Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 1037: Going to Wushan Together

On October 311th, 2 AD, at the third quarter of the ugly hour (about [-] o'clock in the morning), Chang'an, outside the palace of Zhongshan King Liu Yao

You Ziyuan has been standing outside King Zhongshan's bedroom for more than half an hour!

And this is already the second time I risked my life to come here!

Yang Xianrong looked at the anxious You Ziyuan with a sad expression on his face...

But at this moment, she really didn't dare to try to wake up Zhongshan King Liu Yao, especially when she saw You Ziyuan's red and swollen face...

"Ziyuan..., you go and come back, is there any other urgent matter?! If it's still about dispatching troops immediately, you listen to my concubine's advice, why not wait until tomorrow..."

"Princess! This matter is really urgent!"

"When Liu Lang gets drunk, there's nothing I can do about it..."

"Princess! The special envoy of King Liu Can of Hanoi has arrived. There is an urgent military situation, and there is no need to delay!"

"Ziyuan, even if the sky is falling now! Liu Lang can't wake up!"

"Hey! Drinking is wrong! Drinking is wrong!"

When Yang Xianrong heard You Ziyuan shaking his head and sighing at him, he felt a little annoyed!

"Do you want to say that Liu Lang made a mistake because of drinking and sex?!"

You Ziyuan did mean that, but he wouldn't go too far by confronting Yang Xianrong face to face, so he could only continue to sigh...

"Princess! Hanoi King Liu Can has discovered the movement of Jia Pi's army. He sent envoys to tell us to go to Qin Zhidao and rush to Chiyang to meet the enemy!" An important military route was built, but it was not completed until the period of Qin II. Qin Zhidao started from Yunyang Linguang Palace (now Liangwu Emperor Village, Chunhua County), the military center of Xianyang, the capital of Qin Dynasty in the south, and went north to Jiuyuan County (now Mengjiawan Village, southwest of Baotou City, Inner Mongolia), crossing 212 counties, more than 210 kilometers. The widest part of the road is about 14 meters, and generally 800 meters. It occupies an important position in history.)

"Jiapi's speed is really that fast?!"

"Princess! Ziyuan begs the concubine to call the king again! Otherwise, it will really delay the important event!"

Coincidentally, Zhongshan King Liu Yao seemed to have been awakened by the noise outside the bedroom, but when he got up together, he felt dizzy and even a little nauseous...

"Who?! How dare you slander the orphan's beloved concubine?!"

Yang Xianrong heard the movement, and hurried back to serve Liu Yao, while You Ziyuan was so frightened that he knelt outside the palace gate...

"Liu Lang, why are you awake?!"

"I heard that kid Liu Can sent someone here in the middle of the night?!"

"Say it's an urgent military situation!"

"Then let Ziyuan come in!"

When You Ziyuan heard Zhongshan King Liu Yao's summons, he quickly entered the bedroom, and then knelt in front of Zhongshan King Liu Yao...

"You Ziyuan?! Do you really think that the lonely king is addicted to wine and sex, and he doesn't even care about military affairs?!"

"Your Majesty! Ziyuan has absolutely no such intentions! I still hope that Your Majesty will learn from you!"

At this time, Zhongshan King Liu Yao really didn't have the mood to argue with the wanderer. After all, the military situation is more important, so he could only endure the headache after drinking, and asked impatiently: "What did Liu Can send someone to say?!"

"His Royal Highness the King of Hanoi ordered us..."

"Order?! What is he?! How dare he order me, Liu Yao?!"

"My lord! The military situation is urgent, and the big things are the most important!"

"Hmph! Isn't Liu Can capable?! That's great! Then let him resist Jia Pi for a while!"

"Your Majesty just captured Chang'an, so it's really inappropriate to turn against His Highness the King of Hanoi at this time! After all, the Emperor of Han is behind His Highness the King of Hanoi! Even if it's beating a dog, we have to see his master's face first!"

"Hmph! This king just doesn't want to send troops tonight! If there is anything, we will talk about it tomorrow!"

You Ziyuan couldn't believe that these words came from Zhongshan King Liu Yao? !

Could it be that he was really fascinated by the offering of sheep? !

Or has the huge victory of easily winning Chang'an and Tongguan made this king who looks down on the world so incompetent? !

How long have you been stationed in Chang'an? !

Yang Xianrong was also very disappointed with Liu Yao. Although she liked Liu Yao's obedience to her very much, and even secretly rejoiced that Liu Yao loved her in every possible way during this period, but when the war was imminent, he How could Liu Yao still say such a thing? !

Could it be that Liu Yao's original ambitions were really exhausted in his gentle hometown? !

Can such a person really give himself a bright future? !

Will he be treated as a rag and thrown away at will when he gets old and faded? !

Now even You Ziyuan is blaming himself for bewitching the lord, so the other officials under Liu Yao hated him to the bone a long time ago? !

But at this moment, Yang Xianrong also knew that it was not the time to persuade, so he could only stop You Ziyuan from further persuading with his eyes!

Fortunately, You Ziyuan is not really the kind of admonisher who would rather die than surrender...

What's more, he was beaten by Zhongshan King Liu Yao before...

Seeing Yang Xianrong winking at him now, although he was a little afraid, he quickly said goodbye and left...

After a while...

"Rong'er, this palace in Chang'an really makes Gu linger! Especially you..., really makes Gu reluctant to leave... Gu just rest for a few more nights, and then go out to fight..."

"it is good……"

"Hahaha! It's Rong'er who understands the king's heart best! Come! Come into Gu's arms, and we will go to Wushan together!"

An hour and a half later, outside the canyon at the entrance of Caolian Ridge

"My lord! The scouts sent out above the canyon have returned, and they haven't found any enemies! Even if they piled up a lot of snowdrifts at the exit of the canyon, I don't know if they are in a hurry?!"


"My lord! The snow stopped! It finally stopped! Hahaha! Even the wind doesn't seem to be very strong!"

"Damn it! Damn it! I've been fooled again!"

"Your Majesty?! I don't understand what we've been fooled by?!"

"Idiot! Don't you see that the sky is almost dawn?! We are cautious in everything, but this is the purpose of those Jin dogs! It is to prevent us from entering the valley easily! Now it's all right, they ran away again ! Send this king’s general order! Immediately advance the whole army, pass through the canyon as soon as possible, and go directly up the mountain to chase after me!”

After two sticks of incense, the five thousand troops of Yingchuan King Liu Lang finally passed through the canyon and came to the foot of Caolian Ridge...

"My lord... why do I feel that the terrain here is more terrifying than the canyon before?! Look at the mountains on three sides, and the snow covered mountains..."

"Idiot! It's all here! What ambushes are there?! The canyon is in our hands! We can run at any time! You are really scared stupid by those Jin dogs!"


"Huh?! What sound?! Who is playing the music?! Why does it sound a little chilling?!"

"I can't hear you clearly, it seems to be a kind of flute sound?! Ah! Look, my lord! There is a man on that hill, it seems that he is blowing something! Those Jin dogs haven't run away yet!" After saying this, Ogus also Before Yingchuan King Liu Lang agreed, he had already led many people roaring loudly and charged towards the mountain!

Even Liu Lang, king of Yingchuan, ordered people to beat the drums with all their strength!

After a while...

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Not good! Run away! It's an avalanche! It's an avalanche!!!"

(The only group number in this book: [-])

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