Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 1113: A Lang's thoughts

"Brother Liu Can?! The urgent military situation?! Could it be that the Guanzhong Allied Forces are coming?! What should we do?!" Kang Bimaiduo stood up in panic, and looked at Hanoi King Liu Can with a look of fear... …

Liu Can, the king of Hanoi, really wanted to rush up and hug the panicked Kang Bi Mai Duo, and then he loved him, but there was a certain distance between him and Kang Bi Mai Duo, so he could only comfort him in embarrassment for a while. , and then looked at the solemn Chen Yuanda with a livid face...

Jin Zhun felt ecstasy in his heart. He really thought that the teacher-student friendship between Hanoi King Liu Can and Chen Yuanda was unbreakable. Jin Zhun tried his best, but he couldn't find a chance to sow discord!

But now you look at it, just because of that pretentious little pepper, just because she said a few words in a coquettish voice, this pair of teachers and students are at war, and even want to eat each other alive? !

Hahaha!Isn't this the beauty of women? !

Jin Zhun suddenly felt that Kang Bi Mai Duo was not so annoying anymore, even the face that had been hit by her no longer had a dull pain, on the contrary, the more he looked at Kang Bi Mai Duo, the more pleasing to the eye, especially at this moment her kind of face that I still feel pity for. The appearance really made Jin Zhun's heart sway when he saw it...

"Master Chen! What kind of military emergency is this?! Why are you so disregarding decency!?"

Chen Yuanda's expression darkened suddenly, and Liu Can actually said in public that he was inappropriate, because Liu Can lost face in front of the beauties because he swept him away? !

Chen Yuanda also drank a lot of wine, and the matter that could have been handled tactfully was because he completely lost his composure after being publicly humiliated by Liu Can...

Chen Yuanda's eyes glared, his neck twitched, and he directly contradicted him: "My lord! Xinfeng City is in danger! Guanzhong is in danger! Why does Your Majesty want to see beauties?! What nonsense singing and dancing?!"


"My lord! The checkpoint we used to intercept Chi Yang has been pulled out! None of the garrisons survived!"

When Liu Can, King of Hanoi, heard this, he was still annoyed by Chen Yuanda's subordinates, but finally showed a trace of panic that could not be concealed...

"Your Majesty! What's even more worrying is that we got to know the news three days too late! I have investigated, and all the scouts we sent out were robbed and killed in all likelihood! The one who came back to report this time, It was only after a narrow escape that he narrowly saved his life, and as for the scouting team he belonged to, all of them were wiped out except him!"

"How is this possible?! Shouldn't the garrison be reporting the situation once a day?! Shouldn't Master Chen have discovered the abnormality long ago?!"

"Weichen really noticed something strange, so he sent someone to investigate, but unfortunately there is still no news..."

"Then what happened to the detective who came to report this time?!"

"They came back from Chang'an. Although they found something was wrong and hid all the way, they were still discovered! As for the appearance of those people, he said that he was in a hurry and only focused on running for his life, so he didn't see any clues Come……"


"Weichen speculates that the reason why those people can easily intercept and kill our scouts and liaison personnel must be wearing our military uniforms... As for their intention to pretend like this, I think it's terribly frightening..."

"In the end..., who dares to be so bold?! It must be Liu Yao who did it?! Reverse! It is simply reversible!"

When Alang heard this, he was startled. Thinking of the murderous eyes he saw on the tower of Xinfeng City, Alang was [-]% sure that he was pretending to be a Hun, and continued to intercept and kill the Huns. The person must be Shi Zhan!

But Shi Zhan is just a common man, how could he come up with such a clever method? !

Like his kind of idiot who only has a hot head and only wants to go to Ganquan Mountain to die, and use this to prove his friendship with Mingyue, how could he suddenly become enlightened? !

And with Shi Zhan's obsession with Mingyue, he himself would never realize that going to Mount Ganquan is a mortal situation, presumably even if he realized a little bit, he would go to die without hesitation!

How could a man like Shi Zhan suddenly wake up? !

Could it be that on the way to Chiyang, something happened that I didn't expect at all, which made Shi Zhan seem like a different person? !

Did he really encounter some expert advice? !

No!It shouldn't be an expert!

Otherwise, how could there be no soldiers coming to the city until now? !

As long as a group of people suddenly appeared under Xinfeng City, and then yelled a few words about Zhongshan King Liu Yao's rebellion, Hanoi King Liu Can and others must believe it when they are panicked!

Wouldn't that have directly provoked the Huns to kill each other without bloodshed? !

Moreover, once the internal strife between Zhongshan King Liu Yao and Hanoi King Liu Can intensifies, it will have a huge impact on the entire Guanzhong war situation. Maybe Jiapi can use this matter to quell Guanzhong in one fell swoop!


For the past three days, Shi Zhan still didn't do this...

Isn't it stupid? !

It seems that he was really worrying too much, Shi Zhan must have not gone to Ganquan Mountain because he was greedy for life and afraid of death...


He is obviously a coward, but he has to pretend to be a hero? !

I don't know if Ming Yue knew about this situation, would she hate Shi Zhan from the bottom of her heart? !

Should I tell Mingyue directly? !

Do not!

Only when Mingyue sees Shi Zhan, who is greedy for life and afraid of death, in Xinfeng City with her own eyes, only at that moment will the untested love between them be completely broken!

A Lang couldn't help showing a contemptuous and cruel smile on his face, and then took a shallow sip of the fine wine in the glass, letting the mellow and mellow taste start from the tip of his tongue and continue to spread inward...

But at this moment, a man who looked like a soldier rushed into the banquet hall without hesitation, and then shouted anxiously with a panicked look: "My lord! Master Chen! It's not good! There is an unknown army outside the city. A large number of people are yelling and cursing! Judging from their accent and tone, they should all belong to Zhongshan King Liu Yao!"

This was what Chen Yuanda was most worried about, but why didn't he come sooner or later, but at this moment? !

"Are you sure you are the man of Zhongshan King Liu Yao?!"

"Master Chen! This is absolutely true! The voices in the dark night may be difficult to distinguish carefully, but the arrows they shot at the top of the city are indeed used by Zhongshan King Liu Yao's army! Lord Chen, please send reinforcements to the tower. ! No matter how late it is, it will be too late!"


Liu Can, the king of Hanoi, slapped the table heavily with his hand, which made A Lang's hand holding the wine glass tremble a few times...

"Hmph! Since Liu Yao is not kind, don't blame me, Liu Can, for being ungrateful!"

(The only group number in this book: [-])

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