Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 1204: Camp Roar

The wind outside the tent is hoarse

The charcoal fire in the tent "cracked"

And the "Mars" that would pop up from time to time, even in this extremely depressive atmosphere, constantly tested the bottom line of the fragile relationship between Jia Yandu and Mingyue

Although these two people are called masters and apprentices

But in fact, they just take what they need, calculate and use each other by the way

there's not much trust at all

Now not only are the Huns spreading rumors, but also people inside the coalition forces are desperately fueling the flames, wishing that Jia Yandu, the new governor of Yongzhou and the commander of the coalition forces, will be the culprit for everyone to punish!

After all, it was he who personally ordered the soldiers of the coalition army to kill the common people

And killing innocent people, for those who are psychologically weak, it's like a catastrophe 1ti1ti

They originally responded to the call, and they wanted to defend their homeland, protect the people, and finally drive out the Huns!

But who would have thought that they would turn out to be executioners who slaughtered the common people? !

Those bloody hands were covered with all kinds of despair of the people before they died.

A large number of deserters began to appear

The morale of the soldiers of the coalition army has dropped again and again.

Coupled with Jiapi's high-handed policy towards deserters and ruthless killings, it has already made people complain!

If it weren't for the strict law enforcement in the army, sufficient food and grass, and the pressure of prestige accumulated from successive victories, I am afraid that this improvised Guanzhong coalition force would have fallen apart long ago.

As the saying goes, house leaks happen to rain all night

Precisely in this precarious situation, the rumor that Alang plotted to murder the people of Chang'an came out again! 1ti1ti

And who can allow A Lang to do this, except for him, Jia Yandu? !

Under the turbulent public opinion, there was no one to distinguish right from wrong, and some people with ulterior motives fanned the flames, which made the whole army full of complaints!

As long as A Lang is killed immediately, the rumors will naturally subside for a while, and he, Jia Yandu, will have a chance to catch up with those who have evil intentions.

But Mingyue not only does not put the overall situation first, but also protects that insignificant A Lang everywhere. Isn't this going to force Jia Yandu to his death? !

And at this moment, there was a faint sound of a familiar flute from the wind outside the tent.

The mournful and sad tune, coupled with the shrill sound of the north wind, made one's hair stand on end

"Boom"! 1ti1ti

Jia Yandu slammed the bamboo slips on the ground furiously, and then yelled: "Bastard! This Alang is simply crazy! What is he trying to do?! Do you think the situation is not serious enough?!"

Mingyue looked at the furious Jia Yandu with horror on her face, and subconsciously took a few steps back

But even more coincidentally, a tragic scream suddenly came from somewhere in Dazhai of the coalition forces!

What's even more weird is that the scream that makes the scalp tingle seems to be contagious, but it immediately aroused "resonance" one after another

"You are all beasts! Even the common people are killed!!!"

"Bastards! They are all innocent people!"

"Ah!!!! I want to kill you all!!!"

"It's that voice again?! How many times does it come every day?! It must be the people calling for their lives!" 1ti1ti


"It's not me! It's really not me who wants to kill you! Those damn officers forced us to do it!"

"Yes! It's them! It's all their orders! Go find that old man Jia Yandu! He is the culprit!"

"I beg you to let me go! I really have no choice but to kill!"

More and more people are mentally broken

And even keep attacking everyone they see

The scuffle started inexplicably, and then developed crazily to the point where it was out of control!

Not long after, the entire Dazhai was ablaze, shouting and killing everywhere!

And Jia Yandu, who was in the big tent of the Chinese army, even drew his sword, with a vigilant look on his face.

"This is the "battle roar"! It is the last thing you want to see when you are fighting outside!" The terrible situation where the group went crazy together due to extreme mental depression, of course, there are also many people who take advantage of others to go crazy and take the lead in hacking and killing robes or officers who have had feuds in the past) 1ti1ti

Mingyue looked at Jia Yandu in panic, looking a little at a loss

Jia Yandu stared at Mingyue complicatedly for a moment, and then stood directly in front of her

"Hide behind Wei Shi, if someone breaks in later, don't be afraid, Wei Shi is there for everything!"

"What the hell is going on?! It's really just "Ying Xiao"?! Could it be that the Huns came to attack at night in the snow?!"

"No! This is the "Ying Xiao"! Generally, it is a sudden mental disorder caused by someone who can't bear the pressure in the army, but this kind of thing is terrible. A person's mental breakdown often causes a group of people to panic. Crazy!" ("Historical Records Jianghou Zhou Bo's Family", "Han Shu Zhou Bo Biography Attached Zhou Yafu Biography", "Later Han Shu Dong Zhuo Biography" and so on all have records of "Ying Xiao". The U.S. military also has a large number of soldiers every year There are many front-line US soldiers who need various psychological counseling, and even commit suicide because of too much mental pressure.) 1ti1ti

And at this moment, the curtain door of the Chinese army tent was suddenly thrown open!

"Commander! The general has ordered people to protect this place. Before the situation subsides, no one will be allowed to come near! Please rest assured, the commander and the princess! As for the soldiers who dare to start a disturbance, the general has made his own decisions. Order the soldiers to execute them all on the spot!"

Jia Yandu still looked at Wang Tu who suddenly barged in vigilantly, and he didn't intend to put down the saber in his hand.

And Wang Tu didn't make any further moves to speak, just knelt down on one knee respectfully, as if waiting for Jia Pi's order

Jia Yandu took a deep breath, and seeing that Wang Tu didn't act strangely, he calmed down a little, but the saber in his hand still didn't have the slightest intention to put it down.

"General Wang, you are doing well! How are the other generals doing?!"

"The last general has already sent troops to guard, but the village is chaotic, so the last general can only protect the commander with all his strength first!"

"General Wang has worked hard, please hurry up!" After Mingyue finished speaking, she passed Jia Pi and walked to Wang Tuo's side

Wang Tu was a little surprised, but seeing that Jia Pi had no intention of objecting, he stood up accordingly, but his gaze towards Mingyue was a little different

Mingyue didn't speak, just stood quietly beside Wang Tu

"General Wang!"

"The end is here!"

"After the situation calms down, immediately arrest that Alang! Remember! If he dares to resist, he will be killed!"

"No! The general will obey!"

(The only group number in this book: 3)

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