Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 1197: Jin Zhunjin slanders

Hanoi King Liu Can's face suddenly turned red...

Especially those bewitched eyes...

It's hard not to get bogged down...

But Jin Zhun sees it very clearly...

Especially his obsessive tone...

Jin Zhun is too familiar...

Liu Can didn't pay much attention to his slander from the beginning to the end...

Or listen to listen...

For some reason, Liu Can's thoughts drifted to the woman who haunted him...

Jin Zhun looked at Liu Can's disgusting face, and the "heartfelt words" he had prepared before suddenly lost the meaning of continuing...

But just give up the great opportunity to bring down Chen Yuanda? !

Jin Zhun was unwilling again...

After all, once you miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity...

What awaits Jin Zhun is decapitation...

There will even be a whole family of copying and beheading!

But just when Jin Zhun was thinking hard and was about to insinuate again to bring back the thoughts of Hanoi King Liu Can, Liu Can actually spoke on his own initiative...


"Your Majesty..."

"You speak very well..."

"Wei Chen..., Wei Chen just said something..."

"Nice slander..."

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..., the words of this humble official come from the bottom of my heart..."

"This king believes..."

Jin Zhun was so frightened that his soul was dying, and he hugged Liu Can's thigh tightly...

"Your Majesty! I will never dare to sow discord! I really only tell the truth! I will never dare to hide anything from the King!"

"Oh?! Then do you know what this king hates the most?!"

"Your Majesty, please forgive me..."

"This king hates others to treat Gu as a fool! He is like Chen Yuanda! Do you, Jin Zhun, want to learn how Chen Yuanda bullies you one day?!"

"I don't dare! My servant's loyalty to the king..."

"The sun and the moon can learn from each other?!"

"My humble minister..., my humble minister..."

Looking at Jin Zhun's indisputable virtue, Liu Can's eyes became sharper...

"When it comes to marching and fighting, arranging troops, maneuvering, and even astronomy and geography, how can you, Jin Zhun, compare to him, Chen Yuanda?!"


"This king really needs him to make suggestions for the orphan, but it is not for him to ride on this king's neck!"

"Yes, yes, yes! It's him, Chen Yuanda, who is bullying too much!"

"So it's no wonder that this king is cruel, right?!"

"The king should be close to the virtuous ministers and far away from the villain..."

"Hahaha! Who is a villain?! Who is a virtuous minister?! Then, are you, Jin Zhun, a villain or a virtuous minister?!"

"My humble minister..., my humble minister is a villain but also wants to be a good minister..."

"Hahaha! That's right! Don't hide anything from me! Gu is like a mirror in his heart! The reason why he has been holding back Chen Yuanda is because he hopes to make the best use of it!"

"Jin Zhun is the king's slave, and he will be forever..."

"But why isn't Chen Yuanda as enlightened as you are?!"


"Always pretend to be a teacher in front of this king, or put on those disgusting faces, and have to watch his face from time to time to act?! The lonely mother has had enough!"


"Actually, I can bear what you said! And even if I was blamed by my father for not saving Liu Yao in the end, I can not blame Chen Yuanda at all! But he shouldn't do it!" You shouldn't have to kill the lonely Mingyue!"


Not only was Liu Can's eyes full of murderous intent, but his whole body was filled with indescribable hatred, even his clenched fists were rattling with fury!

"Gu knows what Chen Yuanda is afraid of..., isn't he just worried that Mingyue will kill Gu?! No! He is actually worried that Gu will be addicted to female sex, especially if he is attracted by Mingyue's stunning beauty, and then Become a king who doesn't want to make progress..."


"He, Chen Yuanda, dares to treat Gu so badly?!"


"This king knows... that Mingyue is a princess of the Jin family, and she was born with an unshakable enmity with my Han royal family! But Jin Zhun! This king really knows that Mingyue is lonely in her heart! This king lives to the end At such an advanced age, can't you even tell the truth from the truth?!"


"Gu really hates Chen Yuanda's self-righteous face, he himself doesn't believe Mingyue's infatuation with Gu, can't Gu not see if Mingyue is really hypocritical?!"


"She is so stupid...why do you have to do everything you can to win Xinfeng?! Isn't it just a small city?! As long as she asks, I will give her away! As long as I wait and see what happens Ascension to the throne, let alone a small Xinfeng, even the whole world, isn't it hers?!"


"As long as this king gives birth to Lin'er with her again, then my Liu family's blood will be completely integrated with their Sima family's blood, so what's the point of sharing each other?!"


"But he, Chen Yuanda, insists on obstructing Gu's great cause in every possible way?! It's just damn it!!!"

Two hours later...


"Don't worry, my lord...there is Lantian in front of me, and those barbarians will never come after me again..."

Qin Wang Simaye listened to Fifth Yi's comfort, looked back at the rear where there was no smoke and dust, and finally calmed down a little...

Yan Ding and Ji Wei also looked downcast when they saw Sima Ye, King of Qin who was still in a state of panic after arriving in Lantian...

Especially when thinking about the scenes where the three of them were captured by that shrew Quan Mingchen, they felt ashamed and ashamed...

Fifth Yi is also very sad...

The actions of that little pepper named Quan Mingchen are simply outrageous!

Not only tied up Yan Ding and Ji Wei, but even used a whip to teach these two important ministers under the command of King Sima Ye of Qin...

This is not killing chickens and monkeys, what is it? !

It can be traced to the reason...

And it's just that they are a little bit wrong...

It turned out that Sima Ye, the King of Qin, and Yan Ding and Ji Wei, two scumbags who were in collusion, wanted to rob Quan Mingchen? !

In the end, not only did they not get it, but they almost lost a group of people's lives...

Fortunately, Quan Mingchen and those savages did not attack King Qin Simaye...

Otherwise, the lord will humiliate and die...

Apart from turning against these barbarians immediately, the Fifth Yi really has no other better way to prove his utter loyalty to King Sima Ye of Qin...

But with the few people he brought...

It's on someone else's territory again...

What could be the end other than total annihilation? !

Fortunately in misfortune...

Quan Mingchen, the little pepper, was quite kind to him, especially after knowing that he came to meet King Qin under the orders of Princess Mingyue and Marshal Jia, he was even more happy, and even asked many things about Her Royal Highness, so he happily said "Throw" His Royal Highness King Qin to him...

But what's even more ridiculous is...

Quan Mingchen, the little pepper, not only did not send troops to escort them out of Shangluo County, but even sent some barbarians to scare them from time to time on their way back to Lantian...

Look at His Royal Highness King Qin who is still in fear at the moment...

Fifth Yi really admires Princess Mingyue for being so friendly with a pungent woman like Quan Mingchen...

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