Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 1201: If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?

The new wind is strong, and there is heavy snow!

The city walls of the north gate of Chang'an are brightly lit, and soldiers patrolling in an endless stream

And at this time

It is the first moment of ugly time on the second day of December (about 1:15 in the morning)

"Damn! Is it possible to patrol like this every day?! Do you want so many people to stay awake to guard the city wall?!"

"Hush, keep your voice down! Don't let those captains who are watching the night together hear you! Otherwise, you might be charged with another heinous crime!"

"It's crazy! I can't sleep well like this, I can't eat enough, and I have to stay here in the middle of the night to watch the night?! It's fucking crazy!"

"Hey, I want to open some more. Now we are completely exhausted with the Guanzhong coalition forces on the opposite side. Everyone is holding their breath. It depends on who can't hold it first." 1ti1ti

"Hey! This battle is so fucking useless!"

"Then what can I do?! That Jia Yandu is a person protected by the heavens! You forgot about the "Baiqu One Night City"?! Even Changshengtian is helping them get promoted."

"Then how do we fight this battle?!"

"Hey, it's good to be alive now, but I heard from the people above that as long as we can survive until the beginning of spring, the reinforcements from the imperial court will come."

"Can you really come?!"

"Hey, it depends on whether we can last until the beginning of spring."

"Damn it! Now there's another lunatic in the city who specializes in gouging out people's eyes! I'm almost afraid to go out to pee alone now! If the murderer can't be caught, then we a group of old men It will be convenient for you to go out hand in hand like girls!" 1ti1ti

"Hey! Don't mention it! I heard that General Peng Tianhu almost caught that murderous maniac tonight! It's a pity that the snowstorm was too heavy, so she let her run away!"

"The killer man and woman?!"

"It's just a woman, I heard that she looks extremely ugly!"

"Hey! Forget it, or we'll set a trap to catch her!"

"Hahaha! Once you catch it, do you still want to move the frozen bird under you?! Hahaha!"

"Hahaha! I just want to warm up! Hahaha! Huh?! What's the sound?!"

A chilling flute sound was continuously transmitted to the city wall along with the howling north wind.

"Damn it! The Jin dog on the opposite side is still letting people live?! How many days has it been?! Every night, you have to play so many dirges and music?! It's so damn f*cking to die!" 1ti1ti

"Huh?! There seems to be singing!?"


"I'm gone from the past"


"Yangliu Yiyi"


"Today I come to think"


"Rain and Snow"


"Late on the road"


"Thirst and Hunger"


"My heart is sad"


"I Don't Know My Sorrow" (This song is selected from "The Book of Songs Xiaoya Caiwei", it is said that a soldier is out on the battlefield. After hundreds of battles, he suddenly misses his hometown and the sadness of his wife and children) 1ti1ti

"Ah Lang, stop singing, the Huns on the opposite wall can't hear what you are singing."

"Then why don't you go a little further?!"

"Go any further?! That's death!"

"Monkey, if you are afraid, go back by yourself first!"

"Bah! If the young master is afraid, he will come out with you?! Aren't you worried that it's too dangerous for you to come out alone?!"

"Don't talk if you are so angry, be careful that the wind will get into your stomach!"

Pu Hou immediately closed his mouth, then grabbed A Lang's arm, and dragged him to the Allied Forces Dazhai!

Alang didn't resist at all, he followed Puhou back very obediently

Soon after, in a hidden tent in Dazhai of the Allied Forces, 1ti1ti

Alang glanced at the angry Puhou, then at Dahei who was enjoying the warmth of the charcoal fire, and actually showed a long-lost smile

"Xiaoxiaoxiao! Thanks to you, you can still laugh?! Every day in the middle of the night, you go to the wall to have fun, do you really think that you are an indestructible body?!"

Hearing Puhou's words, Alang was not only not angry, but also faintly moved, and couldn't help but teased Puhou: "Have you never heard of the story of "Ambush from ten sides"?!"

"Damn! Han Xin sang it called "Songs Besieged on All Sides", a serious dialect! What about you?! Who can understand?! Are you still Yangliu Yiyi?!"

"Hey, as long as it's sad or happy, it will have some effect"

Pu Hou rolled his eyes in anger, and couldn't help but growled in a low voice: "Ah Lang! Are you crazy!? Don't think I don't know, you did all this for that woman!" 1ti1ti

"Her name is Mingyue"

"I don't care what her name is! I know that you are doing all these things for her now, it's too fucking dirty! Look at your current appearance, where is there any appearance that a Buddhist student should have?!"

"If I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell"

"But what you asked Shen Wei to do is really too much."

"Use the least cost to achieve the best result, even if this method is too extreme, as long as this war can be ended as soon as possible, it is also a great mercy."

"You fucking look me in the eye and say that again?! Also! What if it doesn't end?!"

Hearing Puhou's words, Ah Lang thought that so many days had passed, not only had there been no disturbances in Chang'an City, but they had raised their vigilance and even strengthened the city's defenses. He even closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Alang, is that Mingyue really worth what you paid for her?! It's too late to stop now"


"Crazy! Then you just stay here and go crazy!" After Pu Hou put down these words bitterly, he turned around and left without looking back!

Dahei's sweet dream was completely awakened by these two quarreling bastards, especially when he saw Puhou's little monkey dare to grin at Alang in front of him, and even got up to catch up with Puhou to tear him apart. Take a bite!


Alang hugged Dahei in time, so that a "tragedy" did not happen

"This is all my fault. Don't blame the monkey. You must not bite him. You have already bitten his leg so that there are not many good pieces of meat."

"Woooooooooooo" 1ti1ti

"Dahei, in fact, I also know that I really shouldn't agree to Shen Wei's request this time."


A Lang's eyes were full of sadness, and even his voice became a little choked

And Dahei, who was nestled in Alang's arms, stretched out its dog paw at the right time, and lightly patted Alang's shoulder a few times

Even those smart dog eyes were faintly filled with tears

"Hey, you just don't know how to spit out people's words, or you're going to be a genius."


"Big black"


"She's really beautiful when she smiles"


"Now she finally has the opportunity to do something for the people of the world, do you think I can help her?!"


"Yes, she is so pure and flawless, and the kindest woman in the world"


"I really don't want to see the day when she has blood on her hands"


"Dahei, do you think there will be a day when I put down the butcher's knife?!" (from volume 53 of "Five Lanterns Huiyuan" by Shi Puji, an eminent monk in the Song Dynasty: "Guang'e is just a man who kills without blinking an eye. Buddha.")


And at this moment, Dahei suddenly broke free from Alang's embrace, and barked desperately at the outside of the tent!


"My lord, it's me, the leader of the Anding Dou Clan. I just came back from Anding County, and I brought back a letter from Mr. Pei, the governor of Qinzhou, to your lord."

(The only group number in this book: 3)

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