Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 1219: Disaster in Bingzhou

On the ninth day of December in 311 A.D., at night, in a secret room in Liu Kun's mansion in Jinyang City, Bingzhou, the fire was brightly lit.

Linghu Sheng looked at the content of the call to action in disbelief, and was so excited that he almost couldn't control himself

"It's so pitiful! My lord! Your Highness, she is fine! Your Highness is really auspicious! Hahaha! Great! Really great!"

Xu Run couldn't help showing a happy smile on his face.

That little girl who makes people worry about it is really impressive!

At the beginning when she declared that she was going to Guanzhong Qinwang, all the princes probably regarded her behavior of sending her to death as a big joke

But who would have expected it? !

This little girl not only survived, but also became an important figure in the Guanzhong Allied Army, second only to the coach Jia Pi! 1ti1ti

This change came too suddenly

So much so that Xu Run couldn't help but feel a little self-pity for his current bad situation

Look at that hideous Linghu Sheng

Especially now that the precarious situation in Bingzhou

Xu Run really can't wait to go to Guanzhong and join Mingyue immediately!

After all, when he "saved the lonely city with a song of Hujia", the relationship between him and Mingyue was really good, nothing to say!

Coupled with the fact that Mingyue is in urgent need of help from others at this critical moment, as long as he seeks refuge, he will definitely be able to get a pivotal position

And to follow Mingyue is to follow His Royal Highness King Qin.

That's justifiable, the future new emperor

But this dangerous idea of ​​changing doors 1ti1ti

Xu Run also dared to hide his thoughts in his stomach a little bit, and if he was really asked to speak directly on the stage, he would never dare

But he couldn't just sit and wait for his death. Was he really forced to death by that old dog Linghu Sheng? !


Linghu Sheng didn't notice Xu Run's unnatural expression

After all, the good news of Mingyue in Guanzhong really made him overjoyed, and all of a sudden his mind was full of the playful appearance of that little girl when she was in Bingzhou

Now that she is safe and sound again, she is naturally overjoyed

"Jia Yandu is really amazing! A little unknown person can actually repel the entire army of Hanoi King Liu Can?! Now he has trapped Zhongshan King Liu Yao's army in Chang'an City?!"

After hearing what Linghu Sheng said, Liu Kun's expression became more dignified1ti1ti

"Linghu, do you really think that he, Jia Yandu, can take back the entire Guanzhong area?!"

Linghusheng knew the meaning of Liu Kun's words, those people in the Han Dynasty were really difficult to deal with, otherwise they would not have been stuck in Bingzhou until now, and they were even a little precarious

"My lord, in Linghu's opinion, I'm afraid that Jia Yandu will only publish his essay when he is at the end of his life. Otherwise, he can wait until he has conquered Chang'an, or even completely regained the entire Guanzhong, before announcing the great achievements in his essay to the world. "

"That's right, judging from the hidden meaning in this proclamation, he, Jia Yandu, has really encountered an insurmountable crisis, otherwise, how could he be willing to surrender even His Highness King Qin?!"

"His Royal Highness the King of Qin is the direct bloodline of the Jin Dynasty. If he can be supported to ascend to the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, and then take the emperor to command the princes, then he can really achieve great things, but he, Jia Yandu, uses this already obtained "Fat meat" is used as bait to make the princes of the world rush to Guanzhong Qinwang. I am afraid that the battle situation in Chang'an has reached the point where we must immediately ask for help." 1ti1ti


"It's just that Jia Yandu is really not afraid that those powerful families in Guanzhong will attack him?! After all, since His Royal Highness King Qin has already arrived in Guanzhong, how can those people from the wealthy family in Guanzhong watch Qin Wang Sima Ye being robbed by outsiders?" go?!"

"I'm afraid Jia Yandu has reached the point where he has to sacrifice himself. Otherwise, who would be so stupid?! It's a pity that we are in Bingzhou, and the road has long been cut off by the Huns. Even if we want to help, we can only do so. It's all in vain"

"Hey, it is already a miracle that this letter of appeal can be sent to us."


"It seems that the chaos in Guanzhong may have just begun."

Liu Kun nodded noncommittally, then looked at Xu Run who had been silent but his eyes were shining, and then slowly walked to the shelf where the map was hung, and looked at the circled positions on the map with a frowning expression on his face. Not show 1ti1ti


"Hey! At the beginning, I really shouldn't have agreed to my brother Liu Yu's request. When I went to Bingzhou, it was either plagued by locusts or drought. Not only were the people displaced, but we were also short of soldiers and food. Otherwise, how could Yanmen County let those Help Tuoba Xianbei gradually take control?!"

"Not only Tuoba Yilu is ambitious, but also the general of the Han Dynasty, Bu Jue, has coveted our Bingzhou land for a long time. Hey! My lord didn't listen to the old man's advice at that time, and insisted on luring wolves into the house! The result?! Now Tuoba Xianbei has become our confidant!"

As soon as Linghusheng said these words, Xu Run's face immediately became a little uneasy

At the beginning, he and Liu Kun worked together to get the help of Tuoba Xianbei, otherwise the land of Bingzhou would have been taken by Han or Tiefu Huns!


Liu Kun's face was even more embarrassing. He was worried about this matter, but if he didn't do it at the beginning, would there be other better choices? !

However, Linghu Sheng didn't think there was anything wrong with this statement, on the contrary, he thought it was because he blamed too little!

He has already stopped this kind of drinking poison to quench thirst and seeking skin from a tiger!

But Liu Kun was bewitched by Xu Run, a bastard, and now the whole Yanmen County almost became his territory, Tuoba Yilu!

Moreover, Tuoba Yilu's army is getting bigger and bigger, even showing his sharp fangs to them faintly

Linghu Sheng became more and more angry as he thought about it, and couldn't help blurting out again: "My lord, please cooperate with Liu Xi, the internal historian of Gaoyang, and set up troops in Xinxing County as soon as possible. As long as the Karasuma of the three counties brought by Liu Xi can reach Yanmen County, the Our plan can be implemented” (Karasuma is Wuheng, one of Donghu)


"Dai County, Guangning County, and Shanggu County are all Wang Jun's territory. Now we have recruited [-] Karasuma cavalry in his territory. I think Wang Jun will never let it go! As long as Liu Xi can get the Karasuma people from these three counties Take them all to Yanmen County, then there will be a battle between Tuoba Yilu and Wang Jun! If we go directly to Yanmen County according to the plan, Tuoba Yilu will have to go back to Shengle! "

"Linghusheng! You are so easy to say, don't forget! My lord's eldest son Liu Zun is still a hostage at Tuoba Yilu's side! Don't you care about the father-son relationship between the lord and the eldest son?" ?!"

"Hmph! The eldest son can make a sacrifice for the future hegemony of the lord, that is his glory! Besides, the lord still has his son Liu Qun under his knees, what can't be given up?! My lord! As long as you follow the original plan, you will definitely be able to do it!" Get rid of Tuoba Yilu, even if he escapes back to Sheng Le, he will probably be killed by his clansmen!"

(The only group number in this book: 3)

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