Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 392: Kang Bi Mai Duo

There was a gust of draft in Tongguan Prison, and the gloomy cold made people shudder!

Faced with this sudden person, Xie Ai's heart tensed instantly, and he looked at this man with extreme vigilance...

"Hey! I was originally the general of Tongguan, don't you know who I am?! Hey!"

Xie Ai saw that he claimed to be the original general of Tongguan, so he didn't dare to be careless. He pressed his body against the stake in Zhao Ling's cell, and tentatively asked: "Who is locked in the prison behind me?!"

"Hey, you want to know?!"

Xie Ai couldn't tell whether the man's words were good intentions or had other intentions, but thinking of hearing the words "Princess Mingyue" in the voice of the man behind him, Xie Ai couldn't hold back. Own curiosity!

Xie Ai looked at this strange man, he seemed very hesitant, wanted to ask but didn't know where to start, but Xie Ai's strong curiosity finally defeated his vigilance!

Xie Ai really wanted to know about the origin of this person named "Princess Mingyue", so Xie Ai subconsciously nodded to the strange man...

"Come on, come here first, don't worry, I can't hurt you through this prison door!"

Hearing the word "harm you", Xie Ai became vigilant again, but the boy's stubbornness still made him blurt out: "Hehe, I will be afraid of you?! Do you know that the person who offered the plan to win the pass is who?!"

"Who?! Could it be you?!"

"Why don't you believe me? That's right! It's me!"

"Hehe, in this way, I lost to a young hero?!"

As soon as Xie Ai heard the words "young hero", his face immediately blossomed with joy, and even his vigilance relaxed a lot, and he even became more kind to this strange man!

After all, in Xie Ai's view, this strange man who claimed to be the general of Tongguan did not become angry and furious after learning that he was the one who defeated him. Instead, he praised himself. This kind of bearing is worthy of his admiration!

Moreover, to be able to hear the four extremely flattering words of "young hero" from the mouth of his defeated general, how could Xie Ai not be very proud! ?

"Hero, my name is Zhao Yi, and I am a general under General Zhao Ran! I always thought that the only person who could defeat me was Zu Ti! But I didn't expect it to be a young man like you. He really is a young man born from a hero! It's not easy! It's not easy, so it seems that you can enter the forbidden place of Tongguan Prison, it is indeed excusable!"

Hearing this, Xie Ai became even more energetic. You must know that this Zhao Yi is not wrong. Isn't it because he is valued by Zu Ti and Zu Na that he is qualified to enter this place? From this point of view, Zhao Yi called himself "Young Man" "Hero" is not purely to please himself, but he is thinking about why he is qualified to enter this "forbidden place" judgment!

Thinking of this level, Xie Ai almost felt a sense of confidant towards Zhao Yi, the former general of Tongguan!

Xie Ai said proudly: "Of course! I am the most important person of General Zu Tizu! Hehe, you are a good person. If I get out of prison later and see General Zu, I will be happy for you Say a few words! Hehehe!"

Hearing the words of the young man in front of him, Zhao Yi felt contempt in his heart, but his face remained calm, he just smoothed his messy hair lightly, revealing a pair of sly eyes, and looked at Xie Ai carefully, Slowly said: "That's no wonder, I feel strange, this is the forbidden area of ​​Tongguan Prison, the guards are the strictest, no one who is waiting for leisure is allowed to come in, even looking outside is not allowed, but heroes can come in and out freely, Even the guards have been withdrawn, it seems that it is for the convenience of heroes to come and inspect!"

Listening to Zhao Yi's reasoning, Xie Ai felt so comfortable in his heart. How could every sentence of this Zhao Yi be so precise, so accurate, and so comfortable from head to toe?Isn't it because I was appreciated by Zuti and Zuna that I was arranged to clean up the prison?Can this kind of glory be enjoyed by ordinary people?

Why only arrange yourself, Sun Sheng and Cao Lai?Why do you value the three of you so much? !No!To be precise, it's all because Zuti and Zuna value themselves!I am the young hero who offered to win Tongguan!

In particular, even such a forbidden place was opened because of his arrival. Isn't this the most powerful evidence?Why!In vain, I thank Ai for thinking that I am the most intelligent person. I didn’t even think about such a superficial truth. Before, I blindly guessed Zuna’s thoughts. Now it seems that I am too pedantic. Why didn’t I think of this? What about the first floor? !

Zuna and Zuti just want to exercise their courage. Isn't this gloomy prison the best spur? !Just to keep myself from being proud and complacent because of a little achievement, how could it be possible for me to come to the prison to clean up such trivial matters?The main purpose is to let myself take a good look at these prisoners, to warn myself that I must listen to the words of the Invincible Army, and cultivate my loyalty. This is not only a warning but also a love, and it is also an unlimited talent that values ​​​​my future!

When Xie Ai thought of this, he almost beat his chest and scolded himself for being stupid!How could I not have thought of these truths long ago? It's really shameful. It was only because of Zhao Yi's words that I woke up, hey!I am so young and ignorant...

Although Xie Ai was so humble in his heart, the pride and excitement on his face were completely revealed, and even the vigilance he should have had almost disappeared...

And all these changes in Xie Ai's heart, how can they escape the eyes of someone like Zhao Yi who is used to gambling (gambling)?What he was waiting for was the moment when Xie Ai relaxed his vigilance!

Xie Ai didn't see Zhao Yi's conspiracy, he even felt that the former general of Tongguan was really more pleasing to the eye, he was simply his confidant!

Even Xie Ai's tone towards Zhao Yi's words became more cordial: "Zhao Yi, don't worry, as long as I, Xie Ai, are here, I will definitely accept you from all the generals, generals, and the All-Difficult Army. Strong strength and countless troops are just the place where heroes can pay their respects! Just stay here for a while longer, and as soon as the time comes, I will definitely say a few words of kindness to you in front of General Zuti!"

"Ah! How can Zhao Yi be so good? How can he be helped by a hero?! General Zu Ti is naturally a great hero, but in my Zhao Yi's opinion, it is really a young man to be feared by a hero who can come up with such a clever plan to win Tongguan in a snowy night." , is a true pillar of talent, the future must be limitless! If the hero does not despise me, Zhao Yi is rude, I am willing to follow the hero in this life!"

Xie Ai was a little flustered by Zhao Yi, but when he suddenly heard that he was going to surrender to him, he suddenly felt excited. This kind of sudden surrender was a method he often used to confuse the enemy when he was wandering outside!

Now this Zhao Yi first flattered himself, and then suddenly surrendered to himself, which is really suspicious, but his previous words were so true, Xie Ai was a little confused all of a sudden, so he didn't immediately agree to Zhao Yi's request, but asked in confusion. Asked: "Zhao Yi, who is behind me? Who is this Princess Mingyue?!"

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