Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 127: Farting

Chengguan City is just a small town. Although there is a city wall, it is not tall and strong. The reason why the city wall is built is only because it is located on a major traffic road. In fact, this Chengguan City is a city built because of a ferry. A small town that got up, and then this small town can provide the needs of businessmen who come and go.

He Lun's big tent was set up in the center of Chengguan City, and He Lun's troops also took over the defense of the entire Chengguan City. He Lun's troops were even placed in various parts of the city, and He Lun even arranged for patrols in the city The sergeant even issued a notice not to disturb the people, so everything in the city seems to be in order and feels very safe...

It's getting dark

He Lun was alone in his big tent, surrounded by his own soldiers.

He Lun's brows were furrowed tightly, his back was facing his own soldiers, he didn't know what he was thinking...

"General, our department has completely taken over all the defense of this city, and has deployed manpower everywhere in the city. As long as there is a slight change, we will know immediately that the three gates of Chengguan City have also been manned to monitor. Not one suspicious person will be allowed out of town."

"Where's the ferry?"

"It's also been arranged, and they have been ordered to follow the general's instructions. Anyone who wants to board the boat must be registered, especially for little girls. They must be checked one by one. Anyone who is suspicious, no matter who it is, will be arrested first..." .

"Well, there are many rich families and refugees from all over here. Those refugees will sell their children or children caught on the road here. My lord, you should pay special attention and don't miss anything."


He Lun saw that his own soldiers did not intend to leave after making the promise, and felt a little uncomfortable. He frowned and said displeasedly: "Why are you standing here if you don't go around to inquire about the whereabouts of the princess?"

Seeing that He Lun was a little displeased, the soldiers were frightened, but the entrustment of the other brothers forced him to ask: "General, we have so many troops, and we have already entered the city without bloodshed, why don't we kill all of them?" Clan, rob their property?"

He Lun's heart darkened, and he thought: I have been smart all my life, why is there no sensible person around me?

He Lun knew that what this soldier asked was also a question from other soldiers. Although they used to be officers, they lost their morals after losing several battles with the Huns. The small families who robbed refugees and left alone were the ones. their fun.

He Lun glanced at the soldier, and said angrily: "What do you know? The reason why I first let the rogues who have surrendered to test their combat power is to see if I can eat them directly, but you also You see, the fighting power of these people is indeed not low, especially that Zu Di's troops, all the heroes, if we fight hard, we will surely suffer heavy casualties, what if we encounter the Huns after a tragic victory?"

"But, General, why don't we just leave this piece of fat behind and not eat it? The brothers have taken a fancy to quite a few girls among them..."

"Idiot! How do you think you can take over all the defenses of Chengguan City so easily? They were let out by others! They are all gathered at the south gate, and they can abandon the city and evacuate at any time. If we fight hard, we will definitely suffer heavy losses, Zu Di, you know Is it? All the heroes under this person fought against Sima Ying back then, and this person's Invincible Army was all the vanguard. Heroes are invincible, how can you people peek at them?"

He Lun waved his hand without waiting for the soldiers to answer, and said impatiently: "Go out, quickly send more people to find out the whereabouts of the princess, remember, don't startle the snake, if we let the people in the city know our real purpose, we will Even the fake princess can’t use it!”

The soldiers hurriedly bowed their hands and agreed, and then quickly exited the camp.

Seeing that the soldiers had left, He Lun punched the case hard. He Lun was very angry. Since when did his majestic Right Guard General be reduced to the point where he had to explain to the soldiers? !

He Lun calmed down his mood a little, and then estimated the time. He was about to go to the south gate to talk with Zudi and others in one hour.

He Lun looked at the empty tent and slowly clenched his hands. He Lun knew in his heart that the reason why he did not choose to attack Chengguan City by force was because he was worried that if his army attacked the city, the person who hijacked Mingyue would take the risk and escape with the princess. , or some accidents that I don't want to see, now I pretend to bring the real princess into the city, just to tell the princess that I really came to rescue the princess, as long as the princess knows that she brought the fake princess into the city, then the princess His wisdom may find a way to find himself, and the news that Princess Mingyue is by his side can also make the hijacker hesitate. He will doubt whether the princess in his hand is really the princess, even if he sees through the little trick he is playing, it doesn't matter. If he wants to go out of the city, it is absolutely impossible to take the child on the road. If he is fooled, then he will sell the princess as an ordinary child as soon as possible, and then the many eyeliners he arranged will have a chance to find Her Highness the princess!At that time, it was really God's will!

He Lun was praying. He sincerely hoped that his guess was not wrong. Her Royal Highness Princess Mingyue is here now, and she will definitely let him find...

Chengguan South Gate

It was already getting dark, and the weather was getting colder and colder. Zu Di and others gathered around the campfire with Xu Tong, having a long talk.

Xu Shi and Xu Yuan are still tired of being together, and the closeness of the mother and daughter warms the hearts of Xu Chen and Zu Di.

After a while, Zu Di asked everyone else to go back to their tents, leaving only Xu Shi and Xu Chen who were holding Xu Yuan.

"Brother Zu, tell me, will He Lun really come here in person, and come alone?"

"It should be, otherwise all the things he showed before would be meaningless..."

"Brother Zu, do you also have doubts about He Lun?"

"That's right, since you and I have become righteous relatives, I don't have to hide some things from my ancestors. This person is indeed He Lun, and the He Lun I know is Sima Yue's loyal minion. Liu Bai, the son of Liu Tun, was killed by him back then. He Lun pretended to be killed by a bandit, but today He Lun is so frank, it makes me feel very strange."

"Well, according to this, He Lun's behavior is very different from the past..."

"Brother Zhong, no matter what He Lun intends, we are now at the South Gate. Even if he has malicious intentions, we don't need to be afraid of him. However, I really don't understand. It's not like He Lun mobilized so many teachers for the sake of those dozens of people. a ferry..."

"Brother Zu's words are so true, Xu Dan is also puzzled, what He Lun intends to do?"

Seeing that the two were still chatting, Mrs. Xu added some firewood into the campfire, and stirred the fire with a stick to make the fire burn more vigorously.

Xu Yuan was still in Mrs. Xu's arms. Seeing Mrs. Xu adding firewood, she also found it amusing, so she followed Mrs. Xu to add more firewood.

Seeing Xu Yuan's well-behaved appearance, Mrs. Xu felt even more love and pity in her heart. She patted Xu Yuan's head dotingly, her face was full of doting.

At this moment, a figure appeared not far away, it was He Lun...

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