Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 1214: Wild Weeds

If you could turn back time

If everything could be done all over again



There is never anything if in this world

Looking at the starry sky as usual, Jia Pi couldn't help feeling sad

Once upon a time

long gone

Especially looking at the brightest star in the night sky

Jia Yandu couldn't help but tremble with fear

Because of that "brilliant"

Often it is all the light that bursts out at the last moment of life

Jia Yandu shook his head lightly, hoping to get rid of the uneasiness in his heart.

But the biting cold wind blowing, actually exacerbated his lingering fear

That indescribable and inexplicable fear, like a tarsal maggot, unexpectedly made Jia Yandu, a hero who has long been accustomed to seeing life and death, inevitably feel a trace of indescribable loneliness and loneliness

"Bright moon"

"Xing Han Xi Liu"

Jia Yandu didn't know why, but actually murmured Cao Pi's "Yan Ge Xing"

And over and over again, just chanting these two sentences, until he couldn't stand the wind and cold and returned to the tent

But the north wind that "took the opportunity to cause chaos" mercilessly blew away all kinds of documents on his case

"Mingyue! Hurry up! Hurry up and hold down those documents! I just sorted them out, and I'm going to let you take a closer look!" 1ti1ti

But besides him, Jia Yandu himself, is there anyone else in this big tent? !

While Jia Yandu felt lost, he seemed to be alone.

"Since you are so reluctant to let her go, why do you let her go?! You let her stay with such a group of half-children as a girl?! You are not afraid of anything happening?!"

"Xian'an?! How did you come in?!" Jia Yandu looked around in surprise, but he didn't see the figure of the person he was calling, but he could never hear the voice wrong, especially in the Not long ago, after reuniting with the owner of this voice after a long absence

Wei Huacun saw that Jia Yandu had recognized her voice, and was still calling her small characters, so he didn't hide anymore, and walked out from behind the screen, and then without waiting for Jia Yandu to open his mouth, he spontaneity Self-consciously, he squatted down and picked up the paperwork that had been blown down by the wind one by one 1ti1ti

But even more surprising

Not only did Jia Yandu not stop Wei Huacun's actions, but he just quietly watched her back, lost in thought

"Why didn't you talk?!"


"The commander-in-chief is not worried at all that I am here to assassinate you?!"


"Or is it that the commander-in-chief really trusts me so much in Wei Huacun that he can even let me touch such a confidential document?! Huh?! Why don't you say a word?!"



"Don't call me that!" Although Wei Huacun said firmly, a blush instantly appeared on his face.

It's been too long since her maiden name has been called 1ti1ti

And she's already married to someone else

Shaohua is no longer

To be called so intimately by Jia Yandu, even if the ancient well has long been calm, it is inevitable that his face will be red.

"Okay, okay, don't shout, just call Xian'an! Just call Xian'an, right?!"

"Who did you say yelled?!"

"Okay, okay, it's my fault! Xian'an"

Wei Huacun saw that Jia Yandu, the all-powerful commander of the coalition army, had confessed to her in front of a woman, and immediately couldn't help laughing, but after thinking about it, he was inexplicably moved again.

He is still the same as before, always accommodating her like this

At that time, she was in her [-]th year, and she was just beginning to fall in love

He Jia Yandu is also high-spirited, young and young 1ti1ti

It also happened that her father, Situ Weishu, admired Jia Yandu, a young man who was knowledgeable and talented, so they met for the first time.

It's a pity that all the past is already a thing of the past

Although the two admire each other, they have always followed the rules, everything is limited to etiquette!

Now that both of them are getting old, they can still meet in different places, it seems like a lifetime away

"There are vines in the wild, and there is no dew. There is a beautiful person, who is clean and graceful. When you meet, it is my wish."

"There are vines in the wild, with zero exposure. There is a beautiful person, as graceful as Qingyang. When you meet each other, you will cherish with your son."

"Xian'an, do you still remember this poem?!"

How could Wei Huacun not remember? !

Isn't this the eternal pain hidden in her heart? ! 1ti1ti

But he still wants to uncover it? !

Still recited so tearfully? !

"Don't talk about it anymore! This is all in the past." Wei Huacun's voice was a little choked up, and he didn't want to listen to a word anymore

Jia Yandu is full of disappointment

But looking at her sad look, the countless questions that had already come to her lips could only be swallowed forcefully.


"Since you know that I came to Xingshi to inquire about crimes, why don't you explain?!"

Jia Yandu smiled bitterly, knowing that Wei Huacun changed the subject so suddenly because he just didn't want to continue entangled with him.

"You are right, how can I explain it?!"

"Then why don't you stop her from going?! You also want to hide her identity, so that everyone thinks that she is still in the army, but she is sick and can't go out?!" 1ti1ti

"This is all Mingyue's own decision, and Shen Wei will always follow her"

"How can one Shen Wei be enough?! No way! Gu Bao and I are going too!"

"Mingyue's only request before leaving is not to let you, Baogu or anyone else follow! Even Shen Wei was forced on her by me!"


"Don't worry, the main generals this time are Luke and Huangfuyang. With them, Mingyue shouldn't be in any serious danger."

"Who are these two?!"

"Luke and Huangfuyang are both officials of King Qin's fiefdom. Although they used to work under Liang Zong, both of them are people who are only loyal to His Highness King Qin!" In history, the name of Fufeng Kingdom was not changed back until King Qin became the crown prince. It should be called Qin Kingdom in 311 AD, but "Zizhi Tongjian" and "Book of Jin" directly stated that it was Fufeng Kingdom. It’s a big mistake! Fortunately, the netizen Yidun discovered this problem, so here is a special explanation.) 1ti1ti

"Jia Yandu, you don't need to be sloppy with me! What Luke?! What Huangfuyang?! Is there a better choice than following you, Jia Yandu?!"

"Xian'an! I, Jia Yandu, can swear to the sky that this is really Mingyue's repeated request!"

"You let her and Shen Wei go to Xinfeng with a group of big men. What if the Huns are not willing to die and send troops to attack?! Fan Yang Wang Sima Li's class was just arrested. The Xiongnu sent it back, how can you tell me to rest assured?!" (Sima Li is also the son of Sima Mo, the heir of Fanyang King Sima, who was also killed by the Huns in 311.)

"Yesterday, the Xiongnu army entrenched in Chang'an suddenly attacked from the four gates but did not break through. The reason is to drag the main force of our coalition army here! Xian'an, it is really moving now and pulling the whole body. If the Xiongnu raided, the entire coalition army could only sit and wait!" 1ti1ti

"That's why you let Luke and the others go to Xinfeng to guard against the Huns' surprise attack?! They are just a bunch of dolls!"

"It's just a group of dolls?! Many of them are the children of the rich families, and it is their lifetime honor to be able to serve the country!"


"If Liu Can really wanted to lead an army to make a surprise attack, he should have come long ago. Why did he wait until now?! I'm afraid sending him back to Sima Li, the king of Fanyang, was just for the sake of bluffing! And I've already talked to Luke. They made it very clear that as long as they find the enemy, they will withdraw immediately, so you really don’t need to worry too much, just treat it as an experience.”

"Then what if there is a chance?! You don't know Mingyue's temper! That girl dares to do anything! And she gave you so many surprises! Did you have some bad idea again?! Yes! In In Jia Yandu's eyes, the princes and grandsons are nothing to worry about! You can use Sima Ye, the king of Qin, as bait, let alone a worthless princess?!"


"Yes! If I hadn't heard you blurt out "Mingyue" when there was no one around tonight, I really don't know if I would have chopped off your head!"

Jia Yandu really didn't know how to explain his anxiety and sense of urgency to the old man in front of him, so he could only shake his head with a wry smile and said, "If I can die by your Xian'an's knife, it will be a big part of my life, Jia Yandu. Good luck!"

"You really think I dare not kill you?!"



(The only group number in this book: 3)

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