Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 442: The plan of giving in

At the same time, Zhao Ran, who had already taken Nanyang King Simamo to the Hanoi King Liu Can, was still uneasy!Although he left Chang'an City, he decided to turn back the same way to find the main force of King Liu Can of Hanoi, but whether to change his mind or not, Zhao Ran was still struggling!

Zhao Ran looked back at Sima Mo, the king of Nanyang who was tied to the horse and galloped along with him. He really had mixed feelings in his heart. His life and the lives of all his subordinates were tied to this waste. !

Zhao Ran knew in his heart that in fact, from the first time he saw Zhang Ping, he knew that he was in an extremely dangerous situation!

But now I have left Zhang Ping aside and left Chang'an with Nanyang Wang Simamo 'privately', and I have completely offended Zhang Ping. By doing this, I intend to trap Zhang Ping in injustice. Chang'an is a hot potato. Winning Chang'an is not a good thing, if not for Zhang Ping's appearance, I really thought that winning Chang'an would save my life!

Zhang Ping's sudden appearance in Chang'an probably woke up Zhao Ran's dream!I have been tricked by Hanoi King Liu Can and Chen Yuanda from the very beginning!

And it's not an ordinary calculation, it is very likely that Zhang Ping's arrival is to find an opportunity to end his life!

Thinking of this, Zhao Ran was really furious. Thinking about abandoning his ancestors, abandoning his family, and wholeheartedly following you lowly Huns, you really treat me like a dog that can be handled casually? !

It's not that Zhao Ran didn't think about simply occupying Chang'an and turning the banner against him, but he only had a little more than 1 troops in his hands, and there were more than 1 Hun "fine" cavalry around him. Liu Can, the king of Hanoi, fought, and he was not fully sure to deal with the more than 1 Xiongnu "fine" cavalry around him. Even if he could win, it must be a tragic situation in which he would kill one thousand and lose eight hundred!

Zhao Ran suddenly felt more oppression in his chest, not only because he realized his current sad situation, but also because he hated that he was so humble and despicable even as a dog!

Zhao Ran wanted to laugh, but unfortunately he couldn't laugh at all. The idea of ​​occupying Chang'an was so unrealistic. Could it be that the only way left was to find Liu Can's way of 'extracting' his salary from the bottom of the pot?

Zhao Ran once again looked at the sluggish Nanyang King Sima Mo, but seeing Nanyang King Sima Mo's downcast appearance, Zhao Ran's eyes dimmed again...

Zhao Ran shook his head gently, and once again vetoed his stupid idea of ​​supporting Nanyang King Sima Mo. Such a person doesn't even care about his own son Sima Bao. What appeal can he have in Guanzhong? !Who else would cling to him?Where do I get food from?Without the assistance of his son Sima Bao, what would they eat and drink? !

The people like me came to Chang'an, not so much to attack Chang'an, in fact, in terms of the degree of risk, they would be sent to death. If it wasn't for their desperate fight to survive, plus the great efforts of the capable Nanyang king Sima Mo With help, how can an ancient capital like Chang'an be conquered by such a small force? !

This is God's will!

good!This is God's will. God wants to perish in Jin Dynasty, God wants to perish in Chang'an, and God wants to send me Zhao Ran for this great contribution. How could I, Zhao Ran, die in such a place?But can I really only choose Liu Can? !Why? ! !

Zhao Ran finally calmed down his emotions slowly, but couldn't help but look at Nanyang King Sima Mo. He really didn't know what to do with this "living treasure". Could it be possible to go back and take him to Nanyang now? Prince Sima Bao?

Zhao Ran laughed. He was amused by his ridiculous idea. If Sima Bao really wanted to save his biological father, he should have rushed to Chang'an long ago. How could he wait until Chang'an fell? silhouette?

The more Zhao Ran thought about it, the more he felt that his guess should be right. If he really took Nanyang King Sima Mo to see Sima Bao, would Sima Bao feel jealous because of the appearance of Nanyang King Sima Mo, for fear that his father Taking away his current status, the so-called one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, even if it is a father and son, but when it comes to power struggles, especially this kind of struggle between the Jin family and the royal family, if you are caught between the two, how will you really die? I don't even know!

Especially since I have been and is now a dog of the Huns and the Han Dynasty, will those scholar-bureaucrats easily let me go?Can Nanyang Wang Simamo, a down-and-out prince who has lost his land and power, save himself?It's just wishful thinking!

Zhao Ran took a deep breath and kept thinking over and over again in his heart. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was very high, even almost fatal!

Zhao Ran kept comforting himself in his heart and calming down his nervousness. Before Zhang Ping allowed himself to guard Sima Mo, the king of Nanyang, it was definitely a godsend, and he did not disappoint God's favor, and successfully hijacked Nanyang Wang Simamo!

So, as long as I have this Nanyang King Sima Mo in my hands, as long as this trash is still the Nanyang King of Jin, he is still valuable, but what should I do to maximize the role of this trash? !

Could it be that he really had to wait to be killed by Hanoi King Liu Can and Chen Yuanda? !Even if they spared themselves this time because they took the initiative to send Nanyang Wang Simamo, what about next time?Who should I kidnap next time?Is it really necessary to continue to struggle in the vortex of life preservation like this? !

Zhao Ran felt very unwilling, but now, this is the best choice!

I think that I resolutely abandoned Nanyang Wang Simamo back then, and decisively put aside that idiot Liu Ya, so that I could succeed in the surprise attack on Tongguan. Now I have taken Chang'an through a surprise attack, and even got Nanyang Wang Simamo, but I What is the purpose of doing all this?For one breath?An air of unwillingness to be slaughtered?

Zhao Ran smiled wryly right away, shook his head, and didn't let himself think about these troublesome things. Now that he has decided to do this, why bother to regret and hesitate, even if he regrets, there is nothing he can do about it. I have retreated, the only thing I can do now is to speed up, find all the men and horses of King Liu Can of Hanoi, and then offer this King Sima Mojin of Nanyang, so that King Liu Can of Hanoi and the old fox Chen Yuanda will be caught off guard. **, I don't mean to betray them, I hope they can pity me and spare my life...

Zhao Ran's heart hurts, it hurts like bleeding, but he knows very well that this is the only way to save his life temporarily, this trick is to 'draw' his salary from the bottom of the pot, he is really risking his life...

If it is possible, I might be able to provoke the relationship between Hanoi King Liu Can and his cousin Zhang Ping. As long as there is a gap between the two of them, then maybe Hanoi King Liu Can sees that he gave up Chang'an City and dedicated Jin Nanyang King Sima Mo In terms of credit, I will really let myself go!

A smile finally appeared on Zhao Ran's face, but it was so ferocious!

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