Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 1280: Grateful 0

On December 311th, [-] AD, at night, outside a village at the foot of Mount Yao that was burned by a fire...

"Kill all these beasts!"

"Father! My son is not filial! He failed to protect your old man!"

"Woooooo..., our house was burned by them, and my mother was almost burned by them..."

"These bastards! They don't even spare the elderly and children!"

"Yes! You must not take advantage of these bastards! You must kill them all!"

"These bastards! Good people don't want to be good! Do you have to run to be dogs for the Huns!?"

"Can they still be considered human?! Do they still have a conscience?! They are simply inferior to pigs and dogs!"

"General Yan! You have to make decisions for us ordinary people!"

Yan Dun comforted the turbulent crowd solemnly, but his heart was extremely joyful and excited, especially listening to the "General Yan" one by one, which made his face flushed

These ignorant "folks"...

They really regarded these "executors" as "heroes" who saved them from danger! ?

Look at those grateful eyes...

And those old mothers who can't wait to send their newly grown children to Yan Dun to join the army...

Yan Dun really admires A Lang's ability more and more...

"Folks! Fathers and elders! Don't worry! Our coalition army officers and soldiers will definitely make decisions for you! Come on, let me escort out the dozen or so culprits of murder and arson!"


Dozens of soldiers from the coalition force out of more than 500 soldiers who were naked and shivering in the bitter cold wind, and pulled out a dozen or so captives from the defeated army who were screaming and even desperately begging for mercy...

"Folks! Have you seen it clearly?! It's these damn bastards! They are the ones who led this group of defeated troops to burn, kill and loot! Now this general will hand them over to you!"

"No! Don't! General, spare your life!"

"No, no, no! We are all helpless!"

"Wrong! It's all because you are chasing us desperately!"

"Bastards! If our coalition forces don't catch up with you, will we continue to let you do evil?! You bastards! You are dying and want to beat them up?! Folks! Come on! Kill them!"

The common people were already furious, and they rushed forward without using strict orders, punching and kicking those beasts who had tortured them frantically!

Yan Dun looked indifferently at the "happy" scene in front of him, then quickly raised his hand, signaling all the coalition soldiers to draw out their swords together, and stood guard in front of the prisoners who were still squatting by the campfire, in case Ordinary people will lose their minds after killing red eyes...


After the common people beat the dozen or so "culprits" into "meat sauce", they turned their crazy eyes on those unarmed prisoners again

But the soldiers of the coalition forces have already raised their swords, and even have a posture ready for battle at any time

Yan Dun opened his voice at the right time, and then roared with all his strength: "Folks! Although they have done wrong things, they are not the culprits! Those bastards who are really heinous have been beaten to death by your own hands. They were coerced! So instead of killing them now to vent their anger, it is better to save their lives temporarily and let them become dead soldiers to fight with the Huns who are entrenched in Linjin City!"

"They are the dogs of the Huns! How could they still fight for us?!"

"General Yan! You can't trust them!"

"Yes! The blood of our common people has already been stained on these people's hands! How can they repent?!"

"Don't worry! This general has his own way!"

After Yan Dun finished speaking, he turned around and yelled at the coalition soldiers: "Let them all stand up, in groups of ten, and one person must die in each group! As for who will die?! Let them choose for themselves! If any group of people dare to instigate rebellion, then this group of people will all be killed!"

After a while...

All captives are killing each other...

As long as some moves are a little slow...

Or still hesitating...

They will immediately be hacked to death by the coalition soldiers guarding the side...

And those captives who didn't want to die...

Or the red-eyed ones...

I don't even care if someone is dead...

As long as they dare to appear in front of their eyes...

As long as it's within their reach...

Fight with your life!

Accompanied by such brutal killings, it was the crazy cries and cheers of the common people

After half an hour...

A Lang kept shuttling in the temporary civilian camp...

"Ma'am! Are you full?! If not enough, I'll send someone to bring you some more..."

"No need! No need! You kids aren't full, are you?! You can't give them all to us! Madam is already full, don't worry..."

"Auntie, don't worry about us! If you are hungry, what is the use of us coalition soldiers?!"

The aunt's eyes turned red, and she couldn't help choking up her sobs and said, "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooman and so good people...we're lucky to have your coalition forces here...otherwise we ordinary people will die in the hands of those bastards."

"Mother! We are ashamed! If only we could come sooner..."

"No no no, this is all the fault of those beasts! You have tried your best"

"Hey! Auntie, hurry up and eat while it's hot. I'll send someone to bring you some warm clothes later..."

"Okay! Your alliance is really great..."

A Lang smiled softly, and after exchanging a few words of greeting, he led a group of coalition soldiers to inspect the next settlement...

"Auntie, is your child okay?! If there is a need, you must tell our soldiers..."

"The child is fine! This time is really thanks to you! Otherwise, we orphans and widows really don't know what to do..."

"Tomorrow we will take thousands of you to Chongquan City, and you will be safe there..."

"Really?! Many of us have hid in Mount Yao... Now that the mountain is covered with snow, I'm afraid their life will be very difficult..."

"Little brother, you must find a way to help them!"

"Auntie, don't worry, not only is Chongquan safe, but our coalition forces still have a large garrison in Xiagui City. Even the battle in Chang'an is about to be won, and the world will soon be peaceful. As long as they are willing to come out of the mountains , Don’t worry about food and grass, we will definitely let all the people who take refuge in us survive this winter smoothly!”

"You're telling the truth?! Then I'll call them all out! Let the young and strong go to join the army, and drive away those damned Huns earlier!"

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