Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 1416: On the verge of death

On December 311, 24 AD, at six quarters of the hour, the broken wall of Huangjin County

"Plop" sound

A Tianshi flag embroidered with "Four Seasons and Eight Festivals of Heaven and Earth Grand Master" was roughly thrown under the damaged city wall

Yang Nandi immediately stepped forward and stomped a few times, and grabbed the torch from the guard around him in public, and threw it directly on the flag


The ferocious red flames wrapped around the banner of "Fan Tianshi" in an instant, and even gobbled it up

"Hahaha what a shitty army of heavenly masters came out and killed me! I'm waiting here for you goddamn Fan Changsheng. Others are afraid of you, but I'm not afraid that you have the guts to get out now! I just don't believe that you can cross Liangzhou City! , Flew directly to Huangjin County, where did the thief come from, how dare to deceive Lao Tzu with mysteries"

Yang Nandi yelled and bluffed, but the corner of his eye had already swept Wang Jian, Li Yun, Yang Hu and others back and forth several times

a gust of wind blows

Countless fly ash with sparks immediately scattered around everyone

One by one

each grain

Black ashes like a haze, suppressed in everyone's heart

Wang Jian frowned subconsciously, quickly covered his mouth and nose, and even unconsciously turned his body sideways, taking a few steps back as if to avoid the black ash, but actually avoided Yang Nan by coincidence. Enemy's aggressive gaze

Li Yun's heart was also "chug" non-stop, and he always felt that the whole thing was not as easy and simple as Yang Nandi said, and even when he thought about it carefully, there was a chilling weirdness

Yang Hu forced a flattering smile on his face, not only nodded and bowed frequently, but also flattered him all the time, for fear that he would not be active enough in front of Yang Nandi

But at this moment

A large group of believers of the Heavenly Master Dao suddenly broke through the blocking of Yang Nandi's personal guards regardless, surrounded the ashes of the Heavenly Master's flag in a dark crowd, and knelt down on the cold ground crying

"God, how can you burn the banner of the old heavenly master?"

"There will be retribution for this"

"Old Heavenly Master, please forgive me for waiting for Dimin's ineffective protection."

"Are you all crazy? There is no fan here at all, old heavenly master. Open your dog eyes and take a good look. There are only us here. This flag is also fake, everything is a conspiracy"

Yang Nandi yelled furiously, trying to force back those clansmen who believed in the way of the heavenly master

But not only did these fanatical believers not retreat, but they also pushed Yang Nandi and others to a corner

Immediately, an imperceptible panic flashed in Yang Nandi's eyes, and he couldn't help but raised his saber at the crowd

"Retire, all to Lao Tzu, I am your leader, do you want to commit the following crimes? Are you afraid of family laws and regulations? Are you afraid that all your family members who stay in Qiuchi will be implicated innocently?"

Most of the believers stopped immediately and looked at the people around them hesitantly. Many people even showed signs of running away, but some fanatical believers stood up and faced the hesitant people. The people of the tribe roared: "We Qiuchi people have always believed in the way of the heavenly master, but he, Yang Nandi, burned the banner of the old heavenly master Fan in public. This is treason and blasphemy. All our tribe will suffer retribution!"

"Even if the trouble comes to the patriarch's side, you, Yang Nandi, must have an explanation."

"Speaking rudely to you and insulting our old Tianshi Fan"

"Yang Nandi, you are an ordinary person, why do you let old master Fan come to see you?"

"For the old heavenly master to come and go without a trace, how can you see it as soon as you want?"

"Since Master Fan can plant a flag here, he must be trying to warn us."

"But you are not only ungrateful, but also burned the good intentions of the old heavenly master in public."

"Brothers, arrest Yang Nandi, who disrespects his elders and defies gods, otherwise we will be plagued by natural disasters in the coming year."

"It's not bad, over there in Chenggu County, Jin Miao killed all of us."

Yang Nandi looked at the pawn who suddenly came out of the crowd in disbelief, and couldn't help but shouted and asked: "What do you mean, this is impossible, how could it be possible for Jin Miao to reverse, or he asked me to rush for gold, to find out the truth."

"Boss, we have been tricked. Maybe the golden flag of the Celestial Master is also Jin Miao's handwriting."

"Jin Miao used a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain."

"It's over, this time we not only have our escape route cut off, but all our food and grass are also gone."

"Boss, what shall we do now?"

"Reported to the southwest and found Zhang Xian's banner, they are quickly coming to our side"

At the same time, the junction of Huangjin County and Xixiang County

"dong dong dong"

"dong dong dong dong dong"

"Haha, the sound of the drum beating is quite loud."

"Okay, stop knocking and leave quickly. Your Highness has said that you should leave as soon as possible before Choushi. We have to rush to the next location. If we are late, we will reveal our intentions."

"Do you really think we can win the battle just by beating the drums like this? But I heard from the brother who escaped from Huangjin County just now. This time, Yang Nandi personally led the army to kill them. The number of those bandit troops is terrifying. There must be several tens of thousands.”

"Hey, Xie Ai, Xie Ai, are you scared?"

"Hey, even if you are too cowardly, I, Xie Ai, won't frown, not to mention that everything is within the planning of Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Ding Taiyi nodded silently, put his hands on his chest unconsciously, and couldn't help but took another deep look in the direction of Jinjin County

"I really didn't expect that just a banner of Fan Tianshi could make Yang Nandi's younger brother Yang Jiantou lead the crowd to flee, and even "transfer" Yang Nandi's army from Chenggu County to Jinjin County overnight. Now Jin Miao took the opportunity again Leading troops to occupy Chenggu County can be regarded as completely cutting off Yang Nandi's retreat."

"Hey, I really don't understand why Her Royal Highness has erected Zhang Xian's flag in Xixiang County and here since this Heavenly Master flag is so useful. Wouldn’t it be more effective? Hehe, to be honest, I really didn’t expect Her Royal Highness to think of such a trick, hahaha”

"Don't forget that there is a flag of Her Highness the Princess on the city wall of Xixiang County. If Yang Nandi makes a desperate bet, he will just ignore the grain that fell in Chenggu County, and even endure Jin Miao's attack. Sneak attack from behind, if you want to catch Her Royal Highness first, then everything we are doing now is tantamount to driving ourselves to a dead end."

"Isn't it self-defeating when it's over?"

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