Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 1144: Long time no see, I miss you so much

On October 311, 29 A.D., in the afternoon, Chiyang City, in the dormitory where You Ziyuan was under house arrest

"Hahaha! God's will! Sure enough, it's God's will! This is heaven's death! Hahaha! Jia Yandu, Jia Yandu, let you make all kinds of clever tricks, Zhuge is reborn, but can you fight against heaven?! Haha Haha! God help me! Hahaha!"

But You Ziyuan stood at the door looking at the sky and laughed for a long time, but suddenly burst into tears, his appearance was a hundred times more sad than his mother's death!

The guards looked at the crazy You Ziyuan in astonishment, not knowing whether he was possessed by a demon or insane, but they didn't dare to leave his post without authorization. After all, You Ziyuan never left his dorm despite his perverse behavior...

But You Ziyuan's confidants have long been in a state of anxiety, Zhongshan King Liu Yao allowed him to stay here to take care of You Ziyuan, because he was afraid that You Ziyuan would be overwhelmed...

I really come to whatever I am worried about, if You Ziyuan really goes crazy, then he will definitely die!

"My lord! You must keep your voice down! This is not the same as in the past, if the yelling of your lord here is spread by others, who knows how it will be fueled!?"

"What do you know!? My lord is happy for the country of Han, for the king, who dares to talk nonsense!"

"Happy?! This heavy snow came so suddenly, even if I want to return to Chang'an, I'm afraid it will be difficult! What is there to be happy about?!"

"A group of idiots! At this time, they don't want to make progress, they just want to escape all day long! Once they abandon the city and flee, will they not be afraid of the Guanzhong Allied Forces chasing them up?! At that time, how much will be the loss?!"

"My lord! Be careful! Now His Royal Highness King Zhongshan is not only seriously ill, but also keeps drinking too much, making him groggy all day long, and often loses his temper!"

"The king is really so depressed?!"

"My lord! You should find a way to take care of yourself first! If someone deliberately distorts the facts at this time, using your crazy appearance today, insisting that you are pretending to be crazy, and even cursing the king on purpose, it will be a death penalty. ah!"

"Pretending to be crazy?! Why does my lord laugh at Zhongshan King Liu Yao for his repeated defeats?! Or cry for Liu Yao's funeral?! Damn! It's lawless! I want to see who is so capable and can turn black and white ?!"

"My lord, be careful! There are eyes and ears everywhere here, so don't frighten the villains!"

"Hmph! My lord underestimated you in the past?! You, a villain, can think of so much?! Do you even want to betray my wanderer?!"

"My lord is wronged! The honor and disgrace of a villain are tied to the lord! If the lord loses his reputation, with the character of the king, even the little one will die even if he sells the owner to seek glory! And think about it, my lord, even the little ones can think of this, How could Liu Ya and Zhao Ran and others not think of it?!"


"My lord! You must be cautious in your words and deeds in everything! As long as the king calms down, everything will be better!"

When You Ziyuan heard this, he felt a sense of loss. He really made a huge mistake this time. He even ignored the city defense because he was in a hurry. He really can't blame His Royal Highness King Zhongshan for punishing him... …

But now that the war is imminent, he can't stay by Zhongshan King Liu Yao's side. How can he not worry about You Ziyuan? !

You Ziyuan let out a long sigh, and when he looked at his confidant again, his eyes suddenly lit up, as if he had figured out something all of a sudden, he quickly asked his confidant, "Are you allowed to come and go here at will?!"

"Yes! The king asked the little one to serve him, so he didn't restrict the freedom of the villain at all, and he also ordered the little one to tell him all kinds of news about Chiyang City at any time... Could it be that...?!"

"Do you care if he is cheating or not?! Go to General Fu Hu now and let him speak for me! Just say that Chi Yang is worry-free, the king can wait for reinforcements, and you must not go into battle easily or abandon the city to escape!"

"Worriless Chi Yang?! My lord!? You can't say such a small thing! If General Fu Hu asks, how should the small one respond?! If there is no reason, the small stupid mouth, maybe directly He was killed by General Fu Hu as a spy!"

You Ziyuan thinks about it too, a word without thinking will really make people feel a little confused...

But You Ziyuan just wanted his cronies to listen to him, but suddenly he had an idea, and immediately yelled at the outside of the house with all his strength: "Listen to me! It's snowing heavily, and the vision is extremely poor. Even if the Guanzhong Allied Forces are capable It is impossible to attack the city with all our strength without seeing things clearly! Coupled with the road blockade, the transportation of materials for the Guanzhong Allied Forces must be very difficult! So as long as we can't hold on, we can consume them alive!"

The confidant looked at You Ziyuan in confusion, wondering why he suddenly yelled so hoarsely, was it because he was afraid that others could not hear him clearly, and he said it several times? !

But at this moment, a person who appeared to be a reporter suddenly ran all the way outside the dormitory where You Ziyuan was under house arrest, and then panted and told You Ziyuan: "My lord! His Royal Highness King Zhongshan asked the little one to tell you , General Beigong Chun came with [-] reinforcements! Right now, he is waiting outside Chiyang City to enter the city! Among them are Kang Guinv's carriage and a entourage!"

"[-] reinforcements?! Not good! There must be fraud! Go and tell the king! Go!"

In the evening, Xin Fengcheng, Xin Mi, Shi Zhan and others' residences

"Xin Mi! Can you stop walking around like this all the time?! You're already upset, but you still want to blind me!?"

"Aren't you blind yet?! It seems that I haven't walked fast enough!" Xin Mi was also very irritable, and after hearing Dong Kuang's words, she sped up her speed even more!

"Enough! Dong Kuang, can't you say a word less?! Let Mr. Xin think of a way to get out!"

"Damn! I just blinded my eyes and believed in her nerd's evil! I was so stupid to come to Xinfeng City to fish in troubled waters with him! It turned out that not only the fish ran away, but the people were almost drowned!"

"Damn! Can this be my fault?! Who would have thought that old fox Chen Yuanda would detain us all?!"

"Isn't it because you are too talkative?! Doesn't this make people miss your eloquence!? So please stay and seek refuge with their Highness the King of Hanoi! It's great, you can change your court again!"

"Dong Kuang, shut up! You can talk nonsense like this?!" Shi Zhan couldn't bear to listen to it, especially at the moment when Xin Mi was so angry that he laughed, which made Shi Zhan wish to kill him immediately. Dong Kuang's mouth was blocked!

"Mr. Xin, don't want to be as knowledgeable as this guy! He's just trying to make fun of himself, but in fact he has no malicious intentions!"

"Haha! I, Xin Mi, will argue with a common man?!"

"Damn it! Xin Mi, who do you think is an idiot?! Believe it or not, I will beat you to death right now?!"

And at the moment when the situation was about to get out of control, the door of Shi Zhan's room was suddenly kicked open by the bald Sifulian!

Sun Sheng walked in even more swaggeringly, and then greeted with a playful smile: "Everyone! Long time no see, I miss you so much!"

(The only group number in this book: [-])

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