Wuhu Mingyue

Chapter 996: Akagi Soldier Remonstrance

"Say a fart! I will kill you now!"

"Push the weight! No! Have you forgotten what you promised me at the beginning?!"

"Xu Pan! This is the end of the matter! We have no turning back! That guy Zu Ti treated us so unkindly, why should we still talk about loyalty to him?!"

"Ah Lang just wanted to find a way out for the people! Otherwise, why would he come here to die?!"

"Keep him alive?! Let him go back and tell Zuti that we rebelled?! Then let Zuti send troops to hunt us down?!"

"Hmph! Zu Ti can't take care of himself, how can he have time to hunt us down?! We are just abandoned sons!"

"Master Xu and the bald-haired general both think that Alang is the confidant of General Zu?! That's why they want to kill Alang?!"

Neither Xu Tong nor the bald-haired Tui Jin thought that A Lang would ask questions suddenly at such a moment, but they looked at each other in blank dismay for a while...

"Hmph! I don't care if you belong to Zu Ti or not! If it wasn't for Xu Chen, a mother-in-law, I would have delayed things! Your kid's dog head would have been gone long ago!"

"Hey! Pushing weight! We are just forced by the situation, why do we need to kill more?! Now that the war is approaching, and Alang is someone who can think of so many strategies, maybe he can show us a clear way..."

"Hmph! He's a young child, what good countermeasures can he have?! Xu Chen, Xu Chen! You are simply unnecessary!"

"Hahaha! I understand! It turns out that the two adults are timid!"

"Cowardly?! I'm bald and I'm really not afraid of death! But people can't go to death in vain, right?! How many people are we?! Less than 2500 people! But there are only so few people going to deal with tens of thousands of Xiongnu cavalry ?! Isn’t this courting death?! I haven’t lived enough yet!”

"Why does the bald-haired general think that we are going to die?!"

"Huh! Just relying on this small city wall?! How long can we defend?! The weapons are also tattered, and there are not even a few good bows and arrows! There is only a three-day supply of food! Damn it! ! How to fight?! What to fight?! Isn’t this asking us to die?!”

A Lang looked at the furious bald-haired Push Jin calmly, and then looked at the faint anger on Xu Chen's face, he already roughly understood what the two of them were thinking...

"Alang has just joined General Zu not long ago, and he still doesn't know much about the Wunan army, but this time the soldiers sent by General Zu to us are all experienced men, so Alang dared to ask, is it the second What misunderstanding does your lord have about General Zu?!"

"Misunderstanding?! Hehe!!! The elites of the two clans, Xu Chen and I, are indeed following us this time, but most of our clansmen are still in the hands of Zuti! What is this called?! This is made of them." Hostages! Force us to die! If we die, then our people will all become his ancestors' people! Damn it! This damned ancestor! I believed him wrong!"

"My third brother...huh...his Zuti played really hard!"

"General Zu is so vicious?!"

"Hmph! More than vicious?! If we refuse to resist the Huns with all our strength, then our people will have no hope of surviving! But if we resist desperately, we will die!"

"Ah Lang! Excluding the 500 youth battalion guards in the hands of Bald Sifu, there are less than 2000 people left, but they are all elites from our Xu family and the Bald Clan! To die is a great loss! What's more Now it is possible to be completely wiped out by the Huns at any time!"

Pu Hou, who had been nervous all the time, was greatly relieved when he heard Xu Pan and the bald-haired Tui Jin express their attitudes one after another!

Seeing how their swords were on edge before, Pu Hou was really worried that they would kill A Lang and himself...

After all, things happened too quickly and unexpectedly...

If Xu Chen and the bald-haired Tui Jin really want to murder A Lang and himself, Pu Hou really thinks that he and A Lang really have to sit and wait...

Even Puhou was still congratulating Dahei just now, but luckily it has gone out to have fun now, and is not here...

Presumably, since they died, these people would not hurt such a cute dog...

But if these people still want to kill dogs and eat dog meat in spite of their madness, then Dahei can only ask for blessings...

As for the "red horse", it seems that it can only be handed over to others...

And just when Puhou relaxed a little bit, the bald-haired Sifudian had already returned from the blood, and the long knife in his hand was even more bloody...

But at the moment when the bald-haired Sifulian surrounded Alang and Puhou again, Alang suddenly said: "Actually, in Alang's opinion, since General Zu returned Master Xu and the most trusted clansmen of General bald-haired You two, doesn't that mean that the two of you already have the capital to make a comeback, so why should we die in vain?!"

After hearing what A Lang said, Xu Tong and Bald Hair couldn't help but look at each other again...

A Lang's words really hit the key point!

And the two of them actually thought so too!

As for the murderous bald Sifulian, he was taken aback when he heard it. Could it be that Alang had already persuaded his father and Mr. Xu after he went out to kill people for a while? !

Why did he speak so pleasantly? !

A Lang smiled and glanced at Puhou who was a little astonished, and said meaningfully to Xu Tong and the bald hair: "Naturally, a war must be fought with certainty. If there is no chance of winning, then it is better not to fight." You two think what A Lang said is right?!"

"But you spoke so well in front of Zuti before, don't you really have no chance of winning?!"

"If Zu Ti can bring all the troops here, or give us enough armor and war supplies, we may still have a chance! But now even the two adults have the intention to stop fighting, and there is no chance of winning this battle at all. Already! Then it seems that the best way now is to seek refuge with the Huns!"

As soon as A Lang finished speaking, he paused on purpose, but he still didn't see any expressions from Xu Pan and Bald Tui Jin, and even Bald Si Fu Dian only looked contemplative and hesitant...

Seeing this, Alang suddenly had a plan in his heart, and he simply said deliberately: "It's a pity that Alang is just a child, and he doesn't have much fame. I think the Huns don't think much of Alang's head. You can really kill Alang and bow your knees to the Huns!"

"Fuck your mother! We Xianbei would rather die in battle! We will not bow our knees to the Huns!"

"The bald-haired general calm down! Alang just thinks that if we choose not to fight now, the only way left is to surrender to the Huns! The so-called leaving the green hills without worrying about no firewood is just wronging the bald-haired general to endure for a while." Humiliation, so that in the future, I can get rid of the shame!"

(The only group number in this book: [-])

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