Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 145: Reorganization

He Lun also heard the shouts of his own soldiers outside the tent, and a glimmer of hope suddenly appeared in his heart, and he sternly shouted at Zudi and others: "Hurry up and let me and Your Highness Princess go, or you will die without a place to die!

Yin Yi couldn't listen anymore, and threw the back of a knife on He Lun's head. He Lun didn't expect Yin Yi to strike suddenly, his eyes turned white, and he fainted on the ground...

When He Lun fell to the ground in response, everyone's eyes turned to Fu Mei.

Fu Mei suddenly felt as if she had been stripped naked by countless pairs of eyes again. Feelings of helplessness, panic, fear, etc. had completely made Fu Mei lose all her dignity...

How could Fu Mei's already weak body withstand such a blow?His body went limp suddenly, and he passed out...

Zu Di stepped forward and bent down, grabbed He Lun's hair, dragged He Lun's body all the way, and walked out of the tent first.

Zu Di vigorously lifted He Lun's body and shouted at He Lun's soldiers outside the tent: "The bandit He Lun made people pretend to be princesses, and they did things tonight in the camp of the fake princess. Now I have captured him alive. Put down your weapons quickly and surrender?!"

The soldiers outside the tent saw with their own eyes that their chief general was being held naked by a big yellow-faced man, and as Zu Di shouted, all the soldiers looked at the other soldiers in blank dismay, but no one could say anything. Clear why?They couldn't figure out why their lord would appear in the princess's camp, let alone why their lord would appear here naked. Could it be that what this big yellow-faced man said was true...?

The leading soldiers of He Lun naturally knew that the princess was a fake, but most of the soldiers did not know the truth. He Lun had also issued a death order, and no one was allowed to leak the truth, so most of the soldiers thought they were The main general really found Her Royal Highness...

Seeing that their subordinates had been shaken by Zu Di's words, the leading soldiers immediately stood up and shouted at the soldiers: "General He must have been stripped naked by these thieves when he went to rescue Her Royal Highness! They want to blame the general!"

However, the words of this personal soldier did not seem to convince the men and horses under his command, and the soldiers became more prepared because of this...

Zu Yue, Yin Yi and others also rushed out of the tent, especially Yin Yi, who was dragging a naked little girl by one hand...

Yin Yi yelled at He Lun's men: "Did you see that this princess is a fake, your general deceived you!"

Zu Yue also yelled: "That's right, what thief has already adjudicated, you still want to resist?!"

Suddenly, Zu Di swung his saber, and cut off He Lun's arm with one blow.

He Lun woke up from the coma, screaming loudly, blood gushing out from the wound, no matter how much he could cover it...

Zudi held a blood-stained saber, pointed at He Lun's men and shouted: "If you don't surrender, you will kill your general!"

He Lun's soldiers were a bit hesitant. After all, he still had so many people under his command, and he had already surrounded them. If He Lun died and he wanted to avenge He Lun, would he be able to replace him...

Just when He Lun's men were hesitating, there was another shout of killing in He Lun's camp.

He Lun's men seemed a little panicked, they never expected that other than the group of unknown people in front of them, there would be someone else who would attack the camp tonight.

There was chaos in the camp for a while, and it was impossible to tell how many people came, and it seemed to be surrounded by torches...

He Lun's soldiers, you look at me, I look at you, don't know what to do?

Zu Yue took a step forward and shouted loudly: "Surrender quickly, our army has surrounded you all, now surrender and surrender, but Paul will not die!"

Suddenly, one of He Lun's men dropped his weapon, and then ten, one hundred, and one thousand people all dropped their weapons. Others who hadn't dropped their weapons on the ground saw that so many people had surrendered , I no longer had the will to fight, so I had no choice but to drop my weapon and surrender.

Several of He Lun's soldiers saw that the situation was over, they huddled together and wanted to make a final resistance, but they were also executed by Yin Yi and others one by one.

Zu Di didn't expect that he would have reinforcements coming. You must know that what he brought was only dozens of dead soldiers, and many of them were taken by Han Qian and Dong Zhao to set fire. Who helped me?

But no matter what, the situation has stabilized, and Zudi's eyes are also on the group of torches that are slowly approaching him...

The people who came were none other than Xu Chen and his wife Xu Shi, as well as Han Qian and Dong Zhao who joined them.

"Dong Zhao, Han Qian, you lead people to separate these He Lun's men and horses and scatter them in various places, and wait until dawn for the rest of the chores."

Seeing that Madam Zu had spoken, Dong Zhao and Han Qian stepped forward without any hesitation and said in unison, "No!"

Seeing that the situation had been completely stabilized, Zu Di felt relieved.

Zu Yue stepped forward happily and said, "Sister-in-law, fortunately you arrived in time, otherwise it would not be so easy to win."

"Uncle, Han Qian and the others go together, just leave it to me and your elder brother."


Both Xu and Xu walked up to Zu Di, and saw He Lun who had passed out from pain, and a naked little girl who also passed out.

When Zu Di saw that it was the two of them, he felt relieved. Although he didn't expect his wife to come to help with Xu's clan soldiers, it was indeed a good move!

"Brother Zu, who is this girl?"

"Hmph, this is the fake princess."

"He Lun dog thief, how courageous! How dare you find a fake to pretend to be the princess and ruin the princess's reputation!"

After hearing this, Zudi just nodded slightly, but didn't speak.

Xu Chen asked again: "Both He Lun and she are naked, could it be that they were together when they found out?"

Obviously, Mrs. Xu couldn't stand it any longer, so she covered the little girl on the ground with her cloak, and asked the female soldiers beside her to take the girl down, but she never took a look at the naked He Lun. .

Zu Di also asked He Lun to be taken down.

At this time, the wind seemed to be blowing a bit stronger, and there were only Zu Di, Xu Shi and Xu Chen left in the camp.

Zu Di first asked: "Lady, how did you and Brother Tong arrive in time?"

"Husband, I was the one who went looking for Xu Wei. I was worried about you, so I gathered the soldiers from the two families together and came to help."

"Brother Zu, don't blame your sister-in-law. It's too dangerous for a lone soldier to sneak in, so I don't worry about it."

"If something happens to me and you don't evacuate the city quickly, what will the Zu and Xu families do? Have you thought about it?"

"Husband, if you're not here, what's the point of my being alive?"

Zu Di raised his head and looked at Xu closely.

Xu's eyes also met Zu Di, and the two looked at each other for a while.

Zu Di didn't want to admit that when he wanted to infiltrate alone, he didn't intend to go back alive. His wife obviously saw through this, so she didn't carry out her previous order to evacuate the city with the two clans...

If it wasn't for Xu Huan who was nearby, Zu Di really had the urge to hug Xu Shi...

Unexpectedly, Mrs. Xu had already walked up to Zudi on her own initiative, and she just leaned into Zudi's arms so naturally...

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