Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 79: Target Chang'an

Chapter 79: Target Chang'an

This is Mingyue's first decision. Fu Yu obviously doesn't want to deny Mingyue's decision immediately, but who will be in charge to lead the army to rescue Chang'an?How can this be agreed with just a word?There are too many things involved here, not to mention the military supplies, what kind of troops to send there is a lot of knowledge, all kinds of arrangements need to be considered in the long run, Fu Yu really didn't know how to reject Mingyue's first order a decision...

When Fu Yu was hesitating whether to refuse or agree, he heard Mingyue continue to say: "I want to go to Chang'an in person."

The simple seven words shocked everyone incomparably. Where did such a little girl have such courage?Not only does she not have the attitude of a little girl that other little girls of this age should have, but instead she is focused on state affairs, and now she has to go to Chang'an to rescue her in person. How can this not shock these people! ! ! ? ? ?

Fu Xuan got up first and said: "Your Highness must not do it, and absolutely must not put oneself in danger."

Fu Chang also got up and said, "Yes, Your Royal Highness, we can discuss the rescue of Chang'an in a long-term way, and we must not go rashly!"

He Yu also said anxiously: "Your Highness, Chang'an is a long way away, and now that the Huns are raging, it is really not easy to go to the dangerous place."

Fu Yu didn't make a sound, but quickly thought about the pros and cons of the princess going and the pros and cons of not going. Mingyue made him too sudden, and he was indeed caught off guard...

Fu Chong and Fu Yong also looked at each other in blank dismay. The first impression this little princess gave them was too tough...

Seeing the expressions of the people, Mingyue knows that their reactions are reasonable, but if she continues to stay in Heyin, then waiting for the final result of everyone will either be destroyed by the Huns or controlled by other princes. The most important thing is to first expand Heyin's influence in people's minds.Thinking about it this way, what could be more influential than the princess personally leading the army to the rescue?

Mingyue looked at the crowd silently, firmness was written on her small face, but her hands in the sleeves of her robes were clenched tightly, Mingyue could feel the sweat in her palms...

At this time, Fu Yu said: "The reason why our Heyin is different from other princes is because we have great righteousness. Great righteousness does not lie in supporting who is the emperor, but in saving the people from fire and water, and in whether we can reunite the disintegrated world. To end this chaotic world as soon as possible, although the process will be long and the future is not foreseeable, if no one does this, and no one implements righteousness in the world, then even if the world is peaceful for a while, it will soon be chaotic."

Listening to Fu Yu's words, He Yu also temporarily recovered from Mingyue's words. He was very disapproving of his old friend's pedantic thoughts. After all, the common people are just common people, and they have never heard of any emperor since ancient times. What you do is really for the people. In ancient times, it was a battle between nobles. Today, the world is ruled by the big clans. The people only exist depending on the big clans. Brother Zizhuang has said it... But such words are indeed very deceptive. ...

Fu Yu continued: "Now Her Royal Highness can go to Chang'an to rescue in person regardless of her own safety. Although I have few soldiers in Heyin, my Fu clan will definitely go through fire and water!"

Fu Xuan looked at his father in disbelief. What made his father support Her Royal Highness to go to Chang'an?Don't you know that Her Royal Highness is only under 6 years old? ? ?

Fu Chang only had a wry smile in his heart. He was born in such a pedantic and ignorant family. He knew he couldn't do anything, but he still did it. Isn't he crazy?An old madman and a little madman, amazing! ! !Is this the end of the Fu family? ? ? ?

He Yu was also shocked. He originally thought that the reason why his old friend said this was just an impulse to comfort the little girl, and then he would definitely say a lot of practical problems to make the little girl retreat. This old man is so impractical and impulsive!How does this look like the patriarch of a family?He is clearly an impulsive young man! ! ! !

That's right, what Mingyue saw in Fu Yu's eyes was a young man's high ambition, that kind of fiery enthusiasm!

Fu Yu bowed to Mingyue and waited for Her Royal Highness's decision.

Seeing Fu Yu's behavior like this, Mingyue really didn't know what to say?Are there really such good people in this world? ? ?His desire to serve the country is so strong, so strong that he doesn't care about the rise and fall of his family's honor and disgrace, but wants to go crazy with a little girl like me?

Mingyue nodded to Fu Yu, and said softly: "I don't know how the teacher plans to arrange the dispatch of troops?"

"The veteran is too old to go with Her Royal Highness. I am going to let my dog ​​Fu Chang go to Chang'an with Her Royal Highness."

Mingyue's heart skipped a beat, and she thought: Fu Chang? ? ?

When Fu Chang heard that his old father had asked him to die, he didn't know what to say for a while...

Fu Xuan was also anxious, and immediately got up and said: "Weichen is willing to serve Her Royal Highness instead of my younger brother. Most of Heyin's affairs are taken care of by my younger brother. If he leaves suddenly, there will be chaos in Heyin, so Weichen I am willing to go to Chang'an with Her Royal Highness Princess instead of my younger brother."

Hearing what his elder brother said, Fu Chang looked at his elder brother gratefully. It is true that people say that an elder brother is like a father. His elder brother has taken good care of him since he was a child. After a trip to hell, what else can I say, Fu Chang just stared blankly at his elder brother and didn't know what to say. He was afraid that after he said it, he would really let him go to Chang'an, but wouldn't it be very strange not to say anything? Ruthless, Fu Chang could only open his mouth and say, "Brother!"

Fu Xuan shook his hand, and said softly to Fu Chang: "Second brother, stop talking, I have made up my mind. Heyin can live without Fu Xuan but not without father and second brother. The second brother should stay in Heyin to rectify the people. Be filial to your father and lord, and you must not disappoint your brother's heart!"

Fu Chang didn't say anything, but bowed solemnly to Fu Xuan. How can the friendship between brothers be explained clearly in a few words?

Fu Yu just sighed in his heart, his eldest son is really an idiot, so he can't let go of Song'er in his heart? ?

Fu Xuan looked at Mingyue with sincerity in his eyes.

Mingyue nodded to express her agreement, she didn't have any opinion, and Mingyue didn't want Fu Chang to follow her, it was because this person gave Mingyue a feeling that she was too unreliable...

After some discussions, this trip will bring 2000 infantry and 000 newly recruited recruits, which is already almost half of the entire Heyin force, and Mingyue has no doubts about Fu Yu anymore.Tiger poison does not eat its sons, not to mention the deep relationship between Fu Xuan and Fu Yu's father and son, if Fu Yu had some conspiracy, how could he be willing to let his eldest son go with him?Mingyue knew that her decision was capricious and irresponsible, but Fu Yu did not object. Instead, she really fulfilled her oath. Poor, let yourself meet Fu Yu, let Sima meet a true loyal minister!

Fu Xuan saw that everyone had already discussed the matter of dispatching troops, so he continued: "Now before we dispatch troops, we must issue a call to action for the Lord's personal rescue to all the princes, let the world know, and let the world respond. As long as there is one person who is willing to resist , then there will be 10 people, millions of people will come together to resist, why worry about the Hulu???!!!

Everyone nodded silently, yes, since we have decided to send troops, we should let the world know our righteous deed.

Fu Yu nodded and responded, "Well, Fu Chang, write the call to action as soon as possible, and send people to send messages to the princes. If all parties can respond, the world can still unite!"


"Monk, you have an old relationship with Jia Pi, the prefect of Anding. I don't know if you can go to Anding first. If you have this person to help, the princess will have a great chance of winning this trip!"

He Yu nodded, stood up and said, "Jia Pi is a calm and loyal person, and he is not pedantic..." When He Yu said this, he didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, his eyes were full of The meaning of irony, although it is only a fleeting meaning, but how can it escape Fu Yu's eyes...

Fu Jing knew that his old friend did not agree with his own political views, but he and Yu were acceptable, so the two have always maintained a friendship. He cares.

But Fu Chong interrupted suddenly: "Isn't he a member of Jananfeng's tribe? How can such a person be trusted?!"

He Yu obviously didn't expect that the child of the Fu family would also speak up. It really is a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers and has no education!

Fu Xuan also felt that Fu Chong was a little too impulsive, but he just liked the child's directness, he had the same sincerity as his father, right is right, wrong is wrong, it's that simple...

Fu Chang didn't like this youngest son, and seeing him interjection made him angry. Today, he really shouldn't listen to his father and let this child come to listen!What a shame!Fu Chang scolded: "Ministers are discussing, how can it be a child like you to interrupt casually, why don't you quickly back down!"

Fu Chong seemed very aggrieved, but his father spoke up, should he be tough?What's more, it's a formal discussion now...

But because of the young man's heart, Fu Chong still stiffened his neck and said loudly with blushing face, "Father, the child is right, none of the Jia clan is kind! You must not trust this person!"

Fu Yu looked at this child and felt that he was very close, but he had experienced too much, and he knew that the Jia family was deeply rooted, and there were all kinds of people, and this Jiapi was just a strange flower in the Jia family. Low-key, simple, and righteous, but every strategy must hit the key point. He is a man like his grandfather Jia Xu (known as the No. plan the world) very similar people...

Fu Chang was obviously very angry, and was about to get angry, but saw his father's restraining eyes, so he could only look at his youngest son angrily.

Fu Yong was very clever. Seeing that his younger brother committed a taboo, he didn't go forward at first, but hung himself high. Seeing that his grandfather had made a decision, he slowly came to Fu Chong's side and pulled him out. When he left, he did not forget to salute everyone in the hall.

Fu Chang saw that his eldest son was so smart and sensible, so he slowly suppressed the fire. His eldest son is still sensible... Hmph, Chong'er, this little donkey, let's see how I deal with him when I return home! ! !

When I saw this scene, I really didn't expect that a Jiapi that Fu Yu suddenly said would cause such an uproar. It was really unexpected, and I unconsciously began to search for the historical information of this person in my mind...

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