Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 467: The Dove Occupies the Magpie's Nest

Every worry of Old Cui was just like He Qiu's analysis, with every detail, it was almost on the tip of Old Cui's heart!

And many of Zuti's behaviors are just as analyzed by How Qiu, which is really puzzling!

Especially He Qiu's last sentence made old Cui's heart skip a beat!

The great credit for saving all the people from the fire and water was not given by his ancestors, and the person who saved the invincible army and the crisis was not Zuti himself, but he, a veteran who had never been taken seriously. , what would Zuti think?What would Zuti's subordinates think?

Just because of the much-needed food and grass that I sent them, would they really convince themselves? !In their eyes, is he worthy of the glory he is getting now? !

You can't think about He Qiu's words carefully, because if you think about it this way, the more you think about it, the more you feel that He Qiu's words are justified!

And according to He Qiu's implication, doesn't it mean that he has violated Zuti's taboo? !

Isn’t this an old saying, what is it called? !Yeah!Great achievements! ! !

"Hehe... I still know how General Zu is. I definitely won't be as ruthless as you said! You don't have to sow discord with me anymore, I, Old Cui, will not be fooled by you!"

"Even if General Zu doesn't know how to do it, what do the rest of the Invincible Army think? Will they agree that your contribution is superior to theirs? Will they agree that someone like you who came from behind will directly threaten the General Zu Tizu in their hearts? !"

Old Cui was silent, He Qiu's words seemed to reveal the most worrying thing in his heart!

In fact, from the moment when Cui offered the military rations, he already regretted it in his heart. If he had known that there was such a shortage of food in Zu Ti's army, he should really have waited for Zu Ti to starve to death before taking it out. People in the difficult army have to rely on themselves and listen to themselves? !There are no more troublesome things now!Why!I regret it!I regret it!

Of course, this kind of thinking is only for a moment. Although Lao Cui has ambitions, they are not that big. What's more, Lao Cui also knows that the most he can do is to occupy a mountain and become the king of the mountain. 'Must', but when he saw the happy scene and vigorous appearance of the Invincible Army after having food and grass, especially when he found that as long as he had food and grass, he could unite people's hearts, that little boy Small ambitions seem to suddenly grow bigger!

But because of this, Old Cui felt sorry for the food and grass that belonged only to him, and even asked himself several times why he would be so stupid to be a loyal minister!Thinking about it now, didn't they all listen to that bitch Hua Mei?right!All because of her!It was because of her sweet talk that moved my originally peaceful heart!

This damned woman, if I see her again!It would be strange if he didn't kill her himself!

Seeing that old Cui became so silent, He Qiu laughed in his heart. It seemed that this old Cui was really suspicious. Yes, as long as he became suspicious, as long as he regretted his actions, it would be fine!

"General Cui, this is the case, instead of feeling sorry for yourself, it is better to follow the trend, maybe there will be unexpected surprises instead?!"

"Huh?! Follow the trend?! Where do you start with this!"

"He heard a piece of news in the Troubleshooting Army in the past few days. General Cui should have known about it earlier than He did!"

"what news?!"

"I heard that Zu Ti asked the various ministries to search for refugees in need of help around Tongguan from time to time!"

"What?! F*ck Zuti, just ruining my food like this?!"

"Yes, in this season, food and grass are the most precious, but this Zuti wants to use the hard-earned food and grass to help those useless refugees, just to gain a good reputation. Doesn’t take much effort?! Hehehehe!”

"He Qiu, what on earth are you trying to say?! If you just want to annoy me, don't bother, I can kill you right now!"

"Hey hee hee, why is General Cui so angry?! Please let go of this thunderous anger for a while! After listening to what He said, it's not too late to kill He?!"

Old Cui looked at the eunuch in front of him who was taken by his aura at all, and he was a little angry, but he really wanted to know what kind of good scheme was hidden in He Qiu's belly!So I can only be impatient and submissive and say: "Say it quickly! I really want to hear, what good plan can you, a useless person, have!?"

"Isn't Zuti trying to gain a good reputation?! Let's ruin his reputation!"


"As long as it's your turn to go out for inspection, General Cui, you can leave no one behind if you meet people or caravans!"

"What did you say?! Isn't this against Zuti?!"


"He Qiu, you are here to help me, you are here to harm me! If Zu Ti knows what I did, wouldn't it just give him an excuse to kill me?! He Qiu! You damn eunuch Could it be that you want to kill Lao Tzu?!"

Looking at the distraught old Cui, He Chou was completely unaffected, but said with a 'yin' smile: "General Cui, do you think there is an impenetrable wall in this world?! Is there anyone who is not greedy for money?!"

"Huh??? What are you trying to say?!"

"Or, is it true that General Cui is willing to live under others for a long time?!"

"Could it be that you, an eunuch, can still help me?!"

"General Cui takes one eunuch at a time, don't you know that this eunuch is your best ally?!"

"Hehe, you deserve it too?!"

"Perhaps after General Cui listens to my words, he will know whether this eunuch He is worthy or not!"

"Hehe! Then listen to the general and see what good farts you can make!"

"General Cui can take advantage of this strategy laid down by Zu Ti to continuously plunder the property of the refugees and caravans during the inspection period, and then distribute the property to everyone. Don't be sorry, you must go out and keep nothing for yourself!"

"It's useless to have a big reward. Those who should be exposed will still be exposed. I am just a small general, and Zu Ti is the leader of the Invincible Army. You said yourself that you would like to accept a small profit from me? Or Would you like to gain a better reputation with Zu Tibo?! He Qiu, you underestimate me, Old Cui, and people's hearts too much!"

He Chou really didn't expect that this seemingly rude old Cui could say such honest words, but he immediately admired him a lot!

Of course, He Chou would not give up his purpose because of old Cui's doubts. This was a possibility that he had already thought of, and he had already thought of a countermeasure. Now that Old Cui can think of this himself, it is true It couldn't be better, and it saves me the effort to explain, and it can be seen that Lao Cui is indeed a smart person!

So He Chou not only didn't flinch from what Old Cui said, but met Old Cui's gaze and said word by word: "If one person leaks the secret, the whole team will be killed, that's all!"

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