Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 123: Strange stalemate

The man on the fast horse quickly came to Zudi, got off the horse with a handsome turn, and then reported to Zudi: "My lord, a large number of bandits have appeared near Chengguan City. There are more than 1000 people in them. I saw a flag not far away. It seemed to have the word "He" on it. According to the dust raised in the sky, the number of people may be tens of thousands. This group of people is still some distance away from the bandits, and they are also rushing to Chengguan City. , please show me how to deal with it!

Zu Di patted the person's clothes, and said softly: "Wang An, you have worked hard, go and rest first, and leave the matter of the thieves to me."

Wang An nodded, then retreated into the crowd, and went to the quartermaster to ask for food and drink. He hadn't eaten anything for a day as a scout outside Chengguan Town, and he was really hungry now.

Seeing Wang An leaving, Zu Di turned around and said to the crowd, "Why did a large number of bandits suddenly appear? The bandits still have tens of thousands of troops?"

After Yin Yi heard this, he said without hesitation: "Ge Laozi, what are you afraid of? Who is our invincible army afraid of? There are only more than 1000 bandits, and 300 of us can wipe them out. What's more, we still have nearly 500 bandits in our hands. More than [-] fighters, let me, Yin Yi, take the lead!"

Dong Zhao snorted coldly after hearing Yin Yi's words, and said coldly: "What do you know? Naturally, a thousand bandits are nothing to worry about. The key is that there are 1 horses behind the thousand bandits. Whether it is an enemy or a friend is very important." It's hard to say..."

Yin Yi also felt that something was wrong when Dong Zhao said this, frowned deeply, walked back and forth, suddenly laughed, and said loudly: "I know, those 1 people must have come to strangle those thieves! Hahaha!"

Because Han Qian and Yin Yi are standing together, other people's meaningful eyes always drift towards him intentionally or unintentionally... So Han Qian subconsciously moved to the side, so that he can get away from the other side. Yin Yi stay away...

Zu Di said to Xu Ting: "I don't know how many soldiers the Xu clan has. Can they be combined with my Zu clan's Troubleshooting Army, so that the strength will be stronger."

Xu Chen also felt something was wrong, where did the bandits come from?How did you come to besiege the city?And there is an army of tens of thousands of people behind the bandits, what is the reason for this?It seems that the tens of thousands of people don't know the situation in Chengguan Town, so let some people pretend to be bandits first. If Chengguan City has no defenses, then let the bandits in disguise attack directly. Big, then pretend that you are here to strangle bandits, and then decide whether to loot or not depending on the situation, what a vicious, despicable person...

Thinking of this, Xu Huan said solemnly: "The Xu family has 200 clan soldiers, and they are all dispatched by the adults!"

Zu Di took a deep look at Xu Tong, then firmly held Xu Tong's hand, and nodded.

Zu Di beckoned, and all the members of the Zu Clan gathered around and discussed with Xu Tong. The defense needs the cooperation of all parties. Now that Xu Clan soldiers are joining, Xu Tong's cooperation must be dispatched.

Chengguan outside the city

The thieves have already completed their preparations to attack Chengguan City. In their opinion, how much defense can this small town have?There are no officers and soldiers (Jin army) on the low, dilapidated city wall. From the outside, there are not many people. The most important thing is that the city gate is wide open...

The thieves looked at each other, and the leader led some people into the city gate first. When the ordinary people in the city saw these thieves with swords in their hands, they were all scared and ran away. Some screamed loudly, some panicked. The panic and confusion of the common people seemed normal to the leader of the thieves, and there was nothing suspicious about it, so the leader relaxed his vigilance, thinking: It seems that my lord is really worrying too much...

Just as the thousand thieves began to enter the city one after another, and the formation became chaotic...

Whoosh whoosh!

A large number of archers suddenly stood up on the dilapidated city wall, and a rain of arrows shot at the bandits intensively.

The sound of loud arrows was also heard in the city, and two groups of people rushed towards the gate from different places in the city.

The thieves fled to the outside of the city gate regardless of the sight of the archers on the city wall and the ambushes rushing towards them inside the city. But the city gate is so narrow, how could it be possible to pass so many people at once?

The archers on the city wall were shooting at the thieves inside and outside the city, and the fallen thieves' corpses also hindered the retreat of the thieves. For a while, there was a stampede due to the congestion, and even in order to escape the city gate as soon as possible, many The thieves began to kill each other...

After a while, only two or three out of ten bandits escaped from Shengtian by chance, and quickly fled to the Hezi banner not far away...

On the city wall, Zu Di and the others were observing the direction in which the thieves were fleeing. When they saw that the thieves were fleeing towards the banner not far away, their hearts became heavy...

At this time, five people walked into the city.

Zugai and Zuna, one carrying a chessboard, and the other holding a cushion and a chess box, rushed towards the city wall excitedly.

Wang An stood guard with a knife beside the two of them, with a very serious expression on his face.

Mrs. Xu also came to the city wall with little Xu Yuan in her arms. The two looked like mother and daughter, which stunned Zu Di and Xu Chen on the city wall for a moment.

When they learned that Xu Yuan had taken the initiative to recognize Xu as her adoptive mother, the two looked at each other in surprise, and did not react for a long time...

Suddenly, Xu Huan giggled, his little daughter has been different from ordinary people since she was a child, she can speak and walk when she is less than one year old, and she can hardly forget the words she has taught and the classics of various religions, which is incredible .Now that he decides to accept a step-mother on his own, it really makes Xu Chen dumbfounded, but his love for daughters makes Xu Dan, who pays attention to the Confucian tradition, not at all dissatisfied. Instead, the corners of his eyes are a little sour. Poor child, his beloved wife Not long after giving birth to her, she passed away, and now the ancestral Xu family loves her daughter so much, and Zu Di is a well-known hero, Xu Dan is willing to be such a family!

Zu Di was also infected by his wife's gentleness at this moment. Looking at his wife and Xu Chen, he didn't object, and his two sons seemed to like this little girl very much. Zu Di His heart was also full of joy, and the eyes he looked at his wife were also full of tenderness.

Seeing that her husband did not object, Mrs. Xu seemed to like the little girl very much. Not to mention how sweet she was, she would not let go of holding little Xu Yuan, and the two seemed to have endless words to say.

At this moment, everyone seems to have forgotten that there are more than 1 people outside the city who don't know whether they are friends or enemies are slowly approaching Chengguan City...

And the big He character flag fluttered in the wind, and stopped less than a kilometer away from the city. It did not surround the city, nor did it send envoys, but quickly stationed outside the city.

For a moment, the atmosphere inside and outside the entire Chengguan City became very depressing...

Author’s Note: Today’s update is late because of a power outage. I don’t know if readers have read the notice on the webpage. Because I went to Luoyang for 0 days a while ago, the update was suspended, and the update was resumed on the 2nd of this month. Then, I found that although I have written to the end, various tiankengs and plots need to be arranged and planned, paving the way, especially I also need a certain amount of time to rest, so now I make the following arrangements:

Regular updates from Monday to Friday

Closed on Saturday and Sunday

I hope readers understand that I also have some time to spend with my family. Writing really takes up time, but I will try my best to write and repay everyone for your support. Thank you.

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