Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 1045: Chaos in Luoshui

The entire northern shore of Luoshui is already a place of killing!

Not only Kang's, Quan's, and even Shi Zhan's people were killed and fled in all directions, but many people with unknown origins and ragged clothes were also frantically running for their lives!

And those cavalry who looked like robbers quickly and mercilessly killed every target they locked!

But what is strange is that not only are there not many cavalry in each assault, but all the cavalry who go out to assault will immediately return to the original team after killing some people, and then continue to follow the fleeing people leisurely From behind, launch an attack from time to time...

It's like driving cattle!

"They are not robbers! They are the Huns! It is the Huns who are coming! The Huns are coming! Run for your life!"

But the voice of the person who shouted loudly has not yet fallen, his stomach has been split open by the Hun cavalry who came after him, and the intestines that just flowed out were directly grabbed by another Hun cavalry who rushed to kill him immediately , and then pulled his intestines all the way, and galloped on the horse!

That kind of horrific wailing sound, which doesn't even resemble the wailing that humans can make, deeply stimulates the hearts of all the fugitives!

"U..., they are from the Wuluolan tribe! Absolutely right! They are the iron cavalry from the Wuluolan tribe! Only their beasts like to use this bloodiest method of warfare! They are not human! They are not human at all !"

"Run! Brother! What are you still doing?! Run!"

"No! I can't run! How can our two legs be faster than their four legs?! We can't be the opponent of Wuluolan's cavalry at all! We are dead! This time we are dead! Houye, we It's time to die!"

"Brother! Then let's surrender! We are all Han people, as long as we surrender, we will surely survive!"

"Surrender?! Have you forgotten who we are?! People from the Han Kingdom?! Hahaha! We are Jie people! We are the most despised Jie people! The Huns never saw us as human beings! We My grandfather was trampled to death by their Wuluolan cavalry! I saw my grandfather being trampled to death right in front of my eyes!"

Hou Ye looked at Hou Tian's desperate look, even waiting to die, and he really wanted to punch him directly!

But behind him came the sound of hooves getting closer and closer!

"Run! If we don't run, we will all die here!"

But no matter how much Hou Ye pulled, Hou Tian remained motionless, as if he was completely trapped in the horrible memories of his childhood...

The pull didn't work, and the push refused to go. In desperation, Hou Ye could only shout loudly: "Brother! Our mother and children are still waiting for us to go back in Pingyang! We can't just die here like this!" !"

"Mother?! Child?!" Hearing Hou Ye's words, Hou Tian's already lifeless eyes finally flashed a few traces of desire to survive!

"Houye! Run! Run into the mountains! We're in the mountains! We'll be safe!

Kang Liang ran faster!

Seeing that the general situation was not good, he directly left the Hou brothers, and even his own clansmen had no time to greet them, so they turned around and fled!

But under the sudden change of the situation, the most unlucky group of people turned into members of the Quan family!

The Quan clan had already surrounded the Kang clan!

But now they were scattered by the sudden Hun cavalry and a large number of people who didn't know if they were refugees or what their origins were!

Many members of the Quan clan had their arms or heads chopped off by the swiftly passing Huns cavalry before they even raised their arms, and the screams were endless!

But the Quan clan didn't show much timidity, instead they gradually gathered together, and many people even started to fight back!

With the cooperation of bamboo crossbows, banyans and war knives, they successfully blocked some of the fierce Hun cavalry and captured several horses!

It's a pity that these people from the Quan clan don't seem to know how to ride horses. Instead, because of the lack of cooperation of the war horses, they even bumped and kicked wildly after going crazy, which disrupted their positions again!

And at this moment, more Xiongnu iron cavalry rushed towards the Quan clan again!

Seeing that a Hun had raised his saber high and wanted to slash at Quan Mingchen whose back was facing him, Quan Liu immediately kicked away a refugee who was rushing indiscriminately, and hacked to death a man who looked like a broken soldier. Get in the way idiot!

"Miss! Run! Give me Quanliu here! I'll stand in your way for a while!"

As soon as Quan Mingchen was reminded by Quan Liu's roar, he immediately looked back at Quan Liu who appeared behind him, and watched with his own eyes that he repelled a Hun cavalry who wanted to kill him with a plank and a saber!

Quan Liu was already drenched in blood at this moment, but he still quickly turned his head to look at Quan Mingchen, and squeezed out a smile: "Miss! You haven't married yet! I haven't had your wedding wine yet! You can't die! It’s not good to be dead! Hehe!”

But just when Quan Liuyi was distracted, a Hun cavalry holding a mace suddenly appeared beside Quan Liu!

Quanliu's head was smashed to pieces by the mace!

* mixed with blood even more, and sprayed in all directions!

And the moment Quan Liu fell down, the terrified Quan Mingchen was picked up on the horse by another Hun cavalry galloping fast!

Before she could even struggle, she was punched unconscious by the Huns!

And watching Quan Liu die tragically in front of him, and even his sister was taken away by the Xiongnu iron cavalry, Quan Mingli immediately chased after him like crazy!

But how could he catch up? !

He could only watch Quan Mingchen gradually disappear before his eyes with tears in his eyes!

And Xiaocao, who put on men's clothing, started running wildly after Quan Mingchen was arrested!


She has also been targeted by a Hun cavalry, and she is getting closer and closer!

"Bang" sound!

Xiaocao was knocked down to the ground by a man who was fleeing for his life!

But before she reluctantly climbed up again, the Xiongnu cavalry had arrived!

Xiaocao rolled on the spot and avoided a slash, but the Xiongnu cavalry seemed to become more furious because they didn't kill with one blow, and turned around again, speeding up to kill!

But at this time, the little grass that had just climbed up was knocked down by a fleeing person again, this time it was very unfortunate that it couldn't move all of a sudden!

The Xiongnu iron cavalry laughed and rushed to Xiaocao's side, and quickly pulled the reins!

The war horse he sat on immediately stood up, and his two front hooves neighed furiously, "opening its teeth and claws" to step towards Xiaocao's head!

And in the midst of this flash, a horse with two people on it suddenly rushed from another place, and slammed into the Hun war horse standing upright!

(The only group number in this book: [-])

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