Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 1396: The Fox Fakes the Tiger's Prestige

"You fucking dare to lie to me"

Yang Nandi raised his saber furiously, and was about to chop off Zhang Wei's head with all his strength.

Zhang Wei was so frightened that he quickly raised his hands to cover his head.

"No, no, please forgive me, my little one is telling the truth."

Yang Nandi frowned contemptuously, especially when he suddenly saw a foul-smelling liquid coming out of Zhang Wei's body, he couldn't help but gag

"Waste, why is there still a direct line of waste like you in Guanzhong's rich family? No wonder Da Jin is so vulnerable. It turns out that it's all boneless soft goods like you."

Zhang Wei curled up tremblingly, tears welling in his eyes

"If your mother dares to cry again, I will kill you now. I wonder if there are any special characters among you people who entered Hanzhong?"

"No, it's really gone. General Lu didn't come either. He should still be watching the army of Zhang Ping from the Wutan tribe of Xiongnu in Xiagui City."

Yang Nandi gritted his teeth impatiently, and still didn't get the question he was most concerned about at the moment from Zhang Wei's mouth, but looking at Zhang Wei's doggy appearance, it didn't seem like he was lying

"Hmph, so that Luke is still a hero, unlike some Jin people who are useless except for taking advantage of the chaos and looting."

Yang Nandi looked at Wang Jian and Yang Hu sarcastically while speaking lightly

When Wang Jianli had goosebumps all over his body, he quickly lowered his head and rolled his eyes

Yang Hu even felt a chill running down his back. He always felt that Yang Nandi was getting more and more displeased with them, Weng and his son-in-law, and maybe one day he would just find an excuse to kill them.

Wang Jian and Yang Hu couldn't help but looked at each other, both of them felt a murderous intent

However, Yang Nandi's personal guards are guarding the inside and outside of the house, so there is no chance of killing him.

The Weng and the son-in-law look at me and I look at you, but there is only one left to swallow their anger.


Yang Nandi didn't humiliate the Weng and his son-in-law too much. He just pondered for a moment, then changed his tone to a more gentle tone and said to Zhang Wei, who was overly frightened, "Then you can recognize a little doll wearing a mask."

Zhang Wei was stunned for a moment, and immediately remembered the disgusting and frightening mask

"I recognize him as Ma Cao, and he is one of the generals leading the troops this time."

"He is horse grass"

"Yes, yes, yes, he is really a little horse, dare to guarantee it with his life"

Yang Nandi immediately glared at Yang Hu furiously.

"Plop" sound

Yang Hu was so frightened that he knelt down on the ground immediately, and then argued in a panic, "If I know that Ma Cao is Princess Mingyue, chief, I won't be able to let him go if I kill him."

"Princess Mingyue, what are you talking about? You say that horse grass is Princess Mingyue"

Zhang Wei stared at Yang Nandi and Yang Hu dumbfounded, he was a little dazed

"Why did you remember something, kid?"

"No, no, no, it's absolutely impossible! That kid is a bit sissy, but he looks good too"

Zhang Wei suddenly widened his eyes in astonishment, as if he had noticed something

"Hey, remember what you look like?"

"The little one has actually never looked at his appearance carefully. I really haven't seen him clearly. Who would go to see a man all day and this kid is always dirty, and his face is full of dirt. And With that sour smell on his body, no one wants to approach him at all.”

Zhang Wei couldn't help but think of the nasty things he did to Ma Cao. If he insists that he is Her Royal Highness at this moment, then it will be considered a complete death

Unfortunately, being caught by thieves may be justifiable, but if even the princess of Dajin is betrayed, it will not only ruin the reputation, but even implicate the nine clans

"No, no, it is absolutely impossible that horse grass is horse grass. It is not Princess Mingyue at all. At this moment, Her Royal Highness is definitely still in Chang'an. Where did you hear this from hearsay?"

Yang Nandi couldn't help raising his eyebrows, showing a hint of doubt

"Hmph don't care about him

Is that right, anyway, let’s immediately announce to the outside world that we have captured Princess Mingyue, no, no, we have embraced the troubled Princess.”

"Boss, are you confused that Her Royal Highness is still in Zhang Xian's hands?"

"Yang Hu, are you fucking stupid? Why did I become sworn brothers with an idiot like you? Even if it falls into Zhang Xian's hands now, what's the matter? It's just a deposit."


"And Zhang Xian hasn't announced it to the outside world yet? Let's announce it to the outside world first, and we only say that it is support, and we don't say that Her Royal Highness is in our hands, so that we can have a basis for advancing and retreating, and by the way, we can fight happily." Under the banner of Her Royal Highness the princess, go to do evil, hahaha, shouldn’t this be called a trick of a fox’s fake tiger’s power?”

Wang Jian and Yang Hu looked at each other, and they really admired Yang Nandi's extremely delicate and vicious thoughts

"Zhang Wei"

"Small, small in"

"Wang Jian"

"What orders does the chief have?"

"I will give you two 3000 troops. Tomorrow morning, I will go to Chenggu County to investigate the situation. You two must be remembered by me. You must tell the defenders in Chenggu County that you belong to Her Royal Highness Princess Mingyue."

Wang Jian glanced at Yang Nandi who was smiling strangely for no reason, and couldn't help but blurt out, "Then what if those people don't believe us?"

"Then you two don't come back alive, your daughter and son-in-law will follow you to Huangquan to find you"

two hours later

Zhang Yuan and Jin Miao finally rushed to the ruins of Chenggu County with a group of panicked people.

"It's over, it's over, it seems that they are all the brats of the Guanzhong Allied Army. How could this be? Chenggu County shouldn't have fallen into the hands of those gangsters. Could it be that the brats of the Allied Army are really so powerful that they have already died? Captured Chenggu County"

Zhang Yuan looked at several young corpses dragged out of the ruins in disbelief, and his whole body became a little restless

"My lord, this is God's will"

Zhang Yuan shook his head slightly in a flustered state, then, by the light of the torch, he glanced at Jin Miao with a gloomy expression, and couldn't help shivering all over his body

"Send me an order to go to the city immediately for rescue"

Jin Miao raised his eyebrows, and did not stop Zhang Yuan's move, but only took a meaningful look at the collapsed city wall, feeling an extremely ominous premonition to be continued

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