Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 428: Victory at Feishui

Seeing the dust in the sky behind Liu Rui's army, the hearts of Wang Mi and others were instantly as cold as Fei Shui...

Wang Mi saw the situation very clearly. Judging from the scale of the sudden appearance of dust, it should be suspected of cavalry, and the cavalry that can appear at this time is his rebel horse that fell into trouble. It seems that they have already Detour around the mountain road and come to kill yourself!

The faces of Wang Mi, Zhang Song and others all became very pale. Although Wang Sang and Zhao Gu were lame, they were battle-tested people. How could they not know what the flying dust meant?

People in Wang Mi's and Wang Sang's armies became panicked, and the formed formation began to loosen, and there was even a tendency to retreat!

"Wang Sang! Your people are cowards!? Get someone to control them!"

"Why don't you take care of those bastards of yours? This is how you behave when you meet the beggar army?!"

"Hahaha, none of my Wang Mi's men are timid and afraid of death!"

"Wang Mi, don't pretend to me. Where's your cavalry? I heard that the whole fucking surrendered to the enemy!"

"He ran away without fighting the first battle, and even lost his horse at the foot of the mountain, you idiot, how did you become a general!?"

"Wang Mi! Are you looking for death?!"

"Wang Sang! You have a bad mouth, believe it or not, I'll 'smash' you to death right now?!"

Seeing that these two people were still bickering at this time, Zhang Song and Zhao Gu hurriedly pulled them away one by one!

"My lord, what time is it?! Hurry up and discuss the countermeasures!"

"Yes, yes, Wang Sang, let's work together at this time!" Zhao Gu said while pulling Wang Sang back, and Wang Sang also followed Zhao Gu back a few steps along the slope, and then stood up. Turning away from looking at Wang Mi!

Seeing that Wang Sang's momentum had weakened, Wang Mi immediately pushed away Zhang Song who was holding him back, and drew out his sword to cut Wang Sang!

Seeing that Wang Mi was really angry, Zhao Gu quickly let go of Wang Sang, rushed to Wang Mi's side, and stopped him: "General Wang calm down, don't behead the general at this time, Wang Sang and I are willing to share our military power." Hand it over to the general, and the general will issue orders in a unified way!"

Wang Mi narrowed his eyes and glanced at Zhao Gu, who was already pale with fright, and then glanced at Wang Sang, who obviously had no momentum, and said provocatively: "I'm afraid that General Wang Sang won't listen to you. My dispatch!"

Seeing Wang Mi's imposing manner, Wang Sang felt angry in his heart, and just when he was about to say a few more words of sarcasm, he didn't want Wang Mi to throw off Zhao Gu with a sudden leap, and rushed to Wang Sang in a flash. He lifted his foot and kicked Wang Sang to the ground!

Wang Sang fell to the ground with a cold sharp knife on his neck, his face turned blue immediately, and tremblingly begged for mercy: "Wang...General Wang...you...you and I are both Han Loyal ministers of the country, if you have something to say, speak it well...speak it well..."

Zhao Gu also hurriedly persuaded: "Yes, General Wang, there is something to discuss, please don't do anything..."

Seeing this scene from the side, Zhang Song really admired his lord for being able to think of such an emergency solution at such a critical moment. Now that his own people are with Wang Sang and Zhao Gu's people, it doesn't matter who he listens to. It's a problem. If you can't unify the order immediately, then relying on this kind of patchwork, and the army's morale is extremely unstable to fight against the morale of Liu Rui, isn't it courting death?

Wang Mi ignored Zhao Gu and Wang Mi's pleadings, put the sword on Wang Sang's neck, pointed at Zhao Gu, and shouted to his own soldiers: "Come on, give them both!" I'm tied up!"

The soldiers didn't hesitate at all, seeing that their lord had controlled the situation, they hurried forward to tie up Wang Sang and Zhao Gu!

"Wang Mi, you son of a bitch, if you dare to kill Lao Tzu, I, the Emperor of Han, will definitely tear you apart!"

"Wang Mi, are you crazy?! I am the great general of Han, how dare you kidnap me?! You will regret it!"

Wang Mi didn't regard the threat of the two men at all, and continued to the soldiers: "Take me the soldier talismans on their bodies and drag them down, but don't hurt their lives!"


After Zhang Song heard Wang Mi's words, he felt more at ease. It seems that his lord really just wanted to gain military power, and didn't want to completely tear himself apart from Han Guo. It's so good!

"My lord, what should I do now?!"

"You take our people to Wang Sang and Zhao Gu's formation to host. I don't worry about the others. Remember, now we have to stick to our positions and fight to the death. This Liu Rui will never let any of us go. !"

Zhang Song knew in his heart that what Wang Mi said was correct. The posture Liu Rui put on was to wipe out his own family and would not give anyone a way out. It was not without the two bastards Wang Sang and Zhao Gu earlier. He secretly sent someone to ask Liu Rui to surrender, but Liu Rui refused them all. This is good, it can be regarded as completely eliminating the desire of his group to surrender...

After Wang Mi saw that both Wang Sang and Zhao Gu were dragged down, he immediately got on the back of the horse he had snatched, and began to patrol the front!

Wang Mi rode his horse while waving the saber in his hand. He kept walking back and forth in front of the formation, and shouted at all the troops: "Brothers, Liu Rui won't let us live. Look at what they did to us!" We are being 'forced' every step of the way, and we are going to die! There is Feishui behind us, jumping in now, we are sure to die in this weather, rather than being eaten by fish, we might as well fight with his mother Liu Rui!"

Wang Mi's words are very generous, but the effect is not great. Wang Mi himself knows that his subordinates, Wang Sang, and Zhao Gu's subordinates are not good people. This kind of nonsense to deceive soldiers is okay. But to let these gang of veterans follow me to risk their lives together in this almost certain defeat situation, I must say something that will never let them hope, otherwise I will never try to impress them!

"Brothers, Wang Mi can bring you to such a desperate situation. If you can survive, I, Wang Mi, will save everyone's lives even if I sacrifice my own head! But I, Wang Mi, have tried! "

While speaking, Wang Mi took out a letter from his bosom, then raised his head and shouted at the crowd: "This is my letter to Liu Rui, I am willing to surrender, and I am willing to exchange my life for everyone's. But Liu Rui refused, he said we are scum! We are bastards! We are animals! He said that we killed so many innocent people, we must pay with our blood! No one will be left behind!"

Wang Mi's words finally aroused considerable repercussions among the crowd. Which one of these people has done all the bad things?Especially those veteran ruffians, which one didn't have the blood of innocent people on their hands?Who is not a conscienceless beast? !Although Wang Mi's words are not known to be true or not, but looking at the menacing Liu Rui's army in front of him, it really doesn't seem like he wants to let anyone live...

"It's winter, and no one has any extra food. Even if we surrender, they won't 'waste' food for us. If they don't get it right, it will become their food. Brothers, we have been broken all our lives. ! Do you want to be eaten today?! Are you willing?! I don’t want to!"

"Kill! Fight them!"

"I'm not a coward! Fight with them!"

"Fuck you! Who can beat us?!"

"Kill! You have to pull a few backs to die!?"

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