone to Qingzhou, and the people under him don't know the real situation, and they are encouraged by caring people one way or another , the voice of the army to go to Qingzhou is getting louder and louder. These few times to attack some large and small docks in the surrounding area have suffered several small losses in a row, which has made the morale of the army even more low. Military discipline has also been lax, and every one of them has become afraid of death when fighting a war. Such an army will have ghosts if they don't suffer losses or lose battles! !

But just because of these few small defeats, the bastards under his command became more determined to go to Qingzhou to hang out with Cao Yi, especially the recent strange behavior of Xu Miao and Gao Liang's subordinates, which made Wang Mi was very suspicious, and there were even rumors in the army that Wang Mi favored one person over another, and left all the good things to Cao Ni to enjoy and show off, and let his old brother bump into walls here and there. I went to Qingzhou, I really want to drive Wang Mi to death!

Thinking of Xu Miao and Gaoliang, Wang Mi couldn't restrain his murderous intent. Wang Mi was sure that the rumors in his army must be related to these two people. Of course, there must be other spies lurking in his army. They fanned the flames on this matter, but Xu Miao and Gao Liang, as the old men in their own army, didn't know how to stifle the rumors, and even secretly encouraged them, they should be killed...

Zhang Song looked at Wang Mi's eyes gradually became cold and cold, Zhang Song knew that this was his lord's murderous intent again, Zhang Song was also nervous for a while, I really don't know who would be the unlucky one?Suddenly Zhang Song was startled, considering the recent situation, is it possible that his lord is going to attack Xu Miao and Gaoliang?

Thinking of this, Zhang Song looked at Wang Mi nervously. Zhang Song knew that Xu Miao and Gao Liang had been acting a little out of character recently, but Shi Le was next to him. The consequences are unimaginable...

Wang Mi noticed Zhang Song's uneasiness. Seeing Zhang Song's tense appearance, Wang Mi felt much more comfortable. He didn't need others to respect and love him. He just needed to be afraid of him. Sometimes fear is more effective than any oath. If you are afraid, you will not have the courage to resist, and you don't need to spend so much energy to pretend to be false. Wang Mi is very satisfied with Zhang Song's expression now. It can be seen that Zhang Song is afraid of himself but also very worried about his safety. Really a reliable guy...

Wang Mi didn't know why he suddenly said to Zhang Song, "Zhang Song, do you still remember my nickname?"

Zhang Song was obviously taken aback, and subconsciously replied: "Qingzhou Flying Leopard!"

"Hahahahaha, that's right, Qingzhou Flying Leopard! The people of Qingzhou say that I, Wang Mi, not only can ride and shoot well, but also carefully measure the success or failure of every capture operation before taking action. That's why I got such a title, yes. no!?"

Zhang Song recalled all the actions of Wang Mi in the past, and it was indeed as Wang Mi said, Wang Mi was not only strong in martial arts but also brilliant in scheming, but why did my lord mention this matter today?

Wang Mi didn't wait for Zhang Song to agree and continued: "When I was young, I used to fool around in the capital Luoyang for a while. I heard that there was a hermit named Dong Zhongdao who was good at judging people's lives. He never made mistakes. But when this person became famous, he began to become arrogant and arrogant, and set a broken rule, don’t look at anything that doesn’t please your eyes, don’t look at it when it’s raining, don’t look at it when the wind is blowing, you must look at it when the wind is cloudy, and it’s sunny on a sunny day I don’t show him when I’m going to sleep, I’m not sure if it’s weird, even though I’m so troubled, there’s still an endless stream of people looking for his face, I was curious and wanted to see what happened, but I saw the notice at the door I got angry, remembering the way Cao Cao dealt with fortune-tellers in the Three Kingdoms period, he also entered his house at night and forced him to show me his face with a knife. : The king is a jackal and a leopard, and he likes to make trouble, and if the world harasses him, he will not be a scholar-bureaucrat."

Hearing this, Zhang Song also secretly admired this hermit named Dong Zhongdao. He really knows people with his eyes, and there are no mistakes...

Looking at Zhang Song's virtuous behavior, Wang Mi knew that Zhang Song agreed with the hermit's evaluation very much. Wang Mi laughed and scolded: "Damn, do you think what he said is accurate? Hahaha, I think it's right too!"

Zhang Song felt relieved when he heard Wang Mi's own admission. Although he was a bit cruel, he was really frank... what others thought was a bad evaluation, but in Wang Mi's opinion, it was a compliment. Zhang Song suddenly thought What asked, "Did the hermit say anything else?"

Wang Mi naturally knew what Zhang Song wanted to ask, but Wang Mi shook his head and said: "He only wants to say this, no matter how much I coerce and lure him, he refuses to say anything. What I said has already leaked the secret, and I will never talk about it from now on." There will be no condemnation.”

Zhang Song also felt it was a pity to hear this, but this hermit really said it accurately. The ancestor of his lord Wang Mi was Wang Qi, who was the prefect of Xuantu during the Cao Wei Dynasty (Wang Qi and Wuqiu Jian fought together during the Three Kingdoms period. Goguryeo, engraved stone records in the south of Sushen, and was ordered to send envoys to Puyu and the country of Japan. In the Romance, when Deng Ai conquered Shu, he ordered Wang Qi and Qianhong to lead their troops to attack from the left and right to contain Jiang Wei. Deng Ai attacked Zhuge Zhan. Later, Deng Ai's army destroyed Shu, and Qianhong, Wang Qi, etc. led the prefectures and counties.), During the reign of Emperor Wu of Jin Dynasty, the official worshiped as the prefect of Runan.It is also a wealthy family who dominates one side. Wang Mi has been talented since he was a child.Now he is willing to give up the fame of his ancestors to be a thief or a bandit, and even bow down to serve the Xiongnu, take advantage of the chaos in the world, rob and fight everywhere, just to enjoy the thrill of conquest, what a bastard in the world!

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