() With the support of Wu Yong and others, Song Qing could easily take over Song Jiang's seat, but Song Qing also repeatedly emphasized that he was only acting as his elder brother's authority temporarily, and that he would still give way to his elder brother Song Jiang when he came back.

In Song Qing's heart, there was always a feeling that Song Jiang was still alive.

Many people don't have much hope for whether Song Jiang can come back alive, after all, this incident is too bizarre.But Song Qing obviously appeased some people who were loyal to Song Jiang by doing so.

Song Qing led the crowd to pay homage to Chao Tianwang's spiritual seat, then returned to Zhongyi Hall, and placed a smaller chair under Song Jiang's chair as Song Qing's seat, while Lu Junyi's seat was canceled without any objection .

The ceremony was very low-key, and Song Jiang's life and death were unknown. Although Song Qing had no relationship with him, he didn't want to leave any excuses for others.Little did they know that doing so further won the hearts of Liangshan heroes.

In the following days, beyond Song Qing's expectations, Wu Yong and several old ghosts did not treat him as a display, but took him to familiarize himself with the affairs of the cottage, inspected the Shanguan Water Village, and got to know the leaders of the cottage at all levels.There was no intention of hiding anything.

It is said that if you are not in charge of the family, you don't know the price of firewood and rice. Song Qing has really experienced this feeling now.At the same time, I also understand why Wu Yong and others are so eager to push him to the top.

It is not an exaggeration to describe Liangshan's current situation in one sentence, that is, internal and external troubles.

Liang Shan has always paid close attention to the affairs of the Song court.Gao Qiu was defeated and captured, and then killed by Song Qing. You must know that he is not a shrimp, he died as soon as he died, and no one cared about him.That was the Taiwei of the current court, the emperor's favored minister. Such a big man died. After so many days, the court did not respond at all. The so-called abnormality must be a demon. The court is obviously planning a bigger action.

Therefore, the first order of Song Qing's superiors was to step up the investigation of the court, and not let the slightest move be missed.

There are tens of 10 horses and horses in Liangshan. How much food do these people consume every day when they eat horse chews?As a cottage, Liangshan has almost no arable land. Most of the food we eat now is looted. Although people are sent to buy it, almost all the nearby counties have been looted by Liangshan. How can there be food to sell?The imperial court obviously also thought of this, and has blocked the road going south and north, forming an encirclement circle around Liangshan.

There is no need for too much, and in two months, Liangshan will face a situation of no food to eat, and what kind of situation it will be at that time, you can imagine it with your toes.

And Lu Junyi, a time bomb that might explode at any time, seems to be calming down now. Everyone knows that he will never let it go so easily, and he might jump out and start a storm at any time.So the heroes of Liangshan are now on guard against him.

Song Qing regretted it, it turned out that being the eldest brother was not so fun.But now that it’s not fun, I have to keep playing, because although Song Qing doesn’t have any ambitions, he is a responsible and responsible person. Since he is already in this position, even if it’s just a temporary replacement, he has to take responsibility .

Song Qing now seems to understand why Song Jiang is in a hurry to join the court. After these days of understanding, he already knows that Liangshan looks powerful, but in fact it is no different from a paper tiger.Given Liangshan's current situation, the imperial court actually didn't need to send troops to destroy it. It only needed to besiege on all sides, and Liangshan could be trapped to death.

Therefore, what Liangshan urgently needs now is not only food, but also more room for survival and development.The real Song Jiang in history probably also encountered such a problem, had to run around, and was finally captured and surrendered.

For Song Qing, who knew a little about this period of history, of course, he would not repeat the mistakes of Song Jiang. Under the premise of developing living space, the base of Liangshan must not be lost.The question now is how to develop the living space.

This was a small-scale meeting. In addition to Song Qing, there were also Wu Yong, Gongsun Sheng, Zhu Wu, Chai Jin, Li Ying, and Jiang Jing.Wu Yong, Gongsun Sheng, and Zhu Wu were in charge of the overall situation, while Chai Jin, Li Ying, and Jiang Jing were in charge of money and food expenditure.So this meeting can be regarded as an internal affairs meeting.

After this period of tempering, Song Qing's temperament has become more stable, and his body has gradually reflected the aura of a superior.

The few people sitting here are not the kind of masters who only know how to fight and kill, and they are all in charge of internal affairs, so they know the crisis facing Liangshan the most.

But it was clear, but for a while, no one could think of any good ideas.

The location of Liangshan belongs to the east-west road of Beijing in the Song Dynasty, and it is not the main grain-producing area. The nearby counties and counties can grab almost all the grain. The south can buy grain, but it cannot be transported back.

Li Ying, the flying eagle, is considered a different kind in Liangshan. Although he is also in charge of the money and food of Liangshan's lifeline, he is not Song Jiang's direct descendant, and there is a small circle around him.So he was not satisfied with Song Qing taking over the power of Liangshan. It can be said that he did not look down on Song Qing from the bottom of his heart.It's just that the strength is not good, and the words he said have no weight, so he has been quite silent, but it seems that he has found an opportunity at this time.

"Since Erlang is in charge of the cottage now, Erlang can do whatever he says, and the brothers just follow suit. I believe Erlang has his own way to keep the brothers from starving, ha ha!"

Song Qing really wanted to go up and give him a big slap in the face. How many days has it been since I traveled to the Song Dynasty?How many days have you been acting as an agent for this broken boss?What do you want me to say?I asked you to grab food, can you get it back for me?

Chai Jin has been sitting silently since he came in, as if thinking about something.Hearing Li Yingyin's strange words, I couldn't help but give him a sideways glance and said: "Now is the moment of life and death for us in Liangshan, everyone should focus on the overall situation. Erlang is only temporarily acting as brother Gongming. If there is anything, we have to deal with it." These old brothers help"

Chai Jin's words spoke the hearts of the people, and seeing the faces of the people, Li Ying knew that if he said it, he would offend the crowd, so he curled his lips and turned his head to the side.

Chai Jin can be regarded as a descendant of an aristocratic family, and his thinking angle is different from that of Liangshan heroes.

"Erlang, brothers, I've been thinking about it recently. Brother Gongming was impersonated, but this fake brother Gongming led us to defeat the imperial army, but at the same time strongly advocated accepting recruitment. What exactly is he trying to do?"

"Now the person who pretended to be Gongming brother is dead, and Taiwei Gaoqiu was also killed by Erlang. How big a deal is this? But until now, the court has not even responded at all. Don't you find it strange?"

"Also, I think everyone thinks the same as me. These incidents, including the whereabouts of Gong Ming's brother, are all related to Lu Yuanwai, but as far as I know, Lu Yuanwai is now staying at home. He has planned so many things. Will you be so willing to admit defeat?"

Song Qing's mind has been busy lately. It's not that he didn't think about what Chai Jin said, but he just didn't have time to analyze it in detail. Chai Jin suddenly brought it up at such a meeting to study internal affairs, but he couldn't help thinking about it.

"The high official wants to say that there is a conspiracy here?"

Chai Jin nodded and said, "That's right, I have a feeling that someone is manipulating all this secretly, and he has even calculated my current situation in Liangshan and is secretly waiting for an opportunity."

Hearing what Chai Jin said, Song Qing couldn't help feeling bloody in his heart.

On the one hand, he wanted to be recruited, but on the other hand, he mercilessly defeated the imperial army. It was nothing more than a demonstration to the imperial court, so as to seek greater benefits when he was recruited. Isn't Song Jiang doing this?But why did another fake Song Jiang appear suddenly to continue this matter?If this fake Song Jiang is from the imperial court, obviously there is no need to go to such great lengths, so who is he?

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and he couldn't help but say: "Let's assume that Gao Qiu and Cai Jing are not the dominant party in the court, and someone wants to replace them. This person has a certain status in the court, but his strength is not enough. We urgently need external help. And I have a strong army in Liangshan, and my brother wants to be recruited by the court, so he put his idea on us, so does all this make sense?"

As soon as Song Qing's words fell, Chai Jin couldn't help clapping his hands and said: "This is exactly what I think in my heart, Erlang Guo is a wise man"

Song Qing couldn't help but blushed for a while, if he hadn't watched too many messy TV series in his previous life, would he have come up with so many bloody plots?

Wu Yong narrowed his eyes and said, "So our battlefield is actually in Bianliang, Tokyo?"

Seeing that everyone was thinking again, Li Ying couldn't help feeling sorry for Song Qing.

"In this case, I wonder what Erlang's opinion is?"

Following those bloody plots, Song Qing's brain has already started to work rapidly.

Squinting his eyes and smiling, he said: "Under normal circumstances, if the enemy doesn't move, I don't move. But now, not to mention how long the food and grass can last, a single ghost is enough for us to have a headache, so I say, we must fight against the outside world." Settle inside first, clean up insiders, get rid of those who are half-hearted and half-hearted, and work together to tide over the difficulties together."

When Song Qing was talking, he kept facing Li Ying, seemingly smiling, but his eyes did not conceal the murderous intent inside.This Li Ying is really annoying, he is about to compete with Lu Junyi, if everyone in Liangshan is like him, how can he sit in this seat?If it is really necessary, Song Qing will not mind killing a hundred elites.

Sensing the murderous intent in Song Qing's eyes, Li Ying's heart skipped a beat, and then he remembered that this seemingly harmless young man in front of him was merciless in killing people.

Zhu Wu glared at Li Ying coldly and said: "Erlang is right, you must settle down first if you want to fight against the outside world, and if anyone refuses to accept Erlang, he will be handed over to Lu Tijuan to deal with."

Lu Zhishen is now a die-hard supporter of Song Qing. If those who oppose Song Qing fall into his hands, what will happen? Li Ying is completely honest this time.

Gongsun Sheng frowned and said, "What excuse should we use?"

Song Qing shook his head and said: "We don't need to do it directly. We have already controlled the suspicious people. It is almost impossible for them to pass on the news, so I think the people in Tokyo should be more anxious than us. He needs to know urgently. Our next move, and I don't think he really wants to drive us to a dead end. In this case, we just need to let Lu Yuan go out, and the Tokyo Bianliang should understand that we have seen through their plan. If everything goes well, it won’t be long before someone comes to the door, and then I think our chance will come.”

In fact, Song Qing's meaning was not fully expressed, but it was originally planned to be a meeting to solve the food and grass crisis, but now it has become a study on the future development of Liangshan, so there are some things that cannot be said too much.

After dismissing Li Ying and Jiang Jing who had been sitting there honestly like a gourd, Song Qing said another sentence that had been held in his heart for a long time.

"If I'm not mistaken, Brother Gongming is not only alive, but also in Bianliang, Tokyo."

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