Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 1212: Everyone collects firewood and flames are high

The stern north wind is desperately destroying the feeble flames that are still fighting to the death

It seems that as long as one more effort is made, the remaining hope can be completely extinguished

But the tenacious flame is unwilling to lower its proud head, especially with the unremitting efforts of a big yellow dog, dead branches or other combustible objects are constantly thrown into the flame quickly, helping it to hold its chest up again and continue to fight. Fighting to the death with the vicious wind!

But even that's just a drop in the bucket

Because to keep the flame burning all night in such a harsh environment, Dahei's scattered "three melons and two dates" really can't last long

Dahei seems to be aware of this, so as long as he has a little free time, he will keep barking around, hoping to ask for help

But after trying countless times, the result is only more exhaustion and disappointment 1ti1ti

Dahei has already been to Puhou and Xie Ai's camp, but it was a pity that he was in vain

Not only has the tent become empty, but their smell has long since been blown away by the strong wind.

Dahei didn't know what happened, and he didn't have the energy to find them, so he could only rush to Mingyue's tent, hoping to find urgently needed help

But it was such a decision that almost made Dahei a delicacy in other people's stomachs.

Although it narrowly escaped its life in the end, it suffered several fatal blows to its head and back, and even its hind legs suffered considerable trauma.

Dahei wailed in despair, and blood continued to ooze from the dog's mouth

But it still dragged its limping body back to the fire with difficulty1ti1ti

It kept rubbing its head against Alang's body

But Alang has no reaction.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" Dahei moaned in a low voice, but he didn't want to leave just like that

Blood is still spurting from the dog's mouth

But Dahei's bloody tongue was still licking Alang's cold cheek with all his strength


Big black wound bleeding more and more

Dahei suddenly felt that it was going to die

but even if you want to die

It also wants to use its last body temperature to warm A Lang who is about to be frozen

A moment later

A sudden black figure appeared next to A Lang and Da Hei at some point, and then threw a large handful of life-saving firewood into the fire 1ti1ti

The flame suddenly rose a little higher, and the heat emitted was also much larger immediately.

After a while, Alang struggled to move

"Wake up!" Soi Ying suddenly kicked A Lang hard!

Under the unbearable pain, Alang reluctantly opened his eyes.

But before he struggled to sit up, the first thing that came into view was the motionless Dahei lying beside his chest.

"Dahei! What's wrong with you?!"

"Shut up! Don't bark! If you provoke irrelevant people, I will leave immediately! I will pretend that you have never heard of your bullshit plan!"

A Lang knew that Heiying was right, so he could only hold back Dahei in his arms while holding back his grief.

"It's a good dog. It will only watch over its master until it dies. I don't think you should waste its good intentions. Just throw it into the fire and roast it, and then eat its meat, so that you can survive. Fulfill its heart" 1ti1ti

"Suoqi! Even if I, Alang, were to starve to death and freeze to death, I wouldn't do such a beastly thing!"

"Hmph?! What are you pretending to do with me?! Of all the nasty things you did in Chang'an, which one is not as good as a beast?! You are worthy of telling me about benevolence, righteousness and morality?!"


"Huh! Why are you silent?! Look at how that old man Jia Yandu treated you?! He treated you like a dog, otherwise why are you still chained?!"


Seeing that Alang was silent, Heiying didn't take his sarcasm seriously at all, but felt sad while hugging the dead dog, and became a little impatient

"Boy! You really should thank me very much! If I hadn't brought you such a handful of firewood, I'm afraid your life would have been completely confessed just now!" 1ti1ti

"Hmph! If General Suo came here tonight to humiliate Alang, then please go back, Alang has nothing to entertain a nobleman like General Suo except for his filthiness!"

"Hahaha! You are frozen like a bird, and you can still speak so fluently?! Hahaha, why don't you hurry up and thank the general?! If I didn't humiliate you so well, would you Are you so angry that your blood is alive?!"

"General Suo doesn't seem to understand what A Lang said just now?! General, please go back!"

Suo Chen really didn't expect that Alang would be able to have such arrogance after being reduced to such a miserable situation, but he was a little appreciative

"It's really worthy of being the number one counselor under the command of the princess. It is indeed a bit impressive. It's a pity that your highness the princess hasn't come to see you until now. Has she already abandoned you?! Or do you let the Dou tie the tie?" The plan given to me has also been cancelled?!" 1ti1ti

"His Royal Highness has never known any plans, everything is planned by Alang alone!"

"Hmph! How could Her Royal Highness be ignorant?! Did you really want to do this in your heart, but you couldn't get your hands dirty, so you turned a blind eye and let you do these sneaky things in private? Things?! Ha! It really is the seed of their Sima family!"

"You are not allowed to insult Her Highness the Princess! Her Highness the Princess doesn't even know about this! Alang doesn't want to repeat it a third time!"

"You are such a good dog"

"Hmph! General Suo really manages enough. In fact, as long as you can finally achieve General Suo's wish, wouldn't everyone be happy?!"

"Hmph?! Just rely on you?!"

"The Dou's collar should have arrived in Yongcheng, presumably Liang Zong must have agreed." 1ti1ti

"So the Dou family went to Yong City again?!"

"The letters of Mr. Pei, the governor of Qinzhou, must be read by the patriarchs of the major wealthy families in Guanzhong, right?!"


"General Suo should have been moved a long time ago?! The reason why he never came to meet A Lang is probably because he didn't want Jia Yandu to find any clues."

"Careful can catch thousands of cicadas, be careful to sail ten thousand years"

"General Suo is right"

"Hmph! Otherwise, why did the general choose this time to see you?!"

"Not bad! Now is indeed an excellent time"

"Don't talk nonsense! This general can participate in your plan, but I have to understand one thing! Why did the Dou clan leader listen to your orders?! He was the one supported by Jia Yandu. Already know each other?!"

"When Alang was doing business with Puhong, he had made friends with the old patriarch of the Dou clan, and met him many times. It can be regarded as a very happy relationship."

"But you still haven't answered my first question"

"If General Suo's family members and clan members were persecuted to death by Jia Yandu, I'm afraid you will desperately seek revenge."

Wee hours

Suddenly the flames flared up again

And it seems that even if it burns until dawn, there is no problem

Dahei was also carried out of A Lang's arms by a pair of small hands wrapped in linen


The slender figure couldn't help but pause for a moment.

"Stop doing stupid things for me"



"But I can't stop"

(The only group number in this book: 3)

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