Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 1256: A Lang Bewitched 3

A little step by step...

However, the commander of only 500 people has to use so much food and money in exchange? !

Then next time you want to be promoted...

Wouldn't it be worth ten times more military merit in exchange for this? !

Yan Dun was not a good man and a believer in the first place, and he would not engage in a loss-making business just for the sake of looking good...

On the other hand, Alang looked at Yan Dun's worry about gains and losses calmly, knowing that he was already greedy, but he was afraid of being blamed by General Lu and Sima Huangfu afterwards, so he hesitated for a while...

At this time, just add another fire, if you don't believe him, Yan Dun will not give in obediently!

"Brother Yan, have you ever thought about the situation in Xiabei?!"

Yan Dun was slightly taken aback, obviously not quite understanding why A Lang suddenly mentioned this at this time...

"I'm afraid it's too late for us to go back now..."

"Alang, what do you mean by that?!"

"If my predictions are correct, the Huns will launch an attack on Xiagui around nightfall today..."

"Then let's send someone to notify General Lu and them now!"

"No need! If I were the enemy army on the side of the sand garden, I would definitely not kill those who were ambushed! Because only in this way can the maximum spread of panic..."

"You mean General Lu and the others are prepared?!"

"Naturally, there will be precautions, but it is not really possible to prevent it, but it is not easy to say..."

"There are a lot of Huns over there in Shayuan?!"

"It's even harder to say, but to set up an ambush like this, there must be at least a few thousand people..."

"But we still have Xiabei's city wall as a barrier..."

"Brother Yan, do you want to say that the Huns don't know how many people we have, so they dare not act rashly?!"

"How could the Huns have ambushed our people and immediately attacked?!"

"What if I say that there is a powerful person among the Huns this time?! Judging from the bait he set, he should be a very competitive person. Such a person likes quick battles the most!"


"Presumably he has heard the truth from the captives. If it were me, even if I didn't attack the city immediately, I would harass the city from time to time. At least I would make the people in the city panic. The defenders of the city of Gu scared away by themselves.”

"The latter one should probably be bigger."

"Ah Lang thinks that the possibility of directly raiding Xiacheng City tonight is more likely, and the chances of winning are higher, because most people think that it is unlikely to attack immediately, so it will have a more deterrent effect."


"Even if we can't take it down all at once, I'm afraid the morale and morale of Xiagui City won't last long."


"Even if we go back, we're just going to die in vain. We might as well stay in Jiacheng and wait for the opportunity! And brother Yan is really willing to hand over so much money and food, and in the end it's all cheaper for the Huns?!"


"But what worries Alang the most is not whether the handover will be handed in or who will end up with the food and grass, but whether Luke will ask Brother Yan to be a scapegoat for the dead when he knows that the Huns are about to invade?!"

"How is this possible?! Don't talk nonsense!"

"Is A Lang talking nonsense, brother Yan can't see it?! If Luke fled back to Chang'an with food and grass by himself, but asked Brother Yan to garrison Xiagui to buy time for him?! Then you are not the only one who died People, there are so many people who will be buried with you!"

Yan Dun's expression tightened, and even the look in A Lang's eyes showed a trace of panic...

"Brother Yan, if you think that Alang's words are alarmist, you can kidnap Alang to see General Lu and the others, and then hand over all the food and supplies, and see if Alang's words will be misunderstood by then..."


"Brother Yan, have you really never thought about it?! What our coalition forces lack the most is food and grass. If General Lu and the others transport all the food and grass back to Chang'an, Marshal Jia will be happy, but will he care about how many people died?!"


"Alang has been greatly favored by brother Yan. If you don't give a few words of advice at this time, is Alang still human?! Brother Yan! No one cares about how we died!?"

Yan Dun couldn't help but gasped. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. Could it be that his sacrifice was used to achieve other people's achievements? !

He went to die on the battlefield, and then Luke Guangzong Yaozu?

"Damn! How dare Luke treat me like this?!"

Seeing that Yan Dun had been teased by him, Alang became a little furious, and even more vigorously fanned the flames: "Brother Yan is a famous filial son, if Lingci knows the news of Brother Yan's death in battle"

"Fuck! I won't go back! Ah Lang, tell me, what should we do next?!"

"Brother Yan! It's not too late. Let's strengthen the city's defenses and wait until tomorrow to send scouts to investigate the situation. If nothing happens in Xiagui within three days, we will take out a small amount of food, grass and supplies to go back. This is also considered Charcoal in the snow! As for the reason for the late return, just say that chasing a group of thieves wasted time!"

Yan Dun's eyes lit up immediately, and he couldn't help but nodded in agreement: "Haha! This method is good! Not only does it not need to hand in many things, but it can also make Luke and the others feel grateful!"

"Besides, our team has basically no wear and tear. For the exhausted Luke and the others, they are the biggest support. Even if we want others to go to the rear or die, it will not be us. up"

"That's right, even if you want to escape back to Chang'an, you must have enough strength to protect yourself, otherwise, if you encounter some powerful bandits, they will be finished!"

"Hahaha! Brother Yan really wanted to go with A Lang! And A Lang thinks that in this season, I am afraid that only Brother Yan can capture something..."

"Hahaha! So, doesn't it mean that we got the military position of Buqudu with very little cost?!"

"Brother Yan is brilliant!"

"Hahaha! What if something happened to Xiabei?!"

"Then Alang will congratulate Brother Yan, and congratulate Brother Yan!"

Yan Dun frowned, really couldn't understand what A Lang said...


"Could it be that brother Yan wants to be inferior to others all his life?!"

"What's the meaning?!"

"What if General Lu and Huangfu Sima both died in battle?!"

"This is unlikely, right?!"

"Naturally it's unlikely..., but if this happens..."


"As long as Brother Yan has these rations in hand, those who have been scattered can be reunited. At that time, who will dare to disobey your general Yan's orders?!"

at dusk

Alang stared at the bright moon surrounded by stars in the night sky

Mingyue, Mingyue

In the end, the person who can stay by your side must be me

wait for me

At the same time, Xiabei City

Xiaocao sat exhausted on the wiped dead wood and raised her head inadvertently

that bright moonlight

that gentle look

It really looks like Shi Zhan looking at him

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