Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 1347: 5 years ago was a family

On December 311, 22 A.D., at dusk, Liangzhou, Hanzhong County, and the city walls of Huangjin County were brightly lit (Huangjin County is located in the east of Yangxian County, Shaanxi today. "Yuan He Zhi" Volume [-] Huangjin County: "Because of the golden It’s named after the water.” The Golden Water is also called the Jinshui River now, because there used to be a lot of golden sand in the river, so it is also called the Golden River by the locals.)

"Hey, how do you guys feel?! This is the first time for the few of us to own an entire city! Hey hey! And it was taken down almost without bloodshed!"

Mao Bao glanced solemnly at Zhang Wei who was still ecstatic, and then asked Duman who was obviously worried: "Did Brother Du notice anything strange?!"

Duman frowned and nodded, "Although Jinjin is only a small county, it is the gateway to Liangzhou City. How could it be so defenseless?!"

"Hmph! Brother Du, is it too unfounded to worry about the sky?! This Golden County has long been ruined everywhere, and the bandits are nothing more than a group of peasants who gathered to riot and looted their houses."

"Zhang Wei! Don't forget, before we left the Meridian Valley, someone was waiting there for us!"

"Hmph! Then tell me, why are there only dozens of brave bandits here?! And they ran away when they saw us?! If this place is really planned by those gangsters" "Empty city plan", I wonder if Brother Du can still stand here and talk about it at this moment?!"

Duman's heart immediately surged with anger, but before he could speak, Zhang Wei sneered again: "Hmph! When you attacked the city, you were hesitant. Now that you have managed to take down the city, there is a The foothold of Hanzhong County, but you are talking nonsense here again?!"

"Who are you talking nonsense?!"

"Could it be that the first person to enter the Golden City is not me, Zhang Wei, but you, Duman?!"

Duman blushed immediately, and even trembled with anger, but he couldn't refute it with a single word.

Zhang Wei puffed up his chest even more, and looked at the flushed Duman with contempt.

"Actually, Brother Du doesn't have to be so worried. We came to Hanzhong County to wipe out bandits, so the better the reputation, the better! And we have already occupied the Golden City, do you think we can continue to hide our whereabouts?! I don't like You are so timid! Not only is I not afraid of being targeted, but I am also afraid that they will not come over and die by myself!"

After Zhang Wei yelled all this aggressively, looking at Duman who was choked speechless by him for the first time, he felt even more proud, and couldn't help but want to suppress Duman to death

But for Mao Bao who has been watching coldly, Zhang Wei is somewhat afraid, so he couldn't help but glance at him

Mao Bao stretched out his hand and patted Duman's shoulder calmly, then glared coldly at Zhang Wei, who had no one in his eyes.

Zhang Wei was taken aback, his face was a little embarrassed, and his thoughts that were just about to move instantly subsided a little.

And just at this time

Liu Xia suddenly rushed to the city wall with a few soldiers, and walked quickly to Duman and others

Zhang Wei immediately seemed a little nervous, and quickly pretended to be enthusiastic and said: "Haha! Liu Heizi is here! Come and tell me, can you find anything suspicious?!"

Liu Xia glared at Zhang Wei, who came over suddenly, and then opened his mouth to curse: "That's suspicious! This black light is blind, can you see a fart?! Let me tell you, let's stop talking nonsense here. There is nothing in this ruined city, let's quickly decide on the next attack target, at least find a city with a little more bandits to fight, this kind of oily city is a fucking joke!"

Zhang Wei immediately blushed with an old face. He never thought that his hard work to win the Golden City would be said to be so worthless by Liu Heizi

But he dared not really go up against Liu Heizi

After all, Liu Heizi is not as refined and reasonable as Mao Bao or Duman. If you really offend this black guy, and get punched and kicked for nothing, it will really be worth the candle

"Brother Mao! You just said something! What should we do next?! I'll listen to you!"

Mao Bao nodded involuntarily, and then said to Duman and Zhang Wei, "I don't know what you two plan to do?!"

"I want to lead troops to Xixiang County with Zhang Wei"

"I'm not going! I want to stay in Golden County!"

Duman glanced in astonishment at Zhang Wei, who seemed to have made up his mind a long time ago, but before he could speak, Liu Xia on the side had already interjected: "Zhang Wei! You are not kind! Do you want to stay in the Dig gold sand here?! Otherwise, how could you leave Duman and not go to Xixiang?! And as far as I know, Xixiang County was originally called Nanxiang County, and it was changed to Xixiang County because of Zhang Fei, the ancestor of your old Zhang family. County, why don't you take this opportunity to pay your respects?!"

"Bah! He is your ancestor! Your name is Sai Zhangfei!"

"Haha! Why are you so angry?! Aren't you all surnamed Zhang?! It was a family 500 years ago!"

Zhang Wei was trembling with anger, but he suppressed his anger, and explained to Mao Bao and Duman in as calm a tone as possible: "As long as there is the Golden City, we can advance and retreat freely. Go out to fight, I am here to guard this place for you, so even if there is an emergency, we can return to Meridian Valley again."

Mao Bao and Duman really didn't expect Zhang Wei to have such a thoughtful side, they looked at each other at the same time, and at the same time approved Zhang Wei's suggestion

"Since that's the case, let's split up our operations. Brother Zhang Wei will guard the Golden City. Liu Xia and I will go to Puchi County. As for Xixiang County, there will be Brother Laodu!"

Du Man and Zhang Wei hurriedly handed over their hands to promise, but Liu Xia suddenly interrupted and said, "Hey! That's really strange, where did that little thing go?! Why hasn't he caught up yet?! Otherwise, let his thousand If the cook guards the Golden City, Brother Du and Brother Zhang can also go to Xixiang County together."

"Hmph! Those thousand trash may have gone the wrong way and lost their way! Maybe they've all gone to Weixing County by now!"

half an hour later

Duman led 800 people directly out of the Golden South Gate and headed south to Xixiang County

Mao Bao and Liu Xia also left the Golden North Gate at about the same time, heading for Puchi County

But Zhang Wei was standing on the city wall, looking at the dark sky, he couldn't help laughing alone

After a stick of incense

Outside the west gate of Huangjin County, a lurking shadow finally came out from a dark corner, and ran quickly towards Chenggu County in the west

At the same time, Weixing County, Ankang County

"Hey, hey! Who are you?! Don't stop quickly!? Call out everything in your hands?!"

A dozen bandit-like people suddenly showed their knives, guns and sticks, and ferociously stopped a group of 500 people

"Our own people! We are all our own people!"

The leader of the thieves watched inexplicably as a big man with a pockmarked face ran out of the crowd with a few people, and then walked up to him with a playful smile.

"Why are you so ugly?! Who is your own?! Tell me!"

"The younger one came to Weixing County under the order of King Yang. The younger one is called Wang Ermazi, and behind me are my brothers."

The bandit leader glanced at Wang Ermazi, then at the people behind him, and couldn't help but sneered: "You Yang Hu's people?! Hehe! We are really a family! Our king is your Yang Hu's." Old man Wang Jian! Hahaha! What are those people behind you doing?!"

"Hahaha! That's really flooding the Dragon King Temple, and the whole family almost didn't know each other!"

"Ah bah! You bastard is getting close to me! Tell me! Who are those people?!"

"They are all refugees who escaped from Chang'an. Our brothers just happened to see them. Hehe, didn't they want to take them back to Ankang first?"

When Wang Ermazi said this, he immediately winked at Zhang San, Li Si and others behind him

One of them looked clever, and even leaned directly in front of the leader of the bandits, and smiled and took out a silk handkerchief wrapped in something thick

The leader of the thieves immediately smiled, thinking that it was some precious gold and silver treasure

"Hahaha! What's the name of your puppy, so cute and sensible?!"

But before he could say a few words of praise, there was a huge blood hole on his neck!

"Remember it! My name is Ding Taiyi!" (to be continued)

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