Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 175: Arriving at Fenglingdu

Chapter 170 Four: Tongguan Butcher

When nearly a thousand prisoners in the Tongguan cell died, the Tongguan army stopped the killing in a panting manner, their eyes were red...

Without any hesitation, Zhao Ran opened another prison door with his troops and shouted, "Kill me!"

Another burst of killings without any suspense. After nearly 500 captives were killed, Zhao Ran was covered in blood. Of course, the blood belonged to the captives...

The Tongguan army watched Zhao Ran's killing, every time he swung his sword, every time he roared, the eyes of the two teams of the Tongguan army also aimed at the prisoners in the other fences again...

The Tongguan Army even took the initiative to open the other two fences, and at the same time swung their weapons at them!

Killing, only killing and other prisoners watching the killing in the other fences in the entire prison camp...

Immediately afterwards, more Tongguan defenders were transferred over. When they saw this scene, they were immediately shocked by the scene in front of them, but before they recovered, Zhao Ling had already forced them to do this and The same thing happened to the two Tongguan defenders before...

After a long time, the entire prison camp became quiet...

Zhao Ling roughly estimated that there were more than 3000 captives massacred this time...

And what Zhao Ling felt most sad was that these captives were clearly more numerous than the ones he had come in at the beginning, but they didn't rush out of the fence to kill his own men from the very beginning. Isn't that sad?

Zhao Ling looked at those Tongguan troops who had become blood men with satisfaction. Zhao Ling knew that from now on, these Tongguan troops completely belonged to him. What collusion, and these Tongguan troops can only be closely united with themselves in the future, because there is only hatred between them and other prisoners...

Since then, Zhao Ling has also earned the notoriety of "Tongguan Butcher"...

Zhao Ling ordered the Tongguan army to carry out the dead bodies, and then scattered the prisoners who were still alive and distributed them among the empty fences.

Zhao Ling found that those captives who survived didn't even have the courage to look up at him. Whenever his eyes swept over them, they would avoid their eyes because of fear and nervousness...

Seeing this, Zhao Ling had nothing but a sneer in his heart...

at night

Zhao Ling was drinking alone. He knew that he had indeed controlled Tongguan now, but the price was the lives of more than 3000 people, and he had to do so. The fear in the eyes of those killed Appeared in front of Zhao Ling...

Zhao Ling drank another glass of wine sullenly...

Suddenly, Zhao Ling laughed, and it became louder and louder, and in the end it was almost crazy laughing...

And Zhao Ling's laughter also spread outside the house, coupled with the howling cold wind, it made people tremble even more...

Mengyuan Town (Mengyuan Town, Huayin City, Shaanxi Province is located in the southeast corner of Huayin City, 75 kilometers away from the urban area, adjacent to Tongguan in the east and Qinling in the south)

Chun Yuding brought thousands of remnants of his soldiers and was still desperately running for his life, and even ran to Mengyuan Town overnight!

But Chun Yuding knew very well that such a speed could not escape the cavalry's pursuit, but what else could he do now?Passing through Huashan Mountain and taking a boat from the Liuyehe River to the Weihe River, you can avoid chasing soldiers, but after a long time, it is impossible for you to take the boat all the way hungry?

Chun Yuding looked anxiously at the exhausted remnants, and suddenly felt a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart, he regretted it!I regretted that I actually hired Zhang Dan, a bastard, not to mention letting down all my sustenance, and let Tongguan Tianxian easily fall, and I ran for my life in embarrassment because of it...

At this time, several remnant soldiers surrounded Chun Yuding...

"General, what should we do now, brothers can't run anymore, we are all infantry, we can't run cavalry at all!"

"Yes, General, quickly think of a way!"

"I can have a fucking way! I'm not like you, I have to run for my life!"

Suddenly, Chun Yuding noticed that there was a hint of ferocity in the eyes of these remnant soldiers looking at him...

Chunyu Ding was shocked, and immediately changed his words: "Yes!! Yes, yes, yes, yes, I have a solution?!"

Those remnant soldiers surrounding Chunyu Ding looked at each other. They had agreed that if Chunyu Ding could escape with his life, they would run away with him. It is also a good way for Chun Yuding to dedicate it to those Huns...

Seeing that Chun Yuding was at the end of his rope, these remnant soldiers were about to attack, but they didn't expect that Chun Yuding seemed to have a solution, so everyone had to suppress their thoughts a little bit, after all, no one wanted to be a traitor in a hurry...

Chunyu Ding saw that the remnant soldiers suppressed their desires for the time being, looked around, confirmed the direction of Mount Hua, and said calmly, "Actually, there is another way, that is, let's disperse and run away!"

"Scatter and escape?!"

"My lord, are you kidding us?"

"Yeah, spread out, we have no way to resist those cavalry!"

Chun Yuding pretended to be mysterious and made a gesture to the remnant soldiers to get them closer.

After a few disabled soldiers approached him, Chunyu Ding whispered, "Brothers, this matter is a bit too much, but it is the only way to save us..."

"General, if you have a good idea, just say it, I will listen to you..."

"Yes, General, tell me!"

Chunyu Ding saw the crowd so close, his eyelids twitched, and he really wanted to kill them while they were not paying attention, but he was afraid that if he missed, the consequences would be unimaginable, and Chunyu Ding had observed it before. Not far from the leader of the remnant soldiers, there are many remnant soldiers staring at this place. It is obvious that these people and these leaders are all in the same group. Even if I really kill a few of them, the rest will definitely not let go. live your own...

Therefore, after quickly weighing the pros and cons, Chunyu Ding whispered to the remnant soldiers around him: "Look, we still have so many people, and the goal of fleeing together must be too big. If Zhao Ran or the Huns' cavalry chased and killed us, we would have no choice but to kill us." It's waiting to be slaughtered, but what if we disperse the troops and escape? Zhao Ran or the Huns don't know who to chase and kill, and will they even give up and go directly to Chang'an for the sake of us defeated soldiers? What about temptation?!"

After Chun Yuding finished speaking, he looked nervously at the remnant soldiers in front of him, fearing that they would not listen to him and would attack him, so Chun Yuding slowly moved his steps backwards while observing their reactions. retreat slowly...

Chun Yuding was ready, if he made a mistake, he would immediately turn around and run away, never letting himself fall into the hands of these bird people, it would be easy for them!

The leaders of the remnant soldiers seemed to look thoughtfully at the people around them, and then looked at Chun Yuding together, and they gathered together to discuss.

Chun Yuding looked at them discussing and kept staring at him, his heart was really up and down...

At this moment, a cloud of dust suddenly appeared in the distance!

Chun Yuding and the few remnants of the soldiers were used to battles, and they knew that the cavalry were coming after seeing the situation. The crowd no longer hesitated, and with a shout, thousands of people moved in different directions, desperately desperately. run away...

Author's Note: Students, it's Friday, yeah!You can rest for another 2 days!Old rules, you know, I will rest on weekends, see you next Monday!Update every Monday to Friday, rest on weekends, dear friends, happy weekend!

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